Wireless (2020) s01e09 Episode Script


GIRL: No, no, that's okay.
I know, I know.
BOY: This is my boy.
This is my fuckin' boy.
- ANDY: You're my fuckin' boy.
- No, you're my fuckin' boy.
MOM: Behave yourself!
VOICE: That was the
That was the one!
That was the one!
That was the one! You hurt me now.
ANDY: Man, Mom loves this.
Silent disco party.
MOM: Andrew!
Stop filming me!
ANDY: Come on, Mom,
those moves are great!
Let us see 'em.
Let's see it!
Oh, yeah!
ANDY: Please, one more time.
DANA: Mm-mm.
ANDY: Please, come on, say it again.
- No.
- For the 'Gram.
DANA: You're being mean, stop.
ANDY: I love your retainer voice.
VOICE: Yeah, it's really sexy.
- Stop!
ANDY: Oh, wait, first step
I need to put my seat belt on.
'Cause I'm learning driving.
DAD: You got it, you're working,
okay, let's let's not
LIONEL: How are you
supposed to know, like,
you can't even feel it, like,
the the acceleration.
It feels like the car is
just moving by itself.
DAD: There, you're good, slow,
slow, there you go, there you go.
Brake. Excellent.
LIONEL: I can't I can't focus
because he's filming me.
- Okay, Andy
- I'm not filming.
DAD: Good, we're good.
LIONEL: What is that?
DAD: All right, good.
LIONEL: Dad, this thing's gonna
blow up one day,
I promise you, it's gonna be
DAD: This is a safe car, they don't
make 'em like this anymore, son.
LIONEL: Did you see this?
DAD: You know how long I've had
LIONEL: This is my safety.
DAD: You know how long
I've had this car,
and it hasn't done that?
Okay, good, towards you,
and then into gear, good.
LIONEL: Smells like gas.
DAD: into gear, good.
LIONEL: Smells like gas.
DAD: good.
LIONEL: Smells like gas.
Smells like gas.
Everything happens for a reason.
Hey, Siri
call Domino's.
Hey, how's it going?
Can I place an order for delivery?
Can I get four large pizzas
and and and four large orders
of of
buffalo chicken wings?
With extra ranch?
And a large Coke?
Hold the ice.
Can I pay over the phone?
I'm actually buried on the side
of a mountain right now.
- Oh, great!
- [THUD]
Oh, yes.
Oh, come on.
My name is Andrew Braddock.
Please give this video to my mother,
Elaine Braddock.
If you're watching this right now,
it means that
I never made it out of here.
I just want you to know that
you and Dad
as my parents
I wouldn't have it any other way.
And Lionel
I tried for a really long time
to be cool.
And you don't try at all.
And you're the coolest kid I know.
Oh and
can you guys call this number?
It's my friend Shannon.
Just tell her
I said thanks.
I love you.
Happy Birthday, Dad.
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