Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e09 Episode Script

Go Out on a Date with Me!

Wait a minute, Hirotaka.
There's a place near here
selling limited-edition flavor churros!
Let me see.
This is that, so
Isn't that it?
Oh, you're right! You're good, Hirotaka!
All right. I'm going to go buy some! Wait here!
Today, Narumi is
I'll have a limited-edition flavor churro.
sort of less otaku than normal.
All right! Let's go!
She acts differently depending on the situation.
Hirotaka! Thanks for waiting!
-You bought two?
I know you don't like sweets, so I got the
chocolate flavor so we could eat together. Here!
It's long
What's the real reason?
I wanted both.
-So, I went double or nothing.
-All right. Penalty!
Hey. Let's get rid of this special rule, okay?
I've never heard of a date with a penalty
for talking about otaku things.
But, you'd joke around.
Like just now.
At this rate, I'm going to run out of funds
before I buy souvenirs!
And lots of new comics are
coming out this month!
This is too much!
-I've asked you this before too
You've been able to hide being an otaku
on dates before, right?
Of course!
The night before, I'd change my phone's background,
take the key chains off my bag,
and read shojo manga and watch romance dramas
instead of boys' love.
I did everything I could to
switch over to non-otaku mode!
You haven't switched over.
That's not how girls who read shojo manga look.
That's weird
Since I've never hidden it from you before,
I guess I let my guard down and got careless.
-So, let's just act normal today
That's exactly why
I want you to feel
a little nervous today.
So, we're going to
make this an "otaku off-limits" date.
You're enjoying this, aren't you!?
What's an "off-limits" date?
Well, in any case
If we're going to do this, then get ready to go broke!
-Are you okay with that?
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
Hey, Hirotaka.
See those two boys in front of us?
What? That wasn't allowed just now?
You're so strict!
For you, anything a yaoi fangirl would say is prohibited.
That's so unfair
Oh, Blissey
Penalty! Penalty! Penalty!
Even non-otaku play Pokémon Go!
The only people still playing it are definitely otaku.
That's not true.
For you, anything related to games is prohibited.
Come to think of it, yesterday's anime episode
featured Narumi's favorite character
Come to think of it, yesterday's
Never mind.
It's nothing.
I can't say it.
Come to think of it, yesterday's
It's nothing.
I understand.
What am I supposed to
talk about other than otaku topics?
What do I usually talk about?
It's rare seeing you have a hard time.
Does she have ESP?
I'm right, right?
You don't have to think so hard.
There's lots of topics to talk about all around us.
For example
See? We're about to ride that thing.
How do you feel about it?
I feel like crying
Let's go! We don't have much time!
Hold on, hold on!
Her outfit is so cute!
I want to dress my favorite character in that!
I want to do a Musou attack.
Narumi. I thought you didn't like horror. Are you okay?
Well This place isn't that scary
I should be fine
They're just pretending we're
trapped inside the haunted house.
We're going to ride on the ride and have fun later!!
-Are you scared?
-Not at all!
This way, please.
I see! It's your first time riding this!
But it'll be okay!
Naru-chan will be with you! Hey! Let's go!
Two people? This way, please.
Right. We're going to ride this!
Watch your step!
What are you scared about?
Move over! The next one's already here!
These situations make me panic!
If you're scared,
do you want me to hold your hand?
Off you go!
Narumi took Kabakura and got swept away
What's Kabakura doing here?
What am I going to do?
Next two guests, this way, please.
I could ride alone, but
Excuse me. I'm not going to ride.
Hey, young man over there.
Can I sit with you?
My companion got swept away too
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
Sorry about this.
It was the perfect chance to cuddle with Naru.
No, I'm sorry.
She's the reason this happened in the first place.
But it's not just a coincidence that
we're both here today, is it?
I'm sorry about that too.
Naru told me you guys were going to a theme park.
I was jealous, so I begged him to take me.
Who knew we'd be on the same ride at the same time?
And the real reason?
We happened to see you guys go in,
so we followed you.
But believe me when I say this!
I just wanted to see Kabakura
close his eyes tight and cower in fear!
I didn't mean to bother you two.
I believe you.
Kabakura! There's something right next to you!
You don't have to tell me where they are!
Kabakura! Why are you closing your eyes so tight?
Momose, if you're going to act out, then don't look!
Not looking makes it scarier!
It's just like getting a shot!
I don't understand you!
And Kabakura!
You paid and stood in line for this.
You'd be wasting it!
So? How are you guys doing today?
Nothing special. The same as usual.
The same as usual Just like always
In the end
Nothing has changed.
Hey. Why are you crossing your arms?
I get curious every time I see it.
This is
like a spell to make myself feel less scared.
What are you talking about!?
You're not Hirotaka,
so I have to be careful not to hold your hand by mistake!
Nothing has changed!
Well, of course!
We're talking about Naru and Nifuji here!
Two people aren't always going to be walking
at the same pace.
It's okay to take it slow.
If that's the speed that fits you two
Are you sure?
Well, I feel so impatient watching you guys.
So, I hope you'd at least try to kiss her on the way home.
She's sober, right?
Well, I have my own timing
Kabakura! We've finally reached the exit!
Yeah. It wasn't as bad as I thought!
Hey, Momose!
This all happened because you're so careless!
I always tell you to do a final check!
Okay, sorry!
Knock it off with work mode!
And your spell didn't work at all!
Next time,
make sure you ride with someone
who'll hold your hand, okay?
No problem!
I won't ride this again for a while.
I see!
-Sorry! Sorry!
-No, I'm sorry!
That was fun.
-See you tomorrow.
Ms. Koyanagi.
Thank you.
Oh, no problem!
He's started to act more like a human these days
He's gotten cuter
What were you talking about with Nifuji?
Why are you grinning like that?
It's okay, it's okay.
You're the cutest!
What are you talking about?
I'm the one who should have said thanks.
Ms. Koyanagi,
are you listening to me?
I don't mind piggybacking, but next time,
take me without me having to beg you.
Wait! What were you guys talking about!?
And when I looked at him, he had his eyes closed tight!
I didn't know he got scared so easily!
Well, I can't really brag either
You must be tired from all the walking.
Do you want to sit down somewhere?
Narumi is amazing.
She's always observing other people,
being considerate and making sure they have fun.
She thinks about lots of things.
While I was leveling-up in games,
Narumi worked hard,
experienced lots of failures, laughed a lot,
went through breakups,
got hurt, cried,
and grew up.
Hirotaka! How about that bench over there?
What's wrong?
Are you okay?
Do your feet hurt?
My feet are in extreme pain.
Your feet are bleeding where your shoes rubbed!
Why didn't you say anything? Idiot!
Come on
Report trouble immediately!
Working adults report, communicate and consult!
Mr. Kabakura.
Narumi, do you
enjoy being with me?
It won't work for us.
Let's just end it.
This thing! You've had enough, right?
There aren't that many people here now.
-We're so nervous
-That's what she meant!
-We can't talk at all! Let's end it!
-I was scared for a moment!
Then we're done.
Yesterday's anime was so good, right?
My favorite character was so cute!
The graphics were so amazing!
The production team is like a god! Respect!
You're a fish who returned to the sea.
I feel so liberated!
Depriving yourself is never good!
Is this backlash?
She's much more disappointing than normal.
But I feel more relaxed now.
Narumi looks like she's having fun.
I'm glad.
I'm so simple.
Oh, well.
I'm okay having everything just as normal for now.
-What's that?
-It's for you.
Don't look through it!
Don't shake it!
Why don't you try opening it?
She means I should open it.
It's nothing big.
You might feel disappointed.
Right! Earrings! Were you expecting something?
Too bad it wasn't a game!
I know it's a bit of a strange gift.
But earrings and acting tough
didn't really fit with your image.
You look quiet, and you look plain.
And your eyes sag!
It really is weird.
That's why I wanted to see
the part of you that wanted to grow up fast.
The part of you I've never seen before.
Well you're already an adult now.
Try them on. I have a mirror
When did you pierce your ears?
Don't pay attention to that!
They're clip-ons!
They happened to
have different colors.
So, I
ended up getting these too
What are you laughing about!?
-I bet you think I'm childish!
-I did.
I bet you think there was a better way
to give these to you!
-I did.
-Stop laughing!
Thanks. I'll treasure these.
I'll wear these every day.
You can't wear them at work.
I'm pretty childish too
I thought nothing had changed
But, it has. Little by little.
Things are changing at our own pace.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
What's wrong?
You're being very clumsy.
Yeah, but It's not that, it's
The piercing closed up.
Go Out on a Date with Me!
I make casual conversation
So I can try and feel you out
It only makes me more insecure
But I've finally realized
We can make up for the time we spent apart
'Cause you and I have a strong bond
I want you so badly
It makes me terrified and hesitant
I see how precious you are, now I know
You'll still be by my side tomorrow
Use this to buy some souvenirs.
God Hirotaka!
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