Where's Wally (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Yukon Do It!

# Oh, ah, oh
# Oh, ah, oh
# Where do you go
where do you go Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon.
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon.
# Ride the waves at the beach
jump in discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh
Where do you go, where do you go,
# Where's Wally? #
Good boy, Arf.
Good boy, Arf.
I'm glad we were able to dog-sit
Arf this weekend, Wenda.
I'm sure Wizard Whitebeard
is glad, too.
He was so excited to visit Wizard
Blizzardbeard for his birthday.
He was so excited to visit Wizard
Blizzardbeard for his birthday.
That's because he said he found the
perfect birthday present.
Something Wizard Blizzardbeard has
been wanting for a very long time.
I wonder what it could be?
I wonder what it could be?
It's Wizard Blizzardbeard's
birthday present.
It's Wizard Blizzardbeard's
birthday present.
Oh no! Wizard Whitebeard must've
forgotten it when he was packing.
And it looks like a magic key.
We have to get this to him before
the birthday surprise is ruined!
But we don't know where
Wizard Whitebeard is, Wally.
But we don't know where
Wizard Whitebeard is, Wally.
Hmm. Why don't we check the
Great idea!
By striped staff and
white of beard
We summon magic, wild and weird.
Spin, oh magic globe, to show
Where Wizard Whitebeard did go.
The Yukon Territory, to be exact.
The perfect place to see
the Aurora Borealis!
Yes, the Northern Lights.
They light up the entire night
sky, like a dancing rainbow.
They light up the entire night
sky, like a dancing rainbow.
I've always wanted to see them.
Here you go, Arf.
Well, Arf, looks like we're taking
this dog-sitting adventure
Well, Arf, looks like we're taking
this dog-sitting adventure
on the road.
And we're definitely
going to need these.
Uh, Wally, what's with the
hockey sticks and skates?
It's Canada, Wenda! Never know when
a hockey game might break out.
It's Canada, Wenda! Never know when
a hockey game might break out.
Okay, Wenda. It's time to
save a birthday.
Okay, Wenda. It's time to
save a birthday.
Why, thank you. (LAUGHING)
Well, Wenda?
Here we are, the capital city of
Canada's Yukon Territory.
Well, Wenda?
Here we are, the capital city of
Canada's Yukon Territory.
Welcome to Whitehorse.
Wow. Look at this place!
(LAUGHING) Now, this is truly a
winter wonderland.
(LAUGHING) Now, this is truly a
winter wonderland.
(LAUGHING) Looks like someone
is enjoying the snow!
(LAUGHING) Looks like someone
is enjoying the snow!
Now, Wizard Whitebeard has to be
around here somewhere, Wally.
Wally? Wait, Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Over here, Wenda!
Did you find Wizard Whitebeard?
Not yet. But I did find us
some hot chocolate.
Mmm. Smells great! Come on, Arf.
Mmm. Smells great! Come on, Arf.
Let's warm up.
When I agreed to go on a fishing
trip, Fritz, I thought we
were going somewhere warm.
(LAUGHING) Aah! Over there! There!
were going somewhere warm.
(LAUGHING) Aah! Over there! There!
Wally and Wenda! What
are they doing here?
Well, where there are Wanderers,
there are also magic keys.
Well, where there are Wanderers,
there are also magic keys.
We better keep an eye on them.
Mmm-mm-mm. It's so warm
and delicious.
Mmm-mm-mm. It's so warm
and delicious.
Wish we had some
marshmallows to go with it.
But still no sign of
Wizard Whitebeard.
Maybe we can ask someone here if
they've seen a tall wizard
with a white beard.
Good morning! How can I
help you today?
I want that!
Poutine, okay.
And that!
Shepherd's Pie, got it.
And that!
Shepherd's Pie, got it.
And that!
Nanaimo Bar, check. Kettle corn!
Oh, someone's awful hungry.
Young lady, anything else for you
and your, uh, wolverine?
Young lady, anything else for you
and your, uh, wolverine?
He's not a wolverine, he's a ferret!
Uh, why don't we set you up with a
specialty of the house.
Toast and cloudberries.
Toast and cloudberries.
Mmm! Cloudberries!
Quiet, Fritz.
Maybe Wizard Whitebeard's already at
Wizard Blizzardbeard's lodge, Wally?
Maybe Wizard Whitebeard's already at
Wizard Blizzardbeard's lodge, Wally?
If only we knew where that was.
Did you say Blizzardbeard?
Uh, you know him?
I've heard my parents say they've
made deliveries to his lodge before.
I've heard my parents say they've
made deliveries to his lodge before.
Wow! What luck!
I'm Shila.
Wenda. This is Arf.
Wenda. This is Arf.
That's Chinook. He says,
"Welcome to the Yukon."
Hi, Chinook. And thanks.
Our friend is visiting Wizard
Blizzardbeard for his birthday.
Hi, Chinook. And thanks.
Our friend is visiting Wizard
Blizzardbeard for his birthday.
But he forgot to bring
this present with him.
And it's very special.
(LAUGHING) I'm guessing from the
wrapping, your gift isn't a
(LAUGHING) I'm guessing from the
wrapping, your gift isn't a
pet moose.
Look, Fritz! I knew it.
They do have a magic key.
They do have a magic key.
Don't worry, Chinook. I
think so, too.
What'd he say?
The lodge is a long trip from here.
Chinook thinks we'd better leave now
if we want to make it before dark.
Chinook thinks we'd better leave now
if we want to make it before dark.
Wow, that's amazing, Shila!
Yeah. Chinook and me
are the same age.
We've spent so much time together,
it's like we speak the same
We've spent so much time together,
it's like we speak the same
language. (GIGGLING) Right, boy?
Chinook says I'm right.
And we can't wait for you to meet
the rest of the team.
The rest of the team?
Yep! Follow us.
The rest of the team?
Yep! Follow us.
Come on, Arf!
Come on, Arf!
(SIGHING) That was close. But we
need to get that magic key.
I got to have it!
I got to have it!
Is there room on your snowmobile
for all three of us, Shila?
Oh, we're not travelling by
Oh, we're not travelling by
We're travelling by dog sled.
Meet the team.
Juniper, Aurora, Kluane, Echo-
echo-echo, and Bella.
Juniper, Aurora, Kluane, Echo-
echo-echo, and Bella.
My family's been dog sledding
through the Yukon since
before I was born.
Even making deliveries to people
that live far away from the city.
before I was born.
Even making deliveries to people
that live far away from the city.
Like your friend,
Wizard Blizzardbeard.
We have to get that key, Fritz.
We can't let them get away.
I love it, Fritzy. What
a great idea!
I love it, Fritzy. What
a great idea!
Uh oh!
Why don't you ride up
front with us, Arf?
Why don't you ride up
front with us, Arf?
Next stop, Wizard Blizzardbeard.
Chinook! Hike!
Does "Hike" mean go faster?
It sure does. Want to
give it a try, Wenda?
It sure does. Want to
give it a try, Wenda?
Definitely! (GRUNTING) Hike!
You're a natural, Wenda!
What is it, Arf?
Chinook says-
Oh, hello, Wanderers!
BOTH: Odlulu!
Uh, do you know this girl?
Yeah, we kind of run
into each other a lot.
Yeah, we kind of run
into each other a lot.
So, what brings you to the Yukon?
What brings you to the
Yukon, Odlulu?
What brings you to the
Yukon, Odlulu?
Oh, the usual. Fishing, seeing the
sights, taking magic keys.
Huh? Taking magic keys?
Huh? Taking magic keys?
Good work, Fritz. Let's ride!
We have to get that key back.
Right. Wenda, say "hike"!
Got it. Hike!
Right. Wenda, say "hike"!
Got it. Hike!
Good work, Wenda.
Quickly. "Gee" means go right, and
"Haw" means go left. Got it?
Quickly. "Gee" means go right, and
"Haw" means go left. Got it?
I think so.
Uh. Gee!
They went that way! Down the hill!
Haw! Yes! Go, dogs!
Haw! Yes! Go, dogs!
Hang on, Fritz.
Oh no. She's getting away!
Bye-bye, Wanderers.
Oh no. She's getting away!
Bye-bye, Wanderers.
She's too fast for us, Shila!
That snowmobile may be fast,
but my dogs are smart.
We know a shortcut. Haw!
We know a shortcut. Haw!
What is it, Arf?
What is it, Arf?
Chinook smells something.
And I see something.
And I see something.
Whoa, team!
Wow. Look at them!
They're beautiful.
Ha! The key is ours!
(LAUGHING) Uh, Odlulu? Caribou
Ha! The key is ours!
(LAUGHING) Uh, Odlulu? Caribou
Aah! Ah!
Ugh. We couldn't have gone
somewhere warm, could we?
Ugh. We couldn't have gone
somewhere warm, could we?
I saw Fritz drop the key into
a snow mound up ahead.
I saw Fritz drop the key into
a snow mound up ahead.
One that kind of looked
a turtle.
But all the snow mounds look
the same to me, Wally.
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Down here, Wenda!
You never could resist a
good snow fort, Wally.
You're absolutely right. Ah. And
look what else we found.
You're absolutely right. Ah. And
look what else we found.
(GASPING) Blizzardbeard's birthday
present! Well done, Wally!
Well, I couldn't have done it
without Arf's help.
He has a real nose for
birthday gifts.
He has a real nose for
birthday gifts.
Chinook says we better get
moving if we want to reach
Blizzardbeard's lodge
before nightfall.
To Blizzardbeard's! Hike!
We are not giving up that
easily, Fritz. (GRUNTING)
Okay, Fritz. Let's start digging.
Ah. Hm.
What are those?
Cloudberries. They grow wild
around here. Try one.
I picked a few before we left.
Mmm! Delicious! They're a nit
tart, but different. Not bad.
Mmm! Delicious! They're a nit
tart, but different. Not bad.
You know, this is turning into
the best snow day ever.
Well said, Chinook! In the Yukon,
every day is the best snow day ever.
Well said, Chinook! In the Yukon,
every day is the best snow day ever.
I couldn't have said it
better myself.
Ugh. I can't see anything
in this snow.
Ugh. I can't see anything
in this snow.
Can you see anything, Fritz?
Uhh (SNIFFING) Yeah!
Uhh (SNIFFING) Yeah!
You smell cloudberries? Out here?
Fritz, you may not be a sled dog,
but you sure have a nose like one.
Fritz, you may not be a sled dog,
but you sure have a nose like one.
Ohh cloudberries!
Ohh cloudberries!
Good job, Fritz! You
got the magic key!
Aww. My cloudberries!
Good job, Fritz! You
got the magic key!
Aww. My cloudberries!
Odlulu has the key again!
Let's ride, Chinook.
Hike, hike, hike!
That certainly is a weird
looking key, Fritz.
That certainly is a weird
looking key, Fritz.
I wonder what it does?
Were those marshmallows?
It's a marshmallow key? Wait.
Were those marshmallows?
It's a marshmallow key? Wait.
It's a marshmallow key.
I think I have an idea, Fritz.
Hope you brought more hot
chocolate, Wanderers.
Avalanche! Of marshmallows
(SCREAMING) Oh, wait.
This isn't so bad!
It's just some marshmallows.
It's just some marshmallows.
It's more than some marshmallows.
We did it, Fritz!
So long, Wanderers.
We did it, Fritz!
So long, Wanderers.
Enjoy the marshmallows.
You know, Fritz, I was happy that we
got this magic key, but now I'm just
quite cold, and I'm not really
sure how we can get back to land.
quite cold, and I'm not really
sure how we can get back to land.
Glad to see you're enjoying
Glad to see you're enjoying
Ah. Aah. Uh? Oh!
Uh, Odlulu
Uh, Odlulu
Aah! Caribou. He he. Hey,
caribou, my name is Odlulu.
That's kind of like caribou,
That's kind of like caribou,
I think our big guest here would
like another marshmallow.
I think our big guest here would
like another marshmallow.
Fritz, this is no time for fishing.
Ha! Hold on!
Aah! Fritz! Whoa! Stop zapping,
Fritz! Stop zapping!
Aah! Fritz! Whoa! Stop zapping,
Fritz! Stop zapping!
Oh! Ah! Oh! Ah! Aah!
Chinook says, "That was pretty
tasty, for an avalanche."
Chinook says, "That was pretty
tasty, for an avalanche."
(LAUGHING) I agree.
But now, we need to get the sled
hooked up and find Odlulu.
We have to get that
birthday gift back!
Uh, I don't think it's
gonna be that easy.
Uh, I don't think it's
gonna be that easy.
Oh no! My sled's runners are broken.
And there isn't a dog sled
repair shop for miles.
And there isn't a dog sled
repair shop for miles.
Nothing but snow and ice.
Huh. Snow and ice, you say?
Wally, we need to get the
sled repacked.
Wally, we need to get the
sled repacked.
And try and figure out how
to Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda!
Maybe a hockey game didn't break
out, but these still came in handy.
Meet the Yukon Slapshot-anator!
Wally! You fixed my sled!
Wally! You fixed my sled!
Now, let's get the team
hooked up and back after that
birthday present.
The ice runners are working! We're
really slapshotting across the ice!
Hike! Hike!
Huh. Well, that's something you
don't see every day.
Not even in the Yukon!
Not even in the Yukon!
But my team's been running all day.
I'm not sure we can catch up to
them with just six dogs.
I'm not sure we can catch up to
them with just six dogs.
Then what about with seven dogs?
What do you think, Chinook? Chinook
says, "Welcome to the team, Arf!"
What do you think, Chinook? Chinook
says, "Welcome to the team, Arf!"
Okay. Glad that's over.
Now let's get back to-
Hike! Hike! Hike!
Now let's get back to-
Hike! Hike! Hike!
Way to go, Arf!
We're gaining on them.
But if only we could
knock that key loose.
But if only we could
knock that key loose.
Hmm. You know, Wenda, in the Yukon,
every day is the best snow day ever.
Chinook said so. And it wouldn't
be a snow day without
Chinook said so. And it wouldn't
be a snow day without
ALL: A snowball fight! (LAUGHING)
Take that!
Forget the snowballs, Fritz. Maybe
they want some more marshmallows.
He's too good at zapping down
our snowballs, Wally.
Do we have anything else?
Uh, just these cloudberries.
Do we have anything else?
Uh, just these cloudberries.
Huh. Hold on, Wenda. I have an idea.
Huh. Hold on, Wenda. I have an idea.
Fritz, do you like cloudberries?
Want one?
Here, have another.
Here, have another.
You know what, since they're so
tasty, you'll probably want more.
Uh-huh, uh-huh. (GRUNTING)
Why don't you let me hold
that key for you, Fritz?
Thank you, Fritz.
No, thank you, Wally!
Thank you, Fritz.
No, thank you, Wally!
Fritz? Where's the magic key?
Aah! Oh. Uh-oh.
Fritz? Where's the magic key?
Aah! Oh. Uh-oh.
Fritz, let's turn around
and get that key.
Next time, we're going to Hawaii.
Are you eating cloudberries?
Next time, we're going to Hawaii.
Are you eating cloudberries?
Well done, Arf!
Well done, Arf!
Now, to finally get this birthday
present to Wizard Blizzardbeard.
Oh, Wizard Blizzardbeard will
be surprised when he sees
what I have brought him
for his birthday!
I'll be there in a second!
I'll be there in a second!
Let me get it!
(SINGING, MUMBLING) Come on, where
did you put that
(SINGING, MUMBLING) Come on, where
did you put that
What do you mean, it's not there?
(GASPING) Oh no!
I must've left it back at
World Wide Wanderers HQ!
I must've left it back at
World Wide Wanderers HQ!
What will I ever tell
Wizard Blizzardbeard now?
Tell him happy birthday!
Wonders! Wally, Wenda, Arf, and a
girl, and a sled dog team!
Wonders! Wally, Wenda, Arf, and a
girl, and a sled dog team!
(GASPING) And the marshmallow key!
We thought you might
be looking for it.
(GASPING) And the marshmallow key!
We thought you might
be looking for it.
But what would Wizard Blizzardbeard
want with a marshmallow key, anyway?
Whitebeard! Oh, I'm so glad
you could make it!
Whitebeard! Oh, I'm so glad
you could make it!
Oh, Blizzardbeard! Wild caribou
couldn't stop me from being here.
Oh, I hope it's okay that I
brought a few guests.
This is Wally, Wenda, and
This is Wally, Wenda, and
Shila. And this is Chinook. He
says, "Happy birthday!"
And you know Arf.
(LAUGHING) Hey there, Arf! Gah!
(LAUGHING) Hey there, Arf! Gah!
(GASPING) Oh, right!
This is for you.
Happy birthday, old friend!
Happy birthday, old friend!
Oh! The marshmallow key! I've been
looking for this for years!
(LAUGHING) Now I can finally
complete my s'more key collection!
(LAUGHING) Now I can finally
complete my s'more key collection!
I already have the chocolate bar
key, and the graham cracker
key, and, oh, this is the best
birthday present ever!
key, and, oh, this is the best
birthday present ever!
So that's what you use a
marshmallow key for.
Thank you, Wally and Wenda! I have
never seen him happier!
Thank you, Wally and Wenda! I have
never seen him happier!
This deserves a very special stamp
in your World Wide WanderBooks.
BOTH: Yes!
Well, we couldn't have done it
without Shila's help.
Well, we couldn't have done it
without Shila's help.
And her sled team.
And our lead sled dog,
Arf of the North.
And our lead sled dog,
Arf of the North.
Chinook and I agree. Way to go, Arf!
Come, everyone! It's starting!
You're not gonna want to miss this!
You're not gonna want to miss this!
Whoa. The Northern lights!
Amazing. It's like a ballet of
colours in the sky.
Amazing. It's like a ballet of
colours in the sky.
I've never seen anything like it!
No matter how many times I see
it, I'm always amazed.
No matter how many times I see
it, I'm always amazed.
Thanks for helping us
get here, Shila.
Any time, Wally and Wenda.
It truly was the best snow day ever.
(LAUGHING) And it's about to get
even better! S'mores for everyone!
Yeah! Woo!
(LAUGHING) Listen to 'em go!
(LAUGHING) Listen to 'em go!
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