Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9
Her pulse is slow.
We need to take her immediate.
Empty the car, Arslantas.
We'll take her to the hospital in Selemzar.
You go after Yorgos!
Don't come back before finding his track!
Hold on Turna.
Hold on.
Hold on Turna.
You will be healed.
You will be healed.
Lucas is also in a bad shap, Sencer.
If he dies, we might be
held responsible for it.
It can cause trouble
with Byzantium.
Take him to Isfahan
immediately with Aydogdu.
The car is ready, Sencer.
I promise you nothing will
come between us again.
When there is a new tasking the high
state officials misinformed, so that
there is no disruption in the order.
But there is no order from our Sultan
about your assignment as the Head Hatun.
You've gotten old and talked
inappropriately for your position.
Maybe your resignation
would be the greatest
service you can do for
the state now, Nizamulmulk.
Because I see you forget
the customary practices.
Don't you know Seferiye Sultan is sick
and our Sultan is outside the palace?
While the conditions are like this,
I surely couldn't have let the
Head Hatun's place empty as
Whatever needed to be asked
to Taculmulk, I can ask to him.
And I can make the necessary
explanation to our Sultan by myself.
From now on, the old wolfs
an other's eye will be on us.
But don't you worry.
We are powerful enough
to take all of their eyes out.
Let the horses go that way.
Where did that heathen go?
We will take the sacred relics from
Yorgos' hands whatever it takes.
The horses went that way.
Let's go.
Elcin and Tapar are now
in the palms of Death.
Not it's the time to hit the final blow.
Sultan Meliksah!
He came on time!
How did he learn about the attack?
Meliksah won't leave anyone alive!
It's best we escape and save our lives.
Baybure, go back to the tribe
and keep watching Elcin Hatur.
If there is any evidence
leading to us, destroy them.
Let's go.
I'm fine, my Sultan.
Beating marble with
your bare hands for years,
has made your hands
strong as marble.
If it was someone else,
it would be severed.
Live long , my Sultan.
You live long too, my lion.
Be careful next time.
If you lose one hand, who am I
going to have archery practice with?
My Sultan.
Elcin Hatun came in
time and fought with us.
Still, if you didn't come,
the situation was dire for us.
Search and identify the
bodies, and give me a report.
Because you were wrong, Ibni Attas.
You were really wrong.
If a Head Dai makes this many mistakes,
then Great Imam does not favor him anymore.
I trained you.
Are you making decisions
with your small minds?
You trained us, but, the
student surpassed the teacher
The one Great Imam will favor,
needs to be unfailing like Hasan Sabbah!
The sign of this cause is not dual dagger.
There will only be one dagger
that will control the world:
That of Hasan Sabbah's.
The world will spin
around on this dagger's tip.
The spark of this dagger will
make devils tremble out of fear.
Those who are
walking on us today,
won't be able to get their
heads out in the street tomorrow.
I promise you a victory that
will be written with a spear!
Head Dai Hasan Sabbah!
Head Dai Hasan Sabbah!
Head Dai Hasan Sabbah!
Head Dai Hasan Sabbah!
My Sultan, I am hanging my head in shame
firstly because of my
brother' attempted kidnapping
and now, the the attack of
the beys under my command.
You came against your
beys to fight alongside us.
Although, you just came
from Isfahan a few days ago.
What made you change in such short time?
You told me to decide whether
to stand with you or against you.
And I've done my thinking.
Both in my mind and my heart,
your side made more sense.
Why did it make more sense?
The fear of destruction
if you were against us?
You know I'm not afraid of death,
my Sultan. On the contrary
it's the respect I have
for you, it's my faith in you.
I've seen your sincerity on
your dislike of spilling blood.
When that was the case, I
couldn't not be by your side.
I thought you wouldn't take my note
out of your resentment towards me.
Thank Allah you made it in time.
What note?
I've sent you a note when I heard t
will be an ambush against Melik Tapar.
We received no notes from you.
I only knew about this
incident thanks to the
news my ambassador
got from the messengers.
How could this be?
It seems that there are
inattentive people in the palace
I shall wake them up with my wrath.
My Sultan, per your order,
we investigated the dead.
It seems that there are
Byzantines among them.
They are involved in
every setup against us.
But provoking the rebel beys is
not something they would do alone.
They are working with someone in our ranks.
That traitor is working in
your tents as well, Elcin Hatun.
I say we go to Isfahan. If you
know what side you are on
then expose that traitor and
let me know about the outcome
Have no doubt, my Sultan.
Hang in there, Turna.
You'll be ok. You will be okay.
You will be okay.
You will be okay.
Doctors! She is heavily wounded.
Bring her here. Yes.
She lost a lot of blood.
Take a look at her quickly.
Bring some warm water,
clean cloth and ointments.
Fate has united us in
our wounds, Turna.
You helped me with my
wound and I will help with yours.
The hearts that could help each
others wounds shall unite, after all.
We have much to say yet.
Just open your eyes.
Look me in the face.
-Tell me, is she going to be alrigt?
-We will do our best.
But the wound is deep.
We have to take care of it.
You need to get out now.
She has a lot of bleeding.
We have to stop it.
Ointment I want the
ointment. We have to be quick.
She is bleeding too much.
How is Turna Hatun's situation?
Turna is fighting for her
life in there, Arslantas.
She is wounded but
my heart is bleeding.
If something happens to her
I'll be in pain for lifetime.
We have kept the control of the
state under our seal for forty years.
Now we've started to loose control.
What do you think about
this master Hayyam?
Or are we started to get
old as Terken Hatun said?
You're suffering for your reputation, Hace.
They called you the order-bearer.
The moment you lose the
control of the order a little
you get restless.
That's all.
Others seized the letter that
was supposed to come to me.
The important information that even
reached to the messenger didn't reach me.
I think someone tries to take us down
and intends to regulate the state.
Even in this universe, which
has the most perfect order
sometimes unrest occurs.
But at the end of this unrest,
always a new order is born.
If you take the right position
and do what is required
the newborn order
will be under your control.
As long as you don't
miss out what is going on.
Those beautiful stars that
are particles of the universe
they come and go, and adorn the world.
At the side of the sky, at
the bosom of the earth
there is much more to be born.
Hace Hadrath, Sahbender Dukas is shot.
He is at the tavern and seriously injured.
Be cautious, it might be a trap.
Help me!
What happend to him?
Drink some water it's good for you.
Who did this to you?
I was taking rice to Kuvel but
two Byzantines stopped
me and they stole my car.
What did they look like?
One of them had a thin face and
his hair was turned gray a little.
It sounds like Yorgos.
Did you see which way they went?
They went north.
He wants to take the
sacred relics to Kuvel.
We need to go back and inform them.
Let's go.
We have no place to go but Kuvel.
We can't go to the harbor now.
After I take these sacred relics there, I
will take my revenge on Batinis and Sencer.
How is my daughter?
Get out of my way,
I want to see her.
The healers hatuns taking care of her. You
shouldn't go in there now, Emir Hadrath.
Oh, Turna.
My daughter.
My daughter came to your Tribe safely
but you brought her back here wounded.
I will kill you my own hands.
I see your anger as a reflection
of your pain, Emir llteber.
I'm sad about Turna Hatun too.
After she gets better
I'll take her revenge.
The people who did this are from Kuvel.
So it's them, huh?
They came to make a steel agreement
with me and kidnapped my daughter, huh?
If you found out that they did this
after my daughter gets better
even the Sultan can't stop me.
And you won't take a
step inside Selemzar again.
You bring nothing but evil to my daughter.
Let's leave here, Sencer. We can
ce get the news about Turna later
You said you would protect Dukas.
But you brought his corpse.
Is this your understanding of protection?
We were not the ones who shot Dukas.
He was already badly wounded.
But he died on the road.
We don't want to hear such things anymore.
Sencer was the one who
kidnapped Dukas from his home.
The one who killed him was also Sencer.
Seljuk must show its justice.
Who is to say that it was Sencer?
The ones, who shot Dukas, also
shot the daughter of Emir Ilteber.
Then did Sencer shoot her, too?
We don't know anyone's daughter.
We know Dukas.
You say he kidnapped
Dukas and he didn't kill him!
All the incidents shows
that Sencer was the killer.
Don't worry. I'll take
care of this personally,
because it's an
internal security matter.
And I'll capture that killer called Sencer.
Sencer must be judged and
executed as soon as possible.
Or this incident will start a fire
between Byzantium and Seljuk.
Sencer is our personal fighter who
saved our Sultan from assassination
and went after the sacred relics.
How could you say Sencer is a
killer before making the case clear?
How can you dare give a
guarantee to Byzantium?
I'm doing my duty.
Don't defend him because
he is your personal fighter.
Don't you see what his actions caused?
This is an obvious
treason against the state.
Whoever is involved in
this treason must suffer.
I'll start with
these two accomplices.
I’ll do whatever it is
needed to be done here.
Then, do it, or I know what I need to do.
Now I'll go after Sencer.
I'll make sure everywhere is raided.
Then, I know how I should punk
and make him confess his crime.
Arrest them.
Pray that we find Sencer
before Taculmulk does.
Or no one can save you, nor him.
Take them.
Sencer went to Selemzar after the incident.
Take this arrow to him.
He knows what he needs to do.
You opened your eyes thankfully.
I said your road was my road.
You took so many wounds on this road.
I just took one wound,
is it too much?
If even one of your hairs
breaks, my heart aches.
Do you know that the thing you called just
a wound, took how may years from my life?
This sky-blue handkerchief
was inside my hand when I
was falling down from the cliff.
It gave me strength.
I bind it to my heart
as I bind it to my sword.
I'm fine, don't worry.
I will be fine soon.
You can be busy with your own matters.
May your sword be sharp.
May your horse run freely.
It's time to go Arslantas.
Now we will save the sacred relics.
Obviously you got the water of life.
Set aside taking the sacred relics
you can even conquer the
cas of Kuvel with this strength.
Hace said he knew what he needed to do
Why is he calling me?
Sahbender Dukas is dead.
You are being held
responsible for Dukas' death.
They have arrested your friends.
And he awaits you too.
Like Byzantine And
Batinis weren't enough
and now Hace is cornering us.
What are we going to do Sencer?
Give way, brave ones.
Search every corner of the tribe!
Emir Hadrath.
What's happening?
We are looking for
Sencer, Korkut bey.
He is a suspect of murder.
He vanished after killing
Byzantine Sahbender.
My son wouldn't do anything
to take the state against himself.
You must be wrong.
Are you going to teach
us what's right and wrong?
Your son is a fugitive!
Search his tent too.
Stop right there, Emir Taculmulk!
If my son was here, he
would turn himself in bravely.
You cannot violate our privacy like this.
You said it yourself.
I'm Emir Taculmulk!
Who do you think you
are to disobey my orders!
You may be an Emir, but
Sence is Sultan Meliksah's
private soldier.
Stay away from our tent!
Don't make this harder, Hatun, move away.
Emir Taculmulk!
If cruelty comes
the tradition leaves.
We do not allow being without tradition
and law in this tribe, know that well.
If we learn anything regarding Sencer,
we will let you know, Emir Hadrath.
He is not in his tent, Emir Hadrath.
Sencer is a criminal that
escape the justice of the state!
If anyone hears or sees
where he is, he will inform us!
If anyone does not inform us even though
knowing it, they will be criminals too!
Sencer did good by not
surrendering to a tyrant like you.
I'm a part of everything my son does.
Arrest me too!
Come on.
Leave soldiers here, if Sencer
comes, they can arrest him.
What kind of an Hace you are, Nizamulmulk?
Are you not protecting my son
that he is being slandered like that?
That's enough.
I know how to open their eyes.
Did you find that dog Yorgos?
He stole a merchant's car, and
went to Kuvel disguised as a merchant.
He has nowhere else to go.
We need to sneak
into Kuvel immediately.
Before they get the sacred relics
out of the castle, we need to take them.
Sencer, they must have increast
the security in Kuvel castle.
How are we going to sneak in?
I know what to do.
Now I will go to Hace.
Wait for me in the
secret place in the forest.
My Sultan.
He is a messenger, stop aiming.
My Sultan, I brought
urgent news from Isfahan.
Sahbender Dukas has been murdered.
And the suspect of the murder is
one of the private soldiers, Sencer.
How could Sencer do something like that?
Did he make any explanations?
Sencer is a fugitive, my
Sultan he is not surrendering.
What is Sencer trying to do?
How can he escape our justice?
Dukas' death will ruin all of our
agreements with Byzantine, my Sultan.
Sencer does not know what
kind of trouble he is in obviously.
But I will make him understand!
Go to the palace before
us to secure the road.
We couldn't find Yorgos
that -stole the sacred relics.
He went towards Kuvel, but
because of the Seljuk border
patrols, and Byzantine soldiers
we couldn't proceed further.
They won't keep them long in Kuvel.
Tell our companions to watch them.
They should inform us
about any detail regarding,
anyone that enters
Kuvel and anyone leaves.
Dukas' murder is left on Sencer.
Now he took Seljuk against himself too.
He is being cornered from every side.
Sencer cannot get out of this trap.
Sir, since you are our new Head Dai
we should organize
the servants from scratch.
Im expecting your orders on this.
We will reorganize our servant
organization, with a brand new mentality.
A servant organization that fears
every mind, that gives people nightmares.
Our associates that were kicked out
of the neighborhood are now homeless.
Don't worry, we will protect them.
Gather up on darkness.
It's time to engrave
our new cause in them
and let them taste heaven in this world.
Finally, you made the state your enemy.
Do you believe I killed Dukas too?
I only believe in one thig: Justice!
Is your sense of justice putting
innocent people in cages?
Why did you get Aydogdu and Ayaz?
I arrested them to protect
them from Taculmulk.
I told you to stay away from Dukas.
Do you see what happened now?
The sacred relics and Turna
would be gone if I listened to you.
I won't remorse on a slander.
I did the right thing.
Let Ayaz and Aydogdu go. We
have no time to fight against slander.
We know the sacred relics are in Kuvel.
We have to save them quickly.
We will do what is
necessary for the sacred relics.
Byzantium is giving us a hard
time because of the Dukas issue.
You need to have faith in
justice and be put on trial.
For this reason, you will turn yourself in.
And bow down to the trap set for me?
Stop being so rebellious.
If Taculmulk gets you
he might even find you
guilty to make himself right.
I'm trying to protect you.
Why can't you see that?
By helping my enemies?
If you arrest me, the
sacred relics will be gone.
I'm not going to bow
down to this trap, Hace.
Arrest him.
What are you doing?
You left me no choice.
I know their plans with the sacred relics
If you arrest me, they get away.
I made a promise to the Sultan, Hace.
You are making a mistake.
Batinis and the Byzantines
wil kill you if they get you
and Taculmulk will send you to
execution and you are still resisting.
You are to never leave his side
The sacred relics will get away from us.
You are making a mistake, Nizamulmulk!
Meliksah might be onto us.
The Emperor is angry at
us for his nephew's death.
They might entrap
us from both sides.
What will we do?
Our only solution is
the steel from llteber.
We will make new weapons
wit it and fortify the castle.
So send someone, tell him to send
the steel before he changes his mind.
What are you doing here?
I sent messengers, telling you not to come
the castle. And you have the box with you!
Sancar stopped me from
getting away with the ship.
What could I do?
I had nowhere else to go.
I won't stay here long.
Once my best soldiers come
I will leave the castle
and go to Constantinople.
Tomorrow, you will go with this box.
This box is the only thing that
will cease the emperor's anger.
I don't want anybody seeing
yo until tomorrow. Get out now.
Don't worry.
I will take this box to our
emperor just as I found it.
What are you doi-
Where were you going to go, Sencer?
The sacred relics are in Kuvel Castle.
I was going to save them.
What do you think you are doing?
Your name is involved in a murder!
And you talk about going to Kuvel Castle.
Where do you get your courage from?
From you, my Sultan.
You gave me this mission.
And I say you won't
run from my justice now.
Dukas murder is a scheme against me.
If I surrender, our enemies
will have the sacred relics.
This is not justice, my Sultan.
If the sacred relics are in that castle,
I'll burn it to the ground and take them.
Of course you can do that.
But it will take a long time to
gather armies and surround the castle.
Maybe they will take the sacret
relics out of the castle tomorrow.
That's why I need to infiltrate
them as soon as possible, my Sultan.
You would remember the
conquest of Meryem-Nisin Castle.
You were eleven years old back then.
While you were climbing the bastion of the
castle you fell into the river next to it.
Despite that, you got out of the
water and continued to fight bravely.
You conquered a castle when you
were eleven years old, my Sultan.
Now, I insist on infiltrating a catle.
I take the essence of my
courage and strength from you.
Who told you that?
Your heroic stories
are told in every tribe.
My mother told me.
I allow you.
I will hide my frontier
soldiers around the castle.
About Sahbender Dukas
We'll take care of it when
you come back from your duty.
What are you doing here
Hatun Who are you looking for?
Give this to Nizamulmulk, soldier.
He knows who I am.
Wait here.
My Tapar.
My son.
Your father will return from
the campaign with triumph.
My Basulu, my Tapar.
What do you think you
are doing Basulu Hatun?
Do you know such a disaster awaits
us if anyone sees or recognizes you?
Are you still talking about a disaster?
My son has been slandered as a murderer.
How can you not oppose
the slanders against Sencer?
It's not as you think, Basulu Hatun.
I tried very hard to stop Sencer.
However, the head of the
rebels led him to the wrong path.
He didn't listen to me.
And this is the consequence.
Listen to me, Nizamulmulk.
I have seen you as the
protector of my son until now.
If you throw my son
to the lions as a bait
if you leave him
alone in these dangers
I will leave you alone in your path
and reveal the secret.
You should know that.
You don't keep this secret for me
you keep this secret
for the state, Basulu Hatun.
Don't get angry and make a wrong decision.
Don't test me with
my son, Nizamulmulk.
You'd be the one who regrets.
I don't have anything but Sencer.
The decision is yours.
You either protect my Sencer
or everybody burns with
the fire you started years ago.
I have always protected Sencer.
I hide him in a safe place now.
Don't worry.
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath.
What's going on, Hace?
Who is this Hatun?
He is a soldier's mother, my Sultan.
She's here to make a request.
Thank Allah, we found a solution for it.
The mothers of soldiers
are important for us.
Do you have any other problem, Hatun?
Who is this woman?
Why is our Sultan this
closely interested in her?
You don't have any other
problem, do you, Hatun?
There are important matters, my Sultan.
We need to talk about them immediately.
This Hatun
looks so familair.
You've been taken care of so
many mothers of soldiers, my Sultan.
This must be because of this.
Or I don't think that you met her before.
After seeing you again
and getting lost in your
eyes, I understood again.
My heart is still
burning with your love, Meliksah
My Sultan.
Thanks to the information you gave
we held off the ambush set for my son.
And we had a bad time while
wail for the good news, my Sultan.
Thankfully, you've returned safe and sound.
There are people who are not
fulfilling their duties in the palace.
From now on, you are discharged from
duty as an ambassador, Hasan Sabbah.
Now you are the head
of all the ambassadors.
You have accomplished
things exceeding your duty.
After all your successes,
what's left to us is
to appreciate what
you did and promote you.
I will do my best, to be worthy
of your appreciation, my Sultan.
Stop searching for
the sacred relics, Tapar.
What is the reason, my Sultan.
We suspect that the
relics are in Kuvel castle.
I allowed Sencer to sneak into the castle.
Send information to the necessary places.
They should stop looking
for Sencer for a while.
And we will solve the matter of
Dukas' murder when Sencer is back.
Now, assemble everyone in
order to speak about the letter
that came from Elcin Hatun.
Let's see who has a hand in this.
I am with you my beautiful daughter.
The light of my eye.
It made all of us proud that you
punished the mischief makers.
Both you and Sultan
Meliksah, live long.
After the death of my father Suleyman Shah.
We couldn't go back,
and had to live in tribes.
Now the mischief makers are gone.
It's time to find the spies among us.
Then we will return to my forefather
Kutalmisoglu's palace in Iznik.
Who is that Spy?
People I trust have been tracking
down the traitors for a while.
They are going to send
me news through a pigeon.
It's arrival is soon.
Then we will learn who they are.
And we will inform
Sultan Meliksah, too.
Come in!
Emir Hadrath, there is a letter from Kuvel.
How dare they sending me a letter!
So you want the steel, huh?
I'm going to destroy Kuvel with you inside!
It's obvious that you have a feath wish!
It's time to channel our anger not towards
each other, but enemies, Emir Ilteber.
I have something important
to talk to you about.
I told you I don't want to see you again.
There is nothing to talk about!
The only way to infiltrate
them is your steel caravan.
You need to send them
whatever they want.
For your daughter's revenge
and for the sacred relics.
I will be with them.
I don't need this kind of games. If I
wanted revenge, I would raid the castle
take the sacred relics and
bring that castle on their heads.
We are powerful enough to raid
Kuvel too, but we have to be quick.
Be one with the darkness of
night and infiltrate like the wind.
Take him out. If he tries to
fight, do what is necessary!
Why are you up, dear?
The man that caused
your wound tells me he
wants to be in my
caravan and infiltrate Kuvel.
Lower your swords.
I said lower your swords!
If he didn't risk his life to save me
I'd be in lands you
don't know, with the enemy.
Isn't he the reason you were in trouble?
Quite the opposite. This man
saved me from my troubles.
He is the paladin of the state.
You need to trust him.
If you don't do what he
says, it might be too late.
The sacred relics will get away.
How will we live with
that in our conscience?
The steel caravan will
go to Kuvel tomorrow.
Come in.
My lady, Sencer wanted
me to give you this.
Thank you.
I opened my eyes, gave you my heart, I
asked the winds and the birds about you.
I wrap it around my heart wherever I go.
Your elegant hair is my water of life.
I opened my eyes, gave you my heart I
asked the winds and the birds about you.
I wrap it around my heart wherever I go.
Your elegant hair is my water of life.
Elcin Hatun saved Malik
Tapar from that ambush.
We could have saved him.
We did not receive the
news sent by Elcin Hatun.
Are you all sleeping in that
palace instead of doing your job?
Where is that information letter?
My Sultan, I investigated
while you weren't here.
Taculmulk took the letter Elcin Hatun sent.
Seferiye Hatun ordered me to bring every
news from Elcin Hatun to her first, my Sultan.
As you know, I'm specially in
charge of the Head Hatun position.
I did my duty.
Is that so?
I'll order an investigation now.
If your fault is behind this
you can't get out alive
of this council, Taculmulk.
Investigate the chamber of
the Head Hatun immediately.
My Sultan.
While you were gone, Terken
Hatun took the duty of the Head Hatun.
I wonder if she received
an order from you.
You know that Seferiye
Hatun is ill, my Sultan.
When this is the case, the Sultan
Hatun needs to be the Head Hatuns.
State customs serve the same purpose
as the Sultan's order, Melik Tapar.
Of course, in this situation, these
customs require a deputy to be appointed.
But there is no rule saying that the
Sultan's Hatun should be the deputy.
However, due to
her experience,
it is appropriate for Terken
Hatun to be the Head Hatun.
Until Seferiye Hatun gets better.
My Sultan.
We investigated the chamber.
We found the letter sent by
Elcin Hatun among the documents.
Now put this letter among
Seferiye Hatun's documents.
They will find it there
when they investigate.
So they won't blame us.
My Sultan.
She is ill.
Apparently she put the letters
there and forgot to give it to you.
Let the assembly adjourn.
Know that I won't forgive such a
mistake whatever the reason is again.
Our Head Hatun, Terken Hatur!
Let it be known that
even an ant will walk
around without my attention
or even a spider will make a net.
Even candle will be bought
without my permission
and nothing will be moved.
And whoever disobeys my order
will be punished severely.
Let the submission ceremony begin.
May it be blessed and
benevolent, Hatun Mother.
My Mahmelek.
May it be prosperous.
The Head Hatun.
The ones, who doesn't even
grow feathers on their wings
are trying to fly higher than us.
Which move do I play wrong that
my opponents check and
mate me with every move.
Sometimes, instead of
going on the opponent
you'd better stop and take a breath.
Looking at the enemy
from above like a bird
you'd better consider every detail.
So that we can defeat him.
Let's do however you say.
Let's look at our
troubles from above.
Did you count the arrows?
We did, Hace Hadrath.
There is no missing arrow, which
belong to the office of Hace.
No one stole them.
How could it be?
So, the signs on the tip of the
arrows were made by someone outside.
But scratching the signs
on the tip of the arrows
is not something can
be done by everyone.
There isn't so many people this
masterful in the works of steel.
We'll investigate who might
have scratched the signs.
I fully trust you.
I'll be waiting for
the news from you.
How is my Hatun Mother?
It's the same.
She sleeps now.
I was about to go to yard
to take some fresh air.
To the yard?
The yard is on the other side.
You're right.
The yard is on the other side.
I'm confused.
What's wrong with you, Ahsen?
You don't look good.
I've had some headache recently.
I don't know what happened, Gevher Hatun.
Since I attended Seferi
Hatun, it's been like this.
You mean
It was not like this before
you attended Seferi Hatun?
I think it's because
of being tired and sad.
Rest now, I will attend my Hatun Ana.
There are weird things
going on in this palace.
I'm going to reveal them eventualy.
Now it's time to arise!
To unite around the
fire of our cause,
after tearing through the
darkness of the tyranny!
To rise from our ashes like a phoenix
when everyone thinks we are dead!
To carve the name of Hasan
Sabbah to this world with a dagger!
My companions.
Oh my companions who are
exiled from their homes by the devils.
We do not need a territory.
From now on, we are going to
spread to all of the Seljuk lands!
The old cause is no more!
We have a new cause,
and a new fire now!
We are going to fight for our own state!
I came to promise you a heaven.
The magic that will take your
souls to the heaven is in my hands.
Oh my companions.
Spread through all the cities of Seljuk!
But hide our cause inside for a while.
Until the time to reveal it arrives!
Oh my Dais.
Sneak into the hearts
of the people like water.
Be like them.
Act like an infidel,
when you are with one.
And act like a pious man,
when you are with one.
Until you poison their minds, and
make them follow our cause too!
My servants!
Be menacing like a dagger
hidden in its scabbard!
Spread terror in their days, and
become a nightmare in their night.
With just one dagger, we hold
the power to destroy their armies..
and break apart their thrones!
Any army
To the place
to the madrasahs.
to the city.
to the bazars.
Every home!
Every street and every
place they take a step into!
We are going to cover
them like a shadow!
We are going to be closer
to them than their breath.
But we won't make
them notice us.
Until the time comes
when with our one signal
we destroy their
thrones and ruin Seljuk
and establish our own state!
The representative of Great
Imam on earth is Hasan Sabbah!
Seyduna Hasan Sabbah!
Seyduna Hasan Sabbah!
Seyduna Hasan Sabbah!
I've been with you many years.
I've never seen you get sick like this
or see you be in bed this long.
The doctors are desperate too.
What happened to you?
Terken Hatun.
I was wondering how
Seferiye Hatun has been.
It's still the same. The cures the
doctors gave is not helping either.
She is all wet from perspiration sine
was in bed for days. Send news for hatuns.
Tell them to prepare the
bath. When she wakes up,
she is to get cleaned
and freshen up.
It's not perspiration, it's water.
I cleaned her face with water.
A bath isn't necessary.
And as you know, we are in winter.
She might get cold and get further sick.
I think you are forgetting I'm
you superior, Gevher Hatura.
I'm talking to you as Hatun.
Now do what I tell you. Tell
the hatuns to prepare the bath.
This won't pass easily.
You will never get your mind back,
Seferiye Hatun. Your reign ends now.
The situation you are in is a
result of your mercilessness.
Mercy Mercy
You and Meliksah's marriage..
was supposed to be a mark of
sign between us and the Kipcaks.
But ever since you
came to the palace
our frictions grew even bigger.
You will pay the price of being
a spy with getting banished.
You are a spy in our book now.
Please don't say that. I
Don't give in to slander.
I have never tried anything other
than being a good wife to Meliksah
and being a good
mother to our baby.
Tapar is of the dynasty blood.
We cannot leave him to
your custody, as is the custom.
He is not your son,
but the dynasty's.
No. No way. Don't take my son
away from me, Mother Hatun.
Don't do this to me. I beg you,
don't do this to me. I beg you.
I beg you, don't take my son away
from me. You can have your throne
..your crown, your dynasty. You
separated me form Meliksah
but don't take my son away.
I'm begging you. I'm begging you!
I'm begging you!
You won't see your son again.
You are a mother too! You are
taking a baby from his motheri
Don't you have any mercy, Mother Seferiye?
Don't you have any mercy?
After all these years, why do
you have her name on your lips?
Hold those steel boxes well!
Don't drop it.
The caravans don't know
why we're going, either.
So be cautious.
If we get there on time, there will be a
sword festival at Kuvel Castle tonight.
So, you will infiltrate
Kuvel with llteber's caravan.
Spy Sencer.
Let's go.
She insisted on
seeing you, my Sultan.
My Arslan.
My Tapar.
Don't resent me.
I wasn't being cruel.
What are you talking
about Hatun Mother?
Why would you be cruel?
I heard some rumors.
Tell me the truth.
Do you still see Basulu?
You are not well, mother.
You should rest.
Take my mother to her room.
My Sultan.
What is Hatun Mother talking about?
Do you
Is my mother still alive?
Don't you know that my mother is ill?
Why do you ask these?
She is confused.
She talks about the
delusions of years ago.
So the name of the spy will be
written in the letter to the tribe.
But you won't find it out, Elcin Hatun.
What is this sword?
It is the punishment
of your betrayal.
I baited you at the feast saying
that a pigeon would come.
And you believed it.
You traitor dog!
Who are you working for?
Who puts strife to our tribes? Say it!
I don't know anyone.
You won't die easily.
You will reveal the traitor holding
leash in the presence of Sultan Meliksah.
Prepare the horses immediately!
We are going to Isfahan.
Did you remember my mother
too, after my grandmother's words?
It's been years since we
talked about my mother.
The words of my grandmother
bled the wound on my heart.
Tell me about my mother.
Maybe, my bleeding
wound can ease a little bit.
She had brows like a drawn bow.
She was the fate of my life.
She was the furnace of my home.
She was my armor in the wars
..and my assurance in my life.
And you became
the sign of this happiness, son.
How could such a
person be a spy, father?
It's been bugging me for years.
I'm a son of a spy.
What kind of a word is that, Tapar?
You are my son.
You are the melik of Seljuk.
If you feel troubled
know this.
I've never believed she was a spy.
Then, how could you do it?
How could you let the woman
whom you loved
this dearly, to be exiled?
For years
Have you ever felt the
pain I've felt for years?
Sometimes, there were people who
considered me as the son of a spy.
They used try to hide it.
But I realized it all the time.
My heart was burning
but no one saw it.
Back then, I was a Melik.
I didn't have the power
to save your mother.
I struggled so much.
Let my Rab be my witness that
..I struggled so much.
My power was only enough
to save her from execution.
I had to accept the exile.
That day
when I took Sencer and
gave him to his mother
you should have seen that poor mother.
She cried so much.
She swung around by
shouting his son's name.
She even
hugged me in such a way
she called me son
in such a way that
she let me experience
the compassion of
motherhood that I have never felt.
in that moment
..I wished I had my mother
and let her hug me like that.
The fire inside me keep burning.
I've been carrying her
longing inside me all my life.
Maybe, my mother also died in
the exile she was sent unjustly
with my longing, father.
Tapar's mother, Basulu.
She was in the palace before me.
I haven't investigated
what happened for years.
The only thing we
know about her that she was exiled from the
palace because she was a spy.
Then, it was told that she died.
If you excuse me, can I ask why
did you remember that woman?
Seferiye Hatun.
She called her name.
Then, she groaned about
conscious and such things.
And she asked Meliksah
if he still saw her.
I feel suspicious, Taculmulk.
There might be some
things we don't know.
Investigate Basulu thoroughly.
As you command, Terken Hatun.
Welcome to Kuvel,
caravan leader.
We were looking
forward for our steel.
When my men finish emptying,
the delivery will be completed.
Yet, it's become late. We
don't want to travel in dark.
If you allow us, we want
to spend the night here.
You look like a warrior,
rather than a caravan master.
Emir llteber does not make anyone
cannot hold a sword a caravan master.
We came from a long way.
Our duty is not only
to bring your goods
but also to protect them.
If you were not good with a sword.
I wouldn't believe you were a Turk.
My soldiers will show you where you
will stay after they put down the steel.
Welcome to Kuvel.
Untie the ropes!
We will wait until night.
Can I come in Terken Hatun?
I made an investigation
about Basulu Hatun.
There is no trace of
anyone that worked for her,
or any recording in the
documents of the Palace.
But I learned something new.
What is it?
I found where her grave
is after working hard.
It's not far away from here.
Let's go and check it.
Let's see if she has a
grave, or any other trace.
Make the preparations quickly.
For years, I managed to
fit the world into my palms
The throne, the
sultanate, the crown
they were all fitted into words
that come out of my moulh
But one secret is bothering me.
To the degree that I cannot fit it
into myself nor the whole world.
I was sure that I
did the right thing.
But for something that's right
why would someone
feel this much pain?
The devil shows the roads that
lead to a mistake like flower gardens.
And the road to what's right
is always filled with tough tests.
You made your decision not for
your nafs, but for the blessing of Allah
and for the well being
of the world of Islam.
That's why the burden you carry is heavy.
But Allah is always the helper of
those who walk in the path for His will.
If this fire only burned me, I would
cope up with it with the help of Allah.
It makes me even more sad that it hurts
my beloved ones who are so dear to me.
That must be the reason
why my burden is heavy.
The suffering of a test is hard,
but the fruits it will give are sweet.
Those who cannot show
patience, not only lose its fruits
but also carry the burden
of the test for nothing.
You wonder what's the fruit.
Know that your secret hides
another secret within itself.
It's a secret that it hides a seed
that will raise the Sanjac of Tawhid..
a seed that will spread
terror into the hearts of the
oppressors, and welcome the
innocent people. And it will bring.
We kept that seed a secret so
the state wouldn't be ruined
and the world of Islam
wouldn't fall into a disorder.
InshAllah we will be
able to pick up its fruits.
Do you know about the
juniper tree, my Sultan?
The seed of the juniper tree
fall down from it's own branches.
Whatever you have done for the world
of Islam, the same will be done by
the secret seed you have.
Now until your secret grows up, and b a
great shadow than can cover everyone
what you need to do is to
re-awake the soul that's sleeping.
That soul has spread
Islam to all the world,
and conquered the
hearts of everyone.
I was at Mecca and Medinah, my
Sultan. While I was coming to Isfahan.
. . . I listened to every word,
I questioned every heart
and I saw that the Fatimis
from Egypt claim to be the
caliphate were surrounded
by a cause for their sect, and
What I fear is that they will
turn muslims into heretics.
I saw that the Batinis,
who are following the
Mecusi, and trying to
establish a religion, try to
eradicate the muslims of the one
religion from the lands conquered by
Hadhrat. Abu Bakr RA, Hadhrat Umar
RA, Hadhrat Osman RA, Hadhrat Ali I
The hearts that were awakened
by Islam are now asleep
with the dreams of sultanate,
wealth and to establish a sect.
My eyes only sees the
Sultan of Seljuk, whose
heart only beats for Islam,
and who only fights for
You are the Sirdar of this sacred cause.
And I'm a soldier of this
sacred cause like my forefather
Ebul Hasan Arekani,
who were martyred under
the Sanjac that was
raised against the infidels.
There is weed over this grave, it's
obvious that no one came here for a while.
But why is this grave in a
quiet and hidden place like this?
Or did Basulu live in this
home after she was exiled?
And I will check the
house out, Taculmulk.
Nizamulmulk is uncomfortable that I'm
solving the problems he cannot solve.
From now on, he will
have his eye on my, but
I will always be
one step ahead of him.
You must have a plan.
What will you do?
I've lived in the palace for years.
I've memorized every inch every day
and put it on here.
Here. This is the secret
passage to Nizamulmulk's roon.
When I get in that room
I will expose every
secret of Nizamulmulk's
and thus, put an end
to Nizamulmulk legend.
We have news from our friend
Efruz in the Salemzar hospital.
Sencer is with the steel
caravan to Kuvel Castle.
So he will infiltrate Kuvel
castle to get the sacred relics.
Should we attack the
caravan on the way?
You have to learn how to use your
enemies instead of destroying them.
Just as Sencer took
us to the sacred relics
Sencer will give it to us again.
Tell Andreas that Sencer
will infiltrate Kuvel Castle.
They will probably take the sacred relics
outside of the castle to protect them.
Set up an ambush outside
of the castle and seize them.
Was Seferiye Hatun
right in her doubts?
Did Meliksah keep meeting Basulu
she was sent out of the palace?
Do you have a child you've kept
from everyone else, Meliksah?
If that's the case
I swear I will find that child.
Here. Some honey sherbet.
Mother Basulu made it.
You will grow quickly
and be stronger, children.
Brother Sencer told us he would
make us alps if we became strong.
They are looking for him everywhere.
How will he come here then?
Don't worry, children.
A wolf without 40 dogs
barking behind him is no wolf.
There is such power that will
make him triumph over his enemies..
that nobody
could stand before it.
What kind of power is this?
Alright, then. Let's sit.
..once upon a time, in the Oghuz tribe
there was a brave warrior called Begil.
This warrior would wait in the
border and never let an enemy go past.
One day, Begil had an
accident and got injured.
When his enemies heard of this,
they released their armies on Begil.
Begil was in such a hard spot..
he was in no position to get
up fight, nor able to die in his bed.
He raised his head
and looked in the sky.
He said, "The sky is far
away and the ground is solid."
Because he was surrounded
from every direction.
But Begil had a son named Emren.
Emren asked for his father's
permission to fight the enemy.
Brave like his father, the
son Emren got on his horse
took his alps with him
and rode on to his enemy.
There was a battle in the field. Emren and
the leader of the infidels got in a fight.
Emren took a big blow.
In that moment, he started
praying to one and only Allah.
Upon hearing this, the leader
of the infidels said to Emren
"You only have one Allah?
I have 72 gods of my own."
And Emren responded him with
"O rebellious vile man!
You are begging your gods
and I'm begging Allah, who
created the universe from nothing."
Then, he leaped like a hawk and
got his claws on the infidel's neck.
He threw him on the ground.
The infidel
was moved by Emren asking
for help from Allah and prevailing.
"O brave warrior! What is your religion?
I want that religion for myself." he said.
Then he found salvation
and became a Muslim man.
And the infidel army was destroyed.
Now, what I'm saying, children
in such hard times, the sky is far
and the ground is solid for the warriors.
But you are only great as much as
you know how to use your means.
Just like Emren. Just as he
got on his father's
horse and went to battle
the brave warriors will
keep on going to the battle.
And most importantly
they ask for protection
from the one and only Allah.
This faith is enough to
destroy the unbelievers
but it's also enough to
lead them to the right path.
This is the greatest power.
The guards are coming.
We'll take their clothes.
Be quick.
I put some personal belongings
the room at the end of the hallway.
Tell the guards in front of the
room to never leave their places
As you order, sir.
Hey, you!
Are you Bizantine?
What? Of course we are.
Then why do you carry a Turk's sword?
Because the Turks
will talk in Kuvel tonight.
If you want to live,
answer my question first.
Where are the sacred relics?
I don't know what that is.
Commander Yorgos just said he
had personal belongings in one room.
There are guards in front of it.
Please don't kill me.
Don't worry.
I won't.
But for a while you won't be able
to tell anyone what you've seen.
Hide them.
We will go to that room.
You think that your secrets would
never be revealed, Nizamulmulk.
I will reveal every secret you have.
I'll spot and destroy
your men one by one.
Did they make all of them with the
same symbol as the ones we made?
There are only two people
in Isfahan that could do these.
I found where they are.
At dawn we will go to their
shop and investigate them.
We will learn from them who shot
the arrow that burned Hayyam's house.
What's is this at
this hour of the night?
What's going on?
If this isn't important I'll kill you.
We got news from
the Batinis. It's urgent.
They say Sencer has
infiltrate to the castle!
Tell the soldiers to
check every hallway.
Catch him.
He might be in here. Catch him.
It isn't nice to see you while imagining
the woman I fell in love with, commander.
I don't care about your dream! Batinis
sent news. Sencer is in the castle.
In the castle? How
could that happen?
He got in while you
were drinking this!
He knows that the sacred
relics are here. He understood it!
I'll kill you Sencer.
If you don't take those sacred
relics and get out of here, I'll kill you.
If Sencer finds those
sacred relics in the castle,
Meliksah will come
here with his army.
Do you understand?
I will use the secret tunnel. He
can't find anybody in the castle.
I hope so.
These are Sencer and his men.
Kill them!
They understood that we
are here. We need to be quick.
The room the soldier mentioned
must be ahead. Let's go.
It might be a trap.
The sacred relics are not here.
They took them away.
That castle will be your grave, Sencer.
No one can take
what belongs to us.
We need to go after
them immediately.
What you are looking
for isn't here, Sencer.
But you'll die for
infiltrating my castle.
I'll send your head..
to Meliksah.
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