All That Glitters (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

I dreamt of Xiaomei yesterday.
Why are you talking about this again?
What else should we talk about?
I know I'm supposed to be De.
But I've only been De for two days.
I don't know what he used to do.
What should I talk about if not Xiaomei?
I dreamt that she was talking to me.
But I didn't know
what she was saying to me.
I saw her lips moving,
but I couldn't understand
what she was saying.
When I woke up, I was still wondering
what she was trying to say to me.
Where are you going?
To the toilet.
Five ringgit.
A new update from the Malaysian Police.
Per the request of
the Singapore Police Force,
the police are looking for
two Singaporean men,
who are believed to have been involved
in a murder last week in Singapore.
Their names are
Lin Musen and Huang Jintiao.
Hong, leave quickly.
Leave quickly!
The hotline to report any info is 032349.
What are you doing?
You told me to leave quickly.
I wasn't telling you to leave quickly.
What do you mean?
Xiaomei was telling me to leave quickly.
You're really silly!
-Don't turn around!
Thanks to Xiaomei, we noticed it in time.
They're gone.
It's the police! Let's go quickly!
Let's go!
Report to HQ.
We've arrived
and are now searching the site.
No sign of the two wanted criminals.
Please send backup
to lock down the dock in Kuala Kedah.
We'll keep searching.
Hold on tight!
Investors will own gold in the future.
This isn't an empty promise.
They have the option of selling the gold
back to the company
and earning the difference of 5%.
They may also deposit the gold
with the company
and earn a monthly interest of 3%,
with an annual rate
of return of up to 36%.
What's the most important thing?
Trust is the most important thing.
We must give our investors
full confidence in us.
This is a foolproof investment.
We need to convey this message
to our investors.
Remember this.
You'll earn 3% commission
on every kilogram of gold you sell.
Our goal is very simple.
In the first year, we need to attract
5,000 investors in Singapore and Malaysia
to invest S$500 million.
-Are you confident?
-Are you confident?
What are we going to walk on?
Golden paths!
Golden paths!
Golden paths!
Yes, I've just had meetings
with two groups of agents.
They're very confident about this plan.
Lunch? I'm not meeting anyone.
All right. I'll go right away.
Hello, Jianzhi.
Something cropped up. I can't go.
Go ahead and have lunch with Jintiao.
But he says he has
something important to tell us.
How important could it be?
He just wants to tell us
about his resignation, right?
Boss called me on the day he left.
Did he think
he could keep it from everyone?
I simply didn't expose him
because he didn't want to tell anyone.
He's really useless.
So it's about this?
Why did he have to ask us out for lunch
and make it so formal?
You know what he's like.
I can tell you
that he's going to boast
that all is fine and say,
"Jianzhi, I've been doing well lately."
He resigned nearly a month ago.
He can barely get by.
That's it, of course.
At the end of the month,
Granny Thunder will ask him for money.
He has nothing.
What can he give her?
Do you mean he asked us out for lunch
because he wants to borrow money from us?
He Jianzhi,
you're really slow on the uptake.
Mrs. Mo.
Hello, Miss Mo.
Who's this bootlicker?
Do you recognize me now?
Where's Liu Mu?
Something cropped up. He couldn't come.
What happened?
Did you tell him
I had something important to tell you?
I did.
So why isn't he here?
Buddies are the most important.
Buddies should always come first.
Just what important matter
do you want to tell us?
Let's order some food first.
Go ahead. Don't stand on ceremony.
I won't.
Who said you could eat?
Xuemin, what's wrong with you today?
You have no manners at all.
She's such a shrewd child.
She means
you can only start eating
once I hand the food out.
Thank you, Boss.
I've put Thunder and Richard
in charge of
an important investment project.
He has done very well.
He's intelligent
and has good deduction skills.
I'm having it much easier with him around.
Thank you, Thunder.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have time
for Xuemin and me.
Mrs. Mo, since Boss thinks
so highly of me,
I must do my best.
What's the matter?
I feel nauseous.
What's wrong with you today?
I don't like it.
What do you not like?
I don't like him.
How did he offend you?
I don't like the way he is now.
How is he now?
He's slick and glib-tongued.
He's a bootlicker.
Dad, you'd better sack him quickly.
My child is so domineering.
It's too late, girl.
Thunder is a rare talent.
I won't let him go so easily.
Lin Musen, leave on your own then. Go!
Jianzhi, listen carefully.
This is what I want to tell you.
I've resigned.
I said, I've quit!
I know.
Why are you reacting this way, then?
What kind of reaction do you want then?
You should at least say,
"What? You've resigned? Why?"
Isn't that what they do in TV dramas?
Are we in a drama now?
-How much?
What are you doing? I said, it's my treat.
I want another set
of bak kut teh to go too.
Keep the change.
If it's not enough, you can order more.
Liu Mu was really right.
What did Liu Mu say?
You're jobless now.
You'd better be frugal.
Don't worry about me.
Huang Jintiao,
you were doing fine. Why did you quit?
Your boss made you a supervisor too.
Did you know about it from the start?
About what?
My resignation.
Liu Mu called me to tell me
the day after you resigned.
That boss didn't keep his word!
I told him not to tell Liu Mu.
Liu Mu meant well
by asking the boss
to make you a supervisor.
There's no fight in you at all.
I resigned to fight for something!
You have no job and no money now.
Do you think you're cool and impressive?
Who says I'm jobless?
I earned S$300
for my appearance yesterday.
Appearance? What appearance?
This is the important matter
I wanted to tell you.
Stay calm.
-Stand up, it's fine.
All right. Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
He's trying to wear you down.
Swing and slap.
Don't let him anger you.
Aim each blow carefully, OK?
Watch out!
Get up!
Aim! Endure.
That's it. Keep hitting him.
Punch him!
Six! Five!
Huang Jintiao wins!
You won, Jintiao!
Good job, Jintiao!
You won, Jintiao!
All my life, I've only been booed at.
No one ever clapped for me.
I've only known jeers, not cheers.
But yesterday, I heard it.
I heard cheers and applause.
My eyes were moist then.
I didn't know if it was sweat or tears.
In all my 28 years,
it was the first time I felt
that I wasn't an idiot.
I wasn't an idiot
who couldn't tell left from right.
I deserve cheers and applause too.
Do you know how that feels?
Wonderful! It feels wonderful!
You idiot!
Say that again!
I said,
you're an idiot!
Listen! Liu Mu is the only one
who can call me an idiot.
Even you can't!
Do you take me for a fool?
If you want to concoct a story,
come up with something more believable.
This is Singapore. There's no
underground fighting scene here.
After all I've said,
you think I'm cooking up a story?
You're really ignorant.
Stop holing
yourself up in your satay stall!
Do you know what a vast world this is?
You think I'm making up stories?
I have photos to prove it Look!
If only I were that good
at making up stories,
I could have been a scriptwriter
with the TV station.
Do you think I orchestrated
the whole thing?
You didn't work for an entire month
just to do this?
What do you mean?
I've been training hard in Muay Thai
with Susakong.
It's comparable to learning martial arts
at the Shaolin Temple.
I have muscle cramps!
Are you sure your opponent
didn't get stomach cramps
or suddenly feel unwell?
A brilliant master produces good proteges.
Susakong is a brilliant master,
and I'm a good protege.
Who's this Susakong? Is he trustworthy?
We met in a hostile situation
but became friends.
He's Thai and working in Singapore.
He's an instructor at a Muay Thai school.
He's a Muay Thai expert.
He takes part in fighting matches too.
These matches are grouped
into several categories.
I'm a novice.
My appearance is just a warmup.
He's the real star.
Their matches are the real deal.
Many people live stream
and record their fights.
You can even place bets on the computer.
Finish him off!
Jianzhi, you should have
watched Susakong fighting.
Every one of his blows hit hard.
It was thrilling and heart-stopping.
Why are you so excited
talking about something illegal?
What if you kill someone?
What if you get beaten to death?
-It won't happen.
-It won't?
Do you think they'll be careful
with their punches and kicks?
People get run over
and killed while crossing the road.
Swimmers drown.
Some people even choke to death on food.
Does that mean we should stop eating?
If you're so afraid to die,
you can forget about doing anything!
Huang Jintiao, you're really something!
You even made a grand speech.
Those were lines from a TV drama.
I've memorized them well.
Honestly, how much can you earn
from one match?
A novice earns S$200 to S$300 per match.
So you're not going to hold a proper job?
You're going to
earn a living through this?
It's not just that.
Susakong says
he'll recommend me to study Muay Thai
at a Thai school.
I'll get a certificate
when I graduate too.
With that certificate,
I can be an instructor when I come back.
Do you know what an instructor is?
An instructor is a teacher.
Jianzhi, never in my wildest dreams
did I think I could be a teacher.
What will it be like?
Good morning, Teacher Huang.
Good morning. Practice diligently.
Don't slack off.
Yes, Teacher Huang.
Jianzhi, it feels great!
Teacher Huang.
Have you woken up from your dream?
I've finally realized that
Muay Thai is my best skill.
Such a big one.
Let's go.
There are lots of mosquitoes here.
I forgot Xiaomei's food.
Lin Musen.
I don't like you now.
You refuse to leave
because of the money, right?
No one will ever say no to money.
But to me, there's something
more meaningful than money.
-What's that?
-A chance.
-A chance?
Your dad trusts me.
He's willing to give me a chance
to prove my capability.
He taught me a lot too.
Is it hard for you to find someone
who trusts you and gives you chances?
Yes, it's really difficult,
especially someone from
the lower strata of society
with no academic qualifications,
experience or backing like me.
My daddy isn't a good man.
I'll be 14 in two months' time.
Don't treat me like an ignorant child.
You act as though
you're old and experienced,
but you're still a child.
-Miss Mo.
It's easy to classify
people as good or bad,
but it's never so easy to tell them apart.
Sometimes, we might hurt certain people.
In their eyes, we're bad people.
But sometimes, when we help people,
we appear good to them.
So whether one is good or bad
is defined by different individuals
and perspectives.
I agree.
I know many people say my daddy
isn't a good man.
But he's a good father.
He treats my mommy very well too.
So in life, just don't go against
your principles.
What are your principles?
I won't betray my friends
or those whom I love.
You say my daddy taught you a lot.
What did he teach you?
Greed can motivate one to succeed,
but it can also lead to failure.
What else?
You win some, you lose some.
While enjoying what you've gained,
you mustn't regret what you've lost.
It looks like you're ready.
You're ready to be a bad person.
-Good luck!
You little brat!
-You startled me!
-Lady Boss!
What's the matter?
I'm all right.
Why are you injured?
Did you get beaten up?
How did you know that?
Did those people create trouble
for you again?
You mean Rocky?
No, I was injured whilst boxing.
Are you running the shop alone today?
Zhenyu went shopping at the market.
Do you want an iced dinosaur peng?
I want to treat you to bak kut teh.
I want to treat you to bak kut teh.
Why are you treating me to bak kut teh
for no reason?
There is a reason.
What is it?
The bak kut teh from this place
is delicious.
I thought of you whilst I was having it,
so I bought some for you.
I ran over.
It's still hot. Dig in while it's hot.
You're drenched in sweat
because you ran here?
But I've already eaten.
You only have time for lunch
during your afternoon break, right?
Yes. So I had lunch before you came.
This bak kut teh
All right, I can eat more.
I just had a roll of chee cheong fun.
One roll of chee cheong fun?
That's just a snack!
Is this set enough?
If it's not enough,
I'll buy another one for you.
This is enough.
I'll open it for you.
You bought it?
It's from the company. What about it?
Awesome, buddy!
It's just a car. You're overreacting.
That guy must be kidding!
He took part in boxing matches?
Who does he think he is?
Did you give him a good scolding?
I wanted to give him a good scolding.
Granny Thunder only has this one grandson.
If anything happened to him,
Granny Thunder would cry her eyes out.
That's why I say he deserves a scolding.
You didn't see how he was.
He was overjoyed
like he had won the lottery
-I couldn't bear to scold him.
-Why should he be so excited?
Does he really think he can make a living
through fighting?
He really believes he can do it.
I've known Jintiao for so many years.
I've never seen him
so confident in himself.
Honestly, I envy him.
You envy him?
At least he has found his goal
and his direction in life.
His mindset is rather simple.
He might not be able to realize his dream.
But at least he knows
what he wants to pursue.
As for me, everything is foggy.
I can't see anything clearly.
He Jianzhi, what are you talking about?
Have you ever watched Muay Thai matches?
They're violent and brutal.
The fighters are risking their lives.
He'll be beaten to death sooner or later.
Why should you envy him?
Huang Jintiao, I'll do it.
No, I'll do it
I'm sorry you didn't get
to eat the bak kut teh.
I caused such a hassle for you instead.
What's the matter?
Is your hand all right?
It's all right.
I'm really happy.
You stepped on my hand.
It's such a happy feeling.
What is it?
I have leg cramps.
I'll help you.
Pineapple Auntie.
I hear you're getting married.
No. Who did you hear that from?
From Egg Auntie.
A handsome man has been coming
to see you frequently.
He's even more handsome
than that property agent.
What does he do?
He works for a moving company.
-Is he the boss?
Egg Auntie says
he's always dressed smartly.
He looks like a boss.
Ming, aren't you going yet?
I'm washing the stall.
Are you washing the stall
or waiting for someone?
She's here. Zhenyu.
Fishball Uncle,
are you closing for the day?
You never buy my fish balls.
Otherwise, I'd have waited for you.
Look, Ming's neck has grown so long
from waiting for you.
Your fish balls are always
sold out so quickly
that if I come after 11 a.m.
I'm not able to get any.
The next time, call Ming
and ask him to keep some for you.
Do you know this? You come to the market
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
He also takes longer than usual
to wash the stall on those days.
I'm going.
Fishball Uncle is really fond
of cracking jokes.
I kept two fish for you.
I've already cleaned them.
Thank you. How much are they?
Bro Ming, if you keep selling
to me at a loss,
I won't buy fish from you again.
I'm not making a loss.
I'm just earning a little less.
Thank you for always looking after me.
I've been selling fish
since you came here with your mother
as a little girl.
You can say I watched you grow up.
Of course I have to look after you.
You speak as if you're really old.
Back then, you hadn't even done
your National Service yet.
Yes, my dad forced me to help him then
I was unwilling to work
and impatient with the customers.
Remember? You scolded me once.
I didn't scold you.
I only said a few words to you.
"Is it really so hard for you?
Try being visually-impaired for a day
and see if you'll be as resentful then!"
-You still remember this so clearly.
-Of course.
I received a scolding from a little girl
many years younger than me.
How could I forget that?
You're doing well now.
Everyone loves to buy fish from you.
I must thank you for making me see sense
and teaching me to cherish what I have.
I have some unsold banana prawns here.
Take them.
No, you're running a business.
I won't take them
if you won't accept payment.
They're really leftovers. Here.
Give me a discount, then.
I give up!
All right. S$3, then.
There must be at least a kilogram here.
S$3 isn't even enough for your fuel costs.
-You don't need to give me that much.
Be careful. The floor is wet.
All right.
I'm such an idiot!
I wanted to treat her to bak kut teh,
but I botched it up.
I even said something really mushy
and caused Xiaomei to have leg cramps.
I heard your voice.
I was talking to myself.
You heard me
when I was speaking so softly?
People who can't see
have exceptionally keen hearing.
I heard you talking about my mom too.
No, I wasn't.
I clearly heard you mentioning Xiaomei.
I was just saying that Xiaomei
makes great dinosaur peng.
Are you alone?
Why are you free at this time?
You left too?
You left the moving company too?
When did that happen?
Over a month ago.
Did you leave with Musen?
No, he left before me.
So you knew about it.
He told me to keep it from you.
How long can he keep it a secret?
Yes, that's what I told him too.
But he wanted to wait till
his job is stable before telling you.
He seems to be doing well.
The nightclub boss thinks highly of him.
I'll do it, Auntie. Here.
Auntie, I'd like to take
You're-so-Pretty out.
Don't stay out too late.
All right. I'll bring her back
before 12 a.m.
She has to get up early to open
the stall tomorrow. Be back by 11 p.m.
Let's go.
You're-so-Pretty, let's go to East Coast.
We'll have supper
while enjoying the sea breeze
and listening to the waves.
What do you think?
No, I want to go somewhere else.
Will you take me there?
Do you have to ask? I'll take
you to the North Pole if you want.
Let's go then.
You haven't told me where you want to go.
-To the nightclub.
-The nightclub?
You don't drink or dance.
Why do you want to go to the nightclub?
Thunder, it's been a long time!
Over here.
Kelvin, give me an orange juice.
You seem very familiar with everyone.
You seem very familiar with this place.
Do you come here often?
I work here.
You work here?
Don't you work for the moving company?
The boss even transferred you
to the office recently.
You no longer have to run around
and reek of sweat.
You're-so-Pretty, you know about it?
Don't be like this, all right?
What do I know?
I'm sorry.
You're sorry? What did you do wrong?
I know I shouldn't have kept it from you.
I wanted to wait till my job was stable
before telling you.
So that's it.
Thunder, have a drink.
No. Go ahead.
Come on.
Go on. Don't offend the customer.
Wait here for me. I'll be right back.
Kelvin, orange juice.
Okay. Coming right up.
-It's been a long time.
Have a drink.
-You got ten.
Bottoms up!
Kelvin, where is she?
She was here a minute ago.
Whose drink is this?
Your friend's.
I told you to give her orange juice.
She said she wanted liquor.
She seems to be a good drinker.
This is her second glass.
What are you doing?
She's my friend.
She's my girlfriend. What do you want?
Let's go.
I want to keep dancing.
Do you know that that man tried
to take advantage of you?
I know.
Why did you dance with him then?
I didn't dance with him.
I was dancing on my own. He pestered me.
You shouldn't have come to a nightclub.
These are seedy places.
So you know that
nightclubs are seedy places?
I'm sorry, You're-so-Pretty.
Let me ask you this.
What do I mean to you?
Do you even need to ask?
You're the most important person to me.
-You're lying!
-I'm not.
I swear you're
the most important one to me.
If I'm really that important to you,
why did you treat me this way?
If a couple can't be honest
with each other
and start keeping secrets from each other
the moment they encounter problems,
why should they be together?
I don't want you to worry.
I'm even more worried if you do this.
All right, You're-so-Pretty.
Don't be like this
I swear that no matter
what might happen in future,
I'll be honest with you,
I won't keep anything from you, all right?
Do you really like
working at the nightclub?
I no longer work at the nightclub.
Apart from owning the nightclub,
Mr. Mo has other investments.
He put me in charge
of a new investment project.
I'm now working in the CBD.
An investment project?
You have no experience at all.
Why did he put you in charge of it?
The person in charge
of the investment project is his son.
He's giving me a chance
to learn on the job.
Do you really believe
that such a good deal exists?
A new graduate
might not even be able to earn
a monthly salary of S$3,000.
How could you command S$8,000?
I know.
To us poor people,
S$8,000 is a big amount.
But to people like Mr. Mo,
it's loose change.
Their deals are worth millions.
Why are you laughing?
If only I could see,
I'd see your eyes shining.
Shining with greed!
Yes, I'm greedy.
Greed often motivates people to succeed.
But the worst possible thing
is to be contented
and not strive for progress.
I can be a supervisor,
earning S$2,000 to S$3,000 a month.
But do I want to live hopelessly
like this all my life?
Isn't relying on your own ability
and diligence
to support yourself and your family
something to be proud of?
You look down on me.
You think I'm destined
for a lifetime of hard labor.
I don't look down on you.
You're intelligent.
As you say,
if it wasn't for your family tragedy,
you'd have completed university.
I don't mean you have to work
for a moving company all your life.
And I'm not denying your diligence
and self-motivation.
But you shouldn't take shortcuts.
I'm not taking shortcuts.
I met my benefactor.
I saved Mr. Mo's precious daughter.
That's why he's grooming me
and giving me opportunities.
Am I wrong to seize the opportunity?
I'm doing it for you, not just for myself.
I want to give you and your family
the best life possible.
-You're-so-Pretty, where are you going?
-I'll see you home.
-Don't bother.
It isn't safe.
Let's break up.
What did you say?
Let's break up.
Why are you suddenly asking to break up?
I can't see.
Life is inconvenient for me in many ways.
But I've never believed that
I have to rely on others.
I'm working hard
to adjust to my environment.
I'm working hard to live independently.
I don't want to rely on others.
And I don't need anyone to look after me.
If you think I'm dating you
in the hope that
you can give my family and me
a better life,
let's break up.
I don't want to be a burden
and an encumbrance to you.
I'm not doing it for you.
I'm doing it for myself.
I want to prove that
I'm capable of success.
I don't want to struggle
at the bottom rungs of society forever.
I want to walk on golden paths.
But I don't need that.
I can give up on all that.
I only want to be with you.
I'll resign.
I'll tell Mr. Mo that I'm quitting.
I'll go back to the moving company.
I'll go back to being a supervisor.
I can do without anything except you.
You're-so-Pretty, I'm begging you.
Don't be like this, all right?
Will you be happy?
Will you be happy if you do this?
Without you, I won't be happy
even if I have
the whole world in my hands.
You'll resent me in future if you do this.
No, I won't resent you.
I never will.
Kopi Gah Dai.
You don't have to compromise.
If you believe that
what you're doing is right,
go ahead and do it.
But you must make a promise to me.
Don't ever let yourself down.
I promise.
I promise.
Kopi Gah Dai,
all I ask for
is just simple happiness like this.
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