X-Men '97 (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Tolerance is Extinction

[WOLVERINE] Previously on X-Men
[MAGNETO] The last will and
testament of Charles Francis Xavier.
[CYCLOPS] Did the
Professor not trust me?
Maybe he did this for us.
shall welcome a new emperor.
Professor Charles Xavier.
[BASTION] Our merry band of muties
have been selling the
world a very big lie.
And so have I.
[CABLE] His name's Bastion.
He used the fallout from Genosha
to get backing for his
Prime Sentinel program.
[BEAST] His Prime Sentinels
would be living weapons
capable of reproducing.
[CYCLOPS] Who exactly is Bastion?
[JEAN] Bastion, he's a
Sentinel, given human form.
Do you understand the futility
of fighting the future?
[DR. COOPER] In Genosha,
I felt a lot of things.
But the scariest thing about Genosha
wasn't the death or the chaos.
It was a thought. Magneto was right.
[BEAST] Magneto has
blacked out the Earth.
[WOLVERINE] Where's the
Professor when you need him?
To me, my X-Men.
[MAN 1] You turn off the
power, this is what you get!
[WOMAN] You thought Genosha
was bad? Just you wait!
[MAN 2] Too bad the
hospitals ain't got no power!
- 'Cause you're gonna need one!
- [MOB CHANTING] No power, no peace!
It's finally quiet, Mother.
The world is going to end in 12 hours,
so you two better make this fast.
Magneto, sir? Really?
What did you expect was going to
happen when you tossed him the school?
I wanted you two to be free.
To finally be together.
To have a family. A child like Nathan.
The choice should've been ours.
I wanted to spare you the
weight of your loyalty to me.
You Both of you have
done everything I have asked
since you were teenagers.
You were my first students, and
you graduated a long time ago.
And what would freedom have gotten us?
I still would've had to
send Nathan to the future.
I'd still be pulled into
dealing with Bastion or Magneto,
or whoever else threatened the world.
No matter what, I'll always end up here.
Don't you know that?
[PROFESSOR X] That was my fear,
from the moment I first met you,
that you would help build a world
where mutants could
live however they wish.
But that you would never
allow yourself to enjoy it.
Perhaps that was a mistake.
Because just like you,
I'm right back here.
[ROGUE] Remy!
- How do you feel?
I feel like I've been run over by
a hay baler fixed with a jet engine.
Did he
has happened, fräulein.
Trask survived. And so did
Oh, shucks, we missed the hoedown.
Ororo, you're back! [LAUGHS]
Your powers
Restored, thanks to Forge.
Please. Ororo's doing her
modest goddess routine.
It's been too long, my friend.
Wish it were under better circumstances.
Your augmented prosthetics
remain functional
despite Magneto's blackout.
This old thing? Rigged together an
electrostatic deflector ages ago.
Oh, me, oh, my!
How, my friend?
Thought about it.
[STORM] Oh, Jean!
What happened?
I know. We're actually relocating
to the old base on Muir Island
for gear and supplies.
Its Shi'ar tech should be operational.
This was our home. A haven.
If it is this horrible here,
how bad is it out there?
[CYCLOPS] Thousands are feared dead.
All First World
infrastructures are in ruin.
Without warning, Magneto's thrown
the entire planet back centuries.
[STORM] I can feel the Earth's
magnetic field dying even now.
When the sun sets tonight,
it sets on the future.
We need to find Magneto and convince
him to reverse the damage to Earth
before it becomes permanent.
Well, Magneto ain't gonna change his
mind just because we say "please."
The man just declared
war on the whole planet.
His day ends one way.
Logan, if you must punish someone
for today, then start with me.
I brought us here, my X-Men.
Do not make Magnus pay for my designs.
Rogue, you're going with me
and Blue Team to find Magneto.
Storm and Jean will lead Gold
to shut down Bastion at his headquarters
in the Galapagos Islands.
Have we figured out how to remove
these Prime Sentinel upgrades?
Or eliminate his control over them?
Learning how to safely remove
Sentinel nanotech will take years.
But Forge and I believe we can restore
the Prime Sentinels' innate humanity.
Hold up. These guys hated us
before Bastion drafted them
into his killer robot army.
We don't even know
how many are out there.
Unplug them from Bastion, but then what?
Sounds like just another day that
ends in "y" when you put it that way.
Precisely. And we face
it as we always have.
As a family.
There is one wrinkle to our plan.
The Prime Sentinels are controlled
by a central command server.
Alas, I was unable to find
it before the blackout.
Bastion is the command server.
When I first founded the school,
I visited Sebastion's mother.
The boy could communicate with machines.
Cerebro had detected him,
so I assumed he was a mutant.
His mother slammed the door
when she heard the word.
Forbade him from returning
with me to the school.
In another world,
Bastion would be in this portrait.
Once Bastion is no longer a threat,
I believe Magnus will be open
to turning the power back on.
Well, didn't you also
believe it was a good idea
to hand the bad guy your school?
[CYCLOPS] That's enough.
Blame game is over, people.
The world ends in less than 12 hours.
Kurt will teleport us to Muir Island.
Let's get to work, team.
Impress me.
Charles described
Bastion as a technopath,
which is essentially
telepathy for machines.
And this mnemonic scrambler
shut down Jean's powers
when she was the Dark Phoenix.
[FORGE] So we calibrate the
scrambler to Bastion's frequency
and sever his hold over the Primes.
But we may be able to
do more than just that.
If Bastion's abilities
operate like our mutations,
we can use neutralizer technology
to permanently disable his control
- of Prime Sentinels.
Okay, no neutralizer technology.
Part of me wonders if Gambit
should've been buried here,
on our grounds.
He was always trying to outrun
his past with the Thieves Guild.
Remy was the most Cajun man I ever met.
As much as he wanted
to escape the bayou,
he knew our lives are about
what bits of us we leave behind
and what we carry into the future.
Maybe if you saw us as
people and not students,
you'd have realized that.
I'm so sorry, Rogue.
For you, for Remy, Moira.
So many. And despite the power of words,
nothing spoken can heal this pain.
My heavens! Magnus
Looks like the search came to us.
[PROFESSOR X] Please. Not
this, Magnus. Be reasonable.
I am not the one who needs
to be reasoned with, Charles.
There is a large asteroid hovering
over my home that begs otherwise.
[MAGNETO] Your home?
When you abandoned us for
your Shi'ar Bird-Queen,
you bequeathed it to me,
asked me to walk your path.
Are you prepared to walk mine?
Magnus, your path leads
to total destruction
for both humans and mutants.
You must undo the damage you've done.
Will humanity undo Genosha?
Old friend, you should've seen it.
It was just as you said
that day in the bar,
a promise realized.
We have a plan to stop Bastion,
but we must also repair Earth.
[MAGNETO] I promised a
boy a future free of fear,
only to watch his frightened eyes
be vaporized inside his tiny skull,
because he believed in me.
In the dream you had me sell.
How many more of your bones will
pave the way to Xavier's future,
where we simper like
beggars for tolerance?
Your professor's dream is dead.
So I offer a new one.
A home to replace what they
stole from us. A new Genosha.
We have gotten here by
walking this man's path.
We are left with but two choices.
Cling to this dying world,
or rise to your future and look
down upon this fallen pigsty planet.
We are not gods, Magnus.
Gods abandon those who believe in them.
Mutants do not.
Decide, my X-Men.
Rogue, no.
In Genosha, I made a choice.
To lead our kind to a new age.
I stand by that choice.
Rogue, do not turn your back on family.
You were gone, gal.
None of you were there
the day Genosha fell.
Who dies next, Professor?
Jean? Ha! Been there, done that.
Who knows where Bishop is?
And hell, Morph was barely
on the team 30 minutes
before we tossed them to the wolves.
Jubilee, Roberto
I will not see any more mutants die.
My mom handed me over to
the Prime Sentinels, Jubilee.
They collared me, my own
family. What's left here?
The offer was made.
The door is open.
Hitchin' a ride to Asteroid M.
Just when we started
working well together.
Look, if I had it my way,
I'd be on Isla Morada with
you and Jean instead of space.
- But she's
- Not my mother.
It's confusing to me, too, you know?
Jean, Madelyne.
But what I know for certain
is that they're two of the
strongest people I've ever known.
Trust her.
And, son
Let me guess, "Be careful?"
No. Give 'em hell.
Oh, hey,
almost forgot.
Am I going to war or a circus?
What'd you expect? Black leather?
The Magneto Protocols were drawn
up for exactly this sort of crisis.
An attack against Magneto will
only enflame matters further.
Trust that I will reason with him.
You expect me to trust you?
The world is falling apart because
you left your legacy to a lunatic.
Not a lunatic.
Merely a man trying
to survive in a world
that has proven his worst fears true,
time and again.
In under an hour, civilization
as we know it ends.
Much like in the past,
my X-Men and I are your best
hope to avoid that future.
If you're wrong, Xavier,
my hand will be forced.
We have been here
before, President Kelly.
If you don't trust me, trust my X-Men.
They approach. Open the silo.
Mutants, surrender to the future.
Shouldn't Magneto's blackout
have shut these things down?
Bastion must be powering their
circuitry using his technopathy.
Hang on.
Forge and I will draw
their focus in the air.
The rest of you continue to the ground.
No, that's an army out there.
I thought of you while away.
Of when my sister faced her
darkness and emerged stronger.
A survivor. A phoenix.
All this change? It's all the same.
Let us do what we do.
Believe not in a dream or our gifts,
but in each other.
Make them mind your weather, sister.
And them weather your mind.
The source of the frequency is
coming from inside the volcano itself.
Then that's where Bastion is.
Bastion's building his own ideal future.
Unfortunately, he'll have
no one to share it with.
Try as you might, X-Men.
You cannot stop me and my kind.
Morph smash! [GRUNTS]
Let me lend you a hand, friend.
To pose the question, "What is
the sound of one hand clapping?"
- [JEAN] Cable!
I've waited for this moment.
I know your genes, Jean.
Your strengths, weaknesses.
where you end and Madelyne begins.
If you ask nicely, I can
tell you when I switched you.
It doesn't matter. Madelyne
fights with me today.
Should we knock?
Damn it, elf.
And so you have chosen your side.
Oh, good, we're skipping the blabber.
Time out, sugar. You're playing to kill.
Magnus, please.
Thousands are dead and more
will follow unless we
Thousands more died on Genosha.
Whose lives matter more?
Hey, I'm sorry, Jubes, you okay?
Jubes, I said sorry.
[PROFESSOR X] Magnus, for all
your talk of ruling the world,
it is the world that rules you that
has made the bitter man before me.
Oh, how I've waited to say these
two words to you, old friend.
Shut up.
[PROFESSOR X] Cyclops, his helmet.
I must hijack his
powers to repair Earth.
Sir, what about the Prime Sentinels?
There is no time. We must trust
Gold Team to neutralize Bastion.
Bastion, Xavier's brats
have breached the base.
We must retreat.
Know your role, mutant.
A snake like Sinister would
never risk his life for another.
studied you, Jean. Dissected you.
Then face me.
I'm shocked that such a coward
hasn't abandoned Bastion yet.
[MISTER SINISTER] I was waiting
for you to bring me what I want.
Look who's here. My
writhing thing of chance.
Nathan, stop! Please, listen to me!
Sinister's controlling you just
like he controlled your mother.
[GRUNTS] My real mother was a
world-class telekinetic, just like you.
Stuff tends not to skip a generation.
[JEAN] Scott!
I love you.
Jean. Nathan.
left me no choice, Magnus.
- [CYCLOPS] I'm sorry, sir.
Gold Team still needs more time.
- Charles, now you have finally found
the mettle to do what is necessary.
You are a traitor to your race.
Been in a lot of wars, bub.
The brave always die first.
this feud is over!
No, Magnus!
For the love of God, don't do this.
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