Vinland Saga (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

The Battle of London Bridge

That's not really a bridge.
It's more like a fortress.
I'm impressed, London.
The city has survived many attacks
over the years.
It has a lot of history.
This isn't the time to be complacent, Askeladd.
This city's going to be trouble.
You said it'd be an easy win.
That's why I'm here.
Sorry, sorry.
I never imagined
that Thorkell would side with the enemy.
You mean, Thorkell the Tall?
He's in bed with the enemy for the money.
What a traitor.
We're in this for the money too.
We sided with the Army of Denmark,
because we thought King Sweyn has a chance to win.
The other clans are all the same.
They're desperate
to prove themselves on the battlefield
and increase their share of the spoils.
Well, with so many men here,
no one's getting very much.
I don't fight for money.
I like to kill.
I can truly rely on a man like you, Bjorn.
In any case, those bigwigs all want London.
If we can capture the Thames River,
we can set up a supply line
to the inland areas in Wessex.
The top leaders all have their eyes
on this battleground.
Yeah. This is the place to be if you want to stand out.
What do you mean?
Do you have a plan in mind?
it's not really a plan.
We have some work for you.
Go bring me Thorkell's head.
Promise me you'll give me my reward.
Okay. Okay.
The same as always, right?
You're so stubborn.
Getting so worked up about a fight you can't win.
Maybe you get it from your father.
Don't forget, Askeladd.
My only wish as a warrior
is to beat you in a duel.
Our next duel will be your last.
I'm going to carve out your heart,
and offer it to my father's spirit.
Then get to work.
Only those who fight
on the battlefield get what they desire.
That's the way of the warrior.
My head's not cheap, you know.
I'll duel you as often as you like.
Go bring me Thorkell's head.
One ship is heading towards the bridge.
It's the Jomsvikings! The Sea Deer!
They're messengers from the regular army.
Are they Floki's men?
I bet he's going to try to win Thorkell over to his side
by saying he'll pay double whatever England pays.
Thorkell will follow the money.
I bet he'll take their offer.
Well, I'm not so sure about that.
They're here.
It's just one ship.
This way. Hurry.
Die. Take that.
Take that.
Fire. Fire.
Don't shoot. We're messengers.
We want to talk to Thorkell.
-You damn bastards.
We didn't come here to fight.
Where is Thorkell?
Shut up. Die.
Yes, sir.
Everyone. Cease fire.
Hey, Floki. It's been a while.
You look like you've been doing well.
Enough with the pleasantries.
His Highness, King Sweyn, sends a message,
which I am here to deliver.
In the words of His Highness:
"The King of England has escaped
to the land of the Franks.
Resistance is futile.
If you surrender, then in the name of Thor,
I shall spare the lives of you and your men,
as well as leave you your fortunes."
Go back to the army, Thorkell.
Those are the wishes of His Highness.
Is King Sweyn here?
He's tough.
For such an old man.
Why are you drawing your bow against a friend?
For so long, we've fought as warriors, side by side.
You must not misread the flow of the world.
Your brother Sigvaldi is also worried.
Flow of the world?
I see.
I was fighting against the English myself until last year.
That's why I know.
They're really weak.
-They're a bunch of sheltered city boys.
-Is that Norse?
-They lack spirit.
Prince Edmund was the only general
who could handle the army of Denmark.
This country is finished.
Oh, in that case
In other words,
it'd be more fun
to fight against you.
That's enough talk.
Let's get to the next part. The next part.
Wait. Thorkell.
I promise you double what England's giving you.
Here I go, Floki.
Veer left. Full speed.
Time for the deadly
Oh, I missed.
Full speed.
Men. Kill them.
Yes, sir.
Retreat. Retreat.
Hey, Floki.
Go ask King Sweyn
whether he's bored
of always fighting battles he's going to win.
There's no chance that we'll be able to convince him.
I see.
It was a waste of time.
So, what shall we do?
Attack them now, without delay.
Hey. Damn.
All right.
Damn. They're attacking the pier.
You bastard.
-Damn. I missed.
-Get more rocks.
Out of my way.
Here we go.
How'd you like that?
That was my special
er Log-Dropper!!
The name says it all.
That was amazing.
Hurry up.
Yes, sir.
What's wrong with Sweyn's army?
Why don't you come up with something?
I know you can do better if you try.
At this rate, you won't capture London Bridge.
Not even in a hundred years
This is it. This guy looks fun.
Thorfinn. Can you hear me?
The huge man in front with the log.
That's Thorkell.
This is no good. Stop the ship.
He'll hit us if we get any closer.
Steer left.
Just a little further.
All right. That's enough.
Don't touch him.
This jolly little fool
is all mine.
Come on.
You're good
For a kid.
Don't touch him.
I'll answer the challenge of this suicide attacker.
It's one-on-one.
All right. Bring it on, kid.
One-on-one, and unarmed?
Don't underestimate me.
Oh, he was aiming for my wrist.
Good job, kid.
I can see why he's so confident.
With a body and fists as big as his,
I'd be dead with one hit.
I like you.
I'm going to have some fun.
Take that.
That was close.
I can't reach him.
All his weak points are up high.
Below his armpit.
His neck.
All right.
He's low.
I'll kick him.
Run in there.
That hurts.
But I got you.
You did it.
Great, captain.
Kill him.
It's not over yet.
Here we go.
Oh, dear.
This won't work.
Thorfinn's getting beaten to a pulp.
I guess it wasn't going to work.
That's the signal.
Yeah. Then it's time to retreat.
Withdraw all units.
What? No.
The battle ended while I was playing with the kid.
Hey, kid.
It looks like they abandoned you.
Poor kid.
Even though you tried hard.
What? Is he dead?
Hey. Hey. Hey.
You still haven't lost the will to fight?
You're good, even though you're small.
Tell me your name.
Son of Thors.
I'm Thorfinn.
Hey. Thors? Do you mean?
Oh, there he goes.
Captain, your orders?
Shall we shoot him?
Don't shoot.
We'll let him go today.
Warrior Thorfinn.
That was fun.
Let's do this again.
Let's finish things off next time.
Promise me.
That hurts.
Kill me, please.
Does anyone want to be killed?
I can kill you.
He's not going to make it.
He's been stabbed in the gut.
We can't save him.
Hey. Bring some onion soup over here.
Take care of this.
I see.
So, we can't capture London.
It's not that we can't capture London.
It will just take some time.
Time? How much time, Floki?
Yes. It depends on the size of their stockpile.
One year.
No. A half-year, if things go well.
It's already autumn.
We cannot spend so much time on just one city.
The overall situation is most important.
In everything we do,
we must prioritize gaining control over all of England.
Yes, sir.
We shall move our main forces to the west.
Leave 4000 soldiers
to continue the siege on London.
As you wish.
The 4000 soldiers will be under the command of
This is a good chance to boost his standing.
That's not what we agreed upon.
The reason His Highness came
to serve as a good example for the people.
That's what you said.
Ragnar. Please, refrain.
This is His Highness's will.
Against Thorkell,
even the entire army stands no chance.
To defeat him with only one-fifth of the forces
It's impossible.
Having so few men is the only way to help him.
His Highness is unfamiliar with battle,
and is experiencing emotional distress.
This is your responsibility, Ragnar.
Maybe it's because of the teachings of Christ.
He grew up to be faint of heart,
even though he's a man.
It's because you spoiled him.
I apologize.
To Canute,
I shall leave the soldiers laying siege to London.
You shall accompany him,
and provide support, as his assistant.
Your Highness
My shoulder is dislocated.
And my right ankle is sprained.
And I have a few broken ribs.
Damn it.
That madman.
Hey. Can you see them?
Most of them have retreated.
Does that mean?
Did we
We won?
-They ran away with their tails between their legs?
-Then we have won.
What's going on?
We did it. We won.
We won.
Hey, hey.
Let's fight some more.
Hey. Hold on.
You idiots.
Are you giving up on London?
Come back, you cowards.
Fight me.
Oh, what a pain.
Thorkell, you bastard.
Hey. What happened? You're alive?
You look terrible.
You had a bad opponent, Thorfinn.
By the way, I'm going to march on Wessex.
What about you?
If it hurts to walk, I'll just leave you here.
We're going to get rich in Wessex.
I can't wait.
-You only got one arm.
-I can handle anyone.
I'll kill them all.
That was fun.
Let's do this again.
That madman.
What's so enjoyable about battle?
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