You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e09 Episode Script


"In a few years you'll understand
everything I'm doing.
Believe it or not,
I'm doing it for you, honey.
forgive me for the long trip
I'm about to embark on.
I love you."
Hell, I'll be fucking damned!
Wow, you haven't changed, asshole.
You're the one who hasn't changed.
-Thank you for coming.
-Don't mention it.
This is Monica.
-Hi, I have to take this.
-No, don't give me that.
-You're hitting that.
Hey, don't be a jerk.
Oh, you're serious about her.
Down, boy.
We agreed you shouldn't come back.
I told you my daughter had been kidnapped
and you didn't do anything.
What did you want me to do?
Stand idly by? She's in Mexico.
Your program is crap.
Everyone in Madrid knew
who my daughter and I were.
Are you going to help me or not?
I'll be in touch.
From what I've gathered,
it won't be easy.
This reeks of influential people.
Don't tell her anything.
I won't.
And don't meet with anyone
you knew before you left.
Sorry. Nice to meet you and thank you.
On the contrary. We're here to help.
Molina, wake up.
Molina, quit playing games.
Molina. Hey.
Hey! Molina!
Hey, Molina.
Call an ambulance. Molina.
Hey, pal.
What's his name?
Molina. Alejandro Molina.
Alejandro, what did you take?
What substance was it?
Alejandro, what did it contain?
He wants to tell you something, Officer.
What is it?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about that now.
Just tell the doctor
what was in that capsule.
Hey! Don't you dare!
Please don't kill me.
I just want to help you.
If you want to help me,
then do everything I say.
Undress him.
Undress him! Now!
He couldn't speak.
He could hardly open his eyes.
We undressed him because
he was sweating profusely.
He took this,
but we don't know what it is.
Let's go.
Goddamn it! Get inside.
Stop, stop.
Where are the other two? Your colleague
-and the guy from Samur?
-That way.
Oh, for fuck's sake!
Where? Through here?
I can't imagine the hell
you're going through,
but I just want you to know
I'll do everything I can to help you.
Thank you for your words.
I have to investigate a little further,
but I know the shipment
was sent to a company owned
by a Carlos De la Cruz.
He's an important businessman.
He exports and imports tech stuff.
He has no criminal history, though.
Does the name ring a bell?
A friend of your ex's?
He had a lot of friends and enemies.
I couldn't say.
Why don't you just arrest him?
We'd need a warrant to do that.
We don't even have
an ongoing investigation.
In any case, surprising them
will play in our favor.
Yes, boss.
Yes, don't worry. It won't happen again.
I'll handle it.
Shut up.
Shut up!
Look after her, man.
How is this possible?
I said to keep an eye on him!
We removed his shoelaces, belt
and searched him
in accordance to protocol.
No one knows where he hid the poison.
Potassium cyanide.
How did he escape after taking
a poison that kills in minutes?
What will we tell the press?
Maybe he didn't take it,
maybe he left it
there so we'd think he had.
Are you saying he just
threw himself on the floor
and you called for an ambulance
like a bunch of idiots?
He was sweating
and his pulse was very weak.
He clearly took something,
but it wasn't what it seemed.
Alex is an experienced war photographer.
He knows all sorts of tricks.
Alex Molina, I mean.
Alex Molina, who was at death's door
and in police custody,
manages to inject the officer
who was with him
in the ambulance
with a powerful barbiturate.
Then he enters and leaves
the hospital wearing our uniform.
And then he disappears into thin air.
We're going to be the fucking
laughing stock of the media!
We did the normal searches.
Bring him here now.
Urrutia, could we speak for a minute?
There's no time.
Yes, there is. Now.
What are you doing? What's going on?
What's going on? You tell me.
-Tell you what?
-Did you help him escape?
What the fuck, Velasco?
I'll repeat my question
and ask you another.
Did you help him escape? Where were you
when your photographer
was taken away in the ambulance?
Fuck you.
Good morning.
He's expecting you.
Thank you. How kind.
-Excuse me.
-Of course.
Welcome, folks.
Carlos De la Cruz, at your service.
-Thank you.
Please tell me how I can be of assistance.
Well, we're investigating
the kidnapping of a young woman
and we wanted to ask you a few questions.
Of course. I'll help however I can.
Thank you.
Please sit. Would you like a chair?
No, thank you.
Well, we were tipped off
that this young lady
was placed, against her will,
in a container that travelled
from Spain to Morocco.
Interestingly enough,
it was in your company's name.
From there, she was put on
a plane and sent to Mexico City.
Oh, wow. My company's name?
There must be a mistake.
That's impossible.
No, it's not a mistake.
A Spanish Customs officer confirmed it.
This is a very large company.
We process around 300 containers
like it every day.
We received merchandise
from all over the world.
Logistics have to be perfect, impeccable.
And obviously, legal.
My daughter isn't a piece of merchandise.
No, ma'am. That's not what I meant.
I'm sorry if I offended you.
Look, I have a 16-year-old daughter.
I hate to imagine
what you're going through.
It'd be very helpful
to review the list of imports
that arrived to your warehouse.
Absolutely. May I see your warrant?
So you don't want to help.
Of course I do, but you can't
expect me to grant you access
to my company's records just like that.
Especially if we're basing this
on a suspicion or report?
-What was it again?
-A tip.
I'm a law-abiding citizen.
I obey the laws of men and,
above all, the laws of God.
Justice, you know.
I expect to be treated in kind.
You know, I understand
and I have to agree with you.
Maybe you're not to blame,
but you know what it is?
When I come back with the experts
and we start digging around
through the permits,
documents, sanitary conditions
and all that shit,
it can be a pain to the company.
Am I making myself understood,
Mr. De la Cruz?
Perfectly. Excuse me.
My daughter's calling.
I have to take this.
Family always comes first.
Do whatever you have to do.
Do your job, Officer.
Get your warrant and I'll gladly help you.
Sounds good?
If you weren't lying, you'd help us.
The container was in your name.
Like I said, we have a complex
and delicate logistics plan
These gentlemen are police officers
and the lady is
The lady.
Sorry, boss. I didn't know you were busy.
-I'll come back later.
-No, don't bother.
We're leaving.
I need to talk to you.
Did you get new girls?
Well, I think this meeting is over.
-Good day, everyone.
-You're lying, asshole.
Where's my daughter?
Ma'am, please! Officer!
Forgive her, Mr. De la Cruz.
Fine. Do you need anything else?
Thank you and excuse us.
Of course.
Come on, Daniel.
Come on.
Sweetie? Natalia?
-Why are you yelling?
-Don't touch me!
Back off.
Open the door! My daughter's inside!
Open the door! Let go!
That's enough!
What's going on here?
I promised to help,
but you can't insult me
or disrespect me like this.
What's going on?
Open the door.
Are you insisting, ma'am?
Chino, open the door.
Natalia, sweetie!
Next time, come with a warrant.
Better yet, never come back.
You're not welcome here.
Let's go.
Where are you keeping her?
In your car, boss.
Good thing you said something.
Otherwise, they would've found her.
You always have to
take care of family, Diego.
Good job.
Chino, close the door.
I have a friend in MP.
I'll ask him to help.
That bastard knows a lot more
than he's saying.
No, I don't think so.
I'm sure my daughter was inside.
Monica, I think you should rest.
No, I won't rest until I find Natalia.
Take me to my old house please.
Let's go.
Here's what you asked for, Daniel.
It's clean, but it's best
if you don't use it.
Thanks, man.
Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty.
What happened?
You don't remember?
You came over for a drink
and had too many.
You were out cold.
What time is it?
Who cares? Go back to sleep if you want.
Oh, God
What a hangover.
Would you like a painkiller,
some orange juice?
No, I have to go.
Why don't you stay here
until this mess is over?
You know there's plenty of room here.
Thanks, but I'd rather go home.
Just hear me out.
Your place will be swarming with reporters
waiting for you to show.
They won't leave you alone.
They're like vultures.
Shower, get some rest.
If you want something from
your place, I can go get it.
You sure? I don't want to trouble you.
It's no trouble at all.
All right.
Are you OK?
I really don't know how to thank you.
No, I'm the one who's grateful to you.
Drop the gun.
You're Natalia's mother, right?
I'm your daughter's friend.
I helped her escape.
She removed a bullet from my leg.
She told me her mother was a doctor
and that she taught her
how to treat wounds.
The princess' breakfast.
Although it's a little late.
What are you thinking?
Thank you, Humberto.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
Don't be silly.
Eat and make yourself at home.
Oh, you! Give me a hug!
What's that?
The file you won't stop looking at.
Nothing. It's nonsense.
What is it? Pictures of your boyfriends?
Let's have a look.
No, it's personal!
I don't want you to see it!
I'd forgotten I'd left it here.
I'm sorry, Eli.
Finish your food and take a hot shower.
It'll help.
The wound is infected.
You have to go to the hospital.
How come I haven't heard from my daughter?
I don't know.
She said the first thing
she'd do was calling you.
Did she escape or not?
I don't know.
Natalia left yesterday.
If she hasn't called,
then it's because they have her.
She won't be there for long.
They sold her to someone else.
Who has with her?
De la Cruz.
That bastard! I knew it.
-Where are you going?
-To the police.
You can't.
He's bribed everyone.
We have to do something.
He knows what he's saying.
I know someone who may know
where Natalia is
and where they're going to take her.
Give me a chance to help you.
If this is a trap or you
endanger Natalia's life,
I swear I'll let you die like a dog.
It can't get any worse for me.
De la Cruz's helper. Bastard!
He can tell us where Natalia is.
That's Camila, his wife.
We have to take him to a hospital.
No, please don't.
They'll send me to prison
where I'll be killed.
He'll die here.
There's no time.
Hang in there.
I can't find my daughter.
She didn't go home last night.
Your apartment
is under constant surveillance.
Goddamn it!
Call her friend Humberto.
They're always together.
We will.
Now please go.
You're putting me in danger.
I won't go anywhere until she turns up.
Do you have any suspects?
Why did you do it?
-Help me.
You're risking a lot.
If, like I believe, you're innocent,
there's a murderer out there.
With you out of prison,
he'll do something to give himself away.
Whoever did this is going
after me and mine.
I'm scared something
will happen to my daughter.
Laura, I'm innocent.
Thank you.
I'll tell you where I'm headed
once I know.
I could betray you. I'd rather not know.
The keys.
Freeze! Don't move!
Put your hands up and spread your legs!
You're blowing it.
Sure, sure. Tell it to the judge.
Give me a fucking break, Urrutia.
I'm going to go find Eli.
You just ruined your life.
You've sent your bright future
and career straight to shit
over a lying murderer.
He didn't kill Prats.
You're obsessed. You don't know.
I do know.
Who told you? Your pussy?
I only ask one thing.
You're in no position to make demands.
Velasco, you know me.
This isn't about emotions.
It's the intuition of an officer
whom you've always said
has had a sixth sense
to find the shit in a case, right?
Not anymore. You've lost your touch.
When the heart gets in the way,
you lose your focus.
That's what happened to you again.
You held your partner at gunpoint.
I may be wrong, but there's
only one way to prove it.
If I'm not, the real murderer is out there
and I need you to help me
find him, Velasco.
I'm in your hands.
I'm putting a lot on the line for just
a flight, don't you think?
I understand if you arrest me.
It's your duty.
But if you help me,
you have my word that I'll be
the only one to take the fall.
If you kill me, your wife will die too.
What did you say, asshole?
What the fuck are you doing?
Boy or girl?
Do you want to see your baby be born?
Where's Natalia?
All this because of that fucking chick?
That fucking chick
is my daughter.
If you don't tell me where she is,
I'll kill your fucking wife.
Fine, enough.
I just know she's being delivered
to her buyer tomorrow.
Who's her buyer?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Where are they taking her?
I just know she's being taken
to Parador Platino.
Are you sure it's Hotel Parador Platino?
Yes! Leave her alone!
I'm sorry.
I had no choice.
Get away from that asshole.
Don't ruin your child's life.
I need an ambulance please.
A man was shot. He's bleeding out.
Keep me posted on any activity.
I want to know who comes
and goes from the building.
I don't care if it's a dog
or a grandmother.
There's no trace of the girl.
Any ideas where she could be?
It seems she was drinking alone at home.
There's leftover alcohol
in a glass and a half-empty bottle.
Maybe she left to party after that.
It's very likely.
We still have to find her.
I think someone wants to screw Alex over,
and if I'm right, Eli could be in danger.
Hello, Humberto.
Inspector Urrutia, National Police.
Have you heard from your friend
Elisabeth Molina?
We're looking for her,
but she's not answering her phone
and she isn't home.
Well, I don't know.
I think she met a guy last night
and they went to his house
for a nightcap.
She'd had more than a few.
So you didn't leave together?
No, no.
We left to unplug
and it seems we both got lucky.
-Know what I mean?
If you hear from her, call me.
Was that the buzzer? Who was it?
No one. No one buzzed me.
Want one?
-Don't you get tired of eating?
Alex Molina
Turn it up.
managed to escape
while on route to the hospital
after showing symptoms of poisoning.
His whereabouts are currently unknown
and authorities believe
he's still in the country.
Alex Molina is currently
the most-wanted man in the country
and the authorities' main priority.
Pretty place, isn't it?
You know, I used to be very violent.
I lost my tempter easily.
Had we met then, your pretty face
would've been disfigured
because of all the money
you almost made me lose.
You should be grateful, though.
Because I found God and His word.
Leviticus 19:18 states:
"Do not seek revenge or bear
a grudge against your people.
Love your neighbor as yourself."
So says the Lord.
Here's some advice
that's also in the Bible.
Honor your father and mother.
This is it.
It's a motel.
Let me go.
Make yourself comfortable.
You'll be here for a while.
Hello, hello.
You guys dropped the ball.
It took me three years to find them,
but in those three years
I found other witnesses.
Let's just say my daughter is insurance
for this to be a deal among gentlemen.
Alex Molina escaped
the station where he was held
awaiting to be questioned by
the judge overseeing the case.
His whereabouts are unknown.
The police are investigating.
I would've loved to have seen
your mother rot in a grave.
It's the least she deserves
for betraying me.
It's a good thing she's still alive,
and that she's here in Mexico.
My mom is here?
-Sorry, but that's not your room.
Open the room. My daughter is in there.
-This way!
-Let go!
Mom, I'm here!
Bring her!
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