Vividred Operation (2013) s01e09 Episode Script

Clear; With Occasional Frivolity

For goodness' sake, Himawari-chan!
I just cleaned this place last week.
You've already made a mess of it again.
I'm still reading that.
Then I'm sure you could have
found a better place for it.
But that's such a pain.
What are you doing?
This is Synthe-Polymerase.
It's the Mechanotech Company's new pilot plant.
Man, it's so cool
I wish I could see it in person.
In that case,
why don't we go visit it together this Sunday?
But in exchange,
today I'll have you wear
Go on, get changed!
"Episode 9 - Sunny and Sometimes Frilly"
Hey, look over there!
That girl's so cute!
Oh my gosh, you're so right!
She's like a porcelain doll!
What a bod.
Think she's a model?
See, Himawari-chan?
People can't take their eyes off you!
This is embarrassing.
I want to go home.
What's there to be embarrassed about?
You should be flattered that they think you're cute!
Hey there, cutie.
Out shopping?
If you're free, wanna come with me and
Come on, let's go, Himawari-chan.
Yo, babe. Where you off—
Girl, did you fall from heaven—
Men! Animals, every last one of them.
Hey, Wakaba.
I was wondering about the name of this mall.
"La Mer et le Ciel du F".
I know the first part is "The Sea and the Sky",
but what about the "F"?
F for Futaba.
You don't mean
Aoi-chan's father owns this shopping mall.
Huh? Seriously?
So does the owner's daughter have to do that?
Yay, I got one!
Gimme a balloon, Miss Engine!
Only one per person!
Here you go.
Akane-chan too.
Wakaba-chan, Himawari-chan!
Why were you dressed like that, Aoi?
Because Akane insisted on going back to work right after getting out of the hospital.
Akane, do you have a screw lose?
I told her I'd be fine by myself.
Even if you broke every bone in your body,
I bet you'd still say "I'm fine."
Really? Even if they were smashed to pieces?
Aoi-chan, you're like Akane-chan's mother.
Then that would make you Himawari-chan's bodyguard.
I don't see where you're getting that.
That's a master of the Tengen-Rishin hidden arts for you!
Gosh, stop teasing me, girls.
Really, Aoi-chan.
A bodyguard?
Hey, are there any stores you want to check out?
Not really.
They don't sell what I want here.
For example?
Actually, what I'm after right now
is the UN Defense Forces' core server node.
It's two generations old, so they're putting it up for auction.
I didn't understand a word you said, but that sounds expensive.
I'll manage somehow!
I just got my first royalty payment from some software I wrote a while back,
so hopefully I can afford it.
Excuse me.
Do you have a moment?
We're from this magazine.
"Girls Nature".
Girls Nature?!
I-I'm actually a subscriber!
Are you from Faerie Street?
That's right!
What the heck is that?
It's their feature on amateur models.
Does this mean
That's right.
If you don't mind, would you let us photograph you?
Photograph? Why?
Because you're the cutest girl we've seen all day!
I'm not interested.
We'll be happy to!
H-Hang on
Congrats, Himawari-chan!
It's your model debut!
It would be better if she'd smile a bit more.
Not necessarily.
She leaves a stronger impression when she's not smiling.
A stronger impression?
We might have found ourselves a diamond in the rough.
A diamond
We had a great shoot today.
Thank you.
O-Our pleasure!
Keep your eye out for the next issue!
Thank you!
I'm beat.
That's great, Himawari-chan!
A model
Wow, that's so cool!
I'm not interested in it.
But you'll be appearing in a magazine!
You'll be the talk of the school!
Who cares if they talk?
Morning, Wakaba-chan.
Good morning.
Morning, Wakaba.
This is for the factory tour we talked about yest—
The reporter from yesterday contacted me!
The editors loved the photographs.
They want you to meet with a make-up artist and stylist to have a full-on photo shoot as soon as possible!
A full-on shoot? What do you mean?
I gave the reporter my contact information,
and she sent me an e-mail this morning!
But I
That means you'll be a professional model, right?
That's amazing!
A professional?
Did you hear that, Himawari-chan?
They wanted to do some location shooting this Sunday,
so they asked if you could keep your schedule free.
Wakaba, you dummy!
What's gotten into her?
Hey, look at this.
"Factory Tour"
That's right! Sunday was
She said we'd be going to the factory together on Sunday.
Stupid Wakaba.
I'm so sorry, Himawari-chan.
Um, about this
Forget it.
I was so happy that everyone thought you were cute.
I guess I got carried away.
I'm so sorry!
I'll ask them to cancel the shoot.
I'll go.
I'll go to the photo shoot.
If I don't, they'll get mad at you.
But in exchange
In exchange?
Okay, now face the camera!
Okay, that's good!
Put on my socks.
Right away, ma'am.
Next, do my left foot.
Once you're done, put on my shoes.
Yes, ma'am.
The sun's too bright.
As you wish.
I'm thirsty.
Of course!
Right here!
Cut it into bunnies.
So good!
Oh, don't mind me.
I'm Himawari-chan's servant for today.
I wanna play my games.
Your games?
Right, you had them in your bag
One moment, please!
Himawari chan?
Oh dear, she fell asleep.
These hairpins won't match the next outfit.
Could you swap them out for another set?
Will do.
Sorry I took so long!
I brought you your games.
All right!
Let's wait in the van till the weather clears up.
Got it.
You heard 'em.
Let's go, Wakaba.
Wakaba, the umbrella!
Sorry! I'll be right there.
Last shot! Look at the camera, please.
Okay, good work, Himawari-chan.
That's a wrap, everybody!
Good work, Himawari-chan.
I'm beat.
Good work, Himawari-chan!
Wakaba, I wanna drink some ashitaba cordial.
I thought they only sell that on Ōshima.
They sell it here.
I saw it at the food court downstairs.
If you buy me one, I'll forgive you.
That's it?
I'll be right back!
You were simply stunning today.
I'm sure the photos will come out lovely.
I guess.
Oh, we swapped them out for you on the beach.
You were tired, so you probably didn't notice.
Then what about my hairpins?
Oh, I'm not sure.
Say, have any of you seen Himawari-chan's hairpins?
I thought I left them on the table.
I have to go find those hairpins.
The tide
What do I do?
Excuse me,
have you seen any hairpins?
My hairpins. They're yellow.
Can't say I have.
I lost them around here.
I bet they've washed away.
Are you giving up?
No way!
They're super precious to me!
You won't find them unless you search.
I won't give up either.
No matter what it takes, I'll bring it back.
What are you doing?
It's dangerous!
Let's go back!
Let go of me!
I'm going to find those hairpins!
I'm going to find the hairpins that you gave me!
I have them!
I have them right here!
I picked them up for you.
There. That should do it.
Thank you.
They were a gift from you,
so I didn't want to lose them no matter what.
That's why you were in the water?
I thought you'd hate me if I lost them.
O-Of course I wouldn't!
How could I?
Really really!
Oh yeah, what about Kuroki-san?
What about her?
Oh, never mind.
Let's go, Wakaba!
Texture on!
The Alone is exiting orbit and entering the atmosphere!
Its projected point of impact is Blue Island!
Blasted Alone.
This attack
Is it trying to be a "Rod from God"?
Isshiki and Futaba are entering the air defense identification zone.
Operation Vividblue!
Hurry, Akane!
Make sure it doesn't crash into Earth!
Got it!
Miss Aoi!
Give it a Vivid Impact right to the face!
Got it!
Grandpa, we can't aim like this!
Vividblue is being pushed back!
What's keeping our reinforcements?
We're here now!
Sorry we're late!
Naked Collider!
Naked Blade!
Go for it, Vividblue!
Final safety off!
Final Operation!
I see you didn't make it.
It was your fault for wasting time.
Say, Himawari-chan
are we really going to see all this in one day?
What's that?
A schedule for a year's worth of factory tours!
A year's worth?
And we'll be going together to all of them!
My Sundays!
I'll bring it back no matter what.
My world
"To be continued"
According to this phenomenon that has been proven to work,
it's become possible to strengthen the Alone.
Therefore, the next episode title can be deduced to be: Light and Shadow.
"Episode 10 - Light and Shadow"
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