Ultraman (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

Nice To Meet You, Brother

Hey, did you hear?
Yamaguchi from Class Two
was at that concert.
You mean the Rena Sayama one?
Look at this.
Her tour has been canceled?
Not just that.
She's not making any appearances
for a while.
She'll probably end up
quitting performing altogether.
Don't say that!
You'll jinx her.
So, who in the world is Ultraman anyway?
An alien?
There has to be a person inside that.
Besides, he speaks Japanese.
But a normal person
can't do that kind of stuff.
A freshman wants to talk to you.
I'm Hayata. Is there something you want?
I'm Seiji Hokuto, a freshman in Class C.
Mr. Hayata, you're Ultraman, aren't you?
Don't get so flustered.
I only came to say hello today.
I'll come to see you again later
Mr. Hayata.
Thank you for waiting.
Here is your coffee and your beer.
Enjoy your drinks.
So, that underclassman knows
that you're Ultraman, does he?
I don't know what I should do.
Normally, you should report it
to someone in the SSSP.
If you did that, there's no doubt
Mister Moroboshi would blow his top.
So, you had no choice
but to ask me for help.
Did that kid say anything else?
No, not really.
And what did you say?
I didn't say anything, of course.
How did he find out?
Is it because I'm Shin Hayata's son?
It would be odd for him to think that.
Nobody besides you people know
that Mr. Hayata transformed into Ultraman.
Oh, that's right.
Then why do you know, Jack?
That's because I'm an informant.
Never mind that. That kid
He said he would see you again, right?
you'd better expect that he'll have
some kind of demand.
A demand?
He didn't look like
he was a bad guy though.
For fuck's sake.
You should have handed it over
without a fight from the start.
With this, you would have been saved
from all this pain.
It's a cheap price to pay.
You're a real doctor,
but you went around playing doctor.
That's why this happened.
you should never judge a person
by their looks.
-That's common sense.
-Please, don't
Well, I guess you can't help it.
I mean, I look so weak and helpless.
I bet you figured
that bringing your friends to frighten me
would get rid of me, didn't you?
I'm incredibly strong.
Mark identified.
Commencing clean-up.
They keep pulling this kind of shit.
There sure have been a lot more incidents
involving aliens.
It hasn't been officially announced,
but everyone knows these guys
are here on Earth.
So now they're fighting back.
What a pain they are.
Even that striped guy.
He said he'll clamp down
on alien criminals,
but he hasn't done a thing.
Who knows what the Universal
Alliance Council is thinking.
They probably never intended
to co-exist with us in the first place.
It's only natural to think so.
They look at us
the same way we look at monkeys.
They think we're even lower than that.
Hey, Shinjiro, are you done already?
Yes. Goodbye.
Could I ask you to put out
the "closed" sign for me?
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
You're already closed, I see.
We close earlier
on Tuesdays and Thursdays now.
I see.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
I should have checked before coming.
Don't worry about it.
She doesn't remember me at all.
Maybe that's for the better.
But why did she come here?
I thought she hated
Didn't I
meet that guy somewhere before?
-Let's go.
-Get going.
Hurry up and get going!
I'm trying!
-What's your problem?
Who the hell is that?
-There they are.
Oh, shit!
Take that!
Later, pal.
Hey pal, who do you work for?
-You really went?
Even if I went,
I knew Ultraman wouldn't be there, but
Forget that. You need to understand
the situation you're in right now.
The gossip magazines and shows
were going wild over you, right?
And it wasn't just because
you love Ultraman, Rena.
-Oh, that?
-Yes! That!
They're just trying to work people up.
The Internet is blowing up over this.
Thanks to that, you have to give
a public apology and cancel appearances.
But then you yourself went to some
Ultraman place before the scandal passes.
-What if someone found out?
-Don't worry.
I was wearing a disguise.
Don't tell me it was
fake glasses and a hat.
I wasn't wearing a hat. Only glasses.
I wish you had worn a hat too!
At any rate, this is a crucial time.
Make sure you don't
do anything indiscreet.
-Got it?
Hello? Thank you so much for calling.
I can't help wondering.
I can't stop myself.
A third
What the hell is this?
There's another
new wannabe Ultraman out there.
Counting the robbers who stuck up
the illegal casino and the guards,
he sent a total of seven people
to the hospital.
What's wrong? He cleaned up the city.
The problem is after that.
What's that?
The illegal casino's earnings.
Naturally, they didn't report it stolen,
so we don't know how much it was.
But that's a heck of a lot of money.
You think he just took it on a whim?
Who knows?
Thanks to this,
the Internet is going crazy over
whether this new Ultraman
is the defender of justice or just greedy.
Then, I guess it means
this guy is not part of the SSSP.
Who knows?
Surprisingly, those guys could be
in a pinch for funds too.
Don't be stupid.
What's the world coming to?
First, there's trouble with the aliens,
then there's this kind of thing.
Maybe you and I should put together
an Alien Department, Mr. Endo.
-An Alien Department?
-Not a bad idea.
Mr. Hayata!
You did a great job yesterday.
Against those gangsters.
That wasn't me.
I mean, I'm not even Ultraman!
Don't worry.
I have no intention of blackmailing you.
In fact, I want to be friends with you.
Hey, back off.
That's fine.
Hold on a second.
Sorry, but something came up.
Okay. Sorry.
We're friends now.
How'd it go? Did you catch the prey?
Yes. It went perfectly.
The mark has been cornered
in an abandoned warehouse.
However, I want you to be careful.
This is an extraterrestrial life form
unlike any alien you've faced before.
What does that mean?
It's like a monster.
Like a monster?
Basically, it's a super-beast.
Why did this troublesome creature
show up when Moroboshi isn't around?
-All right. I'll take care of it somehow.
It's dangerous here.
Don't get any closer.
I'll take care of this alone.
Are you all right?
Those won't work on this guy!
Get back!
You must be kidding me!
You came, Mr. Moroboshi
You're not him.
Nice to meet you
big brother.
Hold on.
I'm an only child.
Well, I don't mean it
like we're real brothers.
I called you big brother because
you were Ultraman before I was.
That guy is still alive.
You don't know when to stay down, do you?
Here's what guys like you get.
You get sliced in half!
What the heck is that?
I don't know either.
But at the very least,
he doesn't appear to be an enemy.
I just hope he doesn't cause trouble.
Did you
just laugh?
If you've learned
to read my expressions
you're really quite something.
Who the heck are you?
I am
I guess it still isn't perfected.
Hey, your arms just blew up!
It's no big deal.
Yes, it is a big deal!
Your arms went "Boom!"
You're right.
My arms won't move.
Oh well.
I guess I'm through for today.
Let's fight side by side again soon,
big brother.
I mean, Mr. Hayata.
First, he calls me "big brother,"
then "Mr. Hayata."
"Mr. Hayata"?
Subtitle translation by Brian Athey
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