A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Oushi's World

They're so pretty, Oushi!
Fireworks suck! They're smoky and loud!
What? I can't hear you!
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
I wonder if he'd add in the signs
we studied at the training camp.
You forgot this at the sink.
Oushi-kun? Why would he call me?
You okay? You can talk to me
if something's bothering you.
Itsuomi-san noticed it was from Oushi.
I'm okay.
I see.
Sorry for the sudden call
I'll call again
Yuki, you dummy
Oushi-kun apologized! I'm getting scared
Soap and shampoo that's different
from the ones back home.
Where's Itsuomi-san?
Over here.
Is this his room?
I left your phone over there.
No need to be nervous.
Want some popcorn?
OMG I think I'm reaching my limit.
I usually spend my weekend nights watching
Which one you wanna watch?
so we both can enjoy.
I was curious how you experience movies.
You can sleep if you feel sleepy.
There's no way I can sleep
in this situation!
Sorry for the wait!
How have you been?
She's talking
Yuki's signing really fast!
Yeah, I'm doing great!
What? Is that your boyfriend?
You got a boyfriend? Nice one!
Nice to meet you.
You know sign language?
Hold up! I'm late-deafened
and bad at lip reading!
Sorry for keeping our convo one-sided!
Oh yeah! That place we talked about
is willing to hire you!
Yeah, my aunt's place!
She wants you to help her in the kitchen.
Don't worry, you're going to work
for my aunt and she knows sign language.
I'll tell you the interview times later!
See ya!
She spoke really fast.
Were you able to read her lips?
I look at her signs.
She sure talks a lot.
Madoka-chan wasn't born deaf.
She regularly talks while signing
to not forget how to speak.
So there are people like that out there?
Anyway, I'm glad you found a job.
When I'm with you
Even this part-time job
which I thought was just a possibility
becomes reality
No, it's all you.
Itsuomi-san pulls me forward.
Bringing me to all sorts of places.
You're really tense.
Don't be so nervous.
I'm here to spoil you.
Well, this is rare.
You normally don't stop by
when the shop is closed.
Sorry for the short notice.
Were you busy, Kyo-kun?
Nah, I just got back.
Something happened?
Is it Emma-chan?
We ate lunch together and that was it.
I couldn't tell her today either.
Yeah, I'm sure she'd be devastated
if she hears that Itsu's got a girlfriend.
How do I tell her without hurting her?
I've always been meaning to ask, but
Don't you ever resent Itsu? Because
the girl you like is in love with him.
But Itsu-kun's just so awesome.
You really care for both of them.
Yeah, of course I do.
What about yourself?
Your feelings are important, too.
I can't sleep.
Do couples usually sleep
in the same bed at a time like this?
Is this what he meant by sleeping over
but "only spending time together"?
I'm happy we spent the entire day together
Is today different from a sleepover?
Let's save the real sleepover
for next time.
Right now, you're already so nervous
from just a little affection.
You're important to me
I can't sleep anymore.
But that's okay.
If I fell asleep with my hearing aid off,
this entire moment would vanish.
This room where Itsuomi-san sleeps
is like a box full of treasures.
I don't want them to disappear.
You understood me, right?
Looks like you know
a little sign language.
Is it true you're dating Yuki?
Let's not do this.
What? Think you're a big shot now
'cause you're dating her?
You seem to be misunderstanding something.
Forget it. I've been wanting
to talk to you for some time.
You free after this?
What's it gotta do with you?
Come on, let's be friends, Oushi-kun.
Hey, I said wait!
You listening to me?
Let me go!
I said let me go!
Isn't that Oushi?
Yeah, looks like it.
What the heck is he doing?
Son of a
Itsu! How's it going?
I was thinking of getting along
with this guy.
Oh? Cool.
That was heavy.
Those were from when we did a period
play in English last school festival.
You got something to say
that you can't tell me elsewhere?
Oushi, listen
What's your favorite bread
at Komugi Bakery?
The bakery near school?
I like their curry bread.
Why should I tell you my taste in bread?
Okay, what about
your favorite cafeteria meal?
You part of a club? Do any activities?
Your major? Favorite lecture?
Knock it off!
I hate your guts
and I don't know what you're after.
You're creeping me out.
What about me do you hate?
Tell me.
What do you hate about me and why?
Do you have a screw loose?
I've got stuff to do. Bye.
Don't be like that.
I know nothing about you except your name.
And that you like Yuki.
Don't get the wrong idea.
I hate you because you ticked me off
at the station the other day.
And that you called her out at night
even though she's deaf.
Think about what could've happened.
It also looks like
you dye your hair a lot.
Anyways, I don't like you,
and I'm leaving.
Why the heck are you following me?
I wasn't done talking yet.
Our conversation was over!
Besides, there's no use getting through
that thick skull of yours!
Wow, it's like you're on
an emotional roller coaster.
And whose fault is that?
Looks like this is gonna take some time.
What are you
Come to the school gate tonight at 7:00.
I'll listen to everything you have to say.
No dirty stuff, though.
Are you stupid? I'm not going!
I work part-time here.
This guy's my cousin.
You from Itsu's college?
This is Oushi, Yuki's childhood friend.
He's got trust issues right now.
Stop babbling about me.
I'll have a beer.
Can you drink already, Oushi?
Yes, but not with you.
Why're you opening it like that?
You showing off?
They don't use beer openers much
in Germany.
I grew up there.
My first time drinking beer
was during my 16th birthday.
In Germany, it's okay to drink
if you're with your parents.
I'll have some beer, too.
Didn't I tell you, boy?
You should be drinking milk, safe at home.
I'm already 11. I'm not a kid anymore!
Quiet, kid.
You're just gonna get in the way.
This is good.
Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Try these. They're great.
How many languages do you speak?
Japanese, German, and English.
You think someone like me
shouldn't be learning sign language?
Didn't we start learning it
for the same reason?
Don't lump me in with you, bleach head.
My hairdresser friend
loves experimenting with my hair.
I might be getting an afro next.
You okay?
Stop spouting weird things.
Looks like you're up.
You fell asleep after your third beer.
It's 1:00 a.m. Everyone left already.
Oh yeah, gotta pay.
Don't worry about it. Do you wanna puke?
I'm leaving.
Hey, wait!
See? You can't even walk straight.
I'd rather not see your name
in tomorrow's news.
Stay away
Don't come in.
Did you think she'd just fall for you
if you learned sign language?
I didn't learn it
for such a shallow reason.
Why do we have to practice every day
for some festival? It's summer break!
They said if everyone
in the children's association dances,
they'll give us candy.
They'll probably just give us
some cheap sweets.
Stop ranting, it's already hot as it is!
Oh, it's Yuki-chan.
She's the same age as you.
I've never seen her in school, though.
She goes to a deaf school.
Deaf school?
Yuki-chan can't hear.
Wait here a sec.
They're so pretty, Oushi!
Fireworks suck! They're smoky and loud!
What? I can't hear you!
If I use sign language
she'll look at me.
No matter how loud it is
In this world, nobody can interrupt us.
You know sign language?
It's like we're speaking
in a secret language only we understand.
The emotions and expressions
born through our signs
are no different from when
we say them out loud
But everything feels special.
I grew to love sign language.
Hey, you okay?
You can rest at the store
if you're feeling sick.
No, I'm going home.
Almost forgot. You're gonna listen
to anything I say, right?
Guess you're feeling better now.
So, what is it?
Break up with Yuki.
Look, breaking up is a two-way thing.
I can't do it one-sidedly.
And Yuki won't break up with me.
Huh? Well, you're confident.
It's not that I'm confident.
We're building a relationship of trust.
Aren't you popular?
Couldn't you have picked someone else?
Even if someone else loves me,
it won't lead to anything.
From an outsider's view,
it may look like Yuki and I
wouldn't even have crossed paths.
But she was surprisingly nearby.
That's because Yuki
chose to go to college.
I'm a lucky guy.
Well, even if she didn't,
we could've met somewhere later in life.
What are you getting at?
No matter where or when we met,
I'd always choose Yuki.
I never wanted these feelings
to be labeled.
Stop looking at another guy!
Don't look at another guy's hands.
I like curry bread, too.
Didn't you ask me earlier what I like
at Komugi Bakery?
We're the same then.
Even if you're serious about her,
it's not gonna be that easy!
You sure love taking things slow.
And you can't stop going full throttle!
I don't want to steal a girl
who's already dating someone!
So just end it already!
I thought this was going
to take some time.
One little crack was enough?
Wha Why?
You look confused as heck.
I don't think I can ever dislike you.
If you make her cry
I won't care if she already has a guy!
I told you, that's not happening.
Will I change? Or did I change?
Either way,
I'm not letting him beat me forever.
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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