Welcome to Wrexham (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Welcome Home

I know you been playing me
Playing me
Baby, baby
Playing me
CHAL: [laughs]
[soft music]
NIK: Doing your name.
WAYNE: Next to my mum.
NIK: Next to your mum's, yeah.
WAYNE: Brilliant.
NIK: Uh, we've got
about 150 so far.
I've got about another 30
to do now.
BUDDY HOLLY [singing]:
Every day
It's a-getting closer
Going faster
than a roller coaster
Love like yours
will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Every day,
it's a-getting faster
Everyone said,
"Go ahead and ask her"
Love like yours
will surely come my way
A-hey, a-hey-hey
Love like yours
will surely come my way
PERSON: Did you make the game
last night, Ryan?
RYAN: It was so exciting.
[speaking indistinctly]
ROB: Whoa!
RYAN: There it is.
Come on, now.
SHAUN: [laughs]
RYAN: Now, that's a stadium. Wow.
SHAUN: Is that better?
RYAN: Wow.
We just don't have
anything like this.
I'm actually really moved.
[cell phone ringing]
My wife.
ROB: Yeah.
[FaceTime chimes]
Look, look, look, look.
It's so amazing.
Seeing this place
is literally emotional.
Like, 'cause I've watched it
so much on the video feed,
and to be here
- Yeah.
And standing on the turf
is justoh, my God.
Hello. Hey, Kerry.
Hi. Welcome to Wales.
Nice to finally meet you
in person.
RYAN: Yeah.
- Yeah, very much so.
ROB: Yes.
RYAN: How you doing, Kerry?
You good?
- Yeah. Finally.
Ground looks amazing.
How do you feel about it?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Beautiful, right?
- Yeah. Yeah.
ROB: It's gorI mean,
the last one looked good too,
but apparently it wasn't.
Wow. Yeah, this is great.
Nice colors.
It does have sort of
a prison vibe.
You wanna have a quick shower?
Sure, man.
I wanna take a bath, actually.
Is that weird?
We're gonna have
a quick shower.
Is that the gym?
RYAN: Boy.
PERSON: Yes, wewe
plans are afoot to
- Does it ever. Wow.
And the pub would go out?
SHAUN: Sorry?
It's a pub?
SHAUN: No, it'll stay here.
- But it is a pub.
- Yeah. You're drinking
RYAN: So they would be
drinking in here.
And how does Wayne Jones
feel about that? Like
ROB: Good job, guys.
- That was amazing.
[crowd cheering]
So this is the shop.
The girls.
RYAN: Hi. How are you?
Hi. How are you?
RYAN: Hey, guys.
How you doing?
RYAN: Don't mind us.
We're just
What, did you have this
replicated just based on
I thought this was
one of a kind.
I guess not.
We sell them now.
ROB: As far as these three go,
I like the middle one.
RYAN: I do too.
ROB: Yeah.
You wanna model it?
I don't even
have to take it off.
RYAN: Whoa, it's like
at Knott's Berry Farm.
Hmm? What do you think?
Like a professional footballer.
Love it.
ROB: Okay.
PERSON: It's nice.
- Right?
I like this one.
ROB: That's my favorite too.
Really? I like it
'cause it's just solid.
Simple and solid. Yeah.
SHAUN: So whatever the club
is in the National League
is the time it's gonna cost you
the most money.
SHAUN: You are paying players
money equivalent to that
that they would be earning
in League Two if they were
promoted to League One.
If we don't get promoted
this year,
we're going to lose a million
dollars next year as well.
A million pounds.
[bell dinging]
And then if we don't get
promoted the year after that,
we will lose a million pounds.
And the year after that,
we'll lose
RYAN: We'll lose our lives
if we don't get
- Yeah.
Okay, that's, um,
scary as fuck.
All right.
- That's very scary.
Um what now?
[Elvis Presley's
"A Little Less Conversation"]
[indistinct chatter]
[crowd cheering]
RYAN: How you guys doing?
ROB: Hi.
ALL: Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
How are you, Kyle?
[indistinct chatter]
RYAN: There you go.
ROB: How are you?
Thank you.
Are you going to the game?
Whoo. All right.
All right.
Say "cheese."
[indistinct chatter]
How are you, Nate?
You good?
ROB: Sorry.
- Really?
- Yeah.
RYAN: Right.
What is the DVD in here
that you've never rented?
RYAN: Like, what's the movie
RYAN: No, it could be
Green Lantern?
Even Ieven the person who
edited it never saw the movie.
Hi, Ryan.
ANNETTE: It was never cool
to be a Wrexham fan.
But this year, it's actually
cool to be a Wrexham fan,
Which is, you know
is just since takeover.
It's definitely now
that you're not embarrassed
to admit
that you're a Wrexham fan.
I never was, but they've
only recently made it known.
RYAN: I'd love to.
PERSON: [laughs]
It's been a dream
to sign this dog.
I've had my eye on it all day.
Thank you.
The hype is massive.
In all fairness,
it's benefitted
a lot of businesses,
and that can only be
a good thing for the town,
um, 'cause the town
desperately needs it.
ELVIS [singing]:
A little less conversation
Ryan! Ryan!
ELVIS [singing]:
All this aggravation
Ain't satisfactionin' me
Oh, my God, it is.
Mr. McElhenney, Rob.
How you doing?
SPENCER: Nice to see you.
Good to see you.
SPENCER: You okay?
- Yeah, how are you?
- Spence.
- My friend.
SPENCER: Nice to see you.
You okay?
Very nice to see you
in person.
In the flesh.
SPENCER: Yes. Yes.
Welcome to Wrexham.
- Thank you.
SPENCER: Do you want
to see Wrexham?
SPENCER: So I don't think
we're gonna go into the church,
but if you just come to the
door and have a look through
RYAN: Sure.
SPENCER: There's actually
if you look down,
there's a festival of angels
at the moment.
RYAN: Spencer Harris
is one of the first people
we met in the process
of taking over
the duties of the club.
SPENCER: When it was built,
it'd been completely white,
so you could see it
from the mountains.
- Yeah.
- A bit like a GPS.
So in the days
when there's no GPS
I have to
I have to get a photo.
[soft music]
JASON: Hi. How are you?
RYAN: Pleasure.
SPENCER: This is his church.
ROB: How are you?
Rob McElhenney.
- Hi. Really good to see you.
RYAN: What a beautiful place
to come each day, though.
It is, yeah.
I sort of walk here
and I think,
"Wow, this is my office."
ROB: Yes. Yeah.
Uh, and, you know,
I have to sort of pinch myself
because it is
absolutely wonderful.
SPENCER: Jason has got
a really interesting history.
Do you wanna tell the guys
- Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, my sideline is that,
um, I'm a ghostbuster.
I'm an exorcist.
[eerie music]
- Wow. Wow.
- Soso
RYAN: Headline, buried.
ROB: Wow.
When was the last time
you exorcised a demon, sir?
Um, Iwell, yeah
um, I exorcised a house
about two days ago.
RYAN: Wow.
- But yeahyeah, somebody
There you go.
JASON: Got sort of
all sorts of stuff,
ghosts and poltergeists and
all sorts of stuff going on.
If I could introduce you
to my daughter
ELVIS [singing]: Satisfy me
SINGERS: Satisfy me
ELVIS [singing]:
Satisfy me
Satisfy me
Yes, nice to meet you too.
And then
ROB: Megan.
MEGAN: Yeah.
ROB: Tom.
[urine trickling]
All right.
None of you guys
live at home?
Youdo you
ROB: Oh, Liverpool. Great.
- Yeah.
RYAN: I just find it so odd
peeing with a microphone on.
The sound guy's outside
going, like,
"Yeah, it's a healthy stream.
It's good. It's good."
SPENCER: So welcome.
RYAN: Thank you
for having us in your home.
SPENCER: Yeah, no,
it's great to see
it's great to you.
How does it feel
how does it feel having
having one job now?
I really enjoy my job.
I work for a great company
in Kellogg's.
[phone ringing]
Um, so I'm, you know,
in the middle of loads
of stuff all the time.
PERSON: Whose is that?
PERSON: Is it over there?
PERSON: I don't know.
It's probably yours.
ROB: Let's answer it.
PERSON: Ryan, who is it?
PERSON: Who is it?
Hey, Josh.
What do you need?
PERSON: Oh, I knew it was Josh.
Josh, why are you calling
in the middle
of our fucking interview?
I think he's gonna cry.
PERSON: Hi, Josh.
Hi, Josh.
PERSON: Hello, pal.
Look at his face.
RYAN: Listen, Josh,
what do you want?
ROB: Yeah, what are you
calling for, Josh?
What's the phone call, mate?
ROB: We're busy.
We'll call you back.
Dude, I reckon
I might have to call you back.
RYAN: Wow. This is great.
ROB: Yeah, it's awesome.
RYAN: You got almost
a full pitch here.
Yeah, so
Look at those fields, man.
I mean, that is
BOTH: Yeah.
RYAN: Is this the greenhouse?
Your tomatoes?
You finally got to grow
your tomatoes?
Oh, you got your tomatoes.
SPENCER: They won't be ready
till December, so
I buried my dad
in one of these.
- [laughs]
- This is excellent.
How do feel
now that you're unburdened
by the rigors
of the daily Wrexham life?
SPENCER: It was the absolute
privilege of my life
running the football club,
so, you know,
I miss working
with the people day-to-day.
Yeah, but, you know,
certainly what we're finding
is, like, you know,
everybody's got an opinion
of how they would run things.
- Right?
And you had to deal with that
for quite a long time.
And you took
quite a bit of abuse, right?
Or an actor.
Here's what I can tell you
what we're finding.
Sometimes people are very happy
to tell us the things
we're doing right,
but we haven't had quite yet,
uh, a lot of people telling us
the things that they
from their perspective that
wethat we're doing wrong.
One of the most important
things that, you know
that you and your
leadership team can do,
and you've been doing it,
you know, for the last few days
by presenting yourself
and being really public
But if you can
and as far as you can,
try and keep
the personal touch
That goes with the growth.
Easy to say, difficult to do.
[indistinct chatter]
KERRY: This is my husband.
I was so passionate.
I mean, for 12 months,
I've been researching
powerchair football.
I found out everything
I could about it
to be able to go to the club
to then sell it to the club
to say,
"I'd love to start this up."
We can actually
get as good with this
that we can
enter leagues, Euros
ROB: Wow.
KERRY: Everythere's
We're the first team
in Wales.
- This is the first
- Oh, wow.
KERRY: We're the very first
setup in Wales.
Oh, yeah.
No pressure, by the way.
I want Kerry to run
my entire company.
She's, like,
killing it out here.
I feel very privileged
to have the role that I've got
because I'm not getting knocked
'cause we don't win
on a Saturday.
Yeah, yeah.
KERRY: 'Cause I'm still
doing good things, so
- Yeah, exactly.
- So I love it.
[upbeat music]
[Elvis Presley's
"A Little Less Conversation"]
[no audible dialogue]
Well, it's become a routine
with me and my sons.
We get up at 6:00 a.m.
on Saturdays and
Last week, I had to do
double duty where my daughter
was playing sports
Saturday morning in New York,
and I was that dad
staring at his phone
on the sidelines, watching.
ROB: Yeah.
RYAN: Yeah.
ELVIS [singing]:
A little less bark
A little less fight
and a little more spark
Close your mouth
and open up your heart
I've volunteered
at the club
for the last
probably six years.
ANNETTE: I don't want you
to take this the wrong way,
but I'm a little bit disappointed
with how it's gone so far.
The people that you've chosen
as CEO and Shaun Harvey
are not the right people
for the club.
RYAN: Youyou feel they're not
the right people for the club.
They're not community-minded.
I don't think that
they've treated the staff,
the current staff,
with any respect whatsoever.
If we're gonna run
the club exactly the way
that you would like
to see it run,
what would you
what would you do?
I think you need
to take the fans with you
and not justdon't get this
the wrong way
the hype.
Your heart's in the right
place, and that's what
Again, let's not
rush to judgment
before all the facts are in.
- [speaking indistinctly]
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
Hello, guys.
ROB: How's it going?
RYAN: Yeah.
PERSON: Ryan, can you sign
ROB: Oh, what a beautiful name.
Can I sign right here?
- Yes.
[indistinct chatter]
Let's go, Wrexham!
Come on!
- I feel like I know you guys.
SHAUN: Let's get them in.
How are you, mate?
Good to meet you.
Rob, how are you?
ROB: How you doing?
Nice to meet you.
SHAUN: All the best.
All the best, lads. Cheers.
PERSON: Cheers.
PERSON: Good luck, Shirley.
SHIRLEY: Oh, best luck.
Nice, right?
Yeah, that is.
That helped us, uh,
do what we're doing here.
We're doing shots, and
and they just come across
as real nice blokes.
[regal classical music]
This is an actual mug,
all right?
We've got, like,
a man's shot.
This is a swimming pool
with one more fucking
SHAUN: I've got a feeling
this is gonna go downhill
He might be bigger than me,
but I can drink him
under the fucking table.
SHAUN: To Wrexham, eh?
- Wrexham.
- And thank you again.
Yeah, so we've, uh
ROB: Hell yeah.
RYAN: Jesus.
WAYNE: Yeah.
ROB: Awesome.
Of course.
Oh, my God, yes, of course.
It's amazing how, like,
interconnected the club is
with the community, though.
Like, that's
that's the thing
that we kind of
keyed into early on,
which is why we're like,
"We cannot do anything
to fuck this up."
WAYNE: Yeah.
- Because it'sit's these
these two things
are inextricably linked.
Not a burden,
just a responsibility.
WAYNE: Yeah, yeah.
ROB: Wherewhere are we
right now?
How do you feel like
like the club is right now?
ROB: And what can we do
Beginning, he said,
"Give us time to gel."
Now, to gel,
you gradually get better.
They haven't.
ROB: Mm-hmm.
I'm still optimistic,
and I'm still
RYAN: I'm optimistic
about Phil, big-time.
ROB: And you guys
are not optimistic about Phil.
JONNY: No, listen.
He's ahe's a
he's a big-name manager
for this league.
ROB: Yeah.
Is he doing everything right?
I don't think he is.
Like you said,
we're 11 games in.
He's got to have a chance.
ROB: Yeah.
RYAN: If my career
is judged by 11 movies,
I'd be fucked.
ROB: Well, I would love to hear
your guys' opinion
of the trust,
because I can tell you
ROB: Yeah, I would love to.
But in my mind,
it extremely lacked ambition.
I can tell you that
they saved this club
from insolvency.
SHAUN: Wewe know
we already know that.
JONNY: We're grateful.
- Fair.
We're grateful for that.
Fair, and I think
you're admitting that.
We're grateful for that, 100%.
There would be no club.
SHAUN: They were a necessity.
We needed them.
[speaking indistinctly]
No, yeah, we get that. No, I
Definitely. 100%.
When we entered the picture,
they were incredibly welcoming.
Like, they weren't like,
"No, we got this."
They were like, "Great.
Let's go.
Let's see what we can do."
Did you find Spencer
is a little bit of a weasel?
- I did not.
- No.
RYAN: I found him to be
reallya lot of integrity.
Shaun, I have a question.
When you wake up,
are you in a full sprint?
Or are you still lying in bed?
To Wrexham.
JONNY: [speaking Welsh]
JONNY: [speaking Welsh]
SHAUN: So obviously,
January's coming up,
and what we really need to do
is sort of plot our way through
what we want to do with
the January transfer window.
[soft music]
We have a period of 31 days
to make changes to the squad.
Is there any of the players
at this moment on our squad
who you're recommendation
would be, we should sign
to an extended contract
as quickly as we can?
Well, you know,
Jordan Davies is the
is the key one
who fits that bill.
We have been so excited
to talk about transfer window
just because
we wanna know sort of
how much do we wanna put
our finger on the scale here?
- Yeah.
- How much do we wanna
make sure that we're
sustainable at the same time?
PHIL: Yeah.
Always start at the top
of the pitch because that's
what wins games of football.
Mullin is
an exceptional player.
He's probably better
than we thought he was
in terms of his speed.
RYAN: Yeah.
PHIL: He doesn't look quick,
but he's quick.
To get to where we wanna be,
it's all about facilitating him
to get chances
'cause he'll take them.
Ideally, we'd want a big
physical presence who can run,
head it, do all the donkeywork
for Mullin to be
in and around the box
and put the ball
in the back of the net.
And a wide player
who we believe when we go
out on the pitch is gonna be
like a Jordan Davies
RYAN: Yeah.
You know, if you suddenly
had a better striker
and a wide player
who's gonna get goals,
that's the difference
between the playoff team
and aand a top team,
you know?
SHAUN: They players that
you're looking at bringing in,
what's the sort of estimated,
uh, annual cost?
Because that's
where the real big
RYAN: Camera's off.
- That's the question.
Conscious decision-making,
that's the thing
that Ithat I advocate
and why I start at,
"How much is it going to be?"
Everybody knows,
we all decide we're doing it,
and make it happen.
But ultimately,
we'll defer to you.
- Always, yep.
- And so when it comes time
and you identify
the players you want,
we will go after them.
And then Shaun will
have to make the deal,
and that'll be his problem.
[indistinct chatter]
- [sighs]
- [laughs]
I usedI thought
I was Canadian.
I don't know what happened.
- [laughs]
[camera shutter clicking]
SHAUN: Obviously, thank you,
everybody, for attending.
And, uh, what we have
been able to do
is to deliver the two stars
of the show.
Who would like to go first?
Wow. Intense.
I mean, really, really
that was the first time we'd
we'd actually seen them
play live.
the outcome didn't turn out
the way that we were
we were hoping,
but just to see the club
fight back like that
was just really inspiring.
Oh, boy, I mean, you know,
we'd be lying
if it wasn't Premier League
or something like that,
but it's a
this is a long road, you know?
You realize you started
by saying,
"We're gonna take Wrexham
to the Premier League,"
and they all recorded it.
- Yeah.
[classical music]
ROB: Okay, so that's
what they're gonna leave with.
That is the goal, isn't it?
ROB: Yeah.
ROB: I love it, yes.
I'm not saying
it's this year.
Why not dream big?
Change is inevitable, right?
So we have been in this league
for the last 13 years,
and so obviously, some things
are going to have to change.
But what is really important
to us is to make sure
that we continue to hold sacred
the foundation of
what this club is and means.
And thatand that is atat
the heart ofof the community
andand it's to make sure
thatthat this continues to be
the beating heart of this town.
[camera shutters clicking]
RYAN: Thank you, guys.
Appreciate it.
Thank you all.
[Elvis Presley's
"A Little Less Conversation"]
RYAN: How are you, Lord Mayor?
Pleasure to meet you.
- Hi, Rob.
Hi. How are you?
Magnificent, H.
Well done.
I think everybody
was looking forward
toto meeting them,
andand I think
it did everybody
a lot of good, actually.
You got family here as well?
PHIL: I think them being there
just made everyone feel
it was real because
it has been a surreal
feeling for everybody
at the club.
And it just brought everything
into reality, really.
RYAN: Yeah.
Had a laugh with the lads
and spoke
to them individually.
And, um, you know,
the lads just realized
they're just normal guys,
you know?
And they'rethey're
right behind us as well.
I think that wasthat was key.
- How are you anyway? You okay?
RYAN: I'm pretty good.
How are you doing?
Yeah, good.
RYAN: Now, are you injured too?
RYAN: Yeah.
- [laughs]
- This is a
Happy seventh birthday
to Noelle.
This is a birthday. Okay.
Happy birthday, Noelle.
Uh, okay, we're gonna sing you
"Happy Birthday" right now
at the top of our lungs.
Right here. Ready?
Three, two, one.
[singing] Happy
Playing dress-up.
PHIL: Yeah.
PERSON: Here we go.
Oh, my God.
I have never been
more embarrassed in my life.
Yeah, stretch out, geezer.
These are Mullin's shoes.
RYAN: I know.
They're not gonna help you.
They got goals in them.
AARON: Rob and Ryan come
to our first training session,
so it's the first time
I met, um,
Ryan Reynolds
up close and personal.
You don't know until
you actually meet the person
whether they is genuine,
and then I was like,
"I actually wanna start to
do really well for these guys
'cause they're actually, like,
good people as well."
RYAN: Mm-hmm.
- That's what I'm saying.
Yeah, and you got to know
that you can't please everybody
all the time, so
Exactly, at the same time.
I think I
I think I was flying
through the air as I threw it.
I didn'tI didn't see you.
Well, the chairman
gets to have some leeway.
PHIL: [whistles]
You lost your chance.
Let's go.
- It's a big honor.
- How you doing?
All right.
All right.
Now, listen
I'm gonna kick it right there.
RYAN: Rob.
- Okay.
One sec. Okay.
Come on, Rob.
Fuck yeah. [laughs]
RYAN: Do you realize
what you've done?
You would've definitely
saved it.
Thank you for giving me that.
Oh, you're gonna dine on that
for the rest of your life.
I'm never gonna forget that.
I should get changed.
No, I wanna get changed.
I made enough of an ass
out of myself for the day.
Thank you, guys.
PERSON: [speaking Welsh]
Behind me.
[tense music]
SHAUN: So I have some rather
bad news about Paul Mullin.
ANNOUNCER: And Maidenhead
bound for a throw
to Wrexham by Tozer.
Oh, Maidenhead player's
absolutely flat out.
[whistle blows]
I'm facing there,
and then I hear
[mimics commotion]
I see the guy on the floor.
[whistle blows]
PHIL: Hey, hey.
What do you mean
Hey, there's nothing in it.
Fuck off.
There's nothing in it.
The ref pulls me over,
and then I'm like,
"Why do you wanna
speak to me?"
And then he says to me,
"When you jump,
do you jump with your elbows?"
And I'm like, "What?
What are you talking about?"
PHIL: You got the wrong
Ref, you didn't even see it.
Ref, how can you send him off?
PHIL: The fourth official
is two yards away,
and he hasn't said a word.
Right. You're lying.
You're lying.
BRYCE: Frenchie throws it,
I flick it,
and then
- [speaking indistinctly]
could they do that?
SHAUN: Yeah.
What a strange sport.
No. What? Who?
SHAUN: It is likely that Paul
will be missing
and potentially
for another two games.
Just gets better. Okay.
That's football.
The best player in three
leagues is not going to play
at the first game that we see
down at the Racecourse.
SHAUN: Yeah.
We'll it's been
a pleasure, Shaun.
Thank you for starting the day.
RYAN: Mm-hmm.
I tried to come up
with some good news, but, uh
You know what?
I'm gonna skip today
and I'm just gonna
stay in the hotel
and punch myself in the penis.
If that's okay.
Well, that's football.
speaking indistinctly]
SAM: This is, um,
Ryan Reynolds
well, Deadpool in this.
You can't beat Deadpool,
can you?
Put me on TV.
HUMPHREY: Yes, thank you all
so much for coming.
We're so thrilled you've all
made it out here tonight.
Um, it's an opportunity
for everyone
to ask questions of the guys.
Um, I think we'll be passing
microphones around, uh,
theuh, the stands
for you guys to ask questions
and things like that.
You know, if you got a
question, stick your hand up,
and a microphone
will find its way to you.
First man I saw. Right here.
What was
the connection between
you and
Wrexham Football Club?
We had no direct connection.
It was just aaa feeling.
Look, sports is storytelling.
You know, and there's so
there is just an inexhaustible
wellspring of storytelling
with thisthis club.
I mean, its past, the fact
that this stadium is
one of the oldest or the oldest
international stadium on Earth.
I mean, there's just
it doesn't stop,
and there's a real
opportunity to grow.
And that's all you ever
really want, you know?
What me and my dad thought
was because
Wrexham's red
and Deadpool's red.
There was a bit
of a connection there.
That's the real reason. Sorry.
All that other crastuff
was just crap
that I was talking about.
You are quite a detective.
RYAN: I know.
Thosethose highs and lows
are so intense.
It's just like nothing else.
You sort of hate it,
but youyouyou wouldn't
trade it for the world.
So II feel like I've
I'm hooked up
to whatever IV
you guys are on
now a little bit,
and I'm scared.
- It can be horrible,
but it'sit's worth it.
PERSON: Thank you.
[classical music]
Rob and Ryan's mentality
is like the fans
are our bosses.
Thethe boardroom and things
are not really.
It's, "We do all this
for them,"
because what they're
interested in is much more
the community
andand how a football club
affects the community.
And Rob and Ryan want
feedback from the fans
because that's how you
you build
a successful football club.
[indistinct chatter]
Ryan, Ryan, then Rob.
PERSON: No, no, don't be daft.
Deadpool, Deadpool, and Rob.
Signed them.
- How was it?
PERSON: He's lucky.
- Pardon?
Happy that he bought our club.
Out of all the clubs, ours.
- How was it?
- I didn't ask him.
What did he say about, um,
what's happening to the stand?
[somber music]
ROB: I can't believe
this is my life,
but also, like,
this is exactly my life,
so I'm just like,
"This is what it is."
Yeah, I get it.
ROB: Let's just be
right in the middle of it.
RYAN: What a weird world
we live in.
ROB: McElhenney and Reynolds
go to Europe to see team.
Team loses.
RYAN: Team loses.
Perfect headline.
It's pretty great.
RYAN: We are 11 matches
into the season,
we have the highest payroll
in the league,
we have a championship-caliber
and yet we are losing
to sides like Maidenhead.
We can't seem to beat
any of the sides
at the top of the table.
We are stuck in the mud.
This is a must-win game.
It's important for this area
and thethe people
of Wrexham.
In terms of a distraction,
I think we just
got to rein that in.
ROB: I just wanna go to a game
at the Racecourse.
I wanna drink Wrexham lager.
I wanna watch the Reds
with 10,000 Welsh people.
Right there, you guys.
BOTH [singing]:
A-le, a-le, a-le, oh
ANNOUNCER: It's a huge game
for Wrexham tonight.
We're still 11th
in the table
and will have to face
Torquay United
without our star striker.
SHAUN: Ready?
RYAN: Yeah.
Let's do it.
[crowd chanting indistinctly]
Wow. Crazy, right?
I mean, it's
CROWD: Wrexham! Wrexham!
Wrexham! Wrexham!
RYAN: Bonkers.
ROB: It's amazing.
It's crazy.
Well, hello there, Wrexham.
We just wanted to say thank you
so much to this community
for opening up your arms
to us this last few days.
It means the absolute
world to us.
We're so grateful,
so thank you.
Let's have a great match.
[speaking Welsh]
[cheers and applause]
Come on, you Reds!
CROWD: Wrexham!
Come on, you Reds!
CROWD: Wrexham!
Wow. It's crazy, right?
Crazy. I mean, it's
Let's go, Wrexham!
Hey, meet young son.
RYAN: That was crazy.
ROB: Exciting.
I absolutely cannot
for someone in my profession,
it's weird to say I cannot
stand public speaking.
I hate it.
PERSON: Hi, guys.
- What's up, man?
But it wasI'm glad
that we got to do that.
It was athat was a privilege.
That was also just amazing
to feel that noise.
PHIL: Come on.
Let's get ready.
have reshuffled the pack.
Of course, we've had to
because of Paul Mullin's
I just go there and get it
[whistle blows]
Not everybody built
the way I'm built
Just trying to show you
there's a way if there's a will
This for the will
In the end,
but they all wild
Our ball!
SINGER: Not everybody built
the way I'm built
Just trying to show you
there's a way if there's a will
Come on!
Till I can't breathe
I'ma get that,
get that
I ain't going till I'm old
and around, like, 100
Throwing them around
like 100
Put the pain down,
but a coffin, a box
Can't hold me
in the ground
I'ma walk like a zombie
and show up in your town
[cheers and applause]
ANNOUNCER: Tremendous finish
by Harry Lennon.
Well, what a finish.
It was a great throw.
It was touch goal.
[singing indistinctly]
ANNOUNCER: Tremendous finish,
that, wasn't it?
1-nil. Come on.
Come on. Let's go.
Come on. Let's go.
[phone ringing]
Yes, sweet girl.
RYAN: We're doing okay.
We're up 1-nothing.
We're winning right now.
This is Paul.
- Hello.
Paul Mullin.
He plays on our team,
and he scores tons of goals.
CROWD [singing]:
We've got Mullin
Super Paul Mullin
ROB: Stand up.
ALL [singing]: I just don't
think you understand
He plays in red and white
He's fucking dynamite
We've got super Paul Mullin
That's amazing. Come on.
ANNOUNCER: I hope the occasion
of, you know, Rob and Ryan
being here today doesn't
shadow what's going on
on the pitch today,
which, you know,
is a big pressure on those
lads on the pitch today
with Rob and Ryan
here as well.
And, again, a big crowd.
Come on, you Reds.
[whistle blows]
[upbeat music]
SINGER: I got the juice,
you got moves
We gotta choose,
nothing to lose
Nothing to lose,
hey, hey, hey
Ohoh, Jordan.
Come on, boy. Come on.
ROB: Okay.
I like that he took a shot.
[Decora's "I Got the Juice"]
DECORA [signing]:
They gonna try to hold me back
Yeah, they'll end up
on their back, whoa
I got one direction
on selection
And trust me,
I ain't gonna look back
Follow me back, not
I ain't here to kick rocks
I am a boulder
birthed from a mountain
Looking out,
and the view is
ROB: Too much time.
We gotta score again.
ROB: I'd feel a lot better
about that if it was 2-nil.
Jordie, come on.
Use your jumps.
Come on, son.
ANNOUNCER: Hosannah's
lookflat on his face.
Apparently will get a yellow.
That's a fucking joke!
ANNOUNCER: Right off his feet,
so that
that should've been a red
card, in my eyes. I'm sorry.
ROB: I feel like we're not
getting any calls.
[crowd booing]
[crowd booing]
ANNOUNCER: Time's running out
for Torquay.
All Wrexham have to do
is hold out defensively
for a few more
precious minutes.
[yelling indistinctly]
ANNOUNCER: Lapslie out wide,
speeds for a cross here.
[dramatic music]
As it's swung in
right for the
great ball in,
and it's 1 all.
Oh, my God.
[no audible dialogue]
We were so pumped up to win,
we wanted to make it
a special day for the owners,
but really frustrating
to concede that goal,
which, um, you know,
ruined a, you know,
potentially great day.
- Cheers, mate.
- Good job on the pitch.
- Thanks. Cheers.
- Good luck cleaning it up, man.
The way this place
has welcomed us
hashas really been unlike
anything I've ever experienced.
And I mean, I'm hopeful for
the team we have on the pitch.
Did we wanna see the team win
while we were here?
Yes, absolutely,
but that's the sport.
There's still
a lot of season left,
and I have no doubt
that we can turn it around.
No, no.
RYAN: This week in Wrexham
has truly been special.
To experience firsthand
this community,
it reinforces our reasons
for wanting to buy the club.
If we can get the club moving
in the right direction,
I'm excited
for the future of this club.
I'm excited for the future
of this town.
[soft music]
[soft music]
PERSON: Yeah, we'll find out
in the next
I think we'll find out
in the next couple of days.
ANNETTE: To be honest, if
the football doesn't improve,
all the money that's been
invested, everybody's
we'll be the laughingstock
if we don't get up
into the league.
There's an awful lot of fans
who are not happy
with what's happening
at the moment.
ANNETTE: If those new owners
decide to walk away
[cheers and applause]
PERSON: Can we get a selfie?
We haven't got anything
to fall back on.
That's what I'm afraid of.
[dramatic music]
TOMMY STRANGE [singing]:
Won't you break
My heart
One more time
Won't you kiss
My lips
One more time
I'll be there
Break my heart
One more time
[child giggles, seagull cries]
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