Wonderful World (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

[opening theme playing]
[soft music playing]
Are you okay?
[soft music continues playing]
What's your name?
Han Yuri.
Let's go.
[soulful song playing]
[Goeun chuckles]
[Goeun] Eat slowly, okay?
Drink some water.
[both laughing]
[both giggling]
[both giggling]
- Want to listen to music?
- Yes.
- Ta-da!
- Wow.
[both exhale]
I like you. I wish you were my sister.
I'll be your sister from now on.
[both giggling]
She's here!
She's here.
What happened?
- Mom.
- Soohyun.
got hired as a professor!
[all screaming]
[Yuri] Great job! Congratulations!
You're incredible!
You're the best!
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday, dear Grandma! ♪
- Happy birthday, dear Grandma! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
- Happy birthday to you! ♪
[all cheering]
[Yuri] Here I go.
- [in English] Smile!
- Wait!
Yuri, come on.
- [Yuri] No, no. Wait.
- Come on!
Yuri, come on. Take the picture with us.
- Auntie, hurry!
- Put the camera up.
[Yuri] Okay, okay. Wait.
- Okay!
- Great. Come on!
- Yes.
- Let's do this.
- Oh!
- [Suho laughing]
- [camera clicks]
- [all laughing]
- [camera clicks]
- [all laughing]
[Suho] There!
- [Yuri] I bet it came out good!
- [Suho] I'm sure it did!
[camera clicks]
Then? Shall I tell her
you're the woman in the photo?
Is that what you want?
[dramatic music playing]
-[Yuri screaming]
- [blows landing]
What do you think you're doing?
[Yuri breathing heavily]
-[Goeun crying]
- [Yuri breathing heavily]
Who do we have here?
Aren't you Soohyun's mom?
It's been so long! Don't you remember me?
It's me. I'm Yuri's mom.
[Goeun] You're no mother.
Yuri's my daughter!
[muffled laughter]
- What?
- Giving birth doesn't make you a mom.
You were always hitting her.
You're shameless. How dare you come here?
How dare you hit my daughter?
If you come to her one more time
and cause a fuss,
I won't sit still.
[Goeun exhales, crying]
[tense music playing]
[Mokryeon laughing maniacally]
Oh, my gosh.
That's so touching.
Poor you. What do we do about you?
- Yuri, why did you do it?
- [Yuri whimpering]
[tense music continues playing]
You'll always be my daughter.
The apple
doesn't fall far from the tree.
Be careful.
If you get stabbed in the back,
there's nothing
you can do about it.
[dramatic music playing]
See you later, my daughter.
- [Goeun] Yuri, goodness.
- [Yuri whimpering]
Are you hurt? Were you hurt?
[Yuri whimpering]
Soohyun, I didn't know you were here.
Goodness. What's going on?
Go home. I'll take care of things here.
- Still, after she calms down
- I said
- What?
- I'll take care of it.
[camera clicks]
[melancholic music playing]
[elevator beeps]
[thrilling music playing]
[car accelerates]
Great job.
[lady] Great work!
- Great work.
- Thank you. You too.
- Great job.
- Great job.
[music fades]
[breathing heavily]
[Mokryeon] You'll always be my daughter.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
[dramatic music playing]
[whimpering, sniffles]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[whimpering, sniffles]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music fades]
[exhales, inhales]
- I wanted to get dinner with you
- Send all the employees home.
I did.
What's wrong?
[foreboding music playing]
I know everything.
[dramatic music playing]
I can't
forgive you.
How could you smile at me
and let Mom hold you,
as if nothing happened?
- I
- Shut your mouth.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Don't just ask me for forgiveness.
Wait until I clear my head.
Keep your mouth shut until then.
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[music fades]
[tires screeching]
[opens seat belt]
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
Let's wear these
and only go to good places now.
When I said I didn't know how I could meet
someone like you in my life,
I meant that.
[Soohyun] Suho
was seeing another woman.
Did he say that?
[Soohyun] No.
Someone sent a picture of them to me.
you know who
the other woman is.
To me,
you were like a gift.
That will continue
to be the case.
No, no.
[emotional music continues playing]
[voice trembling] Gunwoo.
What do I do now?
[menacing music playing]
[tires screeching]
- [exhales]
- [phone vibrating]
What happened? Did you meet?
[Hansang] Yes, but
Soohyun knows everything.
She knows who the woman in the photo is.
[Suho exhales]
[Suho breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
[sighs heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct conversation]
- [Yonggu] Come quick!
- Seonyul!
[Yonggu] Hurry up!
- [Seonyul sighs]
- What happened?
It's going according to plan.
[Yonggu in English] Okay.
I bet you haven't eaten all day.
Wrap it like this.
Roll it up.
Open up.
- [Yonggu] Okay. Here.
- It's good.
We're doing somaek today.
- we're all getting wasted.
- Okay!
- Deal!
- [glasses clinking]
[both screaming]
- Hey!
- [Yonggu] Down the hatch.
[Sujin] Take it easy!
Ooh! One point? [laughing]
[all screaming]
- [Sujin] Is that right?
- [Yonggu laughing]
[soft music playing]
- Cheers!
- [glasses clinking]
[Yonggu] Cheers!
[soft music continues playing]
[music fades]
[door opens]
[door closes]
I'm sorry.
I never wanted you to find out.
But on the other hand
there were times
I wanted to tell you everything
and escape this hell.
you were trying hard to start over.
[voice trembling] I couldn't
bring myself to tell you.
never should've come back to me.
I pushed you away.
[voice trembling] I said
I didn't want this.
I told you to live your life!
[both exhale]
Even if we were apart,
you two shouldn't have done that.
I lost my child
and was barely holding on in prison.
You shouldn't have done that to me.
You never should've come back [crying]
after doing such a thing!
[Soohyun crying]
Do you
know what the hardest part for me is?
You two cheating?
No matter how unfair it is
or how angry I am,
it's not worse than losing my baby.
For me,
the hardest thing to endure
is not knowing it was you and her
and that I wanted to live again
for both of you.
[emotional music playing]
I won't ask
for forgiveness.
I'm really sorry.
It's too late.
are no longer mine.
You ruined everything.
[emotional music continues playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
[Soohyun] Yuri.
I know everything.
[tense music playing]
[breath trembling]
What about Soohyun?
Did you talk to her?
Do you want a drink?
[soft music playing in background]
[puts bottle on table]
What is it?
Do you know what this place means to me?
I asked Soohyun out here.
I said we'd be together forever.
That I'd protect her until death.
[Suho's breath trembling]
But, I
[breath trembling]
couldn't even protect my only child.
I'm a worthless man
who couldn't even protect his wife.
What did Soohyun say?
She wants to break up. [breath trembling]
She doesn't mean that.
You know her.
[Suho] I do.
I know why she pushed me away
like that too.
That's why
[voice trembling] it hurts so bad.
- [Suho crying]
- Suho.
[foreboding music playing]
- [Yuri sighs]
- [Suho crying]
[Yuri straining]
[Suho groaning]
[Suho groaning]
[Suho groaning]
[Suho exhales]
[Suho exhales]
[dramatic music playing]
[kissing passionately]
[kissing passionately]
[music fades]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Yuri whimpering]
[sniffles, exhales]
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
- It's me.
- That took you long enough.
Will you start
- acting like a good daughter?
- Where did you get this photo?
Why do you want to know?
Where did you get it?
I'm hanging up.
I have an important guest.
What brings you here?
I never thought you'd come see me.
How did you know where Yuri works?
You had me there.
Someone just told me.
He gave me a very interesting photo.
Will you threaten her
with that pathetic photo?
Don't tell me.
You know what that photo is, don't you?
Don't ever come back if you understand.
You're someone who would sell
their children for money.
[dramatic music playing]
You can't get to me.
Don't you want to know
who gave me that photo?
[car starts]
[call connecting]
[Seonyul] Hello?
Where are you?
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
How is this place?
Not a lot of people know this place.
If you die here,
no one could find you.
I wanted to die here once before.
But you wrote something in your book.
"As long as you have one belief
to protect in your heart,
"you should
"survive by any means."
[melancholic music playing]
My belief is
will bring a bigger death."
Are you scared?
Dying is easy.
It's staying alive that's hard.
How do you think I've endured?
As Gunwoo's mother,
I have no remorse or shame.
I came all this way
with that thought in mind.
If anyone
wants to shake me,
go ahead.
They can kill me,
but they can't kill my heart.
[melancholic music continues playing]
I'm grateful
you said that.
[tense music playing]
are no longer mine.
You ruined everything.
[Hansang] But
you were caught by someone vicious.
Gwon Seonyul visited Soohyun
while she was in prison
while using volunteering as an excuse.
[Suho] That punk
approached Soohyun on purpose since then.
Gwon Seonyul.
Did Kim Joon put you up to it?
What were you trying to do
with this measly old photo?
You lied an awful lot
over that measly photo.
Do you know why I sent a faceless photo?
I can't have you ask for forgiveness
and end it that quicky.
So [exhales]
this is your revenge?
This can't be the end of it.
She killed my father.
All right.
Why are you doing this now?
You did this when she finally
decided to start over.
What's your reason for that?
She's trying to be happy.
- What?
- She said it on TV.
She'll try to live a good life.
[dramatic music playing]
Do you have any idea
how long I waited for this moment?
You bastard!
Who do you think you are
to say something like that?
You're just the son of the man
who killed my son!
[Suho's breath trembling]
If my wife hadn't done it,
I would've done it.
Do you know that?
That's why I'll do it too.
I'll do what your wife did.
[Suho's breath trembling]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Suho breathing heavily]
Do it to me
instead of Soohyun.
I'll quit the broadcasting company
if you want me to.
I'll give everything up
if that's what you want.
I'll do everything you ask.
The anger you have inside of you,
aim it towards me.
Don't mess with her anymore.
Please, I beg of you.
[Suho exhales]
[music fades]
[machine beeping]
Mom, I'm here.
Put these on
and let's go on a picnic.
[Seonyul whimpering]
[emotional music playing]
[Soohyun crying]
Compared to the tears you cried,
she still has a long way to go.
I'll make sure she pays.
[Seonyul sniffles]
[emotional music continues playing]
[music fades]
[door closes]
[tense music playing]
What did Kim Joon say?
He asked me to leave the country.
That he'd call me back after the election.
You were right, Suho.
If you go overseas,
he'll set you up and say
you embezzled all the money
in the paper company.
Before he does that,
we have to bring Kim Joon down.
Don't be nervous. You can do it.
In the near future,
Kim Joon will make a guest appearance
on my segment.
That will be the day we do it.
[in English] Okay.
All right.
[advisor 1] Purple represents
the party color.
It'll be nice to show off that tradition.
- Okay.
- Congressman.
What about the questions
about your competition?
- [smacking lips] Take it out.
- Yes, sir.
I'll ask them to add questions
about the bill supporting
- single mothers and the youth policy.
- Okay.
[Joon exhales]
Tell them not to change a single word.
[advisor 2] Yes, sir.
Good. You may go.
- [exhales]
- [knock on door]
Goodness. Were you waiting long?
Take a seat.
I've been so busy.
The election coming up
reminds me of your father.
He would've been
more involved than anyone.
You even came to visit my mother
during the heart disease event.
Thank you.
What are you saying?
I should take care of your mother
for your father's sake.
I heard you're making a guest appearance
on the news.
There's something you should know.
[mysterious music playing]
[glass breaking]
You should do your job properly!
[mysterious music continues playing]
[music ends]
[Sujin] Come in.
Is this where you work?
You bought dinner, so coffee's on me.
- [smacking lips] Sounds good.
- Wait here.
[chuckles softly]
Bang! [chuckles]
[machine whirring]
[whirring stops]
Are you okay?
Do you
want to try that properly?
- Right now?
- Sure.
Put that down, and follow me.
Grab it like this.
That's right.
Just like that.
Horizontally, at a right angle.
Put your strength into it,
and we'll go up on three.
- Okay?
- [Taeho chuckles]
Now. One, two, three.
There you go. That's right. [chuckles]
But you have to put
a little more power into it.
Like this. Yes. One, two, three.
[machine whirring]
No, that's not it, no!
It's sticking out everywhere.
What will I do about this? [laughs]
You are
so bright.
I should be since
I came back from the dead.
I got a heart transplant.
- Really?
- Yes.
That's right!
I heard anchor Kang Suho is your brother.
- Yes.
- Oh.
My caregiver said
Eun Soohyun came to our hospital room.
My sister-in-law said
she knew the patient.
- I guess you didn't know.
- [Sujin] No.
That's so interesting.
How do they know each other?
I'm a huge fan of hers.
I'll introduce you to her one day.
- Sounds good!
- [Taeho chuckles softly]
Will it be as your girlfriend?
[chuckles nervously]
[melancholic music playing]
[phone vibrating]
[melancholic music continues playing]
Let's meet.
[melancholic music continues playing]
I was wrong.
[emotional music playing]
I can't
forgive myself either.
I won't give you an excuse.
If you hit me, I'll take it.
If you want me to leave, I'll go.
If you want me to die, I'll die.
[Yuri whimpering]
Being able
to see you one more time like this
is enough for me.
[emotional music continues playing]
[Yuri sniffles]
Han Yuri.
Look at me.
Lift your head.
I won't abandon you.
So don't be scared.
It's not because I adore you.
It's for my mother who thinks of you
as a daughter.
I'm going to protect my mother.
So get it together.
[Yuri crying]
[Mokryeon on phone]
Is she out of her mind?
She knows who the woman in the photo is
and she won't budge?
Then I'll just make her regret it.
[Mokryeon] How?
[Seonyul] The person
she wants to protect the most.
There's one person left.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues playing]
The number you have dialed
Why won't she pick up?
[lady] What is the meaning of this?
What about my mom?
I don't know!
Look at this place.
The doors were all open. Where did she go?
[call connecting]
[breathing heavily]
[Seonyul] Hello?
[tense music playing]
are you picking up?
Your mom
is with me.
- Where's Oh Goeun?
- [Taeho] Soohyun!
- [Taeho exhales]
- [breathing heavily]
- Where's my mom?
- This way.
Calm down.
We ran tests. Her CT was clean.
It's just a concussion.
- Her vitals are stable now.
- [Soohyun breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
- [stage hand] Yes, stop.
- [man 1] Show me the headline.
- [man 2] If you look at this
- [man 1] Okay, check.
[thrilling music playing]
- [man 1] Hello.
- [man 2] Hello.
- [man 3] Okay.
- [man 4 on radio] Now, B1.
Raise it a little more.
- [man 1] Can you hear me?
- [man 2] Yes, that's good.
- [man 1] Okay. Thank you.
- [man 2] That's good.
Five minutes left!
[thrilling music continues playing]
[Hyegeum] I'm on my way.
[melancholic music playing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[melancholic music playing]
[music fades]
[breath trembling]
Take care of her for me.
[dramatic music playing]
[car starts]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[tires screeching]
[breathing heavily]
[foreboding music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[car accelerates]
[car accelerates]
[closing theme playing]
[Eunmin] Don't be like that.
[Goeun] Don't call me that!
[Myunghee] You're out of your mind.
[Soohyun] I can overcome anything
as long as I have you.
[Seonyul] I have to see this to the end.
[man] Is he Gwon Jiwoong's son?
[Suho] I have a plan.
Then, are you saying it was intentional?
Are the allegations of using
the Junseong Welfare Foundation
to create slush funds true?
What do you think you're doing?
[Sujin] Seonyul, your mom woke up!
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