Vindication (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

Dark Web

(dramatic music)
- [Katie] I don't want you to do anything
about what I'm gonna tell you.
I just wanted somebody else to know.
I think it'll help me move forward.
Since you asked.
Here we are.
- [Travis] I understand.
(dramatic music)
(doorbell ringing)
(soft dramatic music)
- Good evening.
- Hi, I need to have
this prescription filled.
- Sorry, but I can't fill this.
- Why not?
- Because it's not real.
- What do you mean it's not real?
I just saw my doctor earlier today.
- Well, I can give him
a call in the morning
to verify, if you want me to.
Then we'll let you know
when it's ready for pickup.
- Listen, I really need it tonight.
Just this once, can you do it?
- All I can do for you right now
is tell you to get some help,
for your own sake.
- Ew, that is so gross.
Who is that?
- Troy.
- Is that the Troy that
Brooke is talking to?
- Yep.
- You are so bad.
- Yeah, but he's hot.
- She knew it was fake
as soon as she saw it.
- Well, they took it last time,
so we'll just do another pharmacy.
- She threw it away.
- So she threw my stuff away?
- Yeah, did your little brother write it?
It was terrible.
- Hold on.
- Seriously, what did you want me to do?
- That wouldn't have happened
if I would have went in there.
- Well you never would have gone in there.
- Ladies.
This is your ticket to another world
and a night of unspeakable enchantment.
(soft dramatic music)
Who's gonna try it?
- I'm in.
(soft dramatic music)
- Hold it under your tongue.
(dramatic music)
(pulsing music)
(doorbell ringing)
(birds chirping)
(door opening)
- Get dressed, your ride is here.
- Great night, huh?
Yeah, I remember those nights.
Crazy, crazy, crazy.
You look dead.
I mean, no offense.
You know, it's just,
someone as pretty as you
to look that bad, you must
have made some memories, huh?
You know, uh,
I do a lotta business in this area.
Put my kids into college,
if you guys keep partying this hard.
Yeah, crazy, crazy, crazy.
(birds chirping)
- That was the only night
anything could have happened.
- How do you know?
- I wasn't with anyone else.
- You didn't go to the police?
You didn't have an exam for evidence?
- I wasn't too fond of
the police at the time.
I thought maybe nothing happened.
- Now you know that it did.
(soft dramatic music)
- Can we not tell Mom?
At least not yet.
She's just so excited, and I don't want her
to have any sad feelings or think--
- I won't tell her.
I won't say anything until you say.
(soft dramatic music)
- Thanks for listening.
(soft dramatic music)
- I'm sorry I let this happen to you.
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
- You need to report it.
- They're not gonna let
me take my daughter's case.
They'll give it to Frank,
and then it'll sit on his desk
with all his other papers.
- [Kris] You don't know that.
- No, I do know that, because
then they'll catch the guy,
the clerk'll forget
something, he'll get off.
It's not happening.
I don't want you
getting tangled up in this.
I might not follow the rules.
- You know you can't
get rid of me that easily.
- You gonna risk your job?
Everything you worked for?
- If the roles were reversed,
and it was my brother,
would you risk it for me?
Look, I know you have a
plan, so what are we doing first?
(door knocking)
- Almost done.
- Someone is here for you.
- Who is it?
- They didn't say their names.
(water running)
Did you know you have a warrant?
- Well I mean, I'm not surprised by it.
- We're not here to
arrest you, but you need
to take care of that as soon as you can.
- Yes, sir.
- I do wanna talk to you
about a case I'm working on,
involves a friend of yours, Katie Travis.
- Katie.
Is she okay?
- She's safe, you were with
her a couple of months ago
on a night that she was assaulted.
Are you aware of what happened to her?
- No, sir, I'm not.
- Can you think of a time
that she was incoherent,
maybe vulnerable?
- Well, I mean the last
time that I saw her, she--
- She what?
- Well, we went out to
this place, we partied.
It was Rachel's favorite place to go.
We danced all night long, and it got late.
Katie left with these guys.
Her and Rachel both did.
They told me that they didn't need a ride,
and so that was the last that I saw them.
- Who are these guys?
- I didn't know them.
I mean, I know it sounds bad,
but that's how our nights ended, usually.
- Ashley doesn't do that anymore, though,
not since she's come home.
- So you just let your friend
go off with some guys that--
Did you bother to call her the next day
to make sure your friend, Katie, was okay?
- Well I had a rough night myself.
I mean, my grandma had to come pick me up
the next morning from a hotel room.
And that's when I knew it was time.
- She's always been a good girl.
She's had some prodigal years.
Now these past few
months, you wouldn't believe
all the Lord has been doing in her.
I have my Ashley back.
- I just needed to change
my group of friends,
and Katie was a part of that.
I mean, I feel bad, but
I really do think about her all the time.
(dramatic piano music)
(door knocking)
- Come in.
- You forgot something.
- Where'd I leave it?
- On the counter in our bathroom.
Are you on a big case?
You've been distracted.
- I'm just getting old.
- Something is going on, and
I think that you are behind it.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know, I just, every
case I've been working on
the last couple months,
something comes up about God.
You know, somebody
says something somewhere.
I just can't get away from it.
- Maybe God's trying to tell you something.
- How do I make it stop?
- God is chasing you,
trying to get your attention,
and you want Him to stop?
- I'm serious.
What does it mean?
- My detective husband needs me to figure
something out for him.
I like that.
- Come on, seriously.
- Maybe Romans, 10:13,
is a good place to start.
- What does it say?
- I think you need to look it up.
- Does it look like I have time?
- Then make time.
- Thank you.
(siren blaring)
- Okay, okay, stay calm.
They won't suspect anything.
- I'm not going to jail tonight.
I don't even know you.
- No, no, no.
We've known each other
for a long time, all right?
All right?
- Fine.
(dramatic music)
Hey, what are you doing?
- Get out.
- [Drake] Yes, sir, whatever you say.
- Go to the back of the car.
- Ow, you're gonna break my arm.
- Shut up.
- [Travis] What do you think
we're gonna find in this car?
- Let's find out.
- Hey, buddy, can I search your car?
- Whatever you wanna do, sir.
- Drake, why would you say that?
- Hey, this night's gonna go a lot smoother
if you just answer a few questions.
- They're not mine, he gave them to me.
- Why did you drug Katie Travis?
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Okay, search it.
- Wait.
I remember.
I remember.
- Remember what?
(soft dramatic music)
- I got paid to give Katie
GHB and take her out
behind the club, that's it, okay?
- Paid by who?
- [Rachel] I don't know.
- How do you not know?
- They paid me through an app on my phone.
I owed people money,
and they gave it to me.
You know, Katie was a wreck anyway.
(soft dramatic music)
You can't take my phone!
- Watch me.
- Hey, you're free to go.
(dramatic music)
(door opening and closing)
- I can't believe we just did that.
We could lose our jobs if Bill finds out.
- Sergeant Bill Tomlinson wrote the book
on what we just did.
(dramatic music)
(phone ringing)
(toilet flushing)
- Hey, Kris?
- Yeah?
- Staying busy?
- Mm-hmm.
- Do you have any plans this weekend?
- I'm sorry, I really am busy.
- Okay.
- Hey, Kevin.
- Oh, Miss Tanner.
- Help me with something.
I need access to a locked phone,
but I can't send it to the lab.
Is that something you might know about?
- Uh, unfortunately,
I'm not in IT forensics.
- Right, but can you help me?
- Well, it is technically
my area of expertise,
but my internal transfer application to ITF
was denied because of
headcount in the department, so I--
- Yeah, that's fine, just
come to my place later?
I'll cook for us.
- Wow, um, I'll be there, terrific.
- Okay, you need my address?
- I can find it.
(soft dramatic music)
(doorbell ringing)
- I am so terribly sorry.
This is the Tanner residence, right?
- Who are you?
- I'm at the wrong address.
- Hey, Kevin, come on in.
This is my brother, Shane.
- Oh, yeah, right.
I brought these for you,
and for your brother, of course.
- That's great, come in.
- Okay.
Could you maybe, not pace?
- Oh, yeah, sorry, just
trying to get my steps up.
Did you find anything?
- Yeah, there is some metadata
attached to the transaction,
which might give us some information
on the origin of the payer.
- Metadata?
- Exactly, extra details
about the transaction,
which you can't see in the app.
Maybe, the buyer was
sloppy enough to include
something that might help us.
- Do you want any water?
- Huh?
I'm fine, thank you.
- Sorry I burnt the food.
- Well, I might have just found something.
(keys striking)
Whoa, what is this?
(dramatic music)
Okay, so I pulled up this site,
from an embedded IP address that I found.
I had to use an encrypted web browser.
Doesn't seem to have a host name,
but obviously it has content.
It's on the dark web, so to speak.
- It's a date rape service?
You pay for the person to be delivered.
- I, uh, yeah, that's what it seems like.
- How does it work?
- Uh, it says,
to put in the information of
your victim.
Submit a payment, and then they'll text you
with an address to meet.
- Can you trace that to the owners?
- Yeah, I can try, but this
site is hosted overseas,
which means our laws
won't give you authority.
(dramatic music)
- So if someone paid for Katie,
it means she was targeted.
(dramatic music)
- Just a second, let me see if I can
pull some more information on the phone.
We might have everything that we need.
Whoa, that's not good.
- What, what happened?
- The tools that we used to hack the phone,
sometimes they're unreliable and I think
I just rigged it.
- You killed it?
- Well, in primitive terms, yes.
- Okay, can you restore it?
- [Kevin] Not with the stuff that we have,
maybe if we sent it off to--
- No, no, we cannot, we can't.
Travis will kill me, you
have to do something.
- Okay, just give me a second.
(dramatic music)
(keys striking)
At least we still have the site.
- So whoever it was knew Katie.
And then the people behind the site
used Rachel to drug her.
- This is much bigger than I thought.
We're gonna have to notify the feds.
Our forensics team doesn't
have the tools to deal with it.
I don't know how deep this goes.
Could be outta state,
could be outta country.
- But if we pass it off,
what are the chances
of us finding the guy we want?
- We can't sit on it, we have to move.
- Exactly, which is why I
placed an order for myself.
- You did what?
- I placed an order for myself.
The notification'll get sent to your phone.
It's a honeypot.
- Slow down, you have no idea what
you're getting yourself into.
- Do you wanna catch the guy, or not?
Besides, it's too late now.
They're coming for me.
(dramatic music)
(phone buzzing)
(dramatic music)
- Where are you heading in such a hurry?
- I got a call, they want me on scene.
- You forgot something.
- I don't need it.
- You don't need it?
- [Travis] Here.
See you in the morning, love you.
(door closing)
(car starting)
(dramatic music)
- Hey, has Dad said anything
about what's going on at work?
- I don't think so, why?
- He's been really distracted.
But his work's always stressful.
Maybe say a prayer for him?
- I will.
(dramatic music)
(patrons chattering)
- [Man] Hey, hey get back.
(car door closing)
(car pulling away)
- [Adam] Trish, hey.
- You mean Kris?
- Oh, uh.
I'm so sorry, my mistake, I
thought you were someone else.
- Are you sure, because I
don't see anybody else here.
- Well, um, maybe it isn't a mistake.
I'm Adam.
- Nice to meet you.
Is one of those for me?
(dramatic music)
- Actually, um,
it really is for Trish.
I'm just a bit early.
It was very nice to meet you, Kris.
(dramatic music)
- Good evening, Officer Tanner.
There's been a change of plans.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
- Good evening.
This place you're going
to I know very well, huh?
A little action, hmm, action?
God, man, I wish you would let me in
on how you guys pick up these women.
Because with my luck--
- Shut up and drive.
(dramatic music)
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