When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

When The Devil Calls Your Name
♫ The day we first met coincidentally ♫
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
- The end.
- What?
That's all I got so far.
What's that? I was ready to listen.
Episode 9
It's me. Let's talk.
- Why are you against it?
- Why do you—
Why do you insist on that song?
Because it's Seo Dong Cheon's song, though it's unfinished.
Why should you complete that song?
He was bullshiing. He didn't make any song.
- He just brainstorm—
- I am really sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
But even if my Ahjussi harassed you,
it's hard for me to understand it.
It's ruined. You are ruined.
You are ruined now. Understand?
Why? Why is Kelly ruined?
Because it's Seo Dong Cheon's song! Because it came out of Seo Dong Cheon's head!
Because all the songs Seo Dong Cheon wrote were jinxed!
Why are you here? Why come here?
I live here.
You do live here. I know.
The title, too. What? The day we first met?
Are you in the 80s? Who does that sort
I guess his memories of his father aren't very good.
I know.
Sunbae. Sunbae. Sunbae.
- Do you know it?
- Know what?
Kelly went viral online.
Ah yes, Reporter Kang.
- Ah, Kelly.
- Hello.
- Yes, we
- Daebak!
Where are you right now?
I know that global warming is important, but
Why is summer so long?
We really had four seasons when I was a young child,
and fine dust pollution was not a problem.
See, it's the pits, right?
I told you it'll bomb. It's the worst. I told them that song won't do, so told them to remove it but
You didn't per chance
Yes! I sold my house, my car and manipulate charts. What? What?
What do you think I am?
CEO Ji! Hurrah, hurrah, yeah!
This is the best year in Korean history.
Already, it's already here. Radio and broadcasting are requesting appearances.
Did you hear it? Didn't I tell you It was obvious there'll be a response?
- Yes. - Yah, yah!
Yes, "Music Battle." Of course, we have to do it.
Let's get it! Yes?
Aigoo, no problem.
The first day we met
No Daebak!
The first day? My song
It's not really my song but
- Thank you. - What about?
For the song's composition.
I could receive reproaches because I did the composition as I wanted.
Ahjussi Seo could have composed it differently.
Maybe he would like it.
But I'm fine. To scold me, he'd need to see me.
Am I dog poop?
How can you help a criminal like that and treat me like dog poop?
Do you think I would do that? It's just because I'm busy, let's talk later.
Ow! Unni.
CEO Ji, you have to get going.
Bye, CEO!
Soon I'll start in a drama, but I lost 4kg, you see. It's quite upsetting.
The director said I'm cuter with some weight. But I'm not a machine robot who can gain and lose weight as I want.
Funny, right? I have had a fine-line face since birth. It's really hard to gain weight.
These days
- Has it been a good morning?
- Uh, yes.
We are full.
It did not beat.
- What?
- That kiss
My heart didn't race for her.
Then what about the kiss with CEO Ji?
My heart beat really, really fast.
- Perhaps Mo Tae Kang has a heart problem?
- So you remember.
What? The heart problem?
It's love.
I apologize.
Yes. Yes.
I'll be back.
You can't
When makeup is used on a pretty face
I don't feel this with an ordinary man. It's like a beast from hell.
I caught you.
I have the intuition of a seer.
Sunbaenim, you're not human, are you?
I knew it. Then what are you?
Alien, ghost, goblin or a beast from another place?
What is it?
Let's kiss one more time.
That's what I mean.
Do they have a bad relationship?
Why are they fussing like that here?
Right? Let's go.
Standby! On!
I almost died.
Why are you not letting me to do?
Don't you know there are guys lined up from Seoul to Busan just so they can hold my hand?
Then what was that before?
Are you afraid people will see us?
Where are you going, Sunbaenim?
I found it. I found that person.
Don't you want fishcakes, Ryoo?
He comes every day to sell fishcakes.
As you have stated, he is very close by.
Yes, Father.
It suits you well, right now.
You give up your high seat and step down to the humans' world.
I believe that I'm at a picnic.
Thanks to you.
You seem to be enjoying it.
I am. Completely.
Look at you, what is this? You are like an immature kid.
Stop playing around and go back.
Go back?
To where? Is there a place that I can go back to?
Weren't you the one who made it so that I could never step foot anywhere?
Your place is below God's feet.
Ask for forgiveness,
and ask for mercy.
Forgiveness? Mercy?
Forgive what and offer what mercy?
I'll do that. I'll forgive you and offer my mercy.
Get away from my territory.
Stop bothering humans!
What if I don't want to? Will you burn my last wing as well?
Due to my burned wing,
I can't go back to my previous world.
Because I lost one eye, I can't see this world properly.
Do you remember who did this to me?
Don't forget. Anger is effective and
revenge doesn't end.
You should be careful.
You are no different from a mere human now.
That anger ultimately burned your remaining wing.
That revenge will come back to haunt you.
You don't win by stealing human souls.
Soul. Soul!
I'll show the ends of those souls you cherish so much!
Those human beings you cherish so much,
I'll make you see with your own eyes that they are nothing
but ugly microbes.
You also,
had a time when you loved a human.
A cover song?
Music Factory wants you to sing one more song.
A cover song works best to raise recognition for a newcomer.
How about that Si Ho's song which you sang before?
That's my song.
I'd rather make you a long-running singer than a one-hit-wonder.
However, we should think realistically.
So this is the music you want to do?
I just don't understand. With whose permission?
I was against it too.
But you chose her as your muse.
What's with her? Why does it have to be The Liver and Gallbladder?
Hey, that's a plagiarized song. I doubt you can just do whatever with it.
That's what I'm saying. So just give me Seo Dong Cheon's phone number, I'll figure it out.
- I said I don't—
- I'm sure you don't know because it's been ten years since you cut him off.
So I got the permission from Lee Choong Ryeol.
He is a co-owner of The Liver and Gallbladder.
Co-owner, my butt. That is Seo Dong Cheon's song.
No. You can never.
Just like you said, she's someone with talent.
Based on my judgment, she's a thoughtful person, too.
Can't you just trust her and watch her?
Trust her for what? She just got lucky on the last one. Don't you know that?
You don't.
Where is she? I'm going to just—
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile now
♫ You who were the desert's sweet water
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me
What a mess.
I said it's a mess. A huge mess!
There's no feeling! Feeling!
You have to approach this song with emotion, sensibility.
You are good at playing piano. Did you come to play at the amusement park parade?
- I thought the emotion was good.
- I wasn't talking to you.
And you, rearranging someone else's song and making a hot mess. Is this the musical independance you spoke about?
Why does it have to be The Liver and Gallbladder? For a cover song, it'd be a popular one. Why pick the song that is almost unknown—
Not almost. Probably no one knows about this song.
I know. So why are you doing this?
Because I like it and I can be good at it.
Why do you like it? Why do you have to be good at it?
Because it's The Liver and Gallbladder.
It's the song we both like the most.
You guys don't listen, you don't listen! You should at least pretend to listen if an adult is talking to you!
Am I one or two years older than you? Am I a neighborhood brother?
- He seems to like it right?
- Yeah.
I think he's really happy.
That anger ultimately burned your remaining wing.
And that revenge will come back to haunt you.
You don't win just because you steal human souls.
Why don't you pick up your phone?
- I didn't know I got a call.
- Then why didn't you call?
Why should I call you? (formal)
Didn't we agree to start over again?
We ate, went on a date, kissed.
What more do I have to do?
Come out.
Come in.
Dog, quiet. Sit.
Eat well.
I reflected a lot.
I wasn't there when you needed me and didn't understand your feelings, I admit.
I put work before you. I'm a workaholic.
From now on, I can't promise that things will change drastically, but I'll try.
It may not happen right away, but please give me time and watch me.
Sorry to say this while we're eating. Let's eat.
I can't understand this current phenomenon.
Sorry, give me a second. Keep eating. Hello?
I-I'm really sorry. Something urgent came up.
Eat a lot and then go. I'm sorry.
I am really sorry, but would you take the dry cleaning deliver
I'm really sorry. I wrote it all down here so you just need to do what's written down.
I'm really sorry. Eat and you can leave okay?
Pay it with cash and make sure it's four sets of clothes.
Make sure to close all the lids on the side dishes.
You don't need to do the dishes. Just rinse them and use half of detergent for dishwasher.
The puppy. It's on a diet so only a handful of food, and don't spill.
And be sure to go to the next building's park.
There's a chihuahua he doesn't get along with in our neighborhood. That prick is quite mean.
You need to ready with two bags. He poops twice.
Dirty. I said it's dirty.
Are you really going to come back after five nights?
Of course. And each night your present will grow this much.
Then after six nights, it'll get this big?
Um. It'll get this big.
- Dad.
- Yes?
- Can't you just stay with me?
There are people waiting for me. They are very pitiful people.
But things work out for humans anyway.
It's because they're weak. I have to give them courage.
Are humans thankful when you look after them?
It's the work I do even if they don't thank me.
You understand Dad, don't you?
♫ On that street after the last bus had left I am standing alone.
♫ The mountain birds crying all night are leaving far away
♫ Please come back to me
♫ Please come quickly
♫ before the season returns
♫ Before the season returns.
Super! Fantastic!
Wow, Luca, Luca.
As the original composer, I'm touched.
We're good now, right? Is the recording the day after tomorrow?
It's a live broadcast so all you have to do is not be nervous.
Was my opinion ever important?
Good work.
The world was running fine without Seo Dong Cheon.
But it suddenly starts to roll towards Seo Dong Cheon.
Into Harib's peaceful world without any interruption for the past ten years,
Seo Dong Cheon suddenly intruded.
What are you looking for?
Why do you keep digging about Seo Dong Cheon and with the mail the last time, too?
Because this is Seo Dong Cheon's house. You never know if he'll stop by.
Why do you keep bringing up Seo Dong Cheon!
Where is Seo Dong Cheon right now?
You should know, you're his son!
He hasn't shown himself for the past ten years he probably died somewhere.
That's right. Seo Dong Cheon is dead, are you satisfied?
No. He's not dead!
- He's not dead.
- That is
What's wrong.
Hey, hey what's wrong?
Hey, Luca!
Hey! Hey!
Wake up.
Hey, hey, hey. We are almost there.
You punk.
Where? Where?
- Hangook University Hospital.
- Hangook University Hospital.
Hangook University Hospital.
Move, move!
The guardian needs to wait out here.
Ye Seong Ho
Staff only
What is the patient's name?
Luca Alexe
Hold on.
- Ye Seong Ho.
- Ye Seong Ho.
He came to the emergency room a short time ago. Ye Seong Ho.
He got transferred to a room.
Go to VIP room #1.
Thank you.
I wasn't going to look for you until the end.
Even in my death, I wasn't going to come see you.
But my child is very sick.
If he doesn't get surgery, he'll die.
Did you tell him about me?
Do you even have any sense of responsibility?
Let's live like we don't know each other, like now.
Fine. I'll tell him you are dead.
Where is the child? Where did you hide him?
Hide? Why would I?
Weren't you the one who desperately wanted him to not show up?
- Luca!
- Mom!
Is that something you should be saying to your mom in this situation?
How did you come here?
I heard from the professor.
Were you going to call me after you die?
Are you the guardian?
Are you the patient's guardian?
Please leave.
VIP 1: Patient Ye Seong Ho
Mr. Ye Seong Ho, the doctor is here.
You saw him? When? Where?
I proved that your first wish had come true as you requested.
Not it's your turn to execute according to your contract.
What is Luca's status?
There's no problem on the part we performed surgery on ten years ago.
His congenital pulmonary stenosis is worsening.
In Luca's case, we can't control it with medication, so we must do it surgically.
I found him. That hyung earlier is Seo Dong Cheon's son.
Speak in Korean, Luca.
And the doctor was speaking.
Can he take a flight?
I told you a long flight was too much for him when you were taking him to France ten years ago.
Would that answer your question if I tell you it's worse now?
I am not going. I am going to meet my father.
He was fortunate ten years ago, but he might not this time.
Whether here or in France, he needs the surgery as soon as possible.
Got it, Luca?
His congenital pulmonary stenosis is worsening.
He needs surgery.
You're PD Ha Rib, right?
She became a completely different person, to the point where I didn't recognize her.
They look alike. A lot.
He has never made contact in ten years, so I do not know where he is.
But Seo Dong Cheon's son came into our company.
It's Harib.
It's a famous PD.
It's Harib PD who is the son of Seo Dong Cheon.
Montenegro, it's so far from here.
How have you been?
Luca must have bothered you a lot.
Yes. I mean, no.
After surgery, I will take him back to Montenegro.
Will it be fine? Luca's doctor—
Luca is much stronger than we think.
We will find a way to return home. It's not his home here.
The doctor rescheduled her surgeries. Yours will be in two weeks.
I can perform. I am going to sing "The street you left me ."
You know it too, it's dad's song. I want to do it.
After surgery, we will go back.
I was born in this country! My brother is here too.
Who is your brother? You are Luca Alexievich.
Seo Dong Cheon did not even want to see your face.
Can't you tell why that young man lived as Harib?
I am going to tell Hyung everything, that I am Seo Dong Cheon's son and I want to know about my father as well.
Like I told his mother, it's not a simple surgery.
Also, there's no guaranteed that it'll be 100% successful.
Luca has trouble breathing right now.
Will he become healthy once he gets the surgery?
His symptoms are getting worse, so there may not be a next time.
Prompt surgery is the only way to increase his chances.
I'm your fan!
Nobody tells you that you look like Seo Dong Cheon?
How can you know that old singer?
My mom is his fan.
- Are you stressed?
- What is this, stop!
Stay still, please.
I found this at Seo Dong Cheon's house.
I thought I could meet if I continue like that.
Son? So where is Seo Dong Cheon now?
Did Seo Dong Cheon beat you?
You came.
Where have you been? We've been waiting for you.
♫ Broken in the waves ♫
♫ the shattered pieces ♫
♫ I put them together when I go to Busan ♫
Songs are quite fascinating.
How should I put it? They take me to another palace.
It feels like that.
I really like it.
Proving grade one is over.
That kid is grade one.
Father was selling fish cakes at a cafe near Hongdae.
Father was in the vicinity of that girl, was he?
So you are asking me to bring her soul contract.
What's the rush?
Take your time.
I don't know what you are after by being nice.
All right. My first wish was confirmed.
I got it.
I told you I keep my promises.
Let me ask you one thing. Why do you want human souls?
They must be useful for you to put in this sort of effort.
What do you use human souls for?
Use it for what? What use would they have?
They all are useless.
Then what's the meaning of your tricks?
Meaning? It's just my hobby.
Your hobby is human lives?
You call that a hobby when lives are on the line?
Why don't you just cut off heads instead of collecting souls?
Playing with human lives,
is it fun? Is it fun?
Did something bad happen to you?
Tell me. Among us—
Leave. The lesson is over.
Let me remind you. Don't think I am responsible for everything happening around you.
There are more things done by humans in your world.
I'll see you at the next lesson.
♫ When I go to Busan
Are you uncomfortable?
No. This is my first date ever.
This is the second date.
I was wrong!
Hey. Really.
Why are you running away?
Why are you running away?
Are you running away?
Who is?
I am asking if you are running away.
So you hit her a little?
It can happen between lovers.
But she got a man already—
So my voice got a bit louder.
It's all because I am slightly lacking.
To sum up the testimonies so far, this plaintiff is complaining about the past two years of pain he caused.
And based on her consistent testimony, this is clearly a date assault.
What do you mean, date assault? This is just a husband and wife quarrel—
Although, in the relationship between the victim and the assailant, they recognize each other as husband and wife,
actually, there is no marriage relationship,
and I can prove that the claim of a martial relationship has no legal basis.
Still, please come with us and get finger printed.
No thanks on the fingerprinting.
Just arrest me for assault.
Make your decision.
I am fine though.
Why did you settle with that bastard?
He needs to be locked up for a few years.
The air feels nice.
I am sorry.
For butting in for nothing
It's not too late to go to—
I don't ever want to see him again.
He'll bother me for the rest of my life if I mess with him.
Keep this from Gyeong.
You are right about the date.
I am good at cooking Chinese, Korean and western foods.
And difficult words pop out of my mouth. The words I never thought about.
I even feel like I'd be a good driver despite not having a license.
I thought I was a taxi driver.
I am not sure, but I think you led a diligent life.
I am afraid to find out who I am.
My memories don't have anything in common to link them.
But you know a little.
A taxi driver who has eclectic knowledge and cooks well.
Now that I hear you, I feel like I am good person.
A woman.
A woman's image pops up sometimes.
- Your wife?
- No.
Not that.
Did I run away after a fight with my wife?
PD Harib.
Come in. Why were you out there?
Luca. Where did he go?
I've been waiting for this moment.
I can't be just lying in bed.
Luca, are you sure you are okay?
Of course, I am very fine.
You don't look very fine.
The puppy peed about every minute,
and pooped twice.
What brought you here? Perhaps you came to see me—
Of course not. The people I am interested in are performing,
so I came to watch them.
What's wrong?
Excuse me!
Did you call 911?
Yes, I did.
Come this way. This way.
Hey, make a call.
Yes. We found him. Don't worry. I'll bring him right away.
PD Ha!
Why are you so unlucky?
I'm also happy to see you.
What are you saying? We came to cheer him up.
- Where is Luca right now?
- Huh?
CEO! There's a problem.
Are you okay?
Would you like some water?
Why? What now?
What is it?
Are you really okay?
I'm okay.
Kelly, wait a moment.
What's the matter. That hurts. I said that hurts.
What the hell are you doing?
I haven't done anything.
You're not acting like that because you didn't do something.
I said that only humans tell lies.
You should be saying that what you said is really not a lie.
I'm warning you. Don't even show up in his vicinity in the future.
If anything happens to him, both you and I will die.
You've been talking about him.
Who is he?
Luca. I meant my son.
Oh! Son? Son!
What should I do?
I don't think this will do for Luca.
It's ruined.
What can I do by myself as a rookie? What should I do?
- It's ruined.
- It's ruined.
Are you crazy?
You can't. Never.
I'm going home.
Stay, Mr. Harib.
Stay there, sir.
She's so pretty. So pretty.
I think something has changed.
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile now
Shall I do that for you?
♫ You were the desert's sweet water
What's the matter?
Don't tell me you're nervous?
♫ You were the soft voice which made me laugh
I want to have a drink. Yes, I want a drink.
♫ You were the soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me.
♫ I'm standing alone on the street where the last car left
♫ Even the mountain birds who cried all night are leaving far away
My hyung will do better than me
because it's my father's song.
Because he's my hyung.
♫ 'm alone in the street which you left deserted
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile now
♫ You were the desert's sweet water
♫ You were the soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me.
♫ Come back to me
♫ Hurry back dear
♫ Before another season comes.
♫ Before another season comes.
♫ Before another season comes
The world was running fine without Seo Dong Cheon.
But it suddenly starts to roll towards Seo Dong Cheon.
And I remembered. I missed those moments.
At a beach stage in 1977
♫ I'm alone in the street which you left deserted
♫ I can't see your beautiful smile now.
♫ You were the desert's sweet water
♫ You were the soft voice which made me laugh
♫ I'm the only one who knew everything as it was
♫ The streetlight shines on unhappy me.
I heard that even dogs don't catch a cold in midsummer, so this is weird.
A Liver and Gallbladder Special. The Chart Reverses after 42 years. The Rediscovery of Seo Dong Cheon.
1977 College Song Festival
♫ Until another season comes ♫
In the first college song festival, bronze winner entry number 20.
Lee Choong-ryeol, a junior at Seoul National University.
Seo Dong Cheon, Liver and Gallbladder.
"The Street You Left Deserted"
How long has this been going on?
You've been searching the world for your father.
Don't worry. I won't say anything because you don't want me to.
♫ You were the soft voice which made me smile ♫
♫ The streetlight are shining only on me ♫
But then
do you know where your father's demo CD is?
♫ Even the mountain birds who cried all night are leaving far away
Never mind. Sleep.
♫ How far away must I go to find it? ♫
♫ Even I call you and call again ♫
Don't get sick.
♫ You don't turn back ♫
♫ Come back to me ♫
It's the first time I've heard the doorbell ring in this house.
It's the second time. Open the door.
I! Want to sell my soul.
I said I will sell my soul.
It's useless to profess ignorance because the fishcake ahjussi told me everything.
Grandpa. Kim Yi Gyeong has worked been a part-timer here for a long time, hasn't she?
Did she ever get into any big trouble here?
Or be a school bully?
That is, Ahjummeoni
Me? Ahjumma?
Reflect on yourself first before thinking of succeeding by ruining others.
You have to take care of yourself so that you become worthwhile.
Young lady.
This guy is so annoying.
Because of her, everything got ruined for me now.
So, you are saying you will sell your soul to that guy?
You startled me! Who is the guy?
It's him. It's Mo Tae Kang.
But sell what?
My soul?
No, no, no. I don't know what I am talking about.
Of course.
That county bum couldn't have suddenly become that good with no reason.
- Thank you, Grandpa.
- Gosh. This mouth
The old man who sells fish cake sent you?
Offer me as much as you offered the country bum.
But if I sell it, do your grant a wish or something?
You sound like selling a luxury purse for second-hand use.
It's easy.
Why are you talking about selling luxury purses? I can't ever sell those.
- I'm selling my soul.
- You can't.
Joo Ra In, because your soul is so lily-white, it can never be bought.
Lily-white? That's good.
Saying that, it doesn't get a high grade.
Grade? What is that?
Your soul has no price.
Saying that you can't put a price on my soul — then it is really rare and expensive.
If it is rare doesn't it get a high grade?
The first grade of beef is very expensive.
No. No. It just has no price.
So making a deal is impossible!
If I say I'm selling it, why won't you buy it?
Are you discriminating now?
What are you doing?
Say, there, it's time to go.
Please leave.
Let go. What is your name?
You don't win just
because you steal human souls.
Bullying people.
Stop that.
How long will you do that?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
What's going on?
You've been sick for a week.
A week.
I'm sorry.
It's because I'm useless
While you were lying in bed, the internet went wild.
It's the rediscovery of Seo Dong Cheon.
People call it the cursed masterpiece of a recluse, and Seo Dong Chen made into the real-time search rankings and a documentary,
Seo Dong Cheon
Don't you hate him?
Isn't because of him that your life was ruined?
Because of him, you became an ex-convict.
And eidn't you become the ashtray of Seongbuk Girls' High School because of him?
And even still, in every situation,
are you a fool? Huh?
Let's stop now. This is sickening.
You seem to know a lot.
I've never blamed him.
It's not because of someone that you live well or poorly.
And I am more grateful to him than to anyone else.
He was a good person.
So don't hate your father too much.
I have found that hatred doesn't help in life.
There's an angel in front of me. Darn.
Hey. Let's try to be honest.
How would you feel if your step-father got up right now who bit you until the floor got wet with your blood?
Wouldn't you rather die?
I would like him to get up,
because if he's dead, he won't be able to give me an apology.
If he dies, I will end up as a culprit forever and he won't have a chance to reflect on himself.
So even now,
in every second I am fighting my hatred.
It's painful to the point of dying. Even so, I'm trying to get through it.
If he gets up?
Do you want him to stand?
Is that so? I will help you
I will bring all the best doctors in Korea to heal your father immediately.
The disgusting world of Seo Dong Cheon.
Damn disgusting.
Why the hell is it you?
♫ The day we first met coincidentally ♫
♫ Did our warm memories reach each other? ♫
♫ It was hidden from long ago the sound of my hearbeat ♫
♫ I hear it unusually loud tonight ♫
♫ Perhaps we are ♫
♫ Perhaps you are ♫
♫ I wonder whether you were living in my cut off dream ♫
♫ The voice I seem to know ♫
Are you all right?
♫ All I think is ♫
♫ Where are you hurt? ♫
♫ For the 24 hours of a day ♫
♫ I am thinking of you ♫
♫ No matter how many times I think about it, ♫
♫ I need a medicine ♫
♫ Just like a Hollywood movie, ♫
♫ I imagine you floating ♫
♫ in front of my eyes ♫
Harib is Seo Dong Cheon's son. Look. Look.
Are you Kelly's manager?
I said die.
What are you doing living like this? I said die.
I want you to surveil Harib for a while.
I mean our relationship.
Hey, did you cook this up with Seo Dong Cheon?
This is very deep.
Did something happen to you two?
What's the matter?
It may be a chance for her to become close to me.
PD, do you like Kelly?
That's ridiculous.
Thank God.
It's okay because your clothing is wet.
It's love.
It is not!
Where is he? Where is he right now?
The person who took care of me then is my father, right?
Spare him. Spare my son.
If I can sell my soul
I need your soul now.
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