White Lines (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

Axel lived his dream.
That's how he became the greatest DJ
of his time.
This is your great idea?
Start a club here?
You spent all our money on this?
It was pretty cheap, though,
'cause no one else is gonna start
a business here, are they?
that business makes more noise
[house music playing]
than a fuckin' jet engine!
[David] Yes! That's fucking genius!
- [all laughing]
- [Axel] Come on!
Inhale the fucking kerosene!
Whoo! Whoo!
- Who's that?
- [all laughing]
He broke down every boundary.
He always followed his instincts.
It's how he got what he wanted.
[all chuckling]
[Axel yells]
Meanwhile, I was sat at my desk,
looking out my window at the rain.
[Kika] Oh, my God!
- [dance music playing on radio]
- [whooping]
- [laughter and cheering]
- [Zoe] Yeah!
[Kika] Whoo!
Music's gonna set you free ♪
Every Friday night
I'd come back from the supermarket
with my shopping
and I just thought that was my life.
The idea of that changing was
about as likely as the world turning
in a different direction.
- [Kika laughing]
- [dance music playing]
[Kika laughing]
[Marcus mumbling]
The speakers are waterproof.
Let's listen to the tune underwater.
- Whoo!
- [Zoe] On your own, baby!
[music playing through water]
You just wanna fly with me
You just wanna fly with me ♪
You just wanna fly with me
You just wanna fly with me ♪
You just wanna fly with me
You just wanna fly with me ♪
Fly with me, you just wanna ♪
You just wanna
You just wanna fly with me ♪
- [Marcus] Oh!
- You just wanna, you just wanna ♪
You just wanna fly with me ♪
You just wanna, you just wanna ♪
Fly with me ♪
[Zoe] And now I'm on Ibiza
and it feels like anything's possible.
We can be whoever we wanna be.
All three of us.
[Kika] And how we gonna do that, Zoe?
[Zoe] We can do whatever we want.
There's no limits.
[Marcus] You're right.
I know exactly
what you're talking about, Zoe.
Have you any idea
what it feels like to spend a lifetime
hooked on the same woman
and then
You have a flash of inspiration.
You realize
you're never gonna get back with her.
you don't even care.
It's like a a um click, you know,
going off inside your brain.
For the first time in my life,
I feel like I'm on the open road.
I can be reborn.
I I can fall in love.
I I can be a better dad.
Oh, for fuck's sake, so much better.
[Zoe laughs]
All my life, I've been labeled a hippie,
someone that can't commit to anything.
And you know what happens
when someone tells you something
over and over and over again?
You believe it.
And you stop believing
you can be anything else.
Like being a mum.
Why can't I be a mum? I love kids.
I'll impregnate you right here and now
- [Zoe laughs]
- if you like.
[Zoe laughing]
[all laughing]
I would.
Having children
is the most wonderful thing in the world.
But being a parent's really hard.
- It's hard.
- [Zoe] Yeah.
You have to get them
to tell you everything
and they have to believe
everything you say.
You have to be on your A-game 24/7.
No one can live up to that.
[Kika] No.
So then, one day, the bubble bursts.
Oh, fuck. I've gotta call me daughter.
- No. Zoe, wait.
- No.
- No, no, no, don't do that.
- Zoe
- [Zoe] I have to!
- It's not a good idea.
- [Kika] It's not a good idea.
- [Marcus] Fuckin' hell!
All right. Okay.
- [Kika] Zoe, don't think you need to now.
- [Marcus] Not now.
Last time I spoke to Jenny, she asked
if I'd got sick of being her mother.
I need to talk to her, I need to explain.
It's just It's not a good time, baby.
- [Marcus] No, no Oh, fuckin' hell.
- [Kika] Zoe.
- It's not a good idea, sweetie.
- [Zoe gasps]
Jen? Jen, listen to me.
I just wanna tell you,
you are the most important person
in my life.
I knew it from the moment you were born.
I was fuckin' terrified.
But I love you.
Look at you. [sniffles]
I remember when I used to drop you off
at the school gate
and then I could pick you up
and I could hear about your day.
[laughs] Do you remember
that day you told me
about milking the goat at that farm?
It was like you were telling me
some great odyssey.
Listen, Jen.
I I know I'm not perfect, right?
And I know we can't always
be joined at the hip.
And that breaks my heart.
But I'm I'm here and I'm feeling things,
and I just wanna share them with you, Jen.
I wanna share things with you,
and and I wanna talk about feelings,
and I wanna talk about mistakes,
and the drugs.
Jen. Jen! I took ecstasy tonight.
To see if it gave me some insight.
- What on earth are you doing, Zoe?
- Dad!
'Cause it it looks to me
like you're calling your daughter
high on drugs
at four in the bloody morning.
I barely recognize you.
I don't know what you've become.
or or what you're doing with that thug
who threatened me.
Bo Boxer threatened you?
Yeah, he he said you wanted
to live la vida loca.
Like you you wanted to try things.
Uh Like I was the one to blame.
You're the one who used
your brother's death as an excuse
to go to an island and fuck some guy
and wreck our entire life.
I'm gonna ask for custody of Jenny
and I reckon they'll give it to me.
Do you know why?
Because you have got
the full package, Zoe.
- [sobs]
- Infidelity
and abandoning the marital home.
[Zoe sobbing]
[Mike] You wanna be honest
with your daughter?
Tell her that, uh
you've got a trial tomorrow.
[Zoe sobs]
[Mike] Tell her that you might get
four years in prison.
Tell her the next time
she sees her mother
might be through a glass screen,
- surrounded by criminals.
- Jenny
I loved you.
I still do.
[seabirds calling]
to your rebirthing ceremony.
What is that?
and, uh a little bit of something else.
Just to help
with our insight.
Fuse our minds.
You're going to take it too?
You're not the only one
in need of rebirth, Oriol.
We both have wounded souls.
How can I expect to be
anybody's spiritual guide
unless I exorcise me own demons?
[Oriol exhales]
This will allow you
to see yourself for who you really are.
To see
your toxic personalities
and rid yourself of them.
Come. Come.
[David] Now, remember
there is no danger.
And don't be alarmed
by anything you see.
[both laughing]
You ready?
- Oof!
- You ready?
- Ooh.
- Ooh, there it is.
- [drumming sound]
- Oh, there you go.
[both sigh]
- There's no danger.
- All right.
Don't be alarmed by anything that you see.
[drumming sound continues]
They're here.
[maid, in Catalan] Good morning, madam.
[shutter opens]
[Conchita, in Spanish]
Oriol is still not answering my calls.
[Andreu] He's told you a thousand times
that he wants to be left alone.
Let him breathe!
[maid] Good morning.
[Mike, in English] You wanna be honest
wi with your daughter?
Tell her you've got a trial tomorrow.
Yeah, tell her you might get
four years in prison.
Te tell her
the next time she sees her mother
might be through a glass screen,
surrounded by criminals.
I'm gonna ask for custody of Jenny
and I reckon they'll give it to me.
What the fuck are you doing here?
I'm here to testify.
- I'm a witness, remember?
- I just need one minute.
Hey, I'm here to help.
Relax, okay?
Don't you tell me to relax.
My husband hates me.
He said I've only come over here
to take drugs, have sex
- and get away from him and Jenny.
- I'm I'm
Don't you fucking touch me.
Apparently you threatened him.
Is that true?
I don't remember that.
I did call him a shit eater, though.
I wish I'd never met you.
[David] I roar
[Oriol, in Spanish] Shut up.
I'm dancing, let me dance.
[David, in English] Big and small!
[in Spanish]
No, no, no. That's not how it was.
It isn't like that at all.
Shut up for a minute,
I'm saying something very important.
What's wrong with being a loser?
It's okay to be afraid and stay hidden
in the crowd.
We have the right to live in the nest
with Mum and Dad.
If sex with Mum is nice,
then let's enjoy it, end of story.
Shh. [clicks tongue]
[echoing] Huh?
[woman, in Spanish] All rise.
[judge] Zoe Walker.
The court clerk will read
the indictment filed by the prosecutor.
[interpreter translating to English]
On June 8th, you were driving
a Golf Cabriolet Mark 1,
with registration PM-0031-AI.
You were stopped by the police
[interpreter, in English] by
the police, and you decided to escape.
[in Spanish]
You are accused of reckless driving
and disobeying the authorities.
Call the witnesses.
Mr. Duarte Silva, if you please.
[clears throat]
The vehicle that Mrs. Walker was driving
is owned by you.
Is that correct, Mr. Duarte Silva?
[Boxer] It is.
Mrs. Walker asked me for my car
to run an errand.
Afterwards, she offered to be my driver
for the rest of the day,
and I agreed.
Was there a particular reason for this?
[Boxer continues in Spanish]
I was recovering from a thigh injury
that she gave me.
I didn't report it because I don't think
she did it out of aggression,
more out of
Could you be more specific, Mr. Silva?
I mean, the defendant is somewhat
I mean, the defendant is somewhat
[continues in Spanish]
She takes impulsive decisions.
I wasn't at all surprised
when she accelerated from the police.
[prosecutor] What about the drugs Zoe
Walker says she threw out of the window?
I don't know anything about that.
I didn't see her do it.
All I can say
is that,
at some point,
I had romantic intentions towards her.
towards her.
[continues in Spanish]
[interpreter] Until I realized
that she has a habit
of randomly changing her mind.
Do you know what I mean?
White. No, black. No, white
No, maybe black.
That might be why she invented
the thing about the drugs.
I couldn't say.
[judge] That's all. You can go.
Thank you.
- [interpreter] Thank you.
- [clerk] Zoe Walker.
[interpreter] Zoe Walker.
[prosecutor] Zoe Walker
I should have shot you in the balls
when I had the opportunity.
[lawyer speaking Spanish]
[interpreter] if you allow me,
I'd like to give you these medical reports
about the defendant,
which make clear that at the age of 17,
she was clinically depressed as a result
of her brother's disappearance
[lawyer continues in Spanish]
which culminated in her admission
to a psychiatric clinic,
and finally a suicide attempt.
You must understand
that the appearance of her brother's body
could quite possibly have triggered
the underlying psychological condition
and even magnified her vulnerability
and instability.
Mrs. Walker has worked in a library
at Manchester University
for the last nine years, Your Honor.
She has a family in Manchester.
At no other time
has she behaved in this fashion
in the past 20 years.
We were doing rebirthing therapy
when he just
It's a complicated process.
You ingest substances to give you insight.
And they take you
out of your conscious plane.
Only then can you confront the toxic parts
of your personality,
only then can you see who you really are
and what you're doing
to sabotage your life.
Uh, just tell me one thing.
Did your fucking insight show you
what the hell Oriol was doing
when he "vanished"?
Who the hell took him?
I sensed someone approaching him.
I couldn't say, but it
It felt like
a bear.
Or an ape.
It was black and hairy.
That make sense?
You see things with the treatments,
so I don't know.
- Hey, think.
- [gasps]
Who the fuck was it?
Oriol says the Martínez are preparing
for a war.
The Calafats are trying
to take their business back
by dropping their prices.
I don't know, maybe that was the bear.
Pepe Martínez is the bear.
Oh, fuck.
[vehicle approaches]
[Zoe] Why are you all the way out here?
Took me ages to find you.
[Clint] I want to be on me own.
No noise, no tourists.
How did the trial go?
Yeah, all right.
Do you want the good news,
or the less good news?
The good news is that all I owe
is 3,050 euros.
The less good news is,
obviously I don't have it.
I can't exactly get it out of the joint
account, can I? Don't seem right.
No, of course you can't.
Especially not after your little call
last night.
I loved you.
I'll get you the money.
Fuck's sake.
Hey. Zoe, wait. No, don't
- Zoe
- [gasps]
- Fuck.
- Dad?
- Dad, what the fuck?
- No, listen to me.
- What the fuck?
- Zoe.
Come here.
Come here. Zoe!
What the fuck have you done?
- What have you done?
- Nothing. Nothing.
- Did you kill him?
- I haven't killed anyone, Zoe.
Why the fuck is he in there
covered in blood?
That Oriol killed your brother.
I haven't touched him.
I saw the photos from that party, right?
There's this car
that disappears for a couple of hours.
That car
- belonged to Oriol Calafat.
- It's a car.
It's a car from 20 years ago.
How can you
I found this inside it.
It's your brother's tooth.
Someone used that car
to shift your brother's body
from the party to the port
so they could move him to the mainland.
And back then,
Oriol Calafat had his own speedboat.
Right, so what are we gonna do?
- Shoot him?
- I'm gonna bring him to justice, Zoe.
I'm taking him back to England.
By law, they have to investigate.
But the coroner can't summon a foreigner,
so I'm taking him over there
and I'm gonna force him to testify.
And I'm gonna have him tried
and condemned for your brother's murder.
But, Dad, that's kidnapping.
Well, no one in Spain's
gonna do anything, Zoe.
What did you really come to Ibiza for?
Was it to find a murderer
or was it just so you could
leave your family?
- [Kika] Olé!
- [laughter and cheering]
[Marcus] Look at that, eh? Hey!
- Whoo!
- How about it?
[Kika] You put chorizo in the paella?
Paella in Spain does not have chorizo.
Well, that's how we do it at home.
Innit, little one? Eh?
- [Andreu] I like chorizo.
- It's a Mancunian paella.
- [Kika] These English people
- Pass your plate.
I'm gonna help you with this. If not,
it's gonna be a disaster. Just
- Okay, just
- [Andreu] Mm.
[in Spanish] It smells nice.
- [in English] You gotta try it first.
- [Kika] Take this to my dad.
- There you go.
- [Kika] I'm not having chorizo in paella,
because in Spain, we don't do that.
- [Marcus] Just try it once.
- We don't do chorizo in paella.
- [Marcus] You gotta try everything once.
- No!
- What? I'll give you all the chorizo.
- [laughter]
- [Tanny] Pretty good job.
- Right!
- Good. Pretty good job.
- [Marcus] So!
To Mancunian "pai-ella."
- [Kika] Paella. "Pa-e-ya".
- [Marcus] "Pay Pae-eya".
[all chattering]
- Pae
- [Conchita] Muy bien. Muy bien!
Cheers to you, sweetie.
[Anna laughs]
This looks nice.
Anna, please.
Have some paella with us, come.
No, Kika, please, don't get up.
I don't wanna bother you.
I just need to get Tanny and Matilda,
we need to go to the house.
The hairdresser's coming to get us ready
for the wedding. Come on.
Matilda, sit down.
I'm not going to the wedding, Mum.
Yes, you are.
No, I'm not going to the wedding.
And why not?
You're free to marry that guy.
I'm free not to come.
That guy is called George.
I've not spoken to George
for more than six minutes
since I met him.
Maybe he's addicted to shagging you.
- I don't know.
- Mm
But he doesn't like me.
He doesn't like Matilda.
He doesn't like kids.
Especially if they're overweight.
- Tanny, now's not the time.
- [Tanny] Why not?
That guy isn't my dad,
and he's never going to be.
When am I supposed to talk about it? Huh?
I know that you feel bad
about your dad
- and everything that's going on with him.
- Fuck.
But you need to understand,
it's been a tough time.
- Okay?
- [sighs]
[Anna] He's made certain choices
and they haven't worked out well for him.
That's not true. He never had any choices.
It was you who wanted the big house.
You think I don't know?
I was only 14, and I could tell.
He told you he couldn't afford it.
But you wanted it.
And so he bought it for you.
And that's how it's always
always been.
Deep down, I'm actually glad
you're getting married. [sniffles]
Because Dad deserves a fresh start.
that's enough.
Just leave it for a bit, all right?
Just Look
Andreu, I'm sorry.
She's a teenager.
It's her hormones, you know?
Divorced parents, a new life
You put all that together, and boom!
That's all it is.
I think she needs you to come
to the wedding with her.
That's what she needs.
I know it's difficult, but, look,
it it's a small ceremony.
I think it is really important
I think it's important that she can see
that everything between us is not broken.
Okay, I'll be there.
You sure?
Yeah, 'course.
Look, Anna
I am sorry I was such a twat at David's
the other night, right?
And for everything that I said.
It's just really difficult to accept
that you got over our relationship
a year and a half before I did.
Honestly, you
It's not necessary. You don't need to
No, fuck off. It is necessary.
I've been a dickhead, Anna.
I was hooked on you.
I mean, totally fucking dependent.
I don't feel like that anymore.
You deserve to be happy, right?
- We both do.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Thank you.
[Axel] These two got married
in front of a fucking judge this morning.
Oh, yeah!
["Wedding March" by Mendelssohn plays]
I tell you one thing.
In all my days,
I've never seen a love like this.
If these two break up,
it will be the end of love.
All right, get her down, boys.
Good lads.
- [dance music plays]
- [cheering and whistling]
Right, listen up.
Marcus Ward
and Anna Connor.
With the power vested in me,
by me, the Lord God Amadeus,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Go forth,
be merry,
and fuck until kingdom comes!
- Whoo!
- [cheering]
["Promised Land" by Joe Smooth playing]
[Axel] Whoo-hoo-hoo!
When the angels from above ♪
Fall down
And spread their wings like doves ♪
- Oh, yeah ♪
- As we walk hand in hand ♪
Sisters, brothers
We'll make it to the promised land ♪
[crickets chirping]
[phone rings]
How you can have the cheek to call me
after what you did.
Who's the unbalanced one now, eh?
Black, white, black, white.
Where are you?
I'm at the police station,
thanks to you, and paying 3,000 euros
so I never have to see you again
in my life.
I'm not here for an argument, okay?
I came to warn you.
- Warn me about what?
- [sighs]
Your father has made a lot of progress
in his investigation
into your brother's death.
[Zoe sighs]
Come here.
I went to talk to Cristóbal. He told me
your father came to see his car
which is actually Oriol's car,
and he found your brother's tooth in it.
And there's another funny thing.
He's still using his old police toys.
You have two options.
Either you tell me
where your father has taken Oriol
and I'll sort this out without violence.
I'll tell the police.
And he will get six years in prison
for illegal detention.
Free Oriol.
And then your father can go home
for a rest.
I'm going back to Manchester, mate.
And I need you
to keep an eye on Zoe for me, please.
I'm not going to ask you what's going on
if you tell me,
I'm going to have to arrest you.
[both chuckle]
Ah, Spain's not so bad, eh?
When I was back in Manchester,
I thought I wouldn't be able to stand it.
You all talk so fast and so loud
and your bars all smell
like deep fat fryers
and you have your bloody dinner
at ten o'clock at night.
Yeah, it's all right.
Maybe if we'd found Axel's killer
20 years ago,
I could have found a new life here.
Hey, maybe I could have, uh
signed up for a salsa class
and got a new girlfriend, eh?
Oh, well
I'm glad I signed up before you.
But you know what they say.
It's never too late, my friend.
[in Spanish] That's what they say, eh?
Yes, that's what they say.
[Clint] Adiós, amigo.
[Juan Miguel, in English]
Goodbye, my friend.
[Clint] Zoe, love.
I thought it best you don't come,
after all.
I reckon I need to do this
on me own, so
I'm gettin' the first ferry out of here.
Don't worry about me.
I'll call you when I'm home.
Bye, love.
He's going to the port.
He's going on his own.
[tires screeching]
[both gasping]
Just stop.
- Stop.
- [George] What's the matter?
Eh? What's the matter?
[Anna sighs]
I just saw Marcus.
It's kind of freaked me out a bit.
[George] It's quite normal.
You're starting a new life.
You've got to leave him behind.
Are you in love with me?
[sighs] Of course I'm not.
I'm not a teenager.
Then why are you marrying me?
Because we are great together.
We are a team.
We have great sex,
we have great sex with other people.
I'm laid-back, you're laid-back,
we love talking.
We don't have awkward silences
when we are in restaurants
[house music playing]
[David] There are a thousand people
out there, man.
Next time, we should ask
for a pink dressing room.
- [Marcus laughs]
- [David] And a bathtub
- that's filled with fucking champagne.
- [Marcus] Mmm!
Oh, and jamón, a lot of serrano jamón.
People pay us to fuck about.
We're their heroes.
They give us everythin'. Their drugs,
their booze, their girlfriends.
Probably let us fuck 'em
just for a souvenir, eh?
We are livin' on cloud nine.
Better make the most of it.
Oi! Why don't we take a ride in that limo?
I like it.
- Let's have a fucking party in a limo.
- Yeah.
Let's go down the beach.
I'll get changed.
[Marcus] Thank you, Mrs. Ward.
Can you help me?
There you go.
[Anna] Can you believe
how far we've come?
We've got five clubs.
In Ibiza.
All of 'em sold out.
If you told me that back in Manchester,
I'd have bitten your hand off.
And to top it all,
the messiah of electronic music
married you tonight.
Gave you his blessing.
Do you feel special?
How could I not?
People love you.
They'd do anything
to be as close to you as I am
right now.
What would they do to be this close?
[Anna chuckles]
[both laughing]
[both gasping]
Anna, what's this about?
Marcus was in love with me.
Head over heels.
All the way through.
- [Marcus] Brought you a coffee.
- [Andreu] Thank you.
[in Spanish] At another time in my life,
I would have been horrified to see you
with a man like that.
Like what?
Well, like that. Look at him.
It's like he has "loser"
written on his forehead, darling.
[in English] I hope it's Colombian and not
from Manchester like your bloody paella.
[both laughing]
[in Spanish] Are you going to start
fooling around with Marcus now, Mum?
No, my dear, of course not.
Before, I would have told you
you're nearly 40,
you're pathologically immature,
and he is a stoner in flip-flops.
And that when you're desperate, Kika,
anything seems like love.
Well, Mum,
I'm glad you wouldn't say that now.
I don't think that, my love.
If you want to fall in love
with the deadbeat friend
of your first boyfriend, go ahead.
I'll support you.
If this family can change
we all can, my love.
[Marcus, in English] Coffee and cocaine.
Colombia, eh?
Do you fancy a cheeky spliff?
Go on, then.
[Kika, in Spanish]
Mum, he's not just Axel's friend.
He was my friend too.
He comforted me whenever Axel left me.
He came to beg me to change my mind
whenever I left Axel.
And, yes it would have been impossible
for me to fall in love with him back then,
or him with me, because he was with Anna.
But now it's happened.
[in English] You know,
when I could still walk,
I was always doing something.
Going to the office,
to see the lawyer,
playing paddle tennis,
viewing properties
I could turn into hotels.
It took me being paralyzed
to realize that I'd got it all wrong.
[in Spanish]
I don't know, life has changed
quite suddenly,
and things have come together
in a wonderful way
with someone unexpected.
[in English]
I can't make love with my wife, Marcus.
I can't go and find almonds
with my daughter.
I can't go dancing with Conchita.
[in Spanish] The same thing
has happened to me with your father
after 40 years of marriage.
It's taken him being in a wheelchair
for me to realize.
[in English] I don't even have
the strength to get my revenge
on the bastard who did this to me.
I've always been sensible.
I've done the right thing.
I could have taken care of Pepe Martínez
right at the start,
when he was just a baby.
But I let him grow.
When he sent a truck crashing into my car,
it's safe to say he wasn't
simply trying to paralyze me.
I'm not a good person.
But I've always known when to stop.
[dance music playing]
[David] Fuck!
- It's over the fucking coke!
- Honey, bring it close to my ♪
- Fuck!
- Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips, yeah ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips, yeah ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips, yeah ♪
- Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
- [laughter]
Honey, bring it close to my lips, yeah ♪
Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
- Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
- [yelling]
- Honey, bring it close to my ♪
- [cheering]
- [laughter]
- Honey, bring it close to my lips ♪
- [Anna] I'm so high!
- [all yelling]
We gotta be big ♪
- We gotta be big ♪
- [all chanting] Amadeus!
- Amadeus!
- We gotta be big ♪
- This is what we're here for.
- [horns blaring]
- Mate cheer the fuck up.
- Honey, bring it close to my ♪
- [David] Wahey!
- This is the life.
- [David] Whoo!
- [David and Anna laughing]
I'm not talking about money
or clubs, or a fucking limo.
[Anna laughing] Hiya!
I mean us being here together.
- Four of us.
- [David] Stop looking at me!
[Anna] Whoo-whoo!
'Cause now you're my family.
- [David] Yeah!
- All three of ya.
- We gotta be big ♪
- Well
We gotta be big ♪
- Anna maybe a bit more.
- We gotta be big ♪
- [David] Oh, Manchester ♪
- We gotta be big ♪
- [Anna] Manchester!
- [David] It's full of drugs ♪
- Oh, Manchester is wonderful ♪
- [Anna laughing and yelling]
You can't spend your whole life
going a hundred miles an hour.
[Marcus] What the fuck is up with you?
You married us tonight, mate.
In front of our fans.
That means so much more
than some fuckin' judge in San Antonio.
[David] Whoo-whoo!
Do you ever get sick
of being a twat, Marcus?
Those fans don't come to see you,
they come to see me.
What the fuck are you on about, Axel?
I'm talking about you living off the back
of my talent for two fucking years.
We. All four of us mix the tracks.
We opened five clubs, together.
What have you done?
What have you actually done?
Waved your hands in the air
whilst I'm making people levitate
off the fucking ground?
Playing my tracks
before I go out on stage?
I come up with them all. I make the mixes.
I'm Amadeus.
You fuckin' passenger, Marcus!
You fuckin' leech!
You spend your life stuck on me.
You fuckin' passenger, Marcus.
- Everywhere a Judas ♪
- Pickin' up the crumbs.
You're a loser.
- As far as you can see ♪
- [sniffs]
You're a fucking loser.
Fuck off! Fuck off!
[yells] Shut shut up!
- [sobbing]
- [Axel laughing]
[Clint] Hi, it's Clint. Leave a message.
He's still not pickin' up.
He's so bloody stubborn.
Well, keep trying.
Hey, um what does the van look like?
It's a Fiat Ducato Swift Kon-Tiki,
English number plate,
last two letters CY.
- CY? Okay.
- Come on, Dad, pick up your phone.
[muffled moaning]
[muffled yells]
[Clint] Hi, it's Clint. Leave a message.
Dad, listen to me.
Pick up your phone. Pick up your phone!
- Any news?
- No. He sent me to voicemail.
Oh, fucking hell.
Fuck. Dad, listen to me.
Pick up your phone.
Pick up your phone.
They're gonna arrest you, Dad.
Pick up your phone.
[yells] Aah!
There's another port at San Antonio.
Your father isn't here.
Well, you go, and I'll wait here
- just in case.
- Okay.
- Fuck off me!
- [groans]
[metal ticking]
[Clint] Zoe
I'm not picking up, love, because, uh
well, you know me,
I'm not one for goodbyes.
- Well, the truth of it is
- [moaning]
- I didn't want you comin' after me
- [sighs]
trying to stop me.
If we get caught,
it's six years in prison.
And there's so much you could achieve
in six years.
I've got a funny feelin'
that you're gonna be happy, love.
I think your moment has come.
[Clint] A few days back,
a friend of mine told me
that Axel was a complete arsehole,
who overstepped every line
of what was acceptable.
- And my friend was right, you know.
- [cheering]
I've thought exactly the same thing
for the past 20-odd years.
But you can't stop loving a child
because of that.
I've come to realize that
as I've seen your life fallin' apart.
And I won't stop loving you, Zoe.
If you don't come back
to Manchester, if
you leave your family for good,
I'll support you.
Maybe if I'd done that
with your brother
instead of chucking him out the house,
[voice breaks]
he'd still be here today.
I love you, Zoe.
Whatever happens
I love you.
[phone rings]
[in Spanish] Where are you?
I've just killed a man.
[softly] Fuck.
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