Twinkling Watermelon (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Friendship or Love?

[Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, & Korea Creative Content Agency]
[This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, agencies, incidents, organizations, and jobs have no connections to real life. Child actors were safely filmed with a guardian present.]
One. Two.
One. Two. Three. Four.
[Episode 9]
[Come back, Ha Eun Gyeol! - Fake First Love Memory-Makers]
Watching the red sunset reminds me of your sad face ♪
I look down. The tears are coming down. ♪
Although I can't say anything ♪
I love you ♪
You mean the world to me ♪
I scream at the top of my lungs ♪
But the sunset is firing up without an answer ♪
I love you, Ha Eun Gyeol! ♪
You mean the world to me, Ha Eun Gyeol! ♪
I scream at the top of my lungs ♪
But the sunset is firing up without an answer ♪
Welcome, Ha Eun Gyeol.
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
How did you know I was here?
Se Kyeong told me.
Ha Eun Gyeol.
I'm sorry.
I'll work hard from now on.
For the band, my studies, and all the promises I made with you.
It might feel like pouring water into a broken vessel,
but I'll try my best
so it doesn't leak and gets filled up.
So come back.
You're the only guitarist for Fake First Love Memory-Makers.
- Okay, let's do it.
- Really?
You mean it, right? You can't back out, okay?
Instead? Instead what?
Tell me anything. I'll do anything for you.
I don't want you to see Choi Se Kyeong.
Otherwise, we can't work together.
Because I like Choi Se Kyeong.
Make a choice. Is it me or Choi Se Kyeong?
Answer me right now.
That's right.
I don't want to, you bastard.
What will you do about it?
What did you just say?
Make a choice about what?
Don't see who?
You like who?
Hey, let go. Let go!
I provided clothes, food, and lodging since you had nowhere to go.
And you're betraying me like this?
Hey, how could you do this to me?
How could you do this?
Did you feed me? Your grandma did!
- What did you say, punk?
- I did it all for you.
I did it all for you, I said!
Okay, okay. It's okay, Bal San.
Okay, okay.
It's really okay.
You screw me over and do this to me?
- You shit all over! Is this a joke?
- Hey, hey, let go!
Let go of me!
Yi Chan, are you okay?
Are you badly hurt?
What? Hey, your nose is bleeding. Your nose is bleeding.
Yi Chan! Are you okay?
Your nose is bleeding. My gosh.
- Does it hurt a lot?
- Shit.
You think I'm okay, you bastard?
I trusted my friend as much as I trusted you ♪
So I introduced you to him without any worries ♪
Since we met then, we started hanging out ♪
I thought we were just having a good time together ♪
I don't know where things started going awry ♪
When I was starting to have bad feelings ♪
You started showing more interest in my friend ♪
Please stop, I said!
It's Choi Se Kyeong!
Since the day we had a big fight ♪
You and my friend stopped talking to me and seem to be avoiding me ♪
That's when I realized that everything was wrong ♪
Hey, get in, get in, get in.
- Hey, where are you going?
- Hey, hurry up!
We should put an end to this!
Hurry up, hurry!
Gosh, look who's here.
It's the criminal I know.
Shit, my looks can't be camouflaged like this.
Hey, stop right there!
Hop in!
Come here. Hey.
Hold on.
Hey, stop right there!
[Outdoor pool]
These punks.
Are you okay?
What's with you?
What are you doing right now?
I thought you were in a bind and couldn't get caught at school.
- I was just trying to help-
- Not that.
Not that?
I'm sorry about earlier.
I shouldn't have confessed my love publicly like that.
I apologize for that.
That's considered a kind of assault. You know that?
I'm sorry.
Okay. And?
- Is there something else?
- Oh?
The fact that I said I like you?
Yes, that. You don't like me at all.
Are you kidding me? You like Yi Chan.
- How many times did I say I don't?
- Shut up.
You put your guard up so you don't get outed.
You used me, so you don't have to come out.
I'm your camouflage. Your airbag.
You lied, using me as a bulletproof vest.
She has a way with her words.
Ahjumma was ahead of her time.
Now, do you know what you did?
Mission starts.
I wasn't lying. I meant it. I really like you a lot.
If you're okay with it, I hope you like me, too. A lot.
What's this? It feels like I'm talking to an AI.
What's this? It feels like she's doing an endoscopy with her eyes.
Did I get caught?
I'll give you three seconds.
Describe why you like me and when you started to like me in three seconds.
A descriptive answer worth 10 points.
You'd better give an answer as wise as Solomon's if you don't want to die.
- One.
- I'm in trouble.
What should I say?
- Two.
- She looks bloodthirsty.
I might die if I say the wrong thing.
- Three.
- The moment I saw you, it was like fate
I thought you were so pretty.
I'm screwed. That couldn't have worked.
- Mission accomplished.
- What? That worked?
You, punk.
You're really into me, aren't you?
What? Why is it so easy?
Is she really supposed to be the goddess?
My goodness.
All right. There you were.
You little bastards. Seriously
How am I supposed to accept this situation?
On the first day you transferred,
you got a student from another school involved in a fight over a girl.
And you were supposed to be studying abroad.
But why are you standing here with the problematic male student?
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.
Do you two know each other?
- No.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- No.
Are you having fun?
Do you think this is a joke?
The bell rang. Go to your classrooms for now.
You'll be punished according to the disciplinary committee's decision. I warned you.
Se Kyeong, you should stay.
I'm sorry. I'm late.
Cheong Ah.
What's going on?
- What's going on?
- Was it a love triangle?
So, you started hearing ringing noises in your ears.
The doctor in the US said it was due to the long flight,
but you came back on your own to take thorough tests?
Yes. You know how my mom can be.
She worries about every little thing about you, whether it rains or wind blows.
Yes, that's it.
No one can fight her stubbornness. No one.
But why did someone like her send you back alone?
Well, because I have an uncle.
I came back to take tests at his hospital.
Is that so?
I'm glad you're in someone's care.
Drink some.
Geez, is she a profiler or something?
She's making me so nervous.
Are you delaying your study abroad, then?
No. I just need to pass the language course
and go back when the master class starts.
Don't be disappointed.
It's not because I doubt you.
I'm just trying to do my job well.
Wait, are you going to call her?
She can't answer the phone because she's currently traveling in Canada.
Go drink your tea.
I'm in trouble. What if Mom answers?
Our family is travelling in Canada right now.
- Yes! My memory is praiseworthy.
- Please leave a message.
I'll talk to her when she returns from the trip.
I'll arrange it, so you can attend school here until you leave.
Pardon? Why do I have to go to school again
- That won't be necessary-
- Are you
really Choi Se Kyeong?
What do you mean
Unless you're an ordinary kid who's fine with wasting her youth away,
I thought the Choi Se Kyeong I knew would be on the same page as me.
Didn't you come to school because of that, too?
Bingo! You're really the best.
I'm on the same page as you.
Geez, why do I have to go to school even in the year 1995?
Cheong Ah. Don't be mad. Please?
Why don't you just hit me?
Hit me as much as you're angry.
Feel free to hit me until you feel better.
Please forgive me just once. Please.
Please. Just this once.
Who is he, exactly?
Did he really confess his love for me in front of the whole school?
Feel better.
Please. Cheong Ah. Just this once.
Get back in position.
How dare you barge in there?
Did you go there to insult our school?
If your life sucks, just live quietly.
Why do you have to go around everywhere like you're loaches, punks!
You're the problem. You are.
What? You don't care because you gave up on going to college?
Are you fearless since you have no parents to care for you?
Wow, look at you.
Get back down immediately.
You little. I need to teach you-
Sir, seriously
Doesn't your right arm hurt?
I've been worrying about it all this time.
I'll change my position like this.
Use your left arm.
I love you!
I guess I hit you from one angle too much. Thank you, bastard!
Is it my part yet?
Whoa, you're emitting dark energy.
What is it? Because you feel betrayed?
Or is it because you got dumped?
I've never been betrayed by Se Kyeong.
Therefore, she didn't dump me, either.
I didn't say it was because of Choi Se Kyeong.
You must've been betrayed and dumped by Ha Eun Gyeol.
Do you want to die?
But wasn't it kind of weird? Ha Eun Gyeol, I mean.
Shut your mouth.
He was insulting you with his mouth,
but his eyes said he was on your side.
I did it all for you.
I did it all for you, I said!
Anyway, make up your mind between Choi Se Kyeong and Ha Eun Gyeol.
By the way, if Ha Eun Gyeol leaves, I'll leave, too.
Now I know what it feels like to be alone ♪
I was mistaken ♪
Can you feel it? ♪
The beginning of love is the end of loneliness ♪
Now I know ♪
Cheong Ah. Yoon Cheong Ah!
Why do you keep acting like this?
Why are you like this?
Tell me what I did wrong-
Cheong Ah.
Cheong Ah. Yoon Cheong Ah.
You have serious separation anxiety.
Bark, bark! Are you a dog? Do you like all humans?
You don't care if it's a man or a woman?
I think you're mistaken. Cheong Ah and I aren't like that-
Of course not.
Follow me. We need to go somewhere.
I'm sorry, but I have a bit of a situation today.
Is that so? I should go see Yi Chan, then.
Yi Chan?
Why are you so obsessed with feeding this to me?
You said you like me.
What does that have to do with this capsaicin-rich thing?
Did I ask you to get me a star? Did I insist on getting buried with you?
You can't even eat some jokbal with me?
What? Don't you want it?
You can't eat it because it's too spicy?
How would you like me to eat it?
You said your life depends on this, and it's important.
I can tell you aren't just joking.
I can't ignore someone's desperate situation because it looks trivial to me.
I know what it's like to be in a situation you can't talk about.
How would you like me to eat it?
Do you want me to eat it well or not be able to eat it?
I'll try my best to do what you want.
Eat it well.
That's not what I meant. Not be able
No, I mean Eat well No
Dang it. I don't know. Do whatever you want.
Okay. I'll do whatever I want.
Hold it!
Don't eat it just yet. Okay?
Ma'am, we'll have this to go. To go.
Excuse me.
What? What is it? What?
When can I hear your answer, by the way?
What answer?
The answer to my confession.
I'd like to know what you think of me.
There used to be a handsome and cute puppy in my neighborhood.
It was a mix between Shiba Inu and Siberian Husky.
[Shiba Inu? / Siberian Husky?]
[Shiba Inu? / Siberian Husky?]
He looked like you.
What do you mean by that?
Do you mean I'm cute or handsome-
(Sounds like a swear word in Korean)
- Shiba?
- You're no more or less than Shiba-sky.
So just wait.
Until I decide if I'll give you a treat or not.
This is too difficult.
I have no idea what she's saying.
Shiba-sky? Did she swear at me?
What's with you, On Eun Yoo?
Why did you hesitate instead of just checking that
But wait. Isn't spice tolerance relative?
Who sets the standard? How tolerant are you supposed to be?
Shouldn't I include Hyeon Yul, who ate the spicy chicken feet like nothing, then?
Gosh, seriously. Why did Mom give me such a sucky hint?
I was sure it was him then.
- When?
- During the spring festival.
He serenaded me on stage that day.
I heard you guys ask whether you were struck by someone or he grew on you these days.
I think he grew on me.
Slowly, like getting wet in light rain.
And it struck me that day.
I thought, "I like this person.
Or maybe I've been liking him this whole time.
There must be no way out anymore."
It was kind of like getting struck by lightning.
Yes. I wasn't being swayed by Ha Eun Gyeol.
A more clear clue was in my memory.
That's it. Between Ha Yi Chan and Ha Eun Gyeol,
whoever serenades Mom is her first love
and I just need to be open-minded and observe them until then.
I'll be secretive and fair.
Let's start the lesson.
What are you doing? What are you doing?
I just said, "Let's start the lesson." Why are you angry?
Why are both Mom and Dad doing this to me?
What did I do, anyway?
[Kurt Cobain]
[If I didn't lend Se Kyeong that T-shirt]
[Se Kyeong left]
By chance
[I held your hand and looked at you for a long time]
No way!
[This is my fax number]
[Ha Yi Chan]
Heart symbol?
By chance
do you like Ha Yi Chan, Mom?
Hold on, hold on. Let me ask you one thing. Just one thing!
Mom, I'll ask you just one thing.
Just this one thing!
Mom had a crush on Dad.
I would've made a different plan if I knew.
I shouldn't have provoked Dad.
It's all ruined.
[Hwaryong Chinese Restaurant]
You came.
Don't be intimidated and have a seat.
I'm not interested in killing you yet.
Why are you opening that? You said it was just a prop to intimidate him.
Geez, it's open.
Are you a choir?
What are you standing there for?
- Sir.
- What?
I'll have a large jjajangmyeon.
One large jjajangmyeon? I'm angry.
How annoying.
I've been thinking all night.
All the strange behaviors you've been displaying
suddenly made sense when you said you like Se Kyeong.
I'm sorry about that.
I'll try to put myself in your socks and-
You mean shoes. Geez
Shut up.
- I'll stitch up your mouth!
- Hey, hey, hey! Sit down.
Yes. Socks or shoes, I'll just
Anyway, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
An offer? What offer?
I won't tell you not to see Se Kyeong.
So, you'd better not BS me saying not to see her, either.
Let's call a truce
and just focus on the band until the festival. Deal?
This is an opportunity. How do I seize it?
You don't want to? You don't think you could?
- Forget about it, then.
- What if we don't see her at all?
Neither of us will see Choi Se Kyeong until the festival. That's fair.
Instead, we'll compete with each other on stage.
What do you say?
You don't know how much I improved while you were gone, do you?
Am I the only one out of the loop?
Well, the ball is in Choi Se Kyeong's court already.
She agreed to make a decision after seeing the performance, anyway.
- Yi Chan has nothing to lose.
- You heard that, right?
I'd be sad not seeing her for now,
but you'd be losing a lot. Would you be okay?
Wow, what kind of calculator gives you that kind of answer?
- Deal?
- Of course.
He took the bait.
As you know, we don't have a lot of time until the festival.
But after the rain, the soil gets more Whatever. We can do it.
- Let's go.
- Let's say "Fighting" together, then.
Why are there only two hands?
Seriously. Hey!
Forget it, then.
I heard you're the resident tutor for the Jinsung family.
Why are you surprised?
Don't you know rumors travel fast?
I've heard about it, too.
So the thing is
the chairman of Jinsung Instruments is sponsoring me by chance-
It's better to get paid more from a rich family and teach a well-behaved student.
Go now. Bye.
Is your grandmother doing well?
Aigoo, Aigoo. Welcome, Teacher.
Aigoo, I missed you.
Welcome, sir.
Have you been doing well?
I have, thanks to you.
Come on. You should've told me he was coming.
I didn't make enough food. Not enough at all.
He lived with us until recently. You don't have to prove your cooking skills.
You didn't even give me a chance to do that. Aigoo
Go inside. Go inside. Hurry in.
My gosh, my gosh. Take me inside, too!
It tastes pretty good.
Aigoo, I'm sorry there isn't much food.
That family treats you well, right?
I heard they're very wealthy.
No, your food is the tastiest to me.
Aigoo, I know you're lying,
but I appreciate it.
Have some. Have some.
Hey, go get some scorched rice water.
Why are we having that before eating?
Just bring it if I said so. Stop arguing.
Have some, have some.
Aigoo, seriously.
Don't say silly things for no reason.
And the galbijjim. Leave some for me.
Did I upset you about something while you were here?
No, Ma'am! Why do you ask me that? Nothing like that at all.
You treated me so well while I was here.
Would you be able to tutor Yi Chan again, then?
Aigoo, sit comfortably.
You probably don't know,
but he's grown up a lot ever since he met you.
He quit his part-time job that I used to beg him to quit, which he scoffed at.
He sneaks into the storage room at night
to study math and English, too.
He was trying to impress you, you know.
But since you left, he seems to have lost focus.
He said he would study for an exam at Ma Ju's house a few days ago
and he didn't even come home.
But aigoo, study, my foot.
He came back with a bunch of bruises on his face.
Did you have to ditch Yi Chan? You bastard.
While handing out flyers looking for you,
he got punched in the face, cracked his head, and was hospitalized.
I couldn't even ask him if he had a fight or something.
I didn't want him to end up like his dad.
What about his father?
His father got into gambling
and he swung his fists at me, demanding money all the time.
So please teach Yi Chan again, Teacher.
I can't pay you as much as that family, but I won't disappoint you.
Ma'am, I don't live there because they pay me a lot.
Why do you, then
There's something I have to do there.
But it's good for Yi Chan as well.
Instead, I promise I'll come back when I'm done there.
Go inside. I can go alone.
Let's just go quietly.
Grandma would yell at me otherwise.
Huh? Someone fixed this.
Wait for me.
You didn't actually fight someone, right?
They didn't deserve fighting. I didn't.
Se Kyeong said you fought because of me. Is that true?
It wasn't because of you. I just had bad luck.
How about you getting hospitalized?
Were you hiding at Ma Ju's so Grandmother wouldn't worry?
I heard the hospital food is good. So, I stayed briefly.
Were you really hospitalized, then?
How much did you get hurt, anyway?
Gosh, why are you overreacting so much?
I'm fine, as you can see.
How about your ears? Did you hurt your ears? Can you hear well?
I hear so well. It's too noisy, in fact.
Geez. Why did you disappear if you were so worried?
Thank Yoon Cheong Ah for me when you get home.
You know her?
Not well. I think she's Se Kyeong's friend.
Anyway, thank her for me.
She saved my life.
Cheong Ah saved your life? How?
Ask her yourself.
I don't remember.
I went to her house to thank and ask her about it, but they didn't let me in.
How did you know she saved your life, then?
Se Kyeong told me.
It's Ma Ju. See you then.
You can come with me and thank Cheong Ah yourself-
Later. He said, "hurry."
We're rearranging the tracklist. Bye.
You're dead if you're late to the practice.
You're dead if you see Se Kyeong behind my back, too.
Whether we made a deal or not, we're finished, then. You know, right?
Dad got injured because of me.
As a result, Mom ended up saving his life.
How did you and Mom first meet?
At a sign language class at the Association of the Deaf when I was 20.
I went to learn sign language
and fell in love with her at first sight.
Dad didn't know Mom when he was 18.
But now he knows her.
Mom, who had a crush on him at age 18,
has a connection to him now.
It's me.
I'm the one who connected Mom and Dad when they were 18.
What if we don't see her at all?
Neither of us will see Choi Se Kyeong until the festival. That's fair.
The opportunity came just in time.
The obstacle, Choi Se Kyeong, is gone. I can't waste this opportunity.
I should set Mom and Dad up before the festival,
find out when Dad gets into the accident,
and prevent it from happening, no matter what.
An especially bright, happy day ♪
My heart is beating, you might hear it ♪
I don't want anyone but me to know ♪
You don't know how I feel ♪
I feel weird when I look at you ♪
Did I find the universe I lost? ♪
I'm so curious, the story of you and me ♪
Today will be different from yesterday ♪
I'm excited for tomorrow, too ♪
I'm Choi Se Kyeong, the Cello Goddess of Seowon Arts High School.
Tell me, sometimes, do you feel the way I do? ♪
Tell me it's not just the story I came up with ♪
I think a sparkling love has finally come to me ♪
Hold on a moment.
You can tell me now that you feel the same way ♪
The same way, the same way ♪
Se Kyeong!
Choi Se Kyeong!
How could you? I'm so sad!
How could you not even call me when you're back in Korea?
I'm sorry, but who are you-
Who am I?
You really don't know who I am?
Damn it. I might get caught on my first day.
Hey, it's me. Yoon Sang Ah from Seowon Arts High School.
Yoon Sang Ah, the daughter of the owner of Jinsung Instruments.
I heard you came back to Korea.
It was really true.
My goodness. Is she your daughter?
She looks exactly like when you were in high school.
Shit, that clueless and chatty ahjumma?
You're making me tear up.
Hey, I was just joking.
How could I not know Yoon Sang Ah, the daughter of Jinsung Instruments?
Have you been well, Sang Ah?
Whatever, girl!
You didn't miss me at all, did you?
You wouldn't write me back, either.
And you didn't even page me when you came back.
You're so coldhearted.
Are we really best friends?
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Pause. Pause.
You're my best friend? Not Yoon Cheong Ah?
I'll go to the teachers' office real quick.
I think I'll get punished for what happened recently.
Nothing will happen. Don't worry so much.
Don't report everything to me. It's annoying.
I know why you're angry.
I'll help you.
So please stop being angry at me.
I'm always on your side.
What did you want to check with Cheong Ah, anyway?
I'm your best friend, I said.
What? Why is Choi Se Kyeong at school at this hour?
Does she also know you're back in school?
What? She's back in school?
What do I do?
Should I say hi since she saw me?
You're dead if you see Se Kyeong behind my back, too.
Whether we made a deal or not, we're finished, then. You know, right?
I'm sorry, Ahjumma.
Forgive me.
That Shiba-sky.
Hey, stop right there!
You Shiba-sky.
Move, move!
Hey, Ha Yi Chan.
You won't fall that way.
Hey, there's bad news.
I just checked the voicemail from Yong Joon G
Choi Se Kyeong is back at school starting today.
- So what?
- What?
- What?
- Yes.
That means she'd see Ha Eun Gyeol at school every day.
Yes! They're apparently chasing each other already.
Ha Eun Gyeol, son of a bitch.
- He knew everything from the beginning.
- Hey, where are you going?
I have no other solution.
I just need to become cool.
This means practice is the only way to survive.
Come at me!
What's this?
What are you doing in our room right now?
What are you saying? Didn't the teacher tell you?
We're using this room starting today.
Hold on, hold on.
Hold on.
Sir, you didn't tell me that last time.
I told you.
It was the disciplinary committee's decision. What can I do?
But you can't take our room away.
You're telling us to disband.
Bingo. I'd be thankful if you do that.
Don't go. No, don't go.
Give us the room back.
You little. Let go of me.
- You'll rip my pants, you bastard!
- No, no, no.
The festival is just around the corner. This is unfair.
Just walk over me instead.
Say one more word.
I might not let you perform at the festival.
Please! No!
Gosh, Sir!
Looks like we're not meant to be in a band.
Who the hell is humming?
What can we do?
My motel closed down.
I should find another place to stay.
Are you serious right now?
I can't unfurl my eyebrows listening to you.
You should follow me if you guys are interested.
There's always a hidden treasure where you fall.
Let's go find treasure together.
Write a letter of apology and do on-campus volunteer for a week starting today.
This is instead of getting suspended. So, be thankful.
Hey, stop right there!
- Bye.
- Hey!
What are you two doing-
[Letter of apology. To be continued]
That little. Hey!
Hey, Ha Eun Gyeol!
Were they slave hunters in their previous lives?
They chase each other whenever they make eye contact.
How romantic.
You'd better not get caught.
- Hey, give me.
- You can't do that!
Are you sure it's romantic?
He might get killed if he's caught.
What? What's that now?
Get caught when I'm asking nicely.
I'll kill you if you run again.
You claimed me by publically confessing love to me.
But now you abandon me by humiliating me?
Am I a virus? Why avoid me? Why run away?
I promised Yi Chan.
That neither of us would see you to be fair.
That's why you're avoiding me?
- Until when?
- Until the festival.
- When are you allowed to see me?
- After the festival.
You bet your lives on the festival, didn't you?
Anyway, keep that in mind and try to cooperate.
Cooperate, my foot.
Am I your toy? How dare you play with me?
- It's not that-
- Whatever.
Anyway, it means the ball is in my court, right?
And I can decide how to play with that ball.
How will you play with it?
It's none of your business.
Go now. You're free. Hoo!
I have a bad feeling.
I have a bad feeling for some reason.
It's me. Ma Ju.
You can't tell anyone what I say to you now.
We lost the club room.
We'll practice in a new room from now on.
No one else can know the location except for the band members.
To keep it a secret,
non-members are not allowed. Keep that in mind.
I said I'll help you, right?
You need to come with me somewhere.
[I said I'll help you, right?]
I know I'm cheating,
but I have to do this to set up Mom and Dad.
Seriously, I thought you were Lee Moon Se.
Gosh, you're exaggerating.
I tried depicting the fiery sunset in a red gradient.
Did you catch that at all?
I saw the sunset in front of my eyes. I thought there was blood everywhere.
Gosh, you're the best.
I'm sorry, Se Kyeong.
I wasted my talent because of someone.
But I'll make sure to serenade you at the festival.
Serenade me?
Serenade Seriously.
What's going on right now?
- You came.
- Hey.
I thought the location was a secret, and non-members weren't allowed.
You shouldn't be saying that right now.
- Come out.
- Aigoo, so scary.
If you're guilty, just apologize.
Yet you're getting mad at me?
- Come out.
- Let go!
I'll go of my own volition
Go! Go!
Here they go again.
I feel like I'm on a swing bridge every day since I met them.
Sign language?
Hey, are you really going to do this?
You promised not to see her before the festival.
You're a cheater.
You knew Se Kyeong was coming back to school when you said that.
I told you many times that I didn't know.
I jumped through hoops, trying to keep our promise.
If you think jumping through hoops is unfair, just join the circus.
Don't try to lie to me shamelessly.
Wow, I'm about to go nuts here.
Let's just forget about the promise, then.
Can the frontman break the rule?
You said it was a secret. You said no non-members are allowed.
You brought a non-member, too.
I didn't bring her for no reason.
I scouted her as an expert on H.M.S.
Bullshit. What's H.M.S.?
Hair. Makeup. Styling.
You think I brought Se Kyeong for no reason?
I scouted her officially, too.
She'll be in charge of our posters, pamphlets, and music videos as a photographer.
pamphlets, and music videos as a photographer.
You just wanted her for yourself. You don't even know if she can do that.
You're the one who wanted her for yourself.
You wanted to impress your student.
You haven't seen Cheong Ah's art, have you?
Cheong Ah can do stage, costume, and poster design.
She's a multitalented artist who can do anything.
You haven't seen the photos Se Kyeong took at the theme park, have you?
She has all it takes. She's an artist full of talents, okay?
- Who the hell?
- Damn
Have you eaten?
Se Kyeong, do you know sign language, too?
Well, a little bit.
I'm not that good.
When did you learn?
I learned from a deaf friend a while ago. I'm really not good at it. I'm not.
No, you're good.
What did you say earlier?
Earlier? Right!
"Don't go. Stay with me."
You're good.
You're embarrassing me.
- You can leave.
- I don't want to be with you. Go.
Talk to me for a second, Choi Se Kyeong.
What are you doing right now?
You wanted to prove her talent.
You said she's our photographer.
I recommended Cheong Ah as our designer.
We're cross-checking the ones we recommended.
I hope you let us test your talents.
Yes, yes. I'll let you.
Let's go. Can I take photos, then?
Se Kyeong. Hey!
You think you can do anything, huh?
I guess we're not practicing today.
Hey. Page me when you're done testing her talent.
Let's go play a video game.
Do we need exorcism or something?
Hey, page me.
Wait for me.
How do you know if I'd follow you or not?
That's yours, right?
Why? Do I need to prove that I can drive it, too?
No, I'll drive it. Give me the key.
- Where are we going?
- We'll get a disposable camera and be outdoors.
I found a location for the poster photo shoot.
You'll take photos, and I'll judge them. Deal?
and I'll judge them. Deal?
I'll sacrifice for Yi Chan, who bet his life on the band.
Thank you
saving me
last time.
Sign language again?
And I'm sorry.
I didn't know
you saved me.
And also
I didn't get to practice this.
Should we see your drawings now?
Hey, how far are we going?
We're almost there!
We could've just taken some nearby. Why are we going so far?
Why else?
I'm letting Mom and Dad spend more time alone together.
What? Why are you stopping?
I ran out of gas.
What? Seriously!
You're so annoying!
Daebak. Whoa, whoa!
Gosh. Seriously.
Let's leave the scooter here and go to the main street.
- We could still take the last bus.
- Since it's not yours, huh?
We can't ask someone to move the scooter for us, too.
I'll make sure to bring it back by tomorrow.
You're Seriously, you're
- Excuse me! Excuse me!
- Stop! Stop!
- Ahjussi! Please!
- Please!
Ahjussi, please! Stop!
- No!
- Stop!
Why are you taking it this far?
What do you mean?
You don't even like me.
What are you talking about? I like you.
Wow, that sounded so fake.
I shouldn't even bother.
How about you?
Is this how you wanted to play with the ball?
Passing it to Yi Chan once and passing it to me once?
You guys play with me. Why should I be fair?
I'll be fair to both of you, too.
I'll play with the ball and be fair until the festival.
Well, could you
pass that
ball to just me?
I'm confident I could catch it well.
Even if I get hit by the ball you threw,
I can endure the pain
and I'm confident I won't miss it even if it hurts.
I'm confident I won't let anyone take it
and even if they do, I can take it back.
Could you only pass it to me?
What's your answer?
I'll think about it if you sing for me.
Why would I sing here all of a sudden?
Forget it, then. Yi Chan would've sang for me.
He said he'd serenade me at the festival, too.
Would you know my name ♪
If I saw you in heaven? ♪
Would it be the same ♪
If I saw you in heaven? ♪
I must be strong ♪
And carry on ♪
Because I know I don't belong here in heaven ♪
I suddenly realized.
In spring of 1995,
not just Mom and Dad, but I was also
18 years old.
These shining moments ♪
I can give them all to you ♪
Our little dreams ♪
I'll protect you so you don't let go ♪
[Twinkling Watermelon]
Can we become friends?
Do you like me?
Tell me when Dad gets into the accident, then.
I have already sent a helper who suits you perfectly.
A helper? Who's that helper?
Could Yoon Dong Jin be my helper?
Looks like you made a month-long contract with Chairman.
You'd better leave before then.
I need to know how to return so I can go or not!
Excuse me, do you have a moment?
Sorry. I shouldn't have liked you. I made a mistake.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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