Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 24: Sae-yi Doesn't Know]
[Number 4]
[Episode 24: Sae-yi Doesn't Know Number 4]
I told you
to just buy some wine glasses
-I ran into her in the elevator.
She didn't know I had moved
into this building.
Thanks for this.
No problem.
Thank you.
See you, Yu-mi.
Right, Yu-mi.
I'm going to throw a housewarming party.
You should come.
Sure, please invite me. I'll be there.
Okay, then have a good night.
Good night.
What are you doing here?
You said you were going to bed.
Come in.
Come on in, Yu-mi.
Come on in.
Sae-yi has moved to this building?
Oh, about that.
Because we've been working late
and it's hard to commute.
I guess that's why she moved.
I didn't know either.
You didn't know, but she came to
borrow wine glasses at this hour?
I found out later.
A few days after she moved.
She said she moved here last month.
You didn't tell me until now
even though you knew all along?
I forgot.
I must've forgotten.
Does it matter that Sae-yi moved?
Come in first.
It's nice to see you unexpectedly.
Don't try to gloss over it again.
You forgot?
Don't be ridiculous.
I wanted to see you
at your house last week,
but you insisted on meeting outside.
You were afraid I'd run into Sae-yi,
weren't you?
And the week before that too.
I said I'd stop by
because I was in the area,
but you said you'd come out.
Are you still saying you forgot?
You deceived me on purpose.
-I didn't deceive
-You did!
Why did you lie?
Because you were going to do this.
You get sensitive
when we talk about Sae-yi.
I didn't tell you because that bugged me.
I knew you'd act like this.
I never told her to move here.
I can't tell her not to move here either.
That's up to her.
It's not like I can kick her out.
And it'd make you sensitive.
Did you just say sensitive?
Because Yu-mi's sensitive?
Seriously, that jerk!
Seriously, how despicable!
I can't take that anymore.
Let's curse him.
Guys. Bring the curse bomb.
No. We have to torture him with facts.
What? Torture him?
We need Yu-mi Encyclopedia.
[Yu-mi Encyclopedia]
I recorded everything just in case.
-Photocopy this and give it to everyone.
-Yes, sir.
Extract only Sae-yi and Woong's parts.
Yes, sir.
It's not because Yu-mi's sensitive.
We have to prove it.
I found Sae-yi's weird behavior.
On July 21, the famous
yuzu preserve incident.
You didn't make it, did you?
Oh, this?
Someone gave it to me.
[Woong lied.]
[In the end, she confirmed
it was from Sae-yi.]
The yuzu preserve I made is also here.
I found one too.
On August 6,
the social media incident occurred.
Yes, that's the one.
[Another late night.]
[We, Three Eagles, got this. Goo Woong.]
Why did she post that photo
on her social media?
It is weird, right?
Yes, her intention is impure.
Why did she post it
when she knows he has a girlfriend?
-What's her name?
-Seo Sae-yi.
Her name sounds weird. She acts weird.
She's weird. Is there anything else?
I found one more.
She pretended she knew
what Woong likes all the time.
My. You don't like dongdongju?
-Well, it's not that I don't like it.
-Dongdongju is Woong's favorite.
But just so you know, Woong likes gimbap.
He doesn't really like
fried tofu rice balls.
I think
it reached the peak on Yu-mi's birthday.
The necklace. I picked it with him.
He said it was for your birthday.
He kept picking weird ones,
so I picked it for him.
It looks good on you.
The yuzu preserve.
You lied to me about it too.
You even gave me a lame excuse.
What about Sae-yi?
Every time we meet, she tells me
what you like to eat
and pretends to know you.
She posts a photo without permission
as if you're dating.
Acting like your girlfriend wasn't enough
she even moved downstairs.
She borrows stuff
so she can visit you even at this hour.
It seems that wasn't her first time.
I'm being sensitive?
This is irrational, Woong.
Anyone would say that it's weird.
Can't you see that?
The thing is,
that's who she is.
"That's who she is"?
She's irresponsible.
She always acts as she likes.
-So you just let it slide?
Because you're friends?
That's how she's always been like? No.
You have a girlfriend now.
You have me.
It's different from before.
Then you should've stopped her.
You could've done that.
But you kept lying to me instead.
[Yu-mi is burning with rage.]
I've never seen Yu-mi so mad before.
What do we do?
But what has Woong done so wrong?
-We've been doing our best.
[Every time he was in trouble,
he changed to the bear mode.]
You should've told me.
[He did everything he could.]
[He tried to stop her from moving.]
Oh, Woong. I went to look for
a new place on my vacation.
A new place? Are you moving?
Yes. I'm spending too much on taxi.
I'm thinking about moving closer to work.
That's better.
I like the building you live in now.
It's a good location.
The one where I live?
Yes, that was the best around here.
It's too expensive. It's all bubble.
You barely get sun
because it's facing north.
The water pressure is too weak.
Your poo wouldn't flush down.
You have to unclog it every time.
Do you want to live that way? No.
The water pressure is weak in your house?
No way.
When you flush the toilet in his house,
it's like a waterfall.
His place has good water pressure.
[Yet, she moved here on her own.
What can I do about it?]
Right. He always stayed firm
in front of Sae-yi.
This is unfair.
Let's explain, so Yu-mi would understand.
Let's run the algorithm.
[Now Woong's algorithm will begin.]
Yu-mi. Why don't you sit down
and listen
Sae-yi pretends to be your friend
and acts like your girlfriend.
Why are you letting her?
-I never
-You are right now.
You said I'm too careful.
No, you're too careless.
Both you and Sae-yi are careless
and show no respect to me whatsoever.
[Next step. Make Yu-mi feel]
[Make Yu-mi feel]
[-Make Yu-mi feel]
-What's wrong with this?
Look at that.
-Why is everything
What's going on?
This is bad.
Ice Woong mode is in effect.
[Everything freezes when Woong's mad.]
Am I wrong?
I was taking care of it
without making anyone uncomfortable.
By taking care of it,
you kept it as a secret from me?
Sae-yi's only a friend.
Isn't that enough?
That's not the point.
Why do I have to explain every time?
When she means nothing to me.
What's he doing? Is he getting mad?
How brazen!
He should be on his knees
asking for forgiveness.
How dare you get mad at her!
You should apologize,
not explain.
I have nothing to apologize for.
Nothing to apologize for?
so mad at you,
but you have nothing to apologize for.
Okay. I get it.
[Wait. Is it right for her to leave?]
[Nothing was solved.]
[Yu-mi left. She went out.]
[No. Stop her.]
[Is he coming?]
[I'm sure he'll come to stop her.]
No. Yu-mi's left.
We need to do something.
We can't.
All functions
are frozen.
[Stop her. Please.]
[How can he do this?]
How can Woong do this to her?
I thought he'd stop her and apologize.
I've never seen Woong so cold before.
He scared me a bit.
He'd call her at least, right?
If he does, let's forgive him for now.
Then we can make sure
he never does that again.
Yes, let's do that.
[Missed call from Mom]
Hello? Mom.
Did you call?
Yes, I'm on the way home now.
Is everything all right?
[He doesn't even call.]
[Is he not worried if she's home safe?]
[He'd text at least.]
[Or no?]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
[Wake up.]
No calls or texts until this morning.
This is the first time it happened
since she started dating Woong.
So we should all admit
that this is very serious.
Oh, no.
As of 11 p.m. last night,
I'll set the breakup alarm.
-The breakup alarm?
-What's that?
It's a new machine.
The breakup alarm.
How to use.
"If no contact for 24 hours
after the fight,"
"it's considered a breakup."
Wait. 24 hours is too short.
Can we make that 36 hours?
Yes. It's normal to fight
in a relationship.
How about 48 hours to make it easy?
Sounds good. 48 hours is better.
That sounds better.
-Why not?
You can only set the breakup alarm
up to 24 hours.
She left Woong's house
at 11:11 p.m. last night.
-Yi-da. I finished the report.
-Thank you.
-You should check.
Good morning, Yu-mi.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
[By 11:11 p.m. tonight,]
[if she hears nothing from Woong,]
[that is the end]
[of this relationship.]
Good morning.
You're all early.
You must be tired.
Is 11 a.m. early for you?
What's this? Coffee?
Yes, I bought some coffee.
You drink iced latte, right?
Thank you so much.
I was too lazy to go buy milk
You're the best.
And you drink iced Americano.
Woong. Have some coffee.
Are you okay?
-About what?
-I was worried
just in case.
Yu-mi seemed flustered
to see me in the building last night.
I didn't know you didn't tell her.
Is it still not working?
It's messed up.
Nothing works.
What's that?
What's that? I didn't press it.
[I know]
[well about Woong.]
Isn't that Sae-yi's voice?
[I know Woong well,]
[so I'll take him over from now on.]
-It's a bug.
Sae-yi Bug got through the broken circuit.
[Let me tell you
the kind of person Woong is.]
You didn't
have a fight with Yu-mi, did you?
My. Did you really?
[Number one. Woong can never hide it.]
My cof Where did my coffee go?
I left it over there.
Coffee is the best after relieving myself.
[So all information is shown in his face.]
I should've set up
the password to the heart door
strong like Yu-mi.
The security system must've been too lax.
[And to Woong,]
[he has the highest priority.]
[Priority rank]
[When the first and second
priorities fight,]
[whose side would Woong take?]
Yes. Pardon?
[Now, let's make the first priority
push the second priority out.]
I'm careful
to comment on others' relationships,
and since I don't know
what happened between you two,
I can't say it easily,
but I hope it doesn't stress you so much.
I feel like you're just getting stressed
while you're dating. I'm worried.
No matter what people say,
what's most important is you.
Don't you agree?
You're right. I agree with you.
You become close
because you can understand them.
But just because you're close, it doesn't
mean you have to understand everything.
No. Woong. Come to your senses!
You can't fall for that!
Right. Maintaining a relationship
with someone you're not compatible with
can be stressful.
Even if things were great
between you and you got close,
if you're not compatible,
you will never be compatible.
I agree.
Then, are you going to end things
with Yu-mi?
-What are you talking about?
I was talking about you.
Your behavior makes me feel uncomfortable.
There's a limit to how much I can take
just because we're close.
All of your behavior is giving me stress.
My behavior? What did I do?
Because I moved to
the same building as you?
Are you getting mad at me
because you guys fought over that?
How ridiculous.
I moved there because it's close
to the office. So what?
Do I have to worry about things like
that when we're friends?
Is that what you think?
Are you sure it's not what Yu-mi thinks?
Are you talking to me as a friend
or as Yu-mi's boyfriend?
Goo Woong. Aren't we friends?
Our friendship
is longer than your relationship.
[Number three. Goo Woong gives in
when it come to his friends.]
Darn it! This won't do.
I haven't changed.
You have.
If anyone should be upset,
it should be me.
You changed
after you started seeing Yu-mi.
I heard you become like your partner
when you've dated for a long time,
and I'm worried you'll end up like that.
That you'll become twisted like her.
Message to all cells.
Our second line of defense
is being attacked!
[All of Woong's cells must wake up!]
Sae-yi might know Woong well,
but she doesn't know the fourth rule.
If you look at things in a twisted way,
you start becoming suspicious
of friends too.
Hey, Seo Sae-yi.
Watch your mouth.
[Episode 25: Hidden Card]
[Daehan Noodles]
Yu-mi. This is the information
for Dongseo Trading.
Are you feeling sick?
Cheer up, Yu-mi!
[It's only 5:00 p.m.,]
[but a big flood has started.]
Not yet.
Yu-mi. It isn't 11:00 p.m. yet.
Why are you already doing this?
[Just as how humans can't stop
natural disasters,]
[a cell can't stop the flood
of emotions that rise up.]
[Ultimately, they couldn't do anything
and the flood overtook the village.]
[Woong didn't call me.]
[Not even once.]
Good morning!
-Good morning, Yu-mi.
-Good morning!
[The following summer]
[I thought he would text me
once time had passed,]
[but he didn't.]
Hey, what if you
wore things like this every day like Ruby?
[I didn't call him either.]
[Back then, I believed that
I did nothing wrong,]
[and I thought I shouldn't be
the one to call first.]
[Winter again]
[Four years later,
this thought came into my mind.]
[What if something happened to Woong
that day?]
[That's what I thought.]
[I began to look through]
[blogs and social media to find out.]
[Goo Woong]
[Then, I found him.]
[How was he?]
[He was doing just fine.]
[5 years later]
That's all.
I talked about myself for too long.
No way.
I can't believe you had such a love story.
It's just a story.
Don't you think things would've
turn out differently
if you called him first?
-Do you think?
If you were to go back in time,
would you have called him?
Ms. Kim!
Then, I'll help you time warp
to five years ago.
Go and call him.
You surprised me. Are you awake now?
It's so sad. Why did they break up?
Okay. Thank you for saying that.
Let's do a time warp.
You should meet him again.
-Since there are no names for the files
Can you help me out this once?
-Over there?
What is it?
[What is going on?]
[This skill was scenario writing.]
What just happened?
That's Writer cell's skill.
But Writer cell is dead!
I resurrected her!
It's been a while
since I wrote a scenario.
Good job, Writer cell.
Thank you for resurrecting me!
I'm grateful.
We changed the other cells' minds
thanks to your scenario.
[If you think about the future,]
[you can come to realize
what you must do right now.]
[What Yu-mi really wants
will become clearer to her.]
Yu-mi's cells. Come together!
Yu-mi's rules are more important
than dating rules!
Let's go to Goo Woong!
Oh, no! I'm late. I'm going to go!
See you tomorrow.
I think I made a mistake
with what I said this morning.
I didn't mean to upset you.
It just seemed like you were
being misunderstood.
I said what I said because I was upset.
I'm sorry.
It's fine. Let's stop talking about that.
No. I really shouldn't have said that.
I'm sorry. I'll be careful.
I was a bit harsh too.
Just forget about it.
You just said what needed to be said.
Want to go grab some pajeon? I'm hungry.
Let's eat another time.
Are you going to go?
Yes. I need to leave early today.
[No. If he leaves now,
he's probably going to Yu-mi.]
[Then we're back to square one.]
[We can't go back to square one.]
I'm going to get going.
I'll see you tomorrow.
What is it?
[Woong. We used to have
a special relationship.]
[But if I were to get married,
it would be to Goo Woong.]
[If I were to get married,
it would be to Goo Woong.]
[If I got married,
it'd be with Goo Woong.]
[I would marry Goo Woong.]
I have something to tell you, Woong.
You said you were just friends.
Yu-mi. What--
Hold on. Let me talk to Sae-yi first.
You said you were friends,
so tell me what this is about.
You said you were just friends.
Yes, but Yu-mi.
According to your logic,
friends can't hold one another's--
No, they can't.
-Then I--
-Yes, please don't.
-Am I--
-Don't do any of it.
-Yu-mi, can't you--
-Yes, I can't understand. Don't do it.
Hold on! My gosh.
You won't let me get in a single word.
What did I do for you to tell me
not to do it?
All of your behavior until now.
Please don't do any of it anymore.
My behavior?
What did I do?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
-You don't know what I'm talking about?
-No, I don't.
-That's enough.
-I'm pretty sure you do.
No, I have absolutely no idea.
Your honor.
She keeps saying she has no idea,
so we must make it clear to her.
Listen carefully, Seo Sae-yi.
I will present the verdict.
I heard you had a cold.
Drink some morning and night.
[You gave him a gift of yuzu preserve,]
[and you wrote a memo that would
confuse any guy.]
[Hurry up and get better, Goo Woong.]
Violation of the Unfair Solicitation
of Love Prevention Act.
[You posted a photo that made it seem like
you were dating on social media.]
Violation of the law
on indicating relationships.
[You removed a piece of string
from his shoulder.]
Violation of ownership of documents
and objects such as my boyfriend's string!
Dongdongju is Woong's favorite.
[You intentionally said things]
[-to show you know Woong better.]
-It's a must!
Violation of my boyfriend's
Personal Information Protection Act.
[You moved into the same building
as Woong.]
[-You'd go to Woong's house randomly.]
Violation on the Special Act
for Restricted Access Areas.
You are guilty of all of these crimes,
and this is the verdict.
Yu-mi, not guilty. Seo Sae-yi, guilty.
As a result, Seo Sae-yi, get lost!
Darn it.
Do you get it now?
Do you understand the problem
with your behavior?
If you and Woong are really friends,
you shouldn't put your friend
in a difficult position.
If you really care for your friend,
that is. Don't you agree?
I would do that
-if he were really my friend.
-Yu-mi, that's enough.
Think about it from my perspective.
-How would the other person feel?
Would you be okay with it if you were me?
That's enough.
That's enough now.
[Yu-mi. Come to your senses!]
What's wrong? Guys!
Judge cell! Your verdict backfired!
Yu-mi is at a loss for words!
It's because the only thing
Yu-mi can do is let it go.
Yu-mi doesn't want to break up with Woong.
[If you don't want to break up,]
[the only thing you can do is let it go
no matter how much you fight.]
Can you give me the cards you have?
[Surrender no matter what.]
The only card you have left
is the Surrender card, right?
Get rid of that card and take this.
[Break up.]
This is
It's the Breakup card.
It's a card you must always hold onto
when you're in a relationship.
I've never held onto this before.
Without this, Yu-mi can't behave
whichever way she likes.
From now on, Yu-mi will hold onto
the Breakup card.
[Break up.]
[Just holding onto the Breakup card]
[will allow Yu-mi to behave
whichever way she wants.]
[Yu-mi's Priorities: 1st: Goo Woong,
2nd: Yu-mi, 3rd: Mom]
[Yu-mi's Priorities]
[Yu-mi's Priorities: 1st: Yu-mi,
2nd: Goo Woong, 3rd: Mom, 4th: Dad]
Yu-mi. Are you listening?
Regardless of what you think of me,
I have to say this.
You might not be able to see it,
but to me, it looks like
she's not a good colleague
or a friend who is worth you defending.
Don't keep people like her around you.
You're a good person.
Every time you meet someone
you care about,
your friend will act like this again.
Regardless of who that is.
I'll get going.
[I don't have the power
to get rid of Seo Sae-yi.]
[I can't control Woong either.]
[But choosing not to see
something I don't like]
[and continue seeing things that
I do like is my choice.]
[Of course that applies to Woong as well.]
[New Post]
[Episode 26: Gosh, You]
[I'm going to introduce you
to my daily schedule.]
[-Wake up!
-Gosh, that alarm is so noisy!]
[Wake up!]
[-Wake up!
-Why am I the only one who hears that?]
[Wake up!]
[Wake up!]
[Wake up!]
[Wake up!]
[My busy day starts with turning off]
[Yu-mi's alarm.]
[There's a lot to do in the morning.]
Wake up!
Guys, wake up! You need to go to work!
Hey! What are you doing? You crazy idiot!
Gosh! That's cold!
Good morning!
Waking Clean-up cell and Fashion cell
is my job too.
What should I wear?
I wore this yesterday.
And I wore this all last week.
She doesn't have anything to wear.
Kim Yu-mi needs to go shopping.
She has nothing to--
Hurry up and choose something!
We don't have time!
I guess she can wear that.
[Daehan Noodles]
-Good morning!
-Good morning!
-What is this?
Thank you!
[When Yu-mi gets to work,
I usually spin the millstone.]
[The weather is nice today,
so no one's helping.]
What a gorgeous day.
We should go on a picnic
on a day like this.
[Cheapskate is the only one
who's helping.]
Thanks, Cheapskate.
I'm going to make Yu-mi rich.
By saving money from her salary?
[Fortunately, I can take breaks.]
Hi, guys.
What's for lunch?
It's good. It's so delicious.
Yu-mi, look at that part-timer.
It's him. That handsome guy.
Isn't it so tasty?
[I can take a break
from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.]
[thanks to Hunger.]
I'm so happy right now.
Yu-mi, what happened?
-With that?
-You fought with your boyfriend last week.
What? She's asking
another sensitive question.
Wait! I'll answer it!
[And I have to help her when she's having
an important conversation.]
No, we didn't fight.
Come on. It was so obvious.
What happened? Have you guys made up yet?
-Here's your coffee.
-Thank you.
You broke up?
What do you mean?
No, we never fought.
What does that mean?
I suppose they made up.
A little higher on the right.
-All right.
-Yes, that's perfect.
-Is it good now?
[It's also my job to capture
all the important moments]
[of Yu-mi's life.]
How beautiful.
[At dusk,]
[Emotion the Sleepyhead wakes up.]
One day, I'll go to Africa.
We'll run in open fields
with water buffaloes
and admire the beautiful sunset.
[When the Emotion cell wakes up,]
[my task for the day is done.]
-Good work today.
[What time will you be done today?]
[Shall I pick you up?]
[I try not to meddle in her love life.]
How about we text him back like this?
This is just my idea but
[Because that's Love cell's job.]
-Hey, Love.
Can we add something?
"Woong, guess what kind of underwear
I'm wearing today."
Hey, Lust! Stop it.
[But thanks to Lust,]
[I can't totally relax.]
[Late at night,]
[I have to finish my most difficult task.]
I'm hungry!
I can't sleep
because I'm hungry!
-I want tteokbokki!
-Hey, Hunger!
Send me backup!
I want fried chicken!
No, I shouldn't eat this late at night.
I really shouldn't.
[After calming down Hunger,]
[I have to help Writer cell.]
[The more we get to know each other,
the more we learn about our differences.]
[Yu-mi started writing again]
[after Writer cell came back to life.]
Hey, Writer.
You wrote "came" instead of "come."
["I'll came now."]
And you misspelled "different"
in that sentence
about their personalities.
Just an FYI. Take it easy.
He totally ruined the mood.
Darn it!
[Successfully posted]
[Finally, my long day is over.]
Good work today, Reason.
I'll put her to sleep now.
Okay, thanks.
♫ Sleep, sleep, my dear Yu-mi ♫
♫ Sleep tight, my dear Yu-mi ♫
[I'm sure I'm not the only one
who's this busy.]
[Everyone's Reason cell]
[has such a hectic schedule.]
[Reason cells.]
[Cheer up.]
Hey, Reason. What's up?
-Look at the sky. What's with the color?
You're right.
I've never seen a sky like this.
What does this say
about Woong's current emotional state?
Here's your coffee, Louis.
Stop sighing.
Everything's taking forever
without Sae-yi.
What is this?
We haven't gone home for days.
Sae-yi gets things done super fast,
you know.
I didn't know we'd struggle this much
without her.
The hiring notice is up now,
so we'll receive applications soon.
I spoke to Sae-yi earlier on the phone.
She's decided to join the company
that offered her the position.
I think she's still mad at you though.
Why did you two have such a big fight?
You always bicker with each other anyway.
Will you never see her again?
We've worked together for a long time.
Are you totally fine with this?
I'm not sure.
What does that mean?
I don't know.
Is it
in "The Encyclopedia of Woong's Sky"?
Let's see.
Yellow means that he's calm.
That's not it.
-Maybe it means that he's sad.
No, look. The color looks different.
He's not sad.
[The Encyclopedia of Woong's Sky]
You're right.
Hold on. Could it be
a mixture of multiple emotions?
Look at this. Green means he feels bad.
Orange means he's angry.
And it turns purple when he's regretful.
If you mix the three colors,
you get a poop color like that!
So he feels bad, but he's angry
and regretful at the same time?
That sucks.
I feel bad because it is my fault.
I'm angry that things ended this way,
and I regret letting Sae-yi leave.
That's how I feel.
Can you guys try to make up in person?
I'm afraid I can't.
-Why not?
-This goes back a long way.
It was bound to happen.
[I'll be honest.]
It's not like I don't know.
I only pretended not to know.
Know what?
What you think of me.
You think I'm a nuisance
but don't want me to date another girl.
That's how you feel about me.
I knew.
-I pretended not to know about it
because it didn't really matter to me,
but not anymore.
Don't think of me as a fallback anymore,
It'll simply never happen.
I need your promise
for us to keep working together.
Hey, Goo Woong.
Are you rejecting me
after thinking however you wanted
and jumping to your own conclusions?
I can't believe this.
I'm no longer the Goo Woong
you used to know,
the immature guy
you used to be able to control.
-Are you going to marry Kim Yu-mi?
I guess the two of you
promised each other.
You started seeing each other
only a little while ago.
How could you do this to me?
We've been friends for over a decade.
It's been over ten years.
We've been working toward the same goal.
Sae-yi, this has nothing to do with Yu-mi.
This is about our relationship.
Are we really friends?
Was I fooling myself this whole time?
I'm sure she'll do just fine there.
She's very capable, you know.
I really don't know what to do.
As they say, time heals everything.
Let's just get some work done now.
But I'm not okay.
My gosh, it's snowing.
I'll have a hard time getting home later.
Ms. Kim.
Kim Yu-mi.
Over here.
Let me buy you coffee.
Thank you.
By the way,
did you just call me "Kim Yu-mi"?
I'm sorry.
It didn't look like you heard me earlier.
What would you like?
I'll get a hot latte.
One hot latte, please.
Thank you.
You haven't been exercising lately,
have you?
I'm no longer motivated
now that the competition is over.
Is it over already?
Yes, it ended two weeks ago.
How well did you do?
What matters is that
I actually participated in it.
Right. I'll just guess, then.
Here's your latte.
Thank you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
It's snowing.
-Isn't it so nice?
-I'm worried about going home.
I'm sorry.
I'm not that romantic.
I don't like winter.
It's cold, and it snows all the time.
-What about Christmas?
Do you have any plans for Christmas?
I don't know yet.
My boyfriend is busy,
so I won't know until the last minute.
Me too.
I can't plan anything because
of my girlfriend's hectic schedule.
Right, I tried making the tartar sauce
based on that recipe you gave me.
It tasted better
than the store-bought ones.
Right? I developed that recipe.
I'm good at making sauces.
That means you're a skilled cook.
No, I'm not. I'm just very interested
in food and cooking.
And I like checking out good restaurants.
You go ahead. I have to pick something up.
Oh, right.
-I wanted to ask you something.
Sure, what is it?
I'll ask you another time.
Did I keep you waiting long?
No. But it's already so cold.
My hands are cold.
-Your hands?
If your hands are cold
Hey, stop it.
There are so many people here.
The right hand and the left hand, docking.
There. That will keep your hands warm.
Great idea, right?
Let's go.
Tell me if your feet get cold.
I'll do it for your feet too.
How do you do that for the feet?
Woong, you can finish this.
I'm full.
Hey, you look
My goodness.
Why? What is it?
You look pretty.
Gosh, you scared me.
If you want to compliment me,
take it up a notch.
-Take it up a notch?
You're so pretty.
No, not like this.
You're so pretty.
Hey, that tickles!
-Come on!
-Be quiet.
Oh, it's starting now.
What did you think of the movie?
It was fun.
I wonder why it got such bad reviews.
I know. I liked it too.
I'll take that if you're done.
No, it's okay.
Give me that. I'll chuck it.
It's okay. I still have some left.
You do?
Then can you pour some into mine?
I wanted to try the milk tea.
My gosh.
Thank you.
Do you like it?
It's so good. Just what I needed.
Let's go.
Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Who knew? I actually like milk tea.
[After this December, we'll get
into the second year of our relationship.]
[The butterflies are gone,]
[but they've been replaced
by something else.]
We have to wait at least ten minutes.
Shall we sit down, then?
Hey, wait.
It's okay, Woong.
You don't have to do that.
You should sit down too.
[I can't really explain what it is,
Sit down.
Gosh, you.
[At such moments, I always
catch myself saying, "Gosh, you."]
Did you have fun?
Yes, it was another good date.
Then I had fun too.
[After this December, we'll get
into the second year of our relationship.]
[Successfully posted]
[Kim Yu-mi]
[After this December, we'll get
into the second year of our relationship.]
Hey, Woong.
Did you get home safely?
No, I'm still up.
I'm writing something.
About us.
Just something, you don't need to know.
Gosh, I'll show you later.
It's embarrassing.
Why did it take so long
for you to get home?
It's snowing?
My gosh.
It's snowing a lot.
How am I going to get to work tomorrow?
But it's pretty.
Now, it really feels like winter.
When it's snowing this much,
we have to make a snowman
or have a snowball fight.
I did it all the time when I was little.
[Be the first one to like this post.]
[1 Like]
[After this December, we'll get
into the second year of our relationship.]
[Yumi's Cells]
[You read what I wrote?]
[Yes, I happened to stumble upon it
through a co-worker's account.]
How should I put this?
I can't really explain it,
but it is so you.
[What do you mean by that?]
[Think about it. I'm all for it.]
[The senior manager is
suddenly suggesting it.]
[What do you think?]
[Thirty minutes?]
[Only when I want to do my very best.]
Usually, it doesn't even take ten minutes.
I see.
[Just three to four lines, right?]
[I'll give it a shot.]
I think I can do it.
[I can't even come up
with three to four lines? That's crazy.]
Just three to four lines.
[This is crazy.]
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