365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

The Pregnant Lady Before the Reset Shows Up

(Episode 10)
(Let the rainbow of the soul be in your garden.)
What's this bouquet of flowers?
What bouquet?
"Rainbow of the soul"?
If you have time for this, take care of the loose ends.
Don't drag me into that.
She called me thinking I was the one who sent her the flowers.
She said something about the rainbow of the soul or something.
"Rainbow of the soul"?
(Seo Yeon Soo)
(Ko Jae Young, professional gamer)
(Kim Se Rin, studying to retake the CSAT)
(Ji Hyeong Ju, detective at Seoul Makang Police Station)
So it has to be someone among them.
(Bae Jung Tae, ex-convict, Shin Ga Hyeon, me)
(Who's the stalker?)
Oh, my. I want the comic book with her autograph.
I bet the stalker is Kim Byung Wook. I'm 100 percent sure.
A woman probably sent that note.
Is it from the lyrics? Then, isn't it the songwriter?
Nice. I think this person might get the signed autograph.
(Nice. I think this person might get the signed autograph.)
In the note of Seo Yeon Soo's bouquet, it said
something about the rainbow of the soul.
"Rainbow of the soul"?
Is it really a part of lyrics?
If it is, the lyrics sound pretty childish.
What? The bouquet of flowers was fake?
Out of all places, the flower shop was around your café.
So even you were suspected.
My goodness.
Why would Ko Jae Young do such a thing?
He must have thought
that he was able to find the real sender of the flowers.
He was trying to get clues in his own way.
If he had time for that, he should've helped the detective.
I don't think he's useful at all.
Well, there was this message on the note.
Do you recognize these lines at all?
What is that?
There was a note in the bouquets of flowers?
They sound like they might be lines from poems.
Or just common celebratory messages.
But I don't think these lines are connected.
What does that mean?
Did you find what I asked?
Do you think finding someone is that easy?
Then, why did you want to see me?
Do you want more money?
If you want to expedite it, you should pay me extra.
You know the bouquet of flowers?
Is it true that people got the bouquet of flowers
before they died?
I thought you were the one who sent them.
You're the only one left now.
How could anyone kill people just by sending flowers?
Did you hear anything from that detective guy?
I guess you're scared of death too.
It's not your turn, so don't worry.
How do you know that?
If you're curious, take care of what I asked fast.
(- Did he figure it out? - The culprit must be really smart.)
(I can't find anything online what was written on the note.)
That's an excerpt from "Pieces of Destiny".
The culprit is the manager, the bookworm.
"Pieces of Destiny"?
("Pieces of Destiny")
("Pieces of Destiny")
(The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you.)
(The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you.)
(The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you.)
("The Sower" by Van Gogh)
(I hope sun's power gives you energy and moon's power gives you rest.)
(I hope sun's power gives you energy and moon's power gives you rest.)
(I hope sun's power gives you energy and moon's power gives you rest.)
("Pieces of Destiny")
- Excuse me. - I'm sorry.
I was on my way out.
Ms. So Hye In?
That's me.
I'm Detective Ji Hyeong Ju.
My husband told me.
Why did you visit our house?
Can you take a look at this?
Did you make that bouquet yourself?
Yes. Why?
Did you deliver the same type of bouquet three times?
Well I think so.
Do you know who ordered them?
Was there something wrong with the bouquets?
I'm in the middle of investigating, so I'm afraid I can't disclose that.
I'm sorry, but if that's the case, I'm afraid I can't either.
I can't disclose my customers' personal information.
The sender's information wasn't included,
so we need to find out who sent them.
We also need to know if there was a reason why they picked
this flower shop.
What do you mean?
Are you saying I'm involved in this as well?
Everything will be cleared once we can identify the sender.
Please help us.
If that's the case, please follow the procedure.
I don't feel too happy about your barging in like this.
(Today's workshop will be held next Thursday.)
You wouldn't be able to get a warrant, would you?
There's no way.
It feels strange.
She's a familiar face to us,
but to her, we're just strangers.
And to think that she could be the one behind this
What's more unsettling
is that this may not be the end.
Right, about the messages, I found a lead.
I expected that.
No, we'll go as planned.
Okay. We'll talk again.
("Pieces of Destiny")
If they're all from this one book,
there must be a reason.
You're right. But there's more.
The drawings.
I think they foretell the cause of death.
"The cause of death"?
Cupid's arrow.
Cupid shoots his arrows in people's hearts.
Mr. Choi Kyung Man suffered from a heart attack.
I checked Seo Yeon Soo's message.
It was this.
- Let the rainbow of the soul - Let the rainbow of the soul
- be in your garden. - be in your garden.
It's a drawing of Icarus' wings.
Icarus fell.
Seo Yeon Soo fell and died.
And lastly, Mr. Cha Jeung Seok.
(The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you.)
"Van Gogh".
He committed suicide.
This is plausible.
But the bouquets were delivered before they died.
It doesn't make sense that the killer knows
how they'll die in advance.
You're right.
But there must be a reason for the bouquets.
I'm sure they're telling us something.
I found you.
Were you hiding in there?
Young, do you like trains that much?
I like you even more.
That's a given.
Is there anything else you want other than toy trains?
A real train?
I want to ride a train with you.
Let's get on a train in a few days.
How did you think of signing your books?
"Pieces of Destiny" was
one of the most-searched words online.
I felt like my author's notes were always the same,
so I tried something new.
I'm glad they liked it.
They did. So I came up with a few ideas myself.
Check this out.
We shouldn't do events that often.
Some may think we're just trying to become more famous.
I was being rash. I'm sorry.
I'll still take a look at it.
You did it for me.
Thank you!
Are we done?
Yes. Right. How will you end
the next episode?
Will you reveal the stalker's identity?
I'm still thinking about it. I'll let you know once I decide.
I should go work now.
Feel free to contact me if you ever feel stuck.
Good luck.
I'll be going now. Goodbye.
This is rare to find.
I'll show you.
This is made from a volcanic stone in Mount Halla
that was hit by lightning
and coral reefs from the Sernica Archipelago.
You know soyang flowers only bloom once every century, right?
You must know that since you own a flower shop.
Those flowers are really rare.
These are made from their roots.
Do you know Hwang Yoon Young, the model?
She even
performed rituals
and couldn't get pregnant.
After taking this for a month, she conceived twins.
- Really? - Yes.
A dealer who deceived people by claiming that her vitamins
could cure infertility was arrested.
Hwang, a popular model, received money
and posted a review on her social media.
They used the mothers' desperateness
to commit this fraud.
Take one pill a day with fresh water.
Are there any side effects?
Not at all.
(My Dream Is to Become a Righteous Police Officer.)
(Arrested Thanks to the Citizens)
(Arrested Thanks to the Citizens)
Will I really get pregnant after one month?
Even the fertility clinics are so worried
in case this gets officially approved by the board.
I'll buy it.
Then, you have to wire me the money first.
Then, we can proceed.
I'll wire you the money to the account now.
- Can I wire it now? I'll do it. - Yes.
Hold on!
What is it this time?
Are you sure women can get pregnant if they take the supplements?
I really need to get pregnant.
My lifelong dream has been becoming a mother.
I even ground the phallic stone and drank it.
And I even visited every fertility clinics.
But it didn't work.
Are you sure this is effective?
- Then, I'll buy it. - No.
I'll pay you double for that.
What are you talking about? I'll buy it.
I'll wire you the money.
No! Please don't sell this to this lady.
Please sell it to me. I must get pregnant.
Seriously. I have the perfect date for it too.
On the day of the full moon next month around 12am
Right. Ms. Choi Seong Hee.
You're under arrest for violating
the Act on Special Measures for the Control of Public Health,
committing fraud, and multiple other offences.
You can consult a lawyer and remain silent.
And there's something called a review of legality of the arrest.
Please look into that.
(Seoul Makang Police Station)
You didn't run into me at the café by accident, right?
Did you follow me?
I'm sorry.
It's just a bouquet of flowers.
Why are you so concerned about the flowers?
If you're a real detective, you can go through the proper channels.
Actually, the people who received the bouquet of flowers
are all of my friends.
The note had a weird message and it didn't have a sender's name.
So they are just worried.
That's why I asked him to look into this.
It was a personal favour for me.
Are all of your friends teachers?
The people who ordered the bouquets of flowers
were all high school students.
High school students?
Yes. They brought the notes with the messages and ordered them.
And I got the addresses several days later via text message.
It was the same bouquet of flowers and the same card.
I just thought that sending flowers
was popular among students.
May I check the text messages you received
for the addresses?
I'll contact you.
Can you please do that?
Thank you
for today.
Hey, Hyeong Ju.
- Hi. - My gosh. Hello.
What brings you here?
(Pork belly)
Thanks to Hyeong Ju, I'm really having fun reading your webtoon.
You're such a great artist.
And I have committed such a grave mistake to you.
- My gosh. - I am sorry.
It's okay.
You were just doing your job.
I experienced what it feels to be interrogated.
I just thought it was part of my research.
You're optimistic.
She even had the time to think about her webtoon during interrogation.
I can understand why Hyeong Ju is a total fanboy.
Sun Ho, I'm not a fanboy.
I read her webtoon for fun.
I heard you caught a con artist for the other department.
Do you do that for fun too?
No, that's my job. I'm a detective.
A criminal was right in front of me. How could I not arrest her?
She was right in front of you again?
Why do all the criminals show up in front of you?
I wish I didn't know.
But I already knew all of those criminals. What could I do?
- What? - Sun Ho.
Do you know
what I go through for travelling back in time?
No. Of course, you don't know the pain I undergo.
Gosh, I didn't peg him to be a lightweight drinker.
Oh, my. He's talking about time travelling.
He jumps to the science fantasy world when he gets drunk.
You know what?
If it weren't for me, you would've been dead!
- Hyeong Ju, get yourself together. - This nonsense
What nonsense is this about now?
- My gosh. Right. - Gosh.
I mean, seriously.
Why don't we all take a shot?
- Cheers. - Cheers.
I think he should know that I saved him at least.
Going through the reset felt rewarding at least today.
Then, did you regret doing it before?
Except for getting out of the wheelchair and finding Maru,
I had been regretting it
because I lost more things than I gained.
The senior officer you tried you save
is Detective Park, right?
Darn it. I think it was all for nothing.
He keeps nagging me every day. It's so annoying.
I don't think I have a friend like you.
A friend who's willing to travel back in time to save me.
What's more interesting is that
I sort of accepted that.
I guess
even I must think not having such a friend is normal for me.
Ga Hyeon.
Don't you know how many fans you have? Don't say such a thing.
Those fans including myself would be really disappointed.
Don't you agree?
I guess,
I can at least make one friend who would before I die, right?
Yes, this is Ji Hyeong Ju.
This is the florist.
I was just about to go home. A student came by.
The student was in Daeyoung High School's uniform.
The name tag said Kim Ah Reum.
What should I do now?
I don't want to get dragged into this case if I can help it.
Just cooperate with us like you're doing now.
For now, prepare the flowers as the order.
And please call us as soon as you get the text for the delivery.
Okay. I will.
(You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate.)
("Pieces of Destiny")
"You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate."
(You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate.)
"You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate."
"You will become the captain of your life, challenging your fate."
("An Accident" by Nicolas Sicard)
Why isn't she answering?
Where is she?
Kim Ah Reum.
Where is she?
This way.
Hey, Kim Ah Reum.
Your blind love
Kim Ah Reum.
A detective is looking for you.
- What do you want? - Are you Kim Ah Reum?
Didn't you drop off a card at a flower shop yesterday?
Who asked you to do that?
I found that part-time job online.
Part-time job?
The online advertisement said
students were preferred, so I took the job.
It said I would get 100 dollars for delivering a card.
Where did you get the card?
It's a foreigner.
I think he's staying here illegally.
A lot of undocumented foreigners
are exploited in crimes because we can't identify them.
Should we tell the others about this?
It's certain
that the next target is among us. So yes.
But someone from the group
could have sent the bouquet of flowers.
So the painting represents how the target will die?
Then, what's this carriage doing here?
Does it mean the next target will die in a car accident?
It's only a speculation.
It's not certain yet.
Then, until she gets the text for the address,
all we can do is wait?
Up until now, the incidents occurred 2 or 3 days after the delivery.
We should track the man who delivered the card
and try our best to find out who's behind this.
Isn't it you?
This is your doing again, isn't it?
- What? - I saw you meeting up
with the ex-convict.
You two are plotting something.
What's she saying?
He definitely met up with the ex-convict.
I know you are in on it. You came here, so you can spy on us.
Darn you.
Are you a stalker?
Why are you tailing me?
Why did you meet up with Bae Jung Tae?
Must I report everything to you?
I bet you two were working together from the start. Isn't that right?
Do you think he's smart enough to team up with me?
That man knows nothing about the bouquet of flowers.
He was the one who asked me if people who died really got
the bouquets of flowers.
Why did you meet with him?
Darn it.
What's your deal?
It's not me!
Prove it, then.
I thought we settled everything last time.
Yes, I thought we did.
I found something interesting.
I hope you wouldn't be offended by this.
In the industry I work in, knowing about the client
is our safety net.
The reason you went through the reset.
Isn't this why?
Your wish to share a piece of luck and such
was obviously all a lie.
My gosh. If other people find out,
I wonder how they'll react.
Then, this will be simple
because I know the real reason that made you undergo
the reset.
Which one is it?
Should you blackmail me or ask for a favour?
This person used a VPN program
to log into the website with a virtual IP address.
Logging into an online job site this way is definitely suspicious.
- So where is it? - Sejin Hospital.
- Did you find out? - Sejin Hospital.
- Okay. - Is that all?
- Good job. - Hello.
Darn it. You told me to prove it.
It came from the first floor of the annex building.
Can you check the footage on March 12 around 4:44pm?
Please check the footage from that area.
That woman.
She's the volunteer worker from Michael Clinic.
Michael Clinic?
Yes. It's a free clinic that treats illegal aliens and foreigners
on the second floor of the building.
I'm sure she's there today too.
- Today? - Yes.
Excuse me.
Hey. Can you speak
I know a bit of Korean.
You know the locker in the subway?
Didn't you put a card in there?
Yes, I did.
The doctor gives it to me, and I do it.
The doctor?
Yes. Over there. The doctor makes me do it. And I do it.
Thank you.
- Be careful, man. - I'm sorry.
I got the address.
I got a six.
1, 2, 3. Hey, look what I got.
Hey, Jae Young. What do you think?
Why are you calling me at this hour?
Ga Hyeon!
The address
was my shop.
What does this mean?
("Pieces of Destiny")
("Pieces of Destiny")
(365: Repeat the Year)
What on earth are you saying?
Are you going to take the fall?
Run away before more of you die.
If you want to live, don't fight back.
We're going to play hide-and-seek.
It was all planned.
Do you think this is a fun game to watch if you know the answer?
It's not on the list for the deceased.
We're being invited to play this game.
Do you know what's scarier? People dying in front of me.
Me? A trap for the innocent?
- I'm so scared. - Why?
I'll hear that in person.
If it's a lie, everything is possible.
Sun Ho!
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