Wonder Pets: In the City (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Save the Elephant!"
Goodbye, everybody.
Mommy, I helped a friend
find the water fountain today.
What a
kind thing to do.
Bye, Izzy. Bye,
Zuri. Ta-ta, Tate.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone ♪
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out, Wonder Pets.
It's an elephant in… Africa?
Actually, I'm in
Tennessee in an animal sanctuary.
What's an animal sanctuary?
An animal sanctuary is a safe place where
all different kinds of animals live.
Well, sanctuary much
for explaining that.
I just moved here and I'm blind.
So, I don't know my way around yet.
That means my eyes can't see ♪
So, I use my trunk To
feel around in front of me ♪
And after that, I know ♪
Just how to get to
where I need to go ♪
The trouble is I'm
thirsty and I need water.
I haven't gone to the watering
hole yet. Can you help me find it?
We've got you, little elephant.
We'll be there mega-soon.
A little elephant's
in trouble ♪
He needs our help, for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for?
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go ♪
Come on, team. It's Jetcar time.
Oops, wheel on the loose.
It went into the block maze ♪
Thataways ♪
It bounced towards
these green blocks ♪
I think.
No, it was this way
Towards the pink ♪
I see it!
Found it!
That's what
teamwork's all about ♪
But how do we get back out? ♪
I have an idea.
If you two raise me up On
your shoulders, like so ♪
From up here I can see
Which way we need to go ♪
The way out is over there.
Got it. Let's get out
of this maze together.
- Working together ♪
- This way!
- Me and you and you ♪
- That way!
Different but together ♪
- There's nothing we can't do ♪
- Keep going!
There it is.
We did it.
Tate, you rock.
Now, come on, Wonder Pets.
Let's get this rescue started.
Bubble power!
We are coming to save you,
thirsty little elephant.
- Whee!
- Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the little elephant
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Wow! Look at all the animals
living together in the sanctuary.
A mountain lion, a
hippo And even a little puppy ♪
A puppy?
A puppy You can't
make this stuff upp-y ♪
And look! There's the little elephant
in the middle of those trees.
Hi, elephant.
We're mega-excited to
meet you, little elephant.
Thanks. And I'm
excited to meet, uh…
I don't actually know what
kind of animals you are.
Mind if I feel
you with my trunk?
Not at all.
But why would you want to do that?
Like I said, I can't see with my
eyes, so my other senses help me.
And if I feel you
with my trunk I find ♪
It helps me picture what
you look like In my mind ♪
- Really? Then feel away.
- Yeah.
It's so nice
to meet a… guinea pig.
And a snake.
Do me, do me.
And a bunny wearing sunglasses?
Yupperz, that's me.
Aren't they adorable?
They sure felt adorable.
It's so nice to meet you
all But do you really think ♪
You could help me find the
watering hole So I can take a drink ♪
As you show me how to go, I'll feel my
way so I can remember for next time.
We've got you. It'll be a breeze
to find the watering hole.
If we work together.
Come on, team. The watering hole's
gotta be around here somewhere.
searching, searching ♪
Together we'll
reach our goal ♪
Feeling, feeling, feeling Learning
the way to the watering hole ♪
Maybe the watering hole is
behind these red rocks over here?
Nope. Just these trees.
Hmm. Then let's try looking
around that big tree.
Just more trees here too.
Maybe we can try to listen
for the sound of the water?
I have really good hearing.
Ooh, me too. Me too.
That's not the sound of water
Are my ears just making things up ♪
I think what your ears are hearing
Is the sound of a little pup ♪
Ooh, you're right.
Aw, you sure are a cutie.
Hmm. It looks like he
wants to go on an elephant ride.
I'd love to give you a ride, but I
need to find the watering hole first.
I really am thirsty.
You hear that, pup?
Help first, play later.
We're back
at these red rocks again.
Uh, Izzy. Are we lost?
No way.
Look, I see an opening that
might lead to the watering hole.
- We're back at the Jetcar.
- Right where we started.
I thought this
area felt familiar.
Unbelievable ♪
This is even worse than
when we were amazingly lost
in that block maze at school.
If only we had somebody to help us find
the way just like Tate did in that maze.
Aw, what is it, puppy pal?
I think he really wants
to go on an elephant ride.
But watering hole
first, remember?
Wait a second. Maybe he
doesn't want an elephant ride for fun.
Maybe he wants to help us.
Oh, yeah. 'Cause from up there,
he'll be able to see over the trees
just like Tate saw over
the blocks at school.
Is that it, puppy pal?
Do you want to help me find my way to
the watering hole for the first time?
Sure sounds like yes to me.
Okay. One elephant
ride coming up.
So, can you see the
watering hole from up there?
- I think that's another yes.
- Rock on!
Now, let's find that watering
hole with some puppy teamwork.
He's tapping my
ear. That tickles.
I think that means he
wants you to go in that direction.
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different, but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
We did it!
I see our goal Straight
ahead to the watering hole ♪
Ah, so refreshing.
And now I'll be able to feel my
way back here whenever I want.
Thank you, Wonder Pets.
And thank you too,
my new puppy dog pal.
I'm so lucky to have
made A friend like you ♪
You can hop on my back to ride me
Together there is so much we can do ♪
And my trunk Makes a
pretty good slide, see ♪
And whenever I need to go somewhere new
If you wouldn't mind, you could guide me ♪
make a great team ♪
it would seem ♪
An elephant ♪
With a puppy beside me ♪
Now, that is
a super snuggle hug.
- Aw.
- Aw.
This calls for a celery-bration.
I think our work here
is done, Wonder Pets.
To the… Um, does anyone know
how to get back to the Jetcar?
I do.
With my trunk I can feel the way
Right back to your Jetcar today ♪
Rock on.
- Thanks, little elephant.
- Happy to help.
And thank you
again, Wonder Pets.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the little elephant
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets in
the City! Help the Little Hawk!"
Bye, kids.
Time to zoom on home.
Look, Mom, I'm
a hawk. They fly super fast.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone ♪
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Yuh-oh! Look out!
Whew, that was close.
Izzy, what was that?
I think it was a little
hawk flying mega-fast.
Oh, Wonder Pets.
I need your help.
I wanna fly with
the Top Beaks ♪
Soar through the sky
With the Top Beaks ♪
They're faster than
fast Quicker than quick ♪
And I'm trying to learn
Their soar-flip-loopin' trick ♪
Ooh! That is a fancy trick.
Yeah. Just not when
I do it. Watch.
Aw, we've got to help that
little hawk do that fancy trick.
Come on, Wonder Pets.
I feel the need.
The need for speed.
- The hawk is having trouble ♪
- She needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go ♪
Come on, team. It's Jetcar time.
Check this out.
To assemble the Jetcar
I've got a snaky trick ♪
I call it The triple
wiggle, spin, and flick ♪
Whoa, Tate, that trick totally
I gotta try it.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle! Spin!
Whoa! Oof!
I mean,
spin, wiggle, and…
This trick is way too tough ♪
Forget it, I can't
do it I've had enough ♪
Izzy, wait.
Learning something new
Can be really hard to do ♪
When you try to learn
it all at once You know ♪
Learning's easier when it's
Broken into smaller bits ♪
So take it step by
step And take it slow ♪
Here's how to do my snaky trick,
broken down into small steps.
Ooh, I wanna learn it too.
First, try the triple wiggle ♪
Triple wiggle ♪
Next, add a nice big spin ♪
Spin ♪
Put those steps together
quick And add a flick ♪
Wiggle. Spin. Flick.
We learned how to
Rock that snaky trick ♪
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Now, come on! Let's rock and roll
out. We've got a little hawk to help.
Bubble power!
We are coming to help
you, zippy little hawk.
Oh, yeah!
Let's go!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the little hawk
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
- Ooh.
- Cool.
Izzy, how are we gonna find
the little hawk that called us?
It's a bird. It's a plane. No.
It is a bird. It's the Top Beaks.
We can follow them
to the little hawk.
Wow. Looks like they're
leading us to a big ship.
That's the Intrepid.
It's an aircraft carrier anchored
right here in New York City.
An aircraft carrier ♪
- Wowee.
- Whoa!
But what exactly is that?
We want to know ♪
It's a boat that's big enough
To carry planes and jets ♪
And lots of other stuff ♪
Looks like it's big enough for
the little hawk too. I see her!
Tate's eyes for the win!
Hold on, Wonder Pets!
We're going in ♪
Wonder Pets.
Squawk, squawk, squawk, squawk
That's how we say hello in hawk ♪
It's also how we say
almost everything.
You sure have some smooth moves.
Thanks. But the move I
really want to do is that.
It's called the soar-flip-loop Because
they soar, then flip, then loop ♪
- Pretty clever name ♪
- Well, they're a pretty clever group ♪
That's the move I gotta do
To become a Top Beak too ♪
Then come on! Maybe we can
help you learn the trick
if we all fly up there
and do it side by side.
Um, I'll try to flap my
ears fast enough to fly,
but it's never
worked for me before.
Zuri, I was thinking we'd fly up
there with the hawk in the Jetcar.
Oh, that's a much better idea.
Control tower. Do you read me?
The Jetcar is cleared for takeoff.
Okay. One soar-flip-loop
comin' up.
Let's do this.
- All you gotta do is soar and flip and
- Whoa!
Whoa! We're wobblin'.
- And weavin'.
- And shakin'.
But not
I'm definitely more
of a ground snake.
Is the Jetcar still
shaking or is it just me?
Oh, I guess it was
just me. Thanks.
Uh, this trick is
super-mega-harder than I thought.
I should just give
up. It's too hard.
Even with all of you flying by
my side, I still couldn't do it.
Oh, no. The little
hawk wants to give up.
Unbelievable ♪
Little hawk You
can't just give up and quit ♪
But I'm so frustrated
That I can't do it ♪
You know something? That's exactly
how I felt earlier today too.
- It is?
- Yeah.
There was a trick I really wanted
to do, but I just couldn't get it.
So what did you do?
Tate showed me a different
way To figure it out ♪
Then we all learned
the trick As a team ♪
Aw, it was nothing.
Okay. I guess it was
kind of spectacular.
You see…
Learning something new
Can be really hard to do ♪
When you try to learn
it all at once You know ♪
Learning's easier when it's
Broken into smaller bits ♪
So take it step by
step And take it slow ♪
- Oh!
- So, what do you say, little hawk?
Want to fly up one more
time Like birds of a feather ♪
And try it step
by step, together ♪
I say it's teamwork time.
- Rock on!
- Whoo-hoo!
Okay. Let's learn the soar-flip-loop.
First you soar to the side ♪
To the side ♪
Soaring wasn't too
hard. Time for the next step.
Next, tuck in
your wings and flip ♪
We're flipping ♪
Now we just need
to do the last step.
And finally the loop
de loop But as a group ♪
We did the loop!
Working together Me ♪
- And you ♪
- And you ♪
Step by step together
There's no trick we can't do ♪
Okay, little hawk,
you rocked each step.
Now it's time to put 'em all together and
do the soar-flip-loop with the Top Beaks.
This is what you've been
training for your whole life.
Or at least most
of the afternoon.
How do you feel?
I feel the need
The need for speed ♪
- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
Good luck!
How's it going, recruit? Think you're
ready to try the soar-flip-loop?
I sure am. Step by step.
She rocked it.
- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah!
That was some fancy flyin'.
Welcome to the Top Beaks.
- Whoa!
- So cool.
- Congrats.
- Wonder Pets.
You helped me fly like a Top Beak
Thanks to you, I'm a Top Beak ♪
We knew you could do it.
Yeah! You've always been a…
Top Beak ♪
…in our book.
Victory snuggle hug.
Now, I feel the need.
The need for sunflower seeds. Mmm.
Wow, I gotta learn
that trick next.
Step by step.
Looks like our work here is
done, Wonder Pets. To the Jetcar?
Or we could try flapping our ears home.
Okay, you're right, to the Jetcar.
Bye, little hawk. Enjoy
flying with the Top Beaks.
Thank you again, Wonder Pets.
You're all Top Pets to me.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the hawk to learn a
trick And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
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