Wind Breaker (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Umemiya's Style

Tomiyama-san's crazy
That's weird.
I was sure my punches landed
Your fists are light.
Do you know why?
Because they don't shoulder anything.
I don't get you at all.
I don't know what this whole
"light" thing you're babbling about is
but if I keep punching you
until you're down, it's all the same.
I'll hit you enough times so you'll know!
Like I said
it ain't working on me!
That hurts
I'll become free, no matter what.
Don't get in my way!
What is this "free" thing
you keep going on about?
It means having fun!
Then, what is "fun" to you?
To fight someone strong, like right now!
But you sure don't look like
you're having fun.
You don't know anything about yourself.
That's why you feel empty
and keep saying "what ifs."
That must be hard.
I feel sorry for you.
But even more than that
I feel sorry for the team that
let someone like you be at the top.
Whatever the reason is,
you still became their leader.
don't let them make a face like that!
I'm really glad I came to Furin.
I'm glad that he's the top of our team.
A face like that?
No, this was from a long time ago
I don't get it.
I don't know. I don't get it.
Shut up. Shut up.
Shut up!
I don't know. I don't get it.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Fine, whatever.
I don't need you anymore.
I don't need anything.
When did the world become gray?
It's dark It's cold
No matter what I do,
I'm still unsatisfied.
I always feel so empty.
It's like
my heart has turned into a barren desert.
What is it that I'm missing?
Why am I lacking?
I don't know.
Ah, I don't care anymore.
I'm sure it's helpless now.
No matter what I do, no matter what I get
It'll just all be the same.
If so, I don't need it.
I don't need anything.
Cho Choji
Hey, is he all right?
Why is he not fighting back?
What the hell are you doing?
You're the one boasting about
absolutely not going to lose!
What's the meaning of this?
He'll die
Shut up and watch.
I didn't mean to push you
over the edge like this.
I didn't realize you'd been driven
into a corner this much.
Shut up!
But if you keep spiraling in desperation
and end up destroying everything
from here on out you will never
be free from that suffering.
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
It's all right.
The answer is inside of you.
I don't know what you're talking about!
Do you remember
when our teams fought before?
Turned out it was all
just a misunderstanding.
Man, you're stupidly strong!
You saved me again.
Yeah, same here!
Thanks. We'd be toast without you!
I'm glad to hear that!
That was super fun!
Let's do it again someday!
Back then, your fists were a lot heavier.
Heavier than today.
You were shining so dazzlingly back then.
Brighter than you are now.
What did you have around you back then?
What did you see with your eyes?
Stay away!
It's warm
Remember, Tomiyama.
What you saw back then
That's what you need,
and what's needed to be the top!
Thank you.
Remember what it's like!
What happened?
Why do you guys look
like you're having so much fun?
How nice.
Let me join in, too.
Hey, Tomiyama!
What are you doing?
The kitty looked like it wanted petting.
You're so laid-back.
We're going into a fight
right now, you know?
If you wanna be the next general,
you gotta get your stuff together, man.
By the way
who are we fighting this time?
Man, you're definitely
gonna be a big shot one day!
Yeah, I can't wait.
It's in your hands.
Yeah! Just leave it all to me!
Let's go!
-We're counting on you.
-Don't get beaten, okay?
Ah, this is so fun.
I wish this would continue forever.
Hey, Kame-chan.
Where did everyone go?
Huh? What's this?
This is a dream, huh?
But somehow
it feels so nostalgic
Huh? Kame-chan?
Why are you making that face?
I lost to Ume-chan.
I had a dream about a long time ago.
Everyone was smiling.
I haven't had that much fun
in a really long time.
And I think I get it now.
I had a lot of fun, too,
when everyone was smiling together.
So, please
Sorry, Choji.
I left you all alone.
Not understanding
why you were suffering the whole time
I distanced everyone from you.
I didn't want you to hurt
the rest of the team
and make them hate you.
I couldn't let my ideal be broken.
The ideal world where everyone loves you,
and I'm there, supporting you.
That's why, on that day
although I knew what I did was wrong,
I looked away from you.
But someone made me realize
No matter how strong my opponent is
even if it's someone I owe my life to
I won't look away or bend my will!
As a member of Shishitoren
I should've confronted you
for what I believed in.
I'm sorry I didn't talk to you
I'm sorry I didn't look
for the answer with you.
I'm sorry I left you all alone.
As a result, I took away
the thing you needed the most.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Choji.
honestly believed that being at the top
meant that I would have the most fun.
Let's go!
It's like having my eyes on
a treasure chest on top of the mountain.
I was so thrilled.
I was sure that getting it meant
I would be freer than anyone else.
I was so excited imagining what
would happen once I opened the chest.
But when I finally got to it
there was nothing.
I didn't feel anything at all.
I was scared.
I felt like I was hollowed out.
I didn't know where I should go next.
No matter what I did, I felt nothing.
It all became meaningless.
I had to do something
I struggled, wondering what wasn't right.
As I struggled, and kept on struggling
I eventually couldn't see
anything anymore.
And I blamed it all on everyone else.
I told myself that I was not free and
having fun because the team was weak.
So I thought if everyone in the team
became strong, everyone would be free
and then, finally,
I'll have the fun I was searching for.
You didn't take anything away, Kame-chan.
I was the one who said I didn't need it.
had the most fun back when
everyone would laugh like idiots together.
I was already free.
But I failed to realize that.
Not only that
I destroyed it myself.
I'm so stupid, aren't I?
If you weren't there for me,
I would've truly lost everything.
Ume-chan told me
to not let you make a face like that.
I just never saw it. Never tried to
But you've probably looked like that
for a long time now.
I'm the one who made you
look like that, right?
But even still, you were the knot
that kept me tied to everyone else.
Thank you for protecting me.
I'm sorry, Kame-chan.
You must've been hurt.
You must've suffered so much.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you, Kame-chan.
I'm okay now.
I gotta go and settle the score for good,
one last time.
I lost to you.
So I'm quitting Shishitoren.
Shishitoren is yours now.
Please take care of them.
Huh? I don't wanna!
You were the only one betting your team,
but that was never my intention.
I'm not interested in making
my team any bigger, either.
All the hierarchy thing
is a pain in the ass!
how about we become friends instead?
So, you know, this fight today
is one of those
like, socializing event?
So, hey! Thanks everyone for coming!
Did you all have fun?
So what's happening?
I don't know.
You're always so funny, Ume-chan!
All right! We're done for today!
Let's head on home!
What is "fun" to you, Sakura-san?
Other than fighting.
Other than fighting?
Other than fighting
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