X-Men (2011) s01e09 Episode Script


This serum has to have something to do
with Riko and Kaga's mutation.
The needle marks on their arms
were not from IVs.
They were from injecting the serum.
What could that be?
Could it be this substance
that's causing the mutations?
No, in fact, it's quite the opposite.
It's formulated to inhibit DNA
and suppress mutant powers
in order to keep mutants
from getting out of control.
Suppress mutant powers?
So you're saying that
you knew what was happening
to mutants in northern Japan all along?
You lied to us?
I'm sorry.
As the results
from your investigation showed
there have been many mutations
here over recent years.
I have been giving this suppressant
to Riko and the others
so that their mutant genes
wouldn't be affected.
Then I'm afraid the suppressant
is not very effective.
I guess.
It has been less effective on Riko
in the last several weeks.
She's come very close to mutation
a few times.
That's why I was trying to generate
an even stronger suppressant.
They should get my vaccine
as soon as possible.
I agree.
My question is, what were you doing here
when you knew about all of this?
Does your research have anything to do
with the fact that this place is
at the center of the mutant activity?
I can only say that my research
is important for the future
of humans and mutants.
Dr. Sasaki!
I've seen what happens to mutants who
lose their minds because of the syndrome.
And it should never happen again!
The mutation phenomena are spreading
quickly to a much larger area.
A secondary mutation.
And some of them have already
developed the Damon-Hall Syndrome.
Even Emma has
Where is Emma?
I could have sworn
she was here a minute ago.
That assistant of yours is gone too.
Let's find him.
He needs to be vaccinated right away.
Hold on! I can't just
let you run around the facility!
We haven't finished with you yet!
You stay here.
The professor needs to know
what's been going on here.
No! Please,
just give me a little more time!
You've already had far too much time,
if you ask me!
Charles! Charles! It's Henry.
Are you there?
Logan. Ororo.
It's no use! Something is preventing me
from using my telepathic powers.
I can't stay here!
If I do, I could go insane.
I have to find a way out. Think!
That sound.
It sounds like living creatures.
It's coming from the other side.
Could it be some type of illusion
that's all in my head?
Only telepaths can create
such an illusion.
Very powerful telepaths.
If my opponent is indeed telepathic
I should be able
to break through this.
It's my mind against yours.
Let's see who blinks first!
There's nothing wrong with the signal.
I fear something's happened to Charles.
What do you mean?
If Emma were here, she could try
contacting him telepathically.
There must be something
very important
behind those doors.
Miss Frost, what on earth
are you doing here?
Following you.
I had no idea.
A hidden elevator followed by
three sets of doors requiring passwords.
That's some serious stuff.
It's a restricted area.
You're not allowed to be here.
And you are?
Of course I am.
I'm part of the research team.
Are you really?
You look like a young Japanese man.
When my body transforms into diamond,
I lose my telepathic powers.
But there's also another side effect
that occurs during the transformation.
I become insusceptible
to telepathic powers.
How have you been, Jason?
Or should I say
Very impressive.
But of course,
fooling everyone by creating
the illusion that you are Sanada
is an easy task when
you are the leader of the Inner Circle.
I thought the Inner Circle
had decided to disappear for a while.
I never imagined it would be operating
deep in the mountains of Japan.
I knew I should have killed you
when you left the Inner Circle.
You walked out on us
because you thought
our noble cause was
inconceivable and immoral.
Well, I kind of knew
you would someday.
Emma Frost.
-I don't see them anywhere.
-Where could they be?
Could they be outside?
No, I don't think so.
I can smell something over here.
You mean
It's hollow inside.
Hey, this isn't your house.
Don't make a mess.
Be a gentleman.
Don't worry,
I like the wild type.
Why don't you just tell me
what you are trying to do?
All right.
How can I say no
to a dear old friend?
Last year, I discovered the presence
of mutant activity in this area
shortly after the battle
with the X-Men.
Professor X couldn't even detect
the activity. How did you find it?
The Inner Circle has many connections
with this country's underground society.
One can use means other than telepathy
to obtain needed information.
People talk, you know.
I see.
I suspected that there was a stronger
power working behind the activity.
So you wanted to use the power
for your own ambitions.
Since this research lab is located
at the center of the mutant activity
you used your powers to fool everyone
into thinking that you are Jun Sanada
a member of the research team.
Bingo. As always,
you catch on quickly, Emma.
They trust me enough
to give me access to this facility.
And now I have discovered
where the power is coming from.
So, what do you think?
Shall we join hands once again?
Your power and beauty is more
than one can ask for in a partner.
Tell me one thing.
With pleasure.
In the battle against the X-Men
you created that illusion of me
for Cyclops to see, didn't you?
It was a shame
that you had walked out on us
just before the battle.
I was a little concerned that you might
join the X-Men after leaving us.
I thought it would be a great idea
if the X-Men were to kill you for me.
Rumor has it
that Cyclops was useless for
a whole year after Jean Grey's death.
Crying over a girl's death seems pretty
pathetic for a mutant, don't you think?
I hate you.
Guess we're not getting
back together then, huh?
What a pity.
Well, well. I love your shiny new look.
I guess your beautiful body
will protect you from my psionic powers
since you can't use your telepathic
powers when you're in that form.
How will you ever defeat me?
Oh, that's right.
You did take some martial art lessons.
What was that?
Go, don't let him get away!
That's just a disguise.
That's not Sanada.
-It's an illusion.
-An illusion?
She's insane!
She attacked me for no reason!
She tried to kill me!
It must be the transformation!
She just went crazy!
Wait a minute.
Something isn't right.
My nose is picking up the scent of
someone who has not yet been introduced.
I hate this smell.
Actually, there is more than one smell.
There's something else behind
those doors, something fishy.
Do you want to tell us
what's really going on?
Protect me.
What the?
Stop it!
What's happening to him?
It's an illusion.
He's seeing us as his enemies.
There's the man behind it.
But how?
Now you die!
Hisako! Stay back!
Stop it, Wolverine! It's me!
No, Hisako! Stay back!
Snap out of it!
Hisako, stay back! Emma, you too!
-Beast, we need you, fast!
-What is it?
Cyclops and Wolverine
are about to kill each other!
What's going on?
I'm not sure,
but Wolverine is trying to kill us.
-Trying to kill you?
-We have to stop him now!
Where are you?
-In the basement.
-Not there!
Once again, he gets someone else
to fight for him.
What are they doing?
I don't understand.
Cyclops is trying to save his friend.
Hisako, I need you to stay put, okay?
I'm going to
Little girl, you stay put, okay?
You were always stubborn, Emma.
Let's see if you can
hold up against Marsh.
Have at it, Marsh.
Make the lady squirm.
Pardon me for interrupting.
-I'm an X-Men too!
Calm down or
I'm gonna have to put you down.
Now, Cyclops!
He gave me no choice.
-No, Sanada! Don't go there!
What happened?
Was it a miss?
It's now or never!
Jason, I think it's about time
you showed your true colors.
I've deactivated his psionic field.
You can finally see him
for what he really is.
You. From the Inner Circle.
That explains why Marsh is here.
Greetings, X-Men. Always a pleasure.
He used his psionic
powers to make you
believe that you saw me
a year ago.
Yes, the death of Jean Grey.
Such a terrible tragedy.
My deepest sympathies.
Stay back. He is mine!
Wait, Cyclops!
That system is
I'll kill him!
No, wait!
Is the party over?
Don't say anything!
Good, the party's still happening.
The deadly battle continues between
the X-Men and the Inner Circle
whose members want to take control
of all evil powers.
The X-Men finally discover what
Dr. Sasaki has been hiding from the world.
The wheel of fate has begun to spin,
revealing its cruel yet sad truth.
Next time on X-Men: "Countdown."
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