Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

All Old Things Must Pass: Part 1

Get out here, 598.
Uh please?
Don't try any
heroics again this time, 598.
And how's your buddy?
You broke Alvin's freakin' neck,
you monarchy psychopath!
Well, he looked at me funny.
Don't even think about it, 598.
I'll put you down, now.
I'm gonna enjoy
shoving your head
up his ass
when the Republic falls.
You've been
in confinement too long.
The Republic has fallen.
Our Grand Supreme Guardian
will usher us into a new light.- Leader.
- What?
- Grand Supreme Leader.
He only uses
Guardian of the People
in certain circumstances
Then I shall
eradicate the poison
of your new leadership as well.
With the royal ancestors
of Arriopa as my witness
I shall end the evil
that has infested my land.
Oh, Doctor,
you have outdone yourself.
- That was fun.
- Thought you'd enjoy that one.
One of my personal favourites.
Each vessel is made
from harvested Qrudustia,
less machine and more a conduit
in which to harness
the energy of the Sterzaad.
It's remarkable.
Without that
specific source of energy,
these tools
are essentially useless.
And my new ship?
It'll be ready forlaunch
after your inauguration.
Now, if you'll excuse me
I have a party to prepare for.
Hey, Winni, can
you forward a message to Chaz?
Would you like to call him?
No. He'll try
to talk me out of going,
and he does the big brother
guilt trip thing really
really well.
Hey, bro, we're on Arriopa.
We're doing it.
We're gonna take down Lazaro.
I'm aware how crazy that sounds.
I know what I'm doing.
We have a plan
and we have Elida.
We'll be okay.
Love you, bro.
Send, Winni.
Message sent.
I wish you were returning home
under better circumstances.
- Yeah.
- Aw
It'll take a few hours
to hike into the city.
Just what this one needs
to cure his hangover.
Was it a good party, at least?
A a giant murderous
spider monster was on our ship.
How drunk were you?
You sure you wanna do this?
Take him on solo?
I can't risk
losing the both of you, too.
He's too powerful.
We're taking you
as far as we can.
We're with you.
All the way.
Or until Dessai
and her crazy Loyalists,
they bomb us into oblivion.
So, THAT you remember?
We left enough
messages with Dessai and Volun
them know we're in Arriopa.
It's all we can do.
If we should die
tell only
the heroic stories about me.
It would be preferable
if you all came back alive.
We'll miss you too, Winnibee.
I'm sorry
we have to leave you here.
I've increased
the security protocols.
Anyone tries
anything, and they'll
I am aware, Amae.
We set the protocol
together earlier today.
- You ready?
- I'm ready.
Let's do this.
I just gotta pee.
It's the wrong way around!
- Well done, Harry.
- It came like that!
Bring it up we'll do it again.
Hey. It's me again.
I know. You
think me unworthy of this gift.
The fact is,
I am the only one capable
of using it the right way,
the way it was intended.
I mean, it knows that.
You see, this isn't aboutcontrol,
this isn't about power.
No, none of the
ambitions of foolish leaders.
When simpletons
are left running the show,
logic is held
in such low regard.
You're just another
in a long
line of failures.
You promised!
I let time
get away from me again.
You promised you'd be back
before your father got up.
I can't keep covering for you.
It's not gonna
happen again, mom.
Where were you?
You were at
the protest, weren't you?
if your father finds out..
- I hope he does!
- Shh.
This monarchy massacred hundreds
on Huya Prime because they
wanted to govern themselves.
And the king?
The king lets this planet rot
while we do nothing
but throw a damn party.
Mom, I'm sorry, I just
- I
- My boy.
You're such a thoughtful soul.
Always thinking
about the greater good.
He sees a great
leader in you too, your father.
A great leader?
Mom, I'm more like a dog that
he can beat into submission.
At the very least
I need you
to save me from the baroness
talking my ear off
about her philanthropy today.
Your father's in the library.
Laz gear,
get your Laz gear here!
Peace and love, friends!
Buy one, get one half price.
I'll even throw in a free hat.
You know
this'll be a lot easier
to accept if everyone
was under Lazaro's spell.
Then it wouldn't
be so disappointing
how many idiots
there are in this galaxy.
He calls himself a guardian,
but where was our vote?
If he wants power,
hold a fair election,
join the revolution!
Well, at least not everyone
is a crazy Lazaro fan.
First time back
here since you were a kid.
- Must be strange.
- Yeah.
None of this used to be here.
Gentrification, man.
It looks so different.
Not that I got to leave
the palace much anyway, but
You ever think about
the queen you could be now,
if given the chance?
First thing
I would do if I was queen
- is put you in charge.
- All right.
Yeah, I wouldn't have
to worry about anything.
Check in, you'd
have it all under control.
In your fantasy version
of my monarchy rule,
you're not even around?
And you're off doing what,
taking all the adventures?
I kindly decline your offer.
I'm not
missing out on all the fun.
All right,
well you guys have fun.
Chilling in a palace
hot tub sounds like fun to me.
What is all this? What
Somebody taught me to blend in.
Ah, getting into
character, I like it.
I've got eyes on her.
Arriopa City.
I'll take that, thank you.
Oh, is that young Ori Lazaro?
Look how you've grown!
He's looking more
and more like you every day.
No need to upset
the boy on such a fine day.
I hear
you're petitioning alongside
our remote colonies.
Change comes from within, boy.
Not by distancing
yourself from the monarchy.
So, you'd agree
there needs to be change?
Our son has
a passion for social justice.
I recall a fair few of our own
campaigns as youngsters,
They were quite the pair,
these two.
The stories I have on them!
I would love
to hear some of those.
- Oh, well
- Before they were complicit
in this
monarchy's heinous actions.
If you will excuse us, Francis.
- Duchess.
- Oh.
Would you like a drink, Duchess?
- Oh.
- You must see our gardens.
Oh, I'd love
I'd love to.
Who do you think you are, boy?
Embarrassing not only yourself,
but your own family? You've
been given great privilege,
and now you're
throwing it all away.
Father, please,
just listen to me.
All right, the crimes committed
under the king's rule cannot
No more, Lazaro.
You are the future marquis,
for goodness' sake.
This childish
behaviour stops now.
Do not make me choose between
my son and this monarchy.
Because that is an ultimatum
you will not win!
You will
apologize to our guests.
Is that understood?
Frustrating, isn't it?
Watching our home crumble under
a corrupt, oppressive ruler?
We've had our eye
on you for some time.
Let's just say
there are those among us
who share your
disdain for the monarchy.
You're not alone.
So, why fight alone?
Who are you?
We are the revolution.
My mistake was putting
my trust in the wrong people.
Eh, I was young.
a common enemy made an ally.
Oh, but now
Now I have an opportunity
to right all their wrongs.
Well, my guests are waiting.
'Til next time.
You're following us.
No, no.
Just you.
Who are you?
Just a messenger.
Hey, Terex.
How you doin'?
You gave El the scav job
back on the Sunshine Express.
Right, the scav job
she didn't complete
and now you're pissed,
blah, blah, blah.
You gotta kiss and make up,
we got bigger fish to fry.
Yeah yeah, this
is really not a good time.
is it not? Or should we come back at a time
that's a bit more
convenient for you?
That would be greatly
appreciated, thank you.
Well, tough titties, sunshine.
Think you can scam me
out of a ship and cash,
- and get away with it?
- Terex
Something came up,
okay? And I wasn't trying to scam you.
The ship is back on Carillo
and you can take the money
- back right now
- Not that simple.
See, my clients, they
were waitin' on that delivery.
You really
flarked the operation.
Lost me a lotta cash.
So, we're handing
you three over as collateral.
And your clients are?
- Spiders.
- Oh, great, not those guys.
Space Pirates.
Obsessed with my skin.
You guys have any versionof
Stun 'n Run without guns?
Well, off the top of
my head, uh,
- you have a machete on you?
- Why would I have a machete?
Over there.
Get 'em!
Ha-ha! Nowhere
to run now, asshats.
Drop it, or I drop one of you.
You took out
one of my best guys.
It's hard to find loyal scavs.
So you know what?
Seeing as the human's
getting skinned anyway,
- no need to deliver him alive.
- No!
You won't be safe anywhere!
Nothing I haven't
heard before, Butterpop!
It's Buttercup, but
Figured you might be
the disturbance we heard about.
Uh, I can promise yougoing
in unnoticed WAS the plan.
Sometimes it does feel like
we have a giant, flashing
neon sign over our heads.
- It says "Shoot here."
- I do not see
the neon sign,
but we got to you just in time.
So, you finally got our message?
You do know
how insane it is, right?
Dessai believes
this is our only option.
With the Sterzaad,
Lazaro's powers are endless.
This is not just about Arriopa.
Nearly every leader from
across the galaxy is visiting.
- He must be stopped.
- Duh.
What do you think
we're here for, free swag?
I will stop him, Volun.
And kill him.
So call her before her bombs
kill thousands of people.
Violence is our last resort.
I don't relish in the
destruction of innocent lives,
but Lazaro does.
What do you have to lose?
Either we succeed or we don't
and you can just go ahead
with your Plan A anyway.
Plan A was retrieving
the Sterzaad from Wix.
Too soon, Volun, too soon.
I will inform General Dessai.
If General Dessaiis
planning on bombing the city,
what the hell
are you doing here?
We have others here.
Political prisoners
under the Republic.
And if there is even
a chance that they're still
alive, well, we have
to try before it's too late.
We're taking Elida
as close to Lazaro as possible.
After that, we'll help you.
But we're not doing
it for you, or Dessai.
Just 'cause
it's a slightly better option
than watching
Lazaro's inauguration speech.
There's a tunnel in the garden
that leads straight
from the Belior statue
to the palace.
You need tickets
to get on the palace grounds.
But, uh, they're sold out.
And these
are 20,000 units each.
You are crowned
Queen Eldaya the 23rd,
Empress of Arriopa
and all her planets.
And Queen of Eternity.
She's so young.
With the right guidance,
she will be a great queen.
- Puppet on a string.
- What?
- A marvellous thing.
- It's the highest honour
to be invited
to the coronation, Lazaro.
I am honoured, father.
Mother, Father?
If you'll excuse me,
I'd like to introduce myself
to some visiting colony leaders.
Show them around
our beautiful city.
Ten years old!
We are a vassal to a damn child.
Well The king's deathwas
a short-lived celebration.
We have to rethink
our strategy about Huya Prime.
Our army was stationed
there for the king's arrival.
There's no ambush
with no royal visit.
I say we set up reconnaissance
posts in the meantime.
Hmm. Lazaro.
You're being quiet.
I say the new queen
is a blessing.
Oh, please.
Do enlighten us.
The child
is no threat, of course.
the queen mother,
a formidable woman,
give her time,
and her rule as puppet master
will prove
to be far more dangerous
than her
late husband's ever was.
What are you suggesting?
These tactics
they're taking us throughout
the Arriopan colonies.
It is a waste of resources.
I say we storm the palace.
I know you're a fan of the
But we've been building
this revolution for a decade.
We'd be throwing everything
away if we just "went in".
The monarchy would use
every single resource they have
to execute
our entire revolutionary army!
The palace is in
a state of transition,
which means
so are their defences.
I assure you,
we will not be given
another opportunity
such as this.
Mark my words.
I will destroy the last scion
of a millennia-old
oppressive force.
You are gonna be a tremendousleader
in our new Republic, son.
I just want
a chance to undo the damage
the monarchy
has caused for centuries.
The people deserve
to rule themselves.
With some guidance.
Excuse me?
Can you help me?
There's supposed to be
a viewing spot somewhere.
You're in the wrong section.
Step aside.
You guys mind if
I get a photo with you?
Because I love,
love what you do.
No. I'll ask you
one more time, step aside.
- Hi.
- 'Sup.
It's been a pleasure, guys.
Oh, shit!
Where'd you get that?
Stole it.
I'm so proud.
There will be more on the way.
- Elida?
- Hold on! You remember
your secret hideout from
when you were seven years old?
I don't remember
what happened yesterday.
Again a lot of murders.
- A lot.
- Yeah, it's
slowly ringing a bell.
Aha, got it.
- Holy shit.
- Wow.
- Yep, that's it.
- Hmm.
Looks like a sewer now.
Volun, you are
unparalleled in your ability
to state the obvious,
you know that?
If only you could be
here to see this, Mother.
All old things must pass.
This is so gross.
Sounds like
the party's getting started.
- Mm.
- What's wrong?
What are you, serious?
You don't?
it smells very bad down here.
You can smell it, right?
Um, it's
Remind me never to
accept an invite to your home.
A bit of a missed opportunity
for a one liner here.
Trudging through crap
to face your past.
You're right.
Nice recovery.
Those people
don't you see as their queen.
You're just an incompetent child
they blame
for all their problems.
And they will
kill you if they can.
I'm sorry, my love.
There is nothing you can do.
They're inside,
we must get to the launch pad.
1,000 years of murder and
starvation ends here tonight!
Find the queen! No longer
will an incompetent child rule.
Captain Lazaro, shuttle pad's
launching on the east wing.
You're under arrest for crimes
against the people of Arriopa.
I will find you.
Find out where they're going.
And round up every single
damn monarchist in this city.
our new court of law
will deliver justice.
I could not be more thrilled
with the turnout here today.
To my visitors
from near and far,
the influential leaders from
across our galaxy sitting here
before me
welcome to Arriopa.
These passages will takeus
into the east wing prisons.
Our communication
devices won't work down there.
The palace was designed to keep
the detainment cells secure.
We won't be able
to reach each other.
Go give 'em hell.
Okay, buddy?
We can still leave.
If I don't make it
make sure you tell everyone
at my funeral it was your idea.
Be- -
You wanna say
be careful, don't you?
We'll see you real soon, okay?
- You should go.
- Shh.
Just give 'em a moment.
Our first kiss, and
we're covered
in crap outside of a sewer.
Yeah, I couldn't pass up
on such a romantic story.
Subtle, man.
You have pleaded guilty
to the crimes of extortion
and conspiring with
our monarchist enemies.
People's Republic
shall now pass your sentence.
Life imprisonment.
Take them away.
- No, please!
- No!
- We're innocent.
- That is a fair sentence.
Trust me.
You do not want the alternative.
Bring forth the next subject
for the people's justice.
The Marquis Ori-Bastra.
You've been charged with
treasonagainst the revolutionary state.
How do you plead?
do you plead?
I should've
strangled you in your crib.
Even then, Father,
it wouldnot have stopped the inevitable.
How do you plead?
- Not guilty.
- Guilty.
The sentence is death.
You will never win.
The monarchy
will restore power
the queen will return!
No, she won't.
I will make sure of that.
All old things
must pass.
Most of you
know me as a commander.
An insulting title
that bestowed upon me
by a petty Republic government
that had no use for
a visionary post-revolution.
But it was a title I accepted.
And I was
too naive to understand
that the people
I helped bring to power
were just as
morally corrupt as the last.
A new mask,
and a familiar tyrant.
Rulers. Leaders.
Kings and queens
from across our galaxy.
I've invited you
all here today so that
we can start again.
will mark this as day one.
When power
was truly
handed back to the people.
Breach in
containment cells, level one.
Backup requested immediately.
- Fully charged.
- Yeah!
Because I charged
it for you last night!
Pretty surel remembered to do it this time.
Mm, nope.
That scav had quite
a few cool things on him.
We're trapped.
Cover me.
It's okay.
Everything is gonna be okay.
Help me.
I will.
I'm gonna
get you outta here, okay?
And everything is gonna be okay.
help me get
this thing
- You had a vest on?
- Mm.
You stole this
thing too, didn't you?
So proud.
So today, we look to each other,
and we ask what does
real leadership look like?
It takes sacrifice.
To do
what is right for the whole
is often in conflict
with the wants
of the individual.
Bring forth the next subject!
Admirals Admirals
th this was not discussed.
she's no threat to us.
The marquis' wife
stands accused of treason.
Led blindly by her husband.
let her repent.
Perhaps she can
learn the error of her ways.
You stand charged with
treasonagainst the revolutionary state.
How do you plead?
Not guilty.
Order! Order!
Mother, please.
Accept your guilt.
Join the Republic,
we can move on from this.
From Father's mistakes.
Mother, please.
My only mistake
was failing my son.
And losing him to you.
The sentence is death.
Admirals, please.
The wholeis stronger than the individual.
If we do not keep true
to these principals,
we are no better than
the monarchy we replace.
All old things must pass.
Admirals, you know
I champion our cause.
She's not the enemy.
Are we to believe thatyou're
putting your own emotions
before the well-being
of this Republic?
Are you our commander,
or just another sympathizer?
Because there are severe
for that.
I stand before quite
a diverse group of leaders.
But one thing binds you all.
The power
you hold over your people.
And your people have felt that.
They have felt starvation,
while they watched you feast.
They have felt
their backs break under toil
while you cracked the whip.
They have felt
their spirits crumble
from your endless lies,
betrayal and corruption!
All guilty of these crimes
and face your people.
Here we stand at a crossroads.
A new beginning.
A new slate.
A chance for the people
to determine their own future.
- Move.
- Rulers
from across our galaxy,
you have abused
your power
in a most heinous way.
Your rule ends today.
With your lives.
Holy shit.
Call Isaac.
All old things
must pass.
Shit. Shit, shit.
Huh. Woulda thought
there'd be a bunch more guards.
Must be really
enjoying this party.
- Duchess.
- Oh.
The duke?
Back to the tunnels!
A job well done, I'd say.
There is another level below.
- There is more of us.
- Of course there is.
Take the others. We'll
rendezvous back in the city.
- We're with you.
- Why not?
That was almost too easy.
In only a few hours
I've done more
for the people of this galaxy
than you could
have done in a lifetime.
Your corruption and deceit
does not stand in isolation.
Our entire universe
is infested with it.
With fools who think
they can lead.
And from the ashes,
they will rebuild
stronger, self-sufficient.
But why stop there,
when I can give the gift
of a clean slate
throughout time and space?
So, I must leave
Arriopa for a while.
Oh, uh, had the Admirals told
me you'd survived the gunshot,
I would've come home sooner,
you know, finish the job.
But, um, it worked out well.
I'm glad you survived
long enough to witness this.
Lasted longer than I thought.
Hmm. At least you
had some company for a whille.
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