Valley of Tears (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

The Abyss

Goddammit, the valley's
full of Syrian Tanks!
They've crossed the trenches
and are headed this way.
Yoni, loaded?
- Loaded.
- Squash-head shell ready?
Meni, how many tanks are there?
A hundred.
- Maybe more.
- How can we take out
all of them?
Squash-head shell ready?
Fuck this, they threw us to the dogs.
That's enough! Enough!
Marco, on?
Are you on target?
Marco, answer me!
Are you on?
There's no visibility.
Start climbing, Melakhi.
I'll only fire on whoever's moving,
so we don't waste shells on carcasses.
More, more, more.
Easy does it.
- On!
- Stop!
Yoni, hold on tight.
Bull's-eye! We hit it!
Excellent! Now load
another one. Hurry, hurry!
Yoni, come on, where's the shell?
What's going on?
There has to be a shell
in the barrel all the time.
We're in firing position.
Yoni, hurry up! Yoni!
- On.
- Hurry!
Give me the target!
Give me the target!
Yoni, get a shell in there, damn it!
Hurry! Shove it in.
Say "loaded"!
They're shooting at us!
What's going on in there?
- Let's go!
- Hurry! Load it!
- Come on! Put it in!
- Let's go!
- Open the safety catch.
- Loaded.
- Fire.
- Firing!
Ha ha! Yes! It's on fire!
Marco, a quarter to the right.
He's turning towards us.
- Moving to target.
- Hurry up, hurry up!
- Come on, hurry up!
- Hold on!
- Yoni, hurry up.
- What's going on?
He's firing!
He's firing at us, Meni.
Melakhi, back up!
Unh! Melakhi, hurry!
Go now!
- Loaded.
- Wait! Wait! Let's take him out.
Melakhi, you gotta back up!
Firing! Firing!
It's a hit!
Melakhi, let's go now.
They're shooting at us!
Pull back, Melakhi. Come on!
Pull back!
Go, go!
Yoni, are you okay?
Whoever who invented these ramps
deserves the Israel prize.
You got it?
- I get it now.
- Good.
CO to Tahini 2. Over.
Who's Tahini?
I guess we're Tahini.
This is Tahini, over.
Get back on the ramp.
They're coming your way.
We can't lose the ramp.
Copy that.
Get back on the ramp.
They're coming this way.
No, Meni, we can't get
back on the ramp.
All the barrels are aimed at us.
We're going up firing,
then coming back down for cover.
Let's go. Back up to the ramp.
- Fuck, what for?
- Marco, that's enough.
Melakhi, get back on.
2, this is CO.
To your north is the Adir garrison.
We are situated south
on the dominant ridge.
You must block the axis at all costs.
I repeat.
Block the axis!
Otherwise they'll overtake us.
Over and out.
The fate of this country's on us?
Marco, on?
Marco, are you on target?
- On.
- Melakhi, stop!
- Fire.
- Firing!
Another one!
Another one!
- Load another one!
- Loaded!
On! Let's go!
They're just like a swarm of ants.
- On.
- Loaded!
It's a hit.
Next one!
Another one, come on!
- Go!
- Loaded, let's go!
Come on!
Let's roast these fuckers!
- On!
- Fire!
Way to go, Yoni!
That's my boy.
That's my boy! Ha ha ha!
- Loaded!
- On.
- Marco.
- What?
Marco, your left, your left!
- Loaded!
- On.
Fire. Fire!
It's not firing!
I can't fire it!
- What did you say?
- I just loaded another shell.
- The shell is stuck.
- Throw in another, Yoni!
- What's going on?
- The shell's jammed.
Get the shell extractor!
That thing! Hurry!
Quick, he's aiming for us.
Fire already! Fire!
Yoni, put it in between the rim
and the bolt.
Wait. Which one's the bolt?
- Show me!
- Right there!
It's advancing!
It's aiming at us! Aah!
Yoni, what's going on?
Everyone, stop!
I can't focus when you shout at me.
Just get it out!
You gotta pull it out!
- Take the shell out!
- Good. Shove it in again.
Open the safety catch!
- Loaded, loaded!
- Firing!
It's a hit!
Melakhi, back up.
Melakhi, back the tank up!
Melakhki, hurry up! Go!
Back up! Go, go!
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Guys, that ramp section is toast.
Those sons of bitches!
Meni, take a look to your right.
A bunch of new T62s.
They're covering the fields,
the entire green area.
Yeah, I see, I see.
CO, this is Tahini.
The valley's been breached.
They've seized the entire area.
Hundreds of Syrian tanks
and infantry coming our way.
- It's over for us.
- Roger 2, I know.
But you have to hold onto the ramp.
Switch positions, and block the axis.
The axis must be blocked!
- Over.
- Copy that.
Melakhi, advance.
Go to the second ramp, on the left.
Faster. Faster!
A bit to left.
Now break right, all the way.
- Firing!
- Good.
Are you on target?
Driver, you see the bus stop up ahead?
Affirmative. Why?
You can stop there.
This is where we get off.
Driver, stop.
Make it quick.
You have two minutes.
I'm covering you.
Come back quickly!
This is exactly where
I left him, right here.
He was on the rock.
That's his blood.
Yoav He's here.
- Dafna.
- Huh?
There's a trail of blood here.
It continues.
Where are you going?
Come back!
Over there.
Dafna, wait. Be careful.
Look. The blood trail
stops here.
You said before
that he couldn't move, right?
But he still dragged himself.
That means he's alive.
Don't move.
Stay here.
- What?
- Shh.
- The Syrians captured the APC.
- What?
Dafna, we
I have to try and save them.
- I'm coming with you.
- No, no. You stay here.
- I just need your rifle.
- I'm coming with you.
No, you're not coming.
I promised Yoav
I'd keep you safe, and I meant it.
Do you know what they do to women?
I can't let that happen to you.
For Yoav' sake,
please give me your rifle.
Trust me, I'll be fine.
We don't have time.
Give me the rifle.
Now please run.
I'll be fine. Just run.
Hide somewhere. Go!
Go hide already!
It's a hit!
Keep it up.
- Load it! Yoni, load it!
- On target!
Let's go! Let's go!
- Hold on.
- Faster!
- Say "loaded"!
- Marco, fire! Let's go!
- Yoni?
- Hurry up, Yoni!
- We're totally out of shells.
- What?
Yoni, check on the right.
There should be more there.
- Yoni, what's going on?
- Damn it! Move, move!
- No! No shells!
- What's going on?
- I'm telling you, we're all out!
- Fuck, we're empty.
- We're all out. What do we do?
- Damn it!
Go! Let's get outta here!
Tahini stations!
Tahini stations!
I'm on an empty stomach.
Who can give us some candy?
This is CO Tahini,
looking for some candy.
Hold down the ramp at all costs.
Use machine guns.
If you're on the ramp,
the Syrians will think you're
armed. That'll stall them.
Otherwise we're finished.
Copy that? Over.
Copy that. Over.
- Meni, talk to us.
- What did he say, Meni?
- What?
- Okay
They want us to remain in place
and use all the
light ammunition we have,
because if we don't, it's all over.
We've been hearing it's over
for three days now.
If they seize 87, it's over.
If we don't fight back, it's over.
This fuckin' country,
they keep jerking us around.
Let's disobey the order
- and get the hell out!
- I don't want to hear
any of that right now!
Stop! Stop!
So what do we do, Meni?
Just sit here
and wait around until we all blow up?!
We're just waiting to die.
Melakhi, back up a little.
We could get out of the tank.
Maybe it's safer for us
to be outside the tank.
Yoni, if the Syrians
see us jumping out,
they'll spray us and seize the ramp!
He's right. The safest place
for now is in the tank.
So it's best we stay in the tank.
We'll be protected in here.
Close your hatch.
What the hell?
You're closing the hatch?
If the Syrian tanks can
keep their hatches closed,
then, damn it, Meni Ben-Dror
can close his hatches up, too!
- Meni.
- Yep.
Do you know what they taught us
in basic training
- about the Syrian Tiran tanks?
- Uh, nope.
The only difference
between the Syrian Tirans
and target barrels
is that the barrels don't run away.
I remember mocking them and laughing.
We all did.
Are the Syrians running now?
Do they look like target
barrels to you?
Because the Syrians are brave.
They have better binoculars than us
and night vision gear
that we don't have.
Where are you going with this, Melakhi?
They only make one mistake.
They were taught one mistake.
They fight with their hatches closed.
Their peri-telescope has
a limited range, narrow angle.
Their tanks have no idea
what's going on
right next to them,
because their hatches are closed.
But we have a different approach.
We battle with our hatches open.
So what?
We don't have to fight them at range.
We need to get right between them.
They don't know anything
about this terrain.
Open the hatches.
Direct me to the gathering point.
Hey, kid, have you lost your shit?
Whoa, whoa.
Melakhi, Melakhi!
Break left.
Left, left, left!
Crazy son of a bitch
Give it all you got, Melakhi.
More, more, more. Go, go!
That's it. Stop, stop.
Now go.
Tout suite!
No, no, please
Excuse me, excuse me.
- How long have you been here?
- Leave me alone.
Leave me alone.
Was there someone here named Yoav?
Leave me alone.
Anyone see an officer
by the name of Yoav?
Did they interrogate you?
No, I'm not No.
I'm not a pilot.
I can't say anything.
I'm not prepared.
They can't find out what I know.
Tell me. What do they do
during questioning?
We're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to speak.
I'm not a pilot.
I'm not a pilot.
We're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to speak.
We're not allowed to speak.
Hey, guys.
Tank crews.
Tank crews, get over here.
Come on. Listen up.
Tank crews!
Guys, listen up.
We have to forget everything
we were taught.
The Syrians are there
with hundreds of tanks
and massive artillery units.
They're sending their military reserve.
They don't give a fuck.
We don't stand a chance
if we stay on the ramps.
They're taking us out
like sitting ducks.
But the Syrians are making
one big mistake
one mistake we were prepared for:
They keep their hatches
closed when they fight.
Their commander
just sits inside.
He can't see left or right
when he's in there.
Which means we have
to change our approach.
We have to change how we think
about fighting them.
We have to go right next to them.
Fight from behind, from the sides,
crush them from within their ranks.
Face-to-face combat
against 150 tanks, man?
Yup. You got that right, man.
Melakhi is right.
If we go bumper to bumper
they can't see anything,
but we can.
Take 'em out up close.
Listen, guys,
the Syrians will be on the ridge soon.
And then, that's it.
They're on the highway headed
towards my mother in Jerusalem
and your mother
and your mother and your mother!
Whoever has the guts to join us,
you're welcome.
Get on my frequency.
We'll be on 37/80.
Guys, I'm with them.
We can move along the foliage
and sneak into the valley.
- Hmm?
- Let's do this.
- Let's go! Get the tanks ready!
- Let's go!
Let's go, Bentzi.
Come on, guys!
Gimme that.
Come on.
Melakhi, remember the judge's wife?
Averbuch, from Rehavia.
Yeah. So?
That bitch filed charges.
Against your ma? She's worked
for her for 20 years.
That woman eats for lunch
what my family eats in a week,
but she marched straight over
to the police station
and filed charges.
Set her "slave" stole her candlesticks.
They wanted to lock her up.
My mother.
Remember what we did with the mice
at the deputy mayor's?
How could I forget?
I put a thousand mice in his house.
We didn't understand how
my mom got us out on bail.
She got us out with those candlesticks.
They wanted to lock her up
for years, Melakhi.
Because of us.
I swear on my soul, Melakhi,
the cops and me had an agreement.
They gave me their word
they wouldn't touch you.
They said to me,
"Marco, just toss us a few crumbs
and we'll close
your mother's case."
A few crumbs?
Yeah, Marco, a few crumbs, that's all?
They know things about me
that even my mom doesn't know.
Don't you know what they're like?
Yeah, of course those assholes
extorted me.
I mean, those guys had me
by my balls, you know.
First they told me "just crumbs,"
then they screwed me over.
And now I'm here in this war
bleeding for them
like some fucking stooge.
I got it.
Listen, kid
You're my son,
but I don't know you at all.
You get that?
You came knocking one day,
"Here I am."
Who are you? I don't know you.
I don't know anything about you,
what you like, what your hobbies are,
if you have a girlfriend,
if you're in love. But
what you've managed to
uh, teach me over these
past couple of days
no one taught me before.
I thank you for that, I do.
I really do.
I love you, son.
I love you.
I I heard everything you said.
And I'm thankful
that you're going through this,
but, uh
I'm telling you,
it could take some time.
But I love you, too.
Take your time, kid.
Take as long as you need.
Tank ready, Meni?
Ready and awaiting orders, commander.
Take this.
- Let's go.
- Where are you going, Melakhi?
No, no, no.
You didn't get it.
Ready and awaiting
your orders, commander.
Up there.
Get up there.
I'm a driver, not a commander.
- Get on.
- Yoni, get in.
Hey, listen, kid, I'll drive the tank.
This was your idea, so get up there.
Meni, we're about to maneuver
among those Syrian tanks.
I'm the only one that can do that.
The best driver in the IDF.
I don't care.
This was your idea.
Only you can lead this whole thing.
Now stop wasting time, get up there,
and start commanding this tank.
I'm driving.
What are you looking at me for?
Take charge.
Do you even know how
to drive this tank? Huh?
It's not some decrepit tank.
Take a look at this.
He grew some balls.
Get up there already!
I led a regiment of Sherman tanks
when you were just a sperm
in your dad's nut sac.
What's up?
I'm commander.
Ben-Dror is driving.
- Unh
- We got it made.
My Black Panthers
and White Panthers
may God watch over us.
- Ben-Dror!
- Yeah?
Commander Melakhi's first order:
Close up your hatches
and start up your the engine.
Oh, shit.
Is this your blood?
I think it was the last guy's.
Wasn't cleaned up.
Oh. Ugh. I guess that means
this thing's not so lucky.
We'll be fine.
Starting engine.
The gas pedal's on the right, bro.
Looks like it's all kinda
changed, you know?
In the Mule Corps,
our tanks were different.
Alush Stations, this is CO.
Bentzi, you are number 2.
File after me
back to the valley. Over.
CO, this is Bentzi.
Copy that, I'm Alush 2.
Following your trail.
Over and out.
This is 3, copy.
This is CO Alush.
Prepare for combat.
Over and out.
Sit down, pilot.
I'm not a pilot.
Sit. Don't be scared.
The best for the Air Force, no?
Isn't that what you say?
I'm not a pilot.
I told you that.
Pity, isn't it?
Don't you prefer to skip all that?
I'm not a pilot, I swear.
My jumpsuit is
Forget what they taught you
in pilot captivity class.
It won't help you.
Even if you don't talk now,
you will be talking in half an hour.
And if not
then in an hour.
Two hours.
In the end, you will talk.
The only question is
at what cost?
I'm in no rush.
Right now, you must be saying
to yourself
"I'll hold out."
"I'll be a hero."
No one is a hero.
Right, Husni?
This guy
is crazy.
You set him free to play
with all of his toys
and he's as happy as a little kid.
This is his favorite toy.
Right, Husni?
What do you call it?
you don't have to be a hero.
There's no need.
You weren't the one
who decided to start this war.
Your leaders did that.
Golda, Dayan, Eshkol.
You think they give a damn?
They're sitting in an office,
having coffee and a cigarette.
You want a cigarette?
We weren't the ones
that began this war.
You didn't start it?
Speak up, speak up.
Don't be afraid.
Ah, Alush
Ah, Alush
the Golan Heights, to you.
Dayan, Eshkol, Rabin
Well, Mr. Pilot
You wanna talk like two human beings?
Like brothers?
Or do you prefer to just let Husni
take over and have some fun?
Do you really think that I'll
believe all that nonsense
that the Zionist Army
instructed you to tell me?
Is that what you think?!
Is this how you disrespect me?
La la la
La! La!
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