Wild Cards (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Inside (Con) Man

Previously on Wild Cards.
It doesn't make any sense,
therefore I don't understand.
Their honeymoon phase
is officially over.
You two are spending
too much time together.
I said no big swings,
and what do you do?
- Swung big.
- I'm giving it to Simons and Yates.
The commissioner didn't
ask for Simons and Yates.
- She asked for us.
- When you're working for us,
the ends don't justify the means.
We have to do everything
by the book. Everything.
I have a flash drive.
Let me go and it's yours.
I had a choice.
Thanks for having my back.
I got ya.
This is cozy.
- You've never been down here before?
- I didn't think I was allowed.
What's shakin', sunshine?
I'm calling to remind you
that the deadline is fast approaching.
Ugh, you don't have to remind me.
I beg to differ. What
if he doesn't show?
- He'll show up.
- How can you be so sure?
- Am I ever wrong?
- Must I also remind you
of the Duke of Schleswig
and his Iguana?
First of all, he was
a count, not a duke.
And second of all, everyone's
entitled to an off night, okay?
So don't worry about me,
worry about your begonias.
Hey, Max!
Uh, just one today, Joe.
My bad. I'm so used to seeing you
with that handsome fella all the time.
We just work together,
but not for much longer.
Oh. Is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's great.
- Okay, good.
'Cause you two just
seem like a great match.
- Have a blessed day.
- You too.
Here you go. Double shot latte,
macadamia milk, sugar-free caramel,
kiss of whipped cream.
No, this must be for Max. I
just ordered a black coffee.
Sorry, Clay.
It's Cole.
Where's Max?
- I don't know, it's Saturday.
- You two break up?
Break up? No, we're not dating.
We just work together.
Not for much longer now.
That's too bad.
She's dope. You must be bummed.
It's hard to find someone
you work well with.
That's why I went solo.
My own coffee island.
No one to answer to, no one to rely on.
Thank you.
(CLERK): Next in line.
(GIRL): You're next.
You're next.
I'm not quite ready, you go ahead.
The bank machine outside ate my card.
I don't have any ID on me,
but I have my PIN number.
(CLERK): Oh dear, we're gonna
need some identification.
- Good morning, Mr. Simpson.
- Mrs. Field, always a pleasure.
I found some more change today.
Would a twenty be okay?
That'd be fine, thank you.
Awfully mild for this time of year.
Perfect weather for a
walk by the sea wall.
I walk there every morning.
I walk there every evening.
Uh, hi.
I just wanted you to know.
Um a-are you sure this is mine?
Uh, it's definitely yours.
Uh, Tracy, I-I'm sorry,
I don't mean any offense, I just
The doctor assured me that my
little Karls couldn't swim, so
Good morning. Hi. I'm
sorry to interrupt.
Um, I just need to put
something in my safe deposit box.
Oh, of course. If you could
just have a little seat
- in the waiting area
- Attention everyone!
- This is a robbery!
- Oh, my God.
Put your hands where I can see 'em!
Don't even think about it. (GRUNTS)
Take it easy. No one needs to get hurt.
You two, tellers, put down
the keys to the cash drawers,
and step out front.
- Keep away from the alarm!
- Open the door.
Go lock the front, now! Go!
Everyone, over here! Let's go!
Oh my God, I can't
believe this is happening.
Stay calm, Mrs. Field.
- Hurry up!
Come on, hurry up!
Okay, it's okay.
Your pass!
We don't have all freaking day!
All right, kill the cameras,
or I kill you and do it myself.
- All right, all right. Uh
Move it!
(WOMAN): This is terrible!
Okay, okay, okay.
Are you gonna stand there
and just let this happen?
Irma, they have guns.
And we have insurance.
- Coward.
- Let's go!
You heard them. Just do what they say
and everything will be okay.
I need you to line up in front of me,
facing me. Now!
Now, come on!
Get on the ground, don't move.
Now, get on the ground! Come on! Now!
- I can't lie down.
- Fine. Sit against the wall.
Give me your phone.
Give me your phone!
Do as we say, no one
gets hurt. You understand?
Get down on the ground where you are,
no one move, don't say a
damn word, you understand?
Take your phones out and slide
them across towards to me. Now!
Come on, now!
Hey, good morning, sunshine.
Quiet! Now!
Come on!
First one to be a hero
gets a bullet in the head.
You understand?
You've reached Max.
If you want to leave me a message,
wait for me to sing two verses
of Don't Rain On My
Parade. Here we go
Do you have any fertilizer on hand?
Hey, Ricky, where's Max?
Not helping me with these begonias,
I can tell you that.
She called me and I
couldn't really make it out,
but there was shouting
in the background,
- and then the line went dead.
- You wouldn't be
her first butt dial.
Did she ever tell you
- the story of
- Ricky. Focus.
She was going to the bank.
- Which one?
- Quien sabé?
By last tally, she's got accounts
at 27 different financial institutions.
Not to mention the offshore, which is
Ricky, I'm concerned.
I hear ya, dumpling.
She's always losing her keys,
which is why I tag them.
How's it coming?
I'm moving as fast as I can, man.
Hey, Mr. Bank Manager.
I need the codes to
open the cash machine.
Don't you dare.
Mrs. Field, if you get too
scared, just look at me.
- We'll get through this.
- Thank you, Mr. Simpson.
Found her.
Or, uh, at least, her keys.
What the hell is that? Whose is that?!
I said to dump all your phones!
I did it! It's not me!
Excuse me, sir? Funny story.
- You? Give me this.
See, I'm always losing my
keys so I put a tag on them.
- Why are they beeping?
- I think that means someone's looking for them.
- Take care of it, come on!
- See?
They're just my keys.
I can turn them off.
- Found her!
- Where?
- She's gone.
- Or you could just do that.
I want purses, bags,
everything you've got
in the pile on the floor.
Now, come on! Let's go!
Now, get back against the wall,
sit down, don't say a word.
- Come on!
- How does she just disappear?
'Spose the battery could've died.
Oh yeah, right after her phone died?
Yeah, I know. She was at 3rd and Oak.
There's a bank on that corner.
Okay, you keep trying her.
I'm gonna head to the bank.
You okay?
I've had better mornings.
How many months?
Eight months, one week, three days.
Not that anyone's counting.
We're gonna be okay.
Hope so.
For both of us.
Can you please just send a squad car?
Why? Because her battery died?
First her phone went dead,
then her key tag, inside of a bank.
I'm still 15 minutes out.
Ellis, don't you think
you're overreacting?
Chief, just send it.
- Come on, man?
- Yeah, yeah.
Maybe when the robbers are
done stealing all the cash,
I'll throw my wedding ring in, too.
Yeah. I saw the way you look at her.
I'm not used to being hit
on, okay? I'm penitent.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't "sorry" me.
Twenty years of marriage, Karl.
This is how I find out?
I think we can work this out.
All those months ago, I knew
there was something going on.
Mm-hmm. You were moody.
Staying out late. "At
the bank," you said.
Yeah, well, clearly you were making
your deposit somewhere else.
Hurry up!
What're we supposed to be looking for?
Any sign of trouble.
Well, it is Saturday.
Yeah but all these cars
must belong to somebody.
Hey. It's almost over.
Once they get their
money, they'll be gone.
- Yeah. Whatever.
- We're gonna be okay.
You don't understand.
I understand that ATM scam
you were trying to pull.
What scam?
You were going about it the wrong way.
You gotta pull at their heart strings.
Gotta hit them with those
little puppy dog eyes.
When we get out of here,
I'll give you some pointers.
You don't understand
anything. Just leave me alone.
Hey! No talking!
All right, got it all.
'Bout damn time. All right,
everybody, eyes to the floor.
We're gonna walk outta here now.
Anyone who tries to
stop us, you're dead.
You got it?
Come on.
Drop your weapons!
Shots fired! Officers need backup!
3rd and Oak.
Hey! Who the hell tripped
the silent alarm? Huh?
- Who was it? Was it you?
- Who was it?!
- Leave him alone!
It was me!
Get up. Get up!
I'm gonna make an example outta you.
- Yo, man, this wasn't the plan!
- Shut up!
This is bad, this is real
bad. What are we gonna do?
Let me think!
Okay, yeah. You know
what? How about we just
take a deep breath, okay?
First rule of bank robbery: Don't panic.
That's right, keep him
talking, just like that.
- I can't breathe!
- Hey, hey, what are you doing?!
The cameras are off and
I can't breathe, man!
Calm down, all right?
Do not lose it on me!
We gotta do something, now!
The second rule of bank robbery:
- Don't make any rash decisions.
- Sir
Sit down. Sit down!
Look at me.
You try to pull
anything like that again,
- I will shoot you.
- And I believe you.
All right. The same goes
for everybody, you got it?
- Sir.
- What?
I need to go to the bathroom.
Can't really say no to a pregnant lady.
All right, fine. Get up, come on.
Thank you.
Hey, Ben. Keep an eye
on them. You got it?
Hey, Ben? You hear me?
Keep an eye on them.
- Yeah, yeah.
- All right.
Let's go.
- Please.
I can't really get a clear view,
but I got two armed men, eight hostages.
Tactical response team is on the way.
Great, I'll search the perimeter,
- see if I can find a way inside.
- Ellis.
You know there's a strict
protocol for hostage situations.
Stay where you are and wait for them.
I can't wait here, sir,
okay? These guys are boxed in.
They've got guns and they're
not afraid to use them.
That's why you follow the rule book.
Tactical Response will take over.
They've got a gun to her head, sir.
I understand.
But the best way to
keep the hostages alive,
is be calm and have a plan, got it?
I'm on my way.
I cannot stay here any
longer. I have bags to pack.
You're just leaving me?
Your bags, Karl.
I'm not going anywhere, we
just refinished the kitchen.
(SCOFFS) It's really beautiful.
Okay, well
How about an ice breaker
to put our minds at ease?
Yeah, okay.
Okay. I'll go first.
Never have I ever.
- Never have I ever rode a camel.
- I did that.
- Really?
- With my late husband.
We went to Egypt 20 years
ago. It was incredible.
I remember when you came
in to get travellers checks
- from that trip.
- That was the last trip
- we took together.
- Weren't you supposed to go
to Italy when he retired?
He didn't want to travel anymore. I did.
I've never even left the country.
I've been saving for when I retire.
I wanna see the whole world.
Okay. Anybody else?
- Sure. Yeah, I got one.
- Oh, God
Never have I ever had an
affair with a random client
- and gotten them pregnant.
- Irma, please.
Okay, how about we
play a different game?
Screw this.
You guys stay here,
I'm going around back.
Chief said to sit tight!
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
But these guys are scary.
No one should try anything.
All right, check the building,
make sure there's no way
- for the cops to get in here.
- What,
- we're we just gonna wait here?
- For now. I have a plan.
Keep it together, okay?
- Did he hurt you?
- Shut up, you spineless turd.
Like you would do anything about it.
Is it a boy or a girl?
So, what happened?
I know it was wrong. I feel horrible.
I was going through a
hard time. I got laid off,
and I was going to lose my condo.
Karl was so sweet. He helped me out.
It really hit me out of
nowhere. You know what I mean?
Well, all that matters
is taking care of that little guy.
I know.
I already love him so much. It's crazy.
What about you?
Anyone waiting for you on the outside?
Damn it!
Move, move, go, go!
We're checking for possible
underground escape routes.
These are the officers
first on the scene.
- Where's Detective Ellis?
- We don't know.
He went around the building
before anyone got here.
Come on, Ellis, where are you?
- We're dead.
- No, we're not.
They ain't gonna touch
us as long as we got
all these hostages in here.
Come on, move, move.
- Where's the negotiator?
- Still 90 minutes out.
- We sent a chopper for him.
- I want reports
from the perimeter every five minutes.
As soon as that direct line
is set up to the inside,
- you let me know.
- Yes, sir.
Ellis, where the hell are you?
Call me back. That's an order.
All right, so, press is here,
we have a public information
officer talking to 'em.
Unis have set up a 300-meter perimeter.
- We heard Max is inside.
- Yeah.
How do we know she's not in on this?
We have work to do. Set up comms.
- Yep.
- What is it?
- I found Ellis.
He's inside the bank.
- Shut up, old man!
- Hey, come on!
Take it easy, he's old.
- Ellis is sending photos.
Yates, run them through
facial recognition.
Hey, did you get any hits?
Nothing. You're too far
away. Resolution sucks.
I got two robbers, both male.
Both armed. One of
them's got a violent edge.
He's the leader. The
other one just kind of
does what he's told, but
he's starting to freak out.
- Do you have your firearm?
- Yes.
- Do not engage.
- If I get a clear shot, sir
Do not engage.
First priority is the
safety of the hostages.
I counted nine, including Max.
Ellis, I have to ask, do you
think she could be involved?
No, sir. Not at all.
Is there any way for you
to communicate with her?
- Ellis?
- Don't answer that.
- Who's in charge here?
Most definitely you, boss.
But just an observation.
It's the cops on the
other end of that line,
and if they record your voices,
heads up, they will, they'll
be able to identify you.
All right, you got a fix for this?
Thanks for asking. I do.
I answer for you. Act as an emissary.
- Why should I trust you?
Because I've been on
your side of the law
more times than I care to admit.
- Everfield Bank.
- Max?
What are you doing answering?
Is there anyone else listening?
No. What's your list of demands?
A car, full tank of gas, no
one follows us out of here.
Got it. Okay, grab a
pen. They want an SUV,
tinted windows, full
tank of gas, no lo-jack,
and Beastie Boys' "Sabotage"
cued up on the stereo,
'cause those wheels gonna be bumpin'.
Max, Ellis is in the bank.
Try and get some kind
of communication going.
Yes, sir. These men are very
serious and very dangerous.
Max, listen to me, don't
pull any kind of stunt.
Do exactly as they say.
We will handle this.
Roger. Oh, and can someone
stop by the Charming
Dragon for spring rolls?
Hey. Give me this.
Sorry, I was feeling a little peckish.
Sit down.
Everything's gonna be okay.
I'm gonna die a thief.
Is this Stockholm Syndrome?
Because, you know, you're the victim.
I wasn't running an ATM scam back there.
(SIGHS) The truth is,
I lost my job and had to move back home.
I wanted to go to a concert in Portland,
so I asked my mom for a small loan.
Let me guess, she declined,
so you "borrowed" her ATM card.
Which the stupid machine ate.
Now, if I die in here,
she'll only remember me as a thief.
How about this, when we get out of here,
I explain the whole thing to your mom.
But in return,
maybe you can lend me your earpods?
(ELLIS): I'm going to patch you into Li
so they can hear everything you hear.
And Max? You're doing great.
Everything is going to be all right.
- Max? Can you hear me?
Okay. This is what I need you to do:
Get the robbers talking
while you feed me
any details you can. Okay?
Is that a heart tattoo
on your left wrist?
'Cause it's adorable.
It's a birthmark.
(MAX): Wow, that's a
really cool birthmark.
Especially for a man who's
5'10, 160 pounds and blond hair.
Is that hazel-green eyes you have too?
My mom had hazel-green eyes.
Oh, my God, do you ever shut up?
(LI): That's great, Max.
Feed it into the system. I
wanna know who this guy is.
Where the hell is that damn car?
Shut up, it's coming.
I need caffeine.
Hey, pregnant lady. Get
us some coffee, will ya?
I'll help. What do you take in it?
- Just milk.
- Black, please. Thanks.
I got it. You go get angry one's milk.
Thanks. And here I
thought swollen ankles
were going to be the
worst part of my day.
Oh please, you don't
have a cankle in sight.
I swear, they're calling
in even more cops.
All right. We gotta get
everyone out of the main room.
Let's take them into
the board room, okay?
All right, everyone stand
up, we're leaving. Let's go!
They're moving the hostages.
Simmons, get me those blueprints.
Max, keep them talking.
We need to find out
where they're taking you.
Where are we going? Hopefully
someplace with chairs.
Let's go. Single file!
- Move it!
Great, a field trip.
We got an ID match
with one of the robbers.
The angry one with the birthmark.
Derek Jones. Got out of
jail a few months ago
for armed robbery.
Last known permanent
address was a foster home.
His foster mother visited him
the last time he was in jail.
Go get her.
Maybe she can talk him down.
Wow, these offices are all
so tiny and north facing.
No wonder you're all so pale.
Oh, a staircase. I
wonder where these go.
- In here.
- Boardroom, okay!
A place we all fit. Great thinking.
Everyone, sit.
Keep your hands where we can see 'em.
- Where's the other guy?
- Sit down.
Ellis, no!
Come on. Okay, okay!
Okay, okay
This is a standard issue, 9-millimetre.
He's a friggin' cop!
You knew him by name.
How did you know his name?
- Are you a cop?
- What happened?!
Stay there! Are you a cop?
No. Definitely not!
- Who's Li?
You just shot a cop.
You may want to answer
that one yourself.
You better be calling us
to tell us our car's ready.
Derek, what happened?
- How do you know my name?
- I know a lot more than that.
- Now what happened?
- You sent a cop in here!
- Is he alive?
- For now.
Not for long if you keep stalling.
Does he need medical attention?
Send us a car now!
- Get up.
Get up!
The that bullet
definitely broke a few ribs.
Just try not to move, okay?
Promise not to make me laugh?
I can't make any promises.
You shouldn't have
ran in there like that.
You could have gotten
yourself killed, Max.
The same goes for you.
Him getting in here means
we're getting out, right?
Look, listen up everybody.
My name is Detective Ellis.
My team is outside.
I know you're all scared right now,
but this is all gonna
be resolved very soon.
You're a detective. And he shot you.
That means he's capable of anything.
If this is it,
there's something I
need to get off my chest.
Caesar Simpson, will you
go out to dinner with me?
I thought you'd never ask.
I am just so sorry for
everything I've put you through.
- If we ever get out of here
- I'm burning your clothes
in the street, giving your
porcelain elephant collection
to the neighbor you hate,
and I'm gonna divorce you
and bleed you drier than your
mother's Thanksgiving turkey.
I have something to tell you.
I have something to tell you too.
Me first.
And how many children did she have?
She only had one biological child.
But she raised eight foster
children over the years,
including Derek.
I can't believe he's robbing a bank.
Is it that surprising? I
mean, he's done it before.
But he doesn't need the
money. At least he won't soon.
Why's that?
I'm afraid she doesn't
have long to live.
Then he'll get a share
of the inheritance.
Well, I mean, split eight ways.
No offense, but how much
could that really be?
Quite a bit with the stamp.
It's worth three million.
- The stamp?
- Yeah.
She's had it from when
she was a young girl,
but she hadn't known how much
it was worth until recently.
Do you know where she keeps this stamp?
Hey. You okay?
Wrong question.
Is there anything else you
need, besides an obstetrician?
Your boss called. The car's here.
- You, come on, get up.
- Why?
'Cause you're our
insurance policy. Get up!
- Take me.
- Ah-ta-ta-ta.
- I'm a cop, I'm worth more.
- Sit down.
Or you want another one in the chest?
Sit down!
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
When you get outside, pretend
you're having a contraction
and drop to the ground.
The cops will take them out.
(DEREK): All right, let's go. Hurry up!
I said now!
All right, all right, let's
go, come on. Get over here.
The rest of you, stay put.
(OFFICER): They're coming
out! Hold your fire!
Drop your weapon!
Get on your knees!
- On the ground!
- Move, move, move!
Hands behind your back.
- You're okay.
(LI): Get me eyes on
those hostages, let's go.
Hey, are you okay?
All the rest of the
hostages are safe inside.
Same with the security guard.
Although, I'm sure he'll
have one hell of a headache.
- How are you?
- Not bad for getting shot,
I guess. Yates, can I
borrow your handcuffs?
Okay, but I need them
back by 8:15 tonight.
- Sure.
- Thank you so much, Officer.
My pleasure.
You're under arrest. Put
your hands behind your back.
What is this? I'm the victim here.
That's what you wanted us to believe.
What are you talking about?
Let's start from the
beginning, shall we?
Quiet! Line up in front
of me, facing me, now!
(MAX): At the time, I
wondered why we were forced
to face the same direction.
- I can't lie down.
- Fine. Sit against the wall.
Give me your phone!
Then I realize, if we're
all facing forward
we couldn't see what
was going on behind us.
Thought it was strange the
robbers would go through
all that trouble just
to get the teller's cash.
It wasn't a lot of money.
But the cash grab was
just a distraction.
So you could go after your
real target for the robbery.
The safe deposit boxes.
You see, to access any
of the safe deposit boxes,
you need two keys.
The box owner has one,
and the bank manager has the other.
Which explains your affair with Karl.
That's not true. We were in love.
Ah, come on you used the poor guy.
Nothing like a little pillow talk
to get info on bank security,
and how the cameras and
alarm systems worked.
And of course, his master key,
which we now know that
you copied, by the way.
Once you'd stolen what you came for,
you returned to the group
The robbers had finished
stealing the cash,
and you three were ready to leave.
Great plan. It was all
timed out perfectly.
All until my partner here showed up
and spoiled everything.
With your original plan ruined,
you guys were forced to
come up with a Plan B.
Which explains your
sudden urge to go tinkle.
- Sir?
- What?!
I need to go to the bathroom.
You can't really say
no to a pregnant lady.
- We're screwed!
- Quiet! Let me think.
There weren't supposed to be any cops.
In and out, that's what you said.
Don't blame me for this.
You're the one who
started firing on the cops.
They'll have us surrounded.
We're trapped in here.
No. There's still a way out of this.
- What?
- Here's what you do
You told Derek to
negotiate an escape plan.
And to say if he saw any
police pursuit, he'd kill you.
Might've worked, too, but
I guess we'll never know
because you decided to
take my partner's advice,
and when the three of
you ran out of the bank,
you decided to get cramps, hit the deck.
I knew you would think
that's a great solution.
You fall to the ground, giving
the snipers a clear shot.
And bang-bang, both
your partners are killed.
Leaving you to walk away scot-free.
How could you possibly
believe any of this is true?
Crazy, right? I thought so too
until I noticed the milk.
- Milk?
- Derek said he wanted
coffee with just milk.
But you didn't go for
the 2%, or the soy milk.
You went straight for the almond milk.
He didn't even flinch when he tasted it.
And the only way you could know what
he took in his coffee is if, well
you already knew him.
That doesn't prove anything.
You're right.
But this does.
You see, when my colleagues
visited your mother,
they learned about her will.
And the fact that she had left
the three million dollar
stamp to you, her daughter,
and all her foster children,
to be split equally.
She was your birth mother,
but she viewed all her
foster kids as her own, too.
I don't know if you and
Derek were always close,
but he had already served
time for armed robbery,
so he had experience with this.
Now, they're being
interviewed as we speak.
And by now, they gotta
realize that you were willing
to let them die, just
so you could get away.
You don't know what it was like,
growing up in that house.
No, but I can guess.
Your mom was probably
a very special lady.
Taking care of all those
foster kids for all these years.
I was her daughter. Her real daughter.
But they got all the attention.
And where the hell are they now?
They don't pay her medical bills.
They don't come to visit. I do.
I deserve that money, not them.
You know, if we hadn't
been in there together,
I don't think we ever
would have figured it out.
I've got something to tell you.
I have something to tell you too.
Me first.
She knows the robbers.
She's not really pregnant.
(LI): Where the hell is the
three-million-dollar stamp?
(ELLIS): When she thought
nobody was looking,
I caught her adjusting her fake belly.
That's when I knew.
These are the two safety
deposit keys, and this
is the Inverted Jenny.
It's a stamp, valued at
three million dollars.
It's extremely rare. Stopped making them
when they realized the
plane was upside down.
Why split it when you can
have it all to yourself?
Exactly. Which is why
we knew that she would go
for Max's suggestion.
Drop down, let the snipers
take out her partners.
- We did good.
- We did, didn't we?
You know, with our
probation coming to an end,
when can we talk to the Commissioner?
Well, after today's big win,
you should start pickin' out a desk.
I'd picked Yates'.
We need to talk. Have a seat.
The Commissioner asked for a review
of what went down today.
And it doesn't look
good for either of you.
- We saved nine hostages, sir.
- And solved a robbery.
And you broke protocol in
a deadly hostage situation.
Ellis, you let your emotions
for your partner's safety
cloud your judgment.
One wrong move in there
and you both could have
gotten everyone killed.
So as of now,
your reinstatement and
your probation are on hold.
- Are you serious?
- Damn it, Ellis.
Off the record, I
understand what you did.
And I am so relieved that you
both made it back home today.
Can I say something, sir? On the record.
Look, I know we broke protocol,
but we had each other's backs.
When I got shot today,
Max ran toward the shooter.
Toward me.
I hope every officer
goes to work each day
knowing they've got a partner like that.
Come on, let's go.
Well, that was
one hell of a day.
Yeah. Sure was.
I'm so sorry.
You went in there for me
and ended up losing everything
Hey, stop.
I'd do it again a
hundred times. All right?
Are you sure you don't
want to get that looked at?
I think I'll be okay.
Hello, Max.
Who's this?
My husband.
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