When the Streetlights Go On (2017) s01e09 Episode Script


Becky dropped out of school
immediately following Halloween,
and I didn't see much of her
for a very long time.
Seasons passed.
Fall turned to winter.
Casper never came back to Colfax
for Becky.
But everyone had moved on
from the murders.
It was all pinned on him.
His failure to materialize was yet another
piece of evidence in support of his guilt.
Brad would eventually
regain consciousness,
but he'd never be the same again.
The blunt trauma he sustained
at the hands of Casper Tatum
would leave him permanently maimed,
his ambitions for college ball
forever dashed.
In the last month,
Becky had rediscovered her home.
The forgotten corners,
the imperfections in the drywall.
She uncovered a hole in the wall
in her closet
from the time when Chrissy got so mad,
she kicked it.
It was a secret they had never told
their parents.
They covered it with a centerfold
of a teen heartthrob
they ripped out of a "Tiger Beat."
So explain to me again
why you're so obsessed with this Sub-Zero.
Well, because Sub-Zero
is easily the best character, Charlie.
That is false.
All right, well, you are, like,
in love with Johnny Cage, which--
- I don't even know where to begin.
- Are you jealous? Are you jealous?
- Look at him. He's badass.
- No, I'm not jealous of a dick puncher!
Pause, babe.
Thank you.
Hey, I'm serious.
Please. Pause.
Like the hair.
How have you been?
I've been good.
How are you?
Not great.
I was wondering if I could borrow
some books.
I've read all the ones at my house,
like, three times over,
even my dad's boring stock market books.
Yeah, of course.
It's actually not really a great time
right now.
I can bring them over later,
if that's cool with you.
- Cool.
- Cool.
Well, see you.
Who was that?
No one.
If you don't like them,
I have other ones, so
Thank you, Charlie.
Becky underlined sentences
in my paperbacks
as though she owned them.
- Hey.
- Thanks.
She seemed to understand them
in a way it took me years to
and, in some cases, still don't.
We spent afternoons after school
arguing over short stories and poetry.
Her grasp of them was always light-years
ahead of mine.
I was reading the words,
while she was in touch with the pain,
the feeling, the life beneath the text.
And we call that life.
I mean, gosh, this book is--
And maybe it was true love;
maybe it wasn't.
I don't know.
I'm a romantic,
so I like to think that it was.
I don't think that's what the author's
trying to say at all, Charlie.
I think he's saying
that there's no such thing as love.
That it's a fleeting, meaningless
invention of mankind
and that, you know, ultimately,
we are alone.
I don't think that's what he meant,
but it is perspective, right?
You think Hamburger Heaven
is still open?
Where have you been lately?
I've been brushing up
on my "Mortal Kombat" skills.
Bet I could beat you now.
I haven't really played that much.
Just kind of been busy.
Well, my friends and I were going
to sneak into "From Dusk Till Dawn"
tomorrow night at the drive-in.
Did you want to come?
Yeah, you know, I'd love to,
but I kind of have this thing
tomorrow, so
yeah, I'm sorry, can't.
I thought you liked his movies, though.
I do.
I guess I'm just a little tired of them.
But, you know,
we'll catch a movie soon, okay?
I promise.
Okay, well, I gotta go.
I'll talk to you later, okay?
My first heartbreak that semester
wasn't as bad as the one that came later.
Quieter, certainly.
More ordinary.
I really liked Berlice,
but I was in love with somebody else.
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