Zorro (2024) s01e09 Episode Script


The time has come to light the wick
of revolution in California.
We must take down Zorro.
And make it clear
that we are the future.
Is that my test? Killing Zorro?
No. Zorro is our affair.
Your mission is to kill Monasterio.
And you have one month to do it.
Let's find a place to rest.
Is something worrying you?
My new past.
He's your son now.
What do you want to know?
My father.
My father and you.
We met in Capistrano.
Alejandro was 18. I was 14.
Two years later
we were betrothed.
The son of Spaniards, he wanted
to set himself up as a cattleman.
He had little money,
a lot of ideas
and a loyal friend, Bernardo.
A mute who was his shadow.
And what happened?
Alejandro took to my father
the deed to the land
where he wanted to build our home.
My father thought that
Alejandro was beneath me.
He tore it up in his face.
Alejandro got angry.
My father pulled out his gun,
they struggled,
and the gun went off.
My father fell dead.
Nasty business.
So he fled
so my family wouldn't kill him.
I christen you, Diego de la Vega
Five years later, a neighbor
with family in Los Angeles
told me he was married
and had just had a son.
I didn't believe her.
We are gathered here
He killed my father. He'd left.
And despite everything,
I still loved him.
After that, I decided
to try to forget him again.
it wasn't the last time I saw him.
The boy's name is Diego
and he's the heir
to Alejandro's fortune.
Do I have to kill him?
It would be a blunder
that would compromise us,
although later, perhaps.
After all, he'll have to
divide his inheritance
and he may not agree to it.
I'm not going to kill Monasterio.
We have to unmask
all the members of the Clan
before the deadline expires.
There's no other solution.
What's going on?
Señorita Lolita upstairs.
With soldiers, two.
You didn't let them in, did you?
- Do you think I'm bendan?
- What's bendan?
I'm coming.
What a surprise.
I came to invite you
to my wedding reception.
Thank you.
Do you want some?
It couldn't be held
because of the abduction,
which was your doing.
I know you're Zorro.
I knew it when you saved me
and the native woman.
What are you saying, Lolita?
You're never there when he appears.
How curious.
I was in the square when they were
going to execute the native rebels.
- Until he appeared.
- And in the Loans House?
It was her, not you.
Like the attack on Enrique La Perla.
What about it?
What better alibi?
Very well.
If you're so sure, why not turn me in?
Because you saved my life.
I want to know how you can wear
the mask of your father's killer.
I am Zorro.
But Zorro isn't who you think.
Zorro is all the people have
when the law spurns them.
- Zorro killed your father.
- No.
The Clan of the Bear killed my father.
A secret organization
of Californian patriots.
Are you kidding me?
My father was one of them.
Ramírez confessed it before dying.
He was there.
That bear, on the cufflinks,
is their symbol.
They use it to recognize each other.
If they did, how did you
not recognize them?
Because it's not that easy.
Now they propose that
I join the organization,
but going to the houses of
the ranchers would give me away.
And they set me a test.
- To kill your husband.
- What?
Because he's the governor
and they want to sow chaos.
And without him,
the army is easier to defeat.
Relax, Lolita,
I'm not going to do it.
But I have a limit of one month.
And now that you know,
I need your help.
I cannot enter their houses,
but you can.
- Me?
- Yes.
To hand them a formal,
printed invitation
to your wedding reception.
She knows who I am.
But she won't say anything.
I got her to help me find
the members of the Clan.
Her father?
When the time comes.
Do you know what kind of deal
my father had with the natives?
They sold him land.
What did he want it for?
For grazing.
I don't understand
why they sold it cheaply.
And precisely to him.
He had the monopoly on the otter skins
trade from San Francisco to Los Angeles
that the Spaniards
had taken from them.
It makes no sense.
Your father shared the profits
with us from the skins trade
without the governor knowing.
And the land?
Victoria wanted to take the land
of the Scotsman's mine from us.
This place belongs to them.
Does the mine have any value?
For years, many thought it did,
but nobody found anything.
The Scotsman who dug it
died insane without finding gold.
That mine only caused trouble.
Yes, gold.
My father found gold, I'm sure of it.
And he hid it from everyone.
One thing is clear.
If he hid it from us, he had to do the
same with the members of the Clan.
True, they may have found out
and that's why they killed him.
But they don't have it.
Or Ramirez would've told me
when he was about to kill me.
And he didn't mention it?
No, I don't know where it is.
I only know where it came out.
I don't know where
to start looking either.
If my father was here
the night he was killed,
I don't think he took the gold.
Or not all of it.
Do you remember
which gallery it was in?
All mines look the same.
Very much so.
I've been here before.
With the Clan.
Sure, it all makes sense.
Who'd look for them
in an abandoned mine?
Beautiful. Right, my girl?
- Perfect.
- Thank you.
- It's our finest paper.
- Very elegant.
- How much do I owe you?
- No, please.
Consider it "un petit cadeau".
A small wedding present.
- Then here's yours.
- Thanks.
We expect you there.
- If I may.
- Thanks.
I'm surprised that you wanted
to print the invitations.
Too feminine for me?
Too feminine, no, too formal.
I'm the Governor's wife now.
Which greatly surprises your father.
I want to deliver
the invitations personally.
They'll be delighted.
That's quite a change,
given your new position.
And your husband will be happy.
He has great respect for rules.
Even social ones.
- He doesn't skip a single one.
- Like you.
Exactly like me.
- Thank you, Teresa.
- You're welcome, Señora De la Madrid.
- Good morning, Doña Carmen.
- Good morning. How are you?
It's the invitation
to my wedding reception.
- Very kind of you, Lolita.
- Tell your brother as well.
Certainly. Thank you.
You saved a visit.
- I'll be right with you, ladies.
- Thank you.
Ladies. Good morning.
My sister told me about the invitation.
You're very kind.
We hope that your duties
allow you to attend.
Have a nice day.
- What did you wish, Doña Lucía?
- Fabrics for a dress.
You were right, I admit it.
It wasn't so simple to find
the members of the Clan of the Bear.
- No, thank you.
- Thanks.
- What are you doing?
- Dancing with the bride.
Isn't that done at weddings?
Why do you never believe me?
Dear Diego, are we going to argue
even when I tell you you're right?
- No.
- Good.
How many have you discovered?
And you?
As well.
Sorry, who?
Francisco Díaz de la Madrid.
I was almost sure
he was one of them.
And still you made me
go over the whole region.
I had to make sure.
In this I cannot fail.
His sister told us
there was a fire at your father's ranch
the day he was killed.
Do you think she is too?
I don't know.
But only he had the mark.
I was looking for you.
I'm sorry. It's my fault
for monopolizing her.
It's like my sister
is getting married.
I haven't had the chance to thank you
for what you did for my in-laws.
Nor have I thanked you
for preventing an unjust massacre.
The Márquezes are like my family,
but Don Tadeo shoots first
and asks questions later.
The problem is not the natives,
it is Zorro.
He is still free, so we cannot
let our guard down.
You're quite right.
He's a menace to everyone.
Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
Let's go.
Don Tadeo, how are you?
- How are you? Diego de la Vega.
- Fine. Good evening.
A toast. In the eyes.
In the eyes.
To the bride and groom.
- It's been an exhausting day.
- Yes.
And a success as well.
I'm going to bed.
Are you coming?
I'll be right there.
We meet again.
Guns and mines make poor bedfellows.
We could all die.
And who wants to die today?
I don't!
I am Diego De la Vega.
It's over.
What are you waiting for?
Who killed Alejandro De la Vega?
- Now you care about the ranchers?
- I care about justice.
I wasn't there.
But I wouldn't have minded
pulling the trigger.
My brother was there. Ask him!
Because of him and Ramirez
my predecessor died.
You're welcome.
You will live.
But everyone will know you were
an accomplice in Zorro's murder.
That is the people's justice.
Let her go!
More coffee?
No, thank you.
How do you know each other?
We don't know each other.
After returning from Los Angeles,
I moved to San Jose
to start a new life.
Everything was going well
until three years ago,
when my mother died.
I went back to Capistrano
for her funeral.
And there I saw him again.
I managed to forget him for years,
but despite everything,
I still loved him
and ended up forgiving him.
He told me he'd been
a widow for 10 years
and his son was in Spain.
He was free.
He wanted to make it up to me
and proposed marriage.
Very nice.
But that doesn't answer my question.
Patience. All will be revealed.
Alejandro found gold
and had big plans for California.
He wanted to bring
the railroad to the Pacific
and for this he allied himself with
one of the greatest entrepreneurs
on the Atlantic Coast, Mr. Vanderveen.
He then returned to California
to settle some matters.
He said he'd write to me
to reunite when it was all ready.
The letter never arrived.
That's right.
I went to Los Angeles and discovered
that Zorro had killed him.
I decided to return to San José
and forget it all,
but on the way I changed my mind.
I wrote to Mr. Vanderveen
and suggested that he carry on
with a new partner.
I provided him with samples
of Alejandro's handwriting
from the parish register
and even a portrait of him
as a young man
to find someone who could
pass himself off as his son.
The rest you already know.
Your task is to get the gold
and eliminate his son,
discreetly, if he causes problems.
For the plan to work,
only you and I are needed.
From now on,
this is strictly a family affair, Mama.
And Vanderveen?
Think of something.
You're good at that.
We're going.
You always said one
had to have three suits.
Two for work
and one for celebrations.
You forgot about funerals.
The Clan.
It was right in front of me
from the start.
I should feel better
about getting close to them.
But I don't.
Zorro has helped a lot of people, yes.
Even Lolita.
That was hard, yes.
And I almost hanged you,
don't forget.
My father's killers will pay for it.
Have no doubt.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, Doña Carmen.
Thank you.
At the lifeless body
of our brother Francisco,
I call on you all
to end this wave of terror.
Let us end this bloodshed.
Together, with our governor
at the lead.
Let us join forces to stop Zorro
and the attacks on the honorable
people of this community.
For the Bible says so!
He who lives by the sword
dies by the sword!
May I?
Of course, son.
What do you wish?
I wanted to make a donation.
Although misfortune stalks us,
you never forget the most needy.
I wanted to talk to you,
Brother Antonio.
It's about Zorro.
Do you really believe he's a killer?
Doña Carmen said he attacked
their properties.
In the past he may have done good
for the natives and the peasants, but
nothing justifies the killing
of an innocent.
It is against the law.
And the Commandments.
We must stop him
before it's too late.
Can I do anything else for you?
Are you sure he's one of them?
Then why do you hesitate?
Because he's not a man like Ramírez
or Francisco de Madrid.
He's a cleric.
Doesn't that make it worse?
I don't know.
Do you have time for a confession?
Not now, my son, it's late.
Come around tomorrow
and we'll discuss your sins.
Not mine.
Do you want to hear them?
- Pride.
- Please.
- Murder.
- What?
The list is long.
Wait, wait, wait.
This is sacred ground.
Jesus threw the money changers
out of the temple with a whip.
I'm just following his example.
You say we're on sacred ground.
Let me ask you:
What's more sacred than life?
Let's go.
The lives of these people
that you and the members
of the Clan have not respected.
Please don't kill me.
Why did you do it?
Shouldn't you be with
the poor and suffering?
Don't the Scriptures preach that?!
The natives are good, yes, but
but, but
they need a firm hand to guide them.
Don't you understand?
When the Spanish left,
the Mexicans abandoned them
to their fate.
And you've seen the result.
They cannot govern themselves.
That is why the ranchers
got together.
It's for their own good.
To give them and this land
a better future.
- Slavery.
- No.
That's your Promised Land.
No! No, no, no!
And Don Alejandro de la Vega?
I swear on all that's holy
I'm not involved.
They decided it behind my back.
They knew I'd oppose it
even if it meant betraying us.
- What betrayal is that?
- I don't know.
I know it has something to do
with the United States.
Please, don't hurt me.
Your punishment isn't up to me,
but the people.
The people you lied to
and who now await you.
Do you know who
the previous Zorro was?
My brother.
Whom I'll never see again.
Lord, please, forgive me.
Forgive me.
Perhaps he will.
I will not.
One to go.
Father, no?
- What father?
- Father Cross.
He's not a priest, he's a friar.
He says he knew nothing.
Friar no lie?
El Californiano says that on the night
my father was killed,
when Zorro got to Los Angeles
and entered the church,
he interrupted a service
and they'd been there for hours.
So, no, it couldn't be him.
I know.
I have two weeks left to kill Monasterio.
It's Tadeo Márquez.
Lolita's father.
But I'm not worried
about him, but her.
Zorro justice.
Zero justice for all.
For your father too.
Don't stop.
It's been a wonderful evening.
Thank you for joining us.
Who can say no to the Governor?
It's temporary.
The temporary can become permanent.
It's a question of will.
Then we'll forget
our little house in La Perla.
My girl, La Perla is
and will always be your home.
Shall we go?
- Good night.
- Good night.
Do you think he'll be able
to keep the position?
He's a man of principles.
He'll try to keep his promise.
If he does so, who knows?
Stop here, I want to speak
to Don Antonio.
- Now?
- It'll just be a moment.
It's never just a moment.
I'll wait for you in the cantina.
You didn't keep your appointment.
- You were scared.
- Scared of what?
Of dying.
Who are you?
I came to do justice for the murder
of Alejandro de la Vega.
What are you talking about?
Alejandro was my friend.
It was Zorro and his people.
Zorro also died that night.
And I would've killed him
if I'd had the chance.
Alejandro was a good man.
Wasn't he a traitor to California?
- What are you talking about?
- The Clan.
What clan?
- What clan, I said?!
- The Clan of the Bear.
You were there that night with
Francisco de la Madrid and Ramírez.
- I don't know what you mean.
- You killed him.
It was you!
I didn't kill Alejandro.
You're lying.
Lucía, it was Lucía.
Don't speak. Rest, rest.
If we want to finish them off,
there's only one way.
By killing Monasterio.
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