Two Worlds (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Kram, don’t leave me.
You promised me!!
What’s wrong?
I can’t sleep.
Can you stay with me?
I’m right here with you.
Not here.
I mean on the bed with me.
What? Are you 8 years old?
I’m only a kid when I’m with you.
Come with me.
Come to bed with me.
Don’t ever leave me again,
You have my word.
Don’t worry.
We’ve got the best doctor in town to take care of you 24/7.
Kram will be alright,
trust me.
He’s still with us
but Lummana has spreaded.
We hope that he’ll gain his conscious soon.
So there’s a chance he may not wake up?
To be honest with you, If he doesn’t gain conscious within these 5 days,
we might lose him.
Day 1
I’ve got your lunch
You eat first,
I’m not hungry yet.
You should eat something,
at least for Kram.
We’re getting close now.
To the left.
Oh Nop.
No this.
what did you to deserve this.
Day 2
I need books on Lummana.
You could look up online.
I’ve tried everything.
Most of them say it can’t be cured.
But I think we can do more.
I can’t just stand and watch and do nothing.
I’m with you on this.
Day 3
Found it!!
Blood vessel.
fruit is believed to
help tame down Lummana.
Blood vessel.
They grow well in jungle with birds dropping .
And these birds only exist in Rattha.
The condition sounds farfetched!!
The jungle is dangerous by itself.
And who would know where these birds leave their poop?!?
We don’t have time.
We just have to go and find out
You’ve got your knife?
Got it.
Mosquito repellent?
Got it.
I’m not a kid!!
To me, you’re the bragging Jao.
Take this firework.
Shoot when you need help.
I’ll be waiting around here.
But I don’t think I’ll be needing this.
I’m off now. See ya later.
Yes sir.
Can I borrow your phone?
What for?
What do you do?
I want to take your picture.
You look good from here.
Don’t you realize
you got us lost??
I just wandered away.
You’ve never gotten lost?
Let’s take a selfie.
The lighting is about right.
Come on.
Let’s take.
Come on.
No!/ Smile.
I said smile.
I’ll smile when I want.
Come here.
1 2 3
You look a lot cuter when you smile
Can’t sleep?
Hmm. You?
I can’t sleep either…….
why Kram?
What do you mean?
You’ve given up
and given all just for Kram.
So I want to know.
Why him?
He’s the only one that makes me smile.
He’s like a sunrise,
shining in the dark.
Because Kram
I want to wake up everyday to see him
It’s hard to explain.
One day you’ll understand.
One day when you meet someone who makes you feel at ease.
And you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
Day 4
Tai is trying his best for you.
You should try your best too.
Please take care
If something happens to me,
promise me you’ll take the best care of Kram
I promise.
But promise me you’ll come back and pick him up by yourself.
Wake up!
Everyone’s waiting for you, Kram.
What should we do?
We’ve looked everywhere.
Book says Blood vessel fruit grows well in the right temperature.
Not too hot, not too cold.
A place that receives both cold wind and sun.
It's a cliff.
Watch out Tai!
Be careful!
Let me help.
Are you OK?
Let’s head back now.
Let’s go.
What happened? Are you OK?
I’m OK
I’ll go help.
Don’t worry. You go and help Kram.
I’m OK.
How can I leave you here?
You go ahead. We have no time.
You go save Kram.
Don’t worry about me.
Shit!! I must use it.
Hey Tai! How are you?
Take the mask out.
When is Wayu gonna get here?
I’m hungry now.
What are you whining about?
You bragger!
When I use it, you must come.
Why are you so late?
Want me to come back tomorrow?
Hey hey!!
Are you leaving for real? Wayu!
You loser!!
Help me out here.
I’m starving!!
You wait right here
Where are you going now?
Come back first!!!
OK OK. Here I am
I’m sorry.
Why do you look so pale?
You’ve got a fever!
Why didn’t you tell me??
Leave me alone.
Jao!! Hey!!
It’s OK, Kram.
Are you having bad dreams? I’m right here with you.
I promise.
You’re up!
Am I dreaming?
I don’t only exist in dreams.
No. Seriously.
Why do you look puzzled?
You passed out during Ash exchange ceremony
The doctor said you could only live for 5 more days.
So I …..
But I’m still here.
I’m not gonna die.
I won’t let you die alone.
Who knows.
I might be gone tomorrow.
I gave you my promise to stay with you.
You too have to promise me you won’t give up
We’ll fight everything together.
Kram. What’s wrong?
Why is he not moving, doc?
Whose house is this?
Excuse me. Anyone home?
Can we come in?
Have some water
Made some soup for you.
Thanks Phupha.
How’s Jao? Do you know how he’s doing?
Don’t worry about him.
Thank you all so much.
I’ve troubled all of you big time.
Everyone’s more than happy to keep you safe.
Hi, aunty Lhu.
Can I speak to Kram?
Aunty Lhu wants to speak to you.
Aunty Lhu?
You had bad dreams too?
I dreamed of my childhood days.
You pushed me over!
No! It’s you!
It’s you!
You pushed me over first.
When we met.
I dreamed of that time too.
Let me ask you something.
The day I fell into the water,
did you give me CPR?
How did you find out?
I could feel
someone kissing me.
And you didn’t mind?
You saved my life..
But I was disgusted.
You’re the first that made me cry.
I’m sorry that I have to leave.
I can’t stay to protect you anymore.
But you made a promise.
I have to relocate with my family.
What do you want from me, weepy head?
I know I’m the weepy one. But I’m not a bragger like you.
You broke your promise.
Just go! Do what you want!!
Do you know how long it took to get over you?
Why did you come back
to complicate things again?
Nop is up, aunty.
Oh Nop. I thought I’d never see you again
I know my loved ones were wait for me.
Why won't I recover?
Are you hungry? I made you
It’s you favorite?
I’ve told you it’s my favorite?
Thank you. Dad always makes it for me too.
How’s your father doing?
I haven’t seen him for months too
But I remember
him having problems with his sight.
He still enjoys painting a lot.
And though he complains from time to time about his back pain,
he still gets up to cook for me.
Why are you crying?
I’m glad to hear he’s doing OK.
I'm happy.
You know my father too?
We’re very very close.
You know…?
I always notice you have a lot in common with Kram.
In fact,
Nop is Kram…
but not the exact same Kram who’s my son, right?
Yes…I am Kram.
But I come from a different place.
And now I’m unsure
whether to go back there.
No matter what decision you take,
I believe you’ll pick the best one
Now let me give you a hug.
I want to hug you too.
Oh you make me so so happy.
Me too.
So you’ll go back there no matter what?
I’ve made up my mind.
I’ll come with you too.
We made a pact no matter what happens, we’ll take care of each other til the day we die.
But if you come with me…
No matter what.
What if the water doesn’t turn blue ever again,
we won’t see each other.
Let me go with you.
I’ve already made up my mind.
Lady Lhu told me
it’ll be a full moon tonight at midnight. Tonight only
I’ll pick you up at 11 p.m.
Hello aunty Lhu.
It will be a full moon night the night after tomorrow.
The water will turn blue again
around 11 o’clock.
Lady Lhu said
it’ll be full moon at midnight..and tonight only
I’ll pick you up at 11 p.m.
Whenever one crosses over the boundary and finds oneself on the
other side,
they would hear the squeaky sound that tortures them to death.
And there’s nothing they can do about it.
This is the only way to happiness for everyone.
I’ll go back to where I belong.
You should be in your place.
We shouldn’t be together.
I don’t think I can stand seeing you cross the boundary then die right before my eyes.
So they say happy times fly fast
It might be too late before we know it
I missed the chance to tell you
how much I love you
I’m so sorry, Tai
If I said I love you.
If destiny doesn’t part our ways
If you’re still here with me. / Kram!! Kram!!! Krammmm!!!!
I wonder if our hearts want the same thing
Kram!! Kram!!! Krammmm!!!!
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