Undead Unluck (2023) s01e09 Episode Script


[Anno] To protect Fuko,
Andy agrees to Shen's proposal to remove
the card from his forehead
if Shen will defeat him
when his powers are unleashed.
Liberation from the card suppression
causes his guise to change
to long black hair
and his personality
is completely altered as well.
The black-haired man faces
Spoil up in space.
This was Victor
A man called the god Victhor
as he's won every battle he's faced.
His overwhelming power sees no problem
against Spoil's decomposition
even in phase two,
and he easily takes control
of the situation.
Seeking a battle against
powerful opponents,
Shen challenges the man back
on land but he's forced
to admit defeat due
to the sheer gap in strength.
Then, to fulfill the promise he made Andy,
gives his all in one blow,
allowing his comrades the chance
to take over as he falls.
Breaking through space,
the Roundtable members join the fight.
The war between the Union's most
powerful forces
and the strongest man begins.
[both grunting]
Top, go! Get Fuko and Shen!
- [grunts]
- Now, Division Bullet!
[Victor] The kid's fast.
He uses his negation ability
to his advantage, but
[speaking Chinese]
[QUEEN BEE's "01" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
Uh, um, thanks for saving us.
[Top] Huh? Oh, don't sweat it.
We're all on the same team now.
No thank yous needed here.
I don't give or take 'em.
[Fuko Izumo] Uh, okay.
Why hasn't he stopped moving?
Uh, hold on!
How are we planning on stopping Andy?
Beats me.
Last time we had old lady Gena.
She coulda handled this easy,
but maybe the boss has something in mind.
[Fuko] E Excuse me!
If you don't mind,
could you please take me back to Andy?
I just I know I can get him back!
[Top] Huh? Have you lost it?
He almost just killed you a second ago!
That ain't the Andy you know!
He's not the same guy anymore!
Hey, Mr. Shen! Please, give me the card!
Before I do that
[Fuko] Huh?
I wouldn't want Mr. Andy
getting mad at me,
so please take this
as a measure of self defense.
Huh? Shen, bro?
- [grunts]
- [speaking Chinese]
[Fuko breathing heavily]
[Top] Hey, wait up a sec!
Shen, bro! Hey, stop her, will ya?
It's just like I told you.
The girl's a riot, right?
For real? It's no time to laugh!
Well, I'm in no position to stop her.
I've acted on my own as well.
Besides, if our dear Fuko here
were that easy to be stopped,
then she wouldn't still be alive.
- [grunts]
- [zooming]
[Top] You at least got a plan, right?
You pushy little brat!
[gasps] Oh, thank you so much!
My name's Fuko and I'm 18 years old!
It's a pleasure
to be working alongside you!
You wanna do introductions
right now of all times?
Unreal! Well, the name's Top.
I'm 15.
[snarls] Wait,
then that makes you the brat, not me!
[Top] I'm not a brat! I'm in junior high!
[Fuko] You're more of a brat than I am!
[Top] What was that? Huh?
[Fuko] I'm 18!
[Top] All I'm hearing is you are a brat!
- [Fuko] I'm telling you, I'm
- [Top] Just a big
Tatiana, please, help me! Oh.
You're pretty damn sturdy.
Big guy must have some sort
of hardening ability.
And as for that runt,
his whole body's made up of artifacts.
How can he keep his sanity?
Some sort of risk avoidance ability?
[Victor] A flaming sword.
That's UMA Burn's handiwork.
Not doing half bad, Juiz.
[Top] Huh? What the heck?
There's a ton of Undeads over there!
Yeah, you're right!
I didn't know he could do that!
[Top] So, what do we do now?
We can't even tell one apart from another!
They're all just a bunch of naked torsos!
- [clanging]
- Huh?
[Fuko] That one.
The one that's fighting against the boss!
That's the one Andy's inside!
[Top] But how can you tell?
He looks exactly like all the others!
[Fuko] He's the only one with a sword.
And he's got shreds of Clothy on him.
What's Clothy?
Never mind that.
Just stick to the plan, please.
Bring me right next to him.
Fine, then. You got it.
But don't blame me if things go south.
- [gasps]
- [groans]
- [gasps]
- Huh?
Huh? What the
Do you do you seriously believe that this
is gonna do the trick, Fuko?
I do! Maybe!
What do you mean, maybe?
If I stay latched on
to him just like this,
no matter how much I may dislike him,
a big stroke of unluck
has to come eventually!
And once he's weakened I'll just stick
this card right back into his head!
About how long must you touch him?
No idea!
I've never clung onto someone
I hated for long!
[Juiz] If he were Andy,
a large stroke of unluck would
come in mere seconds, correct?
[Fuko] I hate to say it, but yes.
In that case, we're changing the strategy.
This is the new plan.
Bring back Andy's personality,
even for a split second.
In that moment if you impart
your unluck on him,
- then just maybe
- [Fuko] Bring him back?
Bring him back? You morons.
I am the original.
- [snapping]
- [whimpers]
He's been putting up quite
the fight inside me,
but he'll never see the light
of day again.
Now, Division Bullet!
[Fuko gasps]
[Victor] Why are you protecting her?
You defeated Burn and gained a seat!
If she dies, that means two seats open!
I'll go find other Negators.
- Stronger ones to fill the roles!
- [gasps]
Those who lack both justice
and ambition
cannot influence others, Victor.
Bunch of halfwits, all of you.
All members are to keep Fuko from harm
and defeat Victor's copies.
[all] Roger that.
[Shen] I guess it's started.
[speaking Chinese]
There you are, Nyoi-Kinko.
Ms. Juiz!
Quit looking away and start focusing
on persuading him!
[gasps] Right!
Andy, come out!
Even for just a second will do!
You have to [gasps]
[blow lands]
[grunts] We've got you covered!
You're the only one
who can bring him back!
[gasps, grunts]
He got a bead on where I was heading?
Be careful!
Gotta think.
Come on, think.
I've got to bring Andy back.
But how?
It's barely been
a month since we first met.
We've done so many things,
traveled to so many places.
And yet I still don't know
a thing about him.
His likes, his dislikes
His past nothing!
I need to find something.
Just like that first day we met.
When Andy saved me and started
to teach me how to live.
Now it's my turn.
[static hissing]
[heart beats]
[Victor gasps]
[Fuko] This scar, it's not on
any of the other copies!
You've got him locked up
inside there, don't you?
Give back Andy!
You can do it, Andy!
Don't let this guy beat you!
One touch for just a second!
And once you touch me,
I'll give you the biggest stroke
of unluck ever!
You will, huh?
Sounds like a treat.
[gasps] Andy, you're
[Andy] Time's a wastin'.
- I'm takin' it.
- [gasps]
[Tatiana gasps]
Huh? What the
We'll pick this up next time.
Huh? Oh. [chuckles nervously]
Pick what up?
Uh uh
No way! In your dreams!
- Uh, what?
- Huh?
What are you all just standing around for?
The unluck is coming in now!
You have to hurry up! Get out of here!
All hands fall back!
[all] Roger that.
You morons. You won't escape
[scoffs] You again, huh?
As long as you're visible,
I can activate my ability.
That distance thing earlier
was just a fib.
[speaking Chinese] Bye, Victhor.
It's been some time since
some humans beat me.
[electric sparking]
[Tatiana] The town has been decimated.
This is totally unreal.
Huh? Fuko?
[Top] Is that dummy going in alone?
[Tatiana] Will she be okay?
The water's going to flood back in!
[water rushing]
[Fuko breathing heavily]
You're one hell of a gal.
Please, Andy!
Please come back!
This should do it.
[gasping] Andy!
That's me. Can I help ya?
- [Fuko] Huh?
- [Andy] Finally awake, huh?
I ended up reading all 101
volumes of this "You-Me" stuff.
Gotta admit, it's a fun read.
Shojo manga ain't too bad sometimes.
[breathing heavily]
What on Earth were you thinking?
You and Shen cooked up this whole thing.
And didn't even bother to let me in on it.
If the members of
the Roundtable hadn't shown up,
you wouldn't be here right now.
If if things hadn't worked out
I would have been all alone again.
- [Andy] Sorry about that.
- Wait a sec!
You're touching my hair!
I was listening the whole time,
after he swallowed me up.
In the darkness
the only thing I could hear
was your voice.
It made me happy.
So thank you, Fuko.
Did you say
[gasps] Finally!
You actually called me by my name!
Come on. The meeting's starting soon.
[Fuko] Wait, say it again! Just once more!
I wanna make sure I hear
you clearly this time!
[Andy] Shut your trap
and suit up already, kid.
Get a move on.
Back to normal.
By the way, who's this little guy?
Oh. The ball brat dropped
that off when they came.
Tatiana did?
By the way, those kids came by, too.
All those runts from Longing
that you and the brat rescued.
[Fuko] Oh!
I'm so glad Ken
and the other kids are okay!
[Andy] I heard that Union's orphanage is
planning on taking care
of the lot of them till they turn 18.
Though they gotta fend
for themselves after that.
But I'm sure they'll be okay.
They seem to have the guts to survive.
- [chuckles]
- Andy?
You think their memories
of their teacher turned into sad ones?
I can promise you they weren't.
Trust me. I'm the one who married her.
I should know.
The way she felt about those kids
was like nothing else.
Powerful emotions like that have a way
of reaching their destinations
without spoiling.
Just like how yours got to me.
Cool, huh?
How's that
for a guy who's lived 200 years?
Pretty damn persuasive, ain't it?
Hah, that's gotta increase my likabili
- So hot!
- Ah.
There's the stroke of unluck from earlier.
You're late, ya loony love birds.
The meeting was supposed
to start ages ago.
[Fuko] My apologies
for keeping you all waiting.
Hey, your boyfriend's burning.
Is everything all right?
[Fuko] Sorry, we had
an accident along the way.
And we are not love birds.
Can't argue the loony part, though.
[Tatiana giggling]
[Fuko chuckles]
[Juiz] Now, be seated, Nine and Ten.
Andy, you're in the wrong seat.
Actually, you're X.
I'm IX now thanks to the Clothes incident.
Oh, the order changed? Okay.
[Juiz] Now that we're all gathered,
and everyone is seated.
Proceed, Apocalypse.
[Apocalypse] Yes.
Quest results.
Those who sit at the Roundtable, hear me!
I now declare the results
of the six quests you
were tasked to fulfill.
[Kairi Yagi's "know me" playing]
[singing in Japanese]
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