Angels of Death (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Reborn in Blood

!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
Reports that ninety-six percent of the
enemy on the ship have been eliminated.
Keep the purge in operation
until it is complete.
- Aye, Ship Mistress.
- And find me Lord Hadrael.
If he lives and there is
a Thunderhawk operational,
we need it in the air
and going down to the city.
You believe that Lord Ancaeus
and the others still endure?
Something always endures.
The ship.
The Sword of Baal?
Free in the void.
I am cold
Your sarcophagus is breached.
I did not know
I would ever feel a chill
on my skin again.
I am working, ancient one.
You shall endure.
Rest, brother
Not enough left of me
to save a second time.
I would have liked
to see the skies of Baal
one last time.
Oh, Ignis
Brothers, the enemy are broken.
And lo, another Angel falls.
The Captain?
Cut down.
We must find a way of
signalling the Sword of Baal,
if it still endures.
Signal distortion
is still preventing vox signal.
There are means
of overcoming that limitation.
You are the magos.
You are the one whose signal brought
the Captain into this pit of abominations.
Correct, in a limited manner.
I am the means
by which the death of this xenos cult
was brought about,
and by which your Captain was saved
and could join you.
I am also the means
by which you can communicate
your current status
and location to your warship.
They will need to know it is you.
What is this?
A piece of lost truth.
Speak now, this cannot be sustained.
Ship Mistress,
we have a message from the tower.
Its broken through
the atmospheric distortion.
Another trick.
I don't believe so, mistress.
Sword of Baal,
this is Sergeant Kazarion.
We endure.
When your gunship arrives,
you will transport me and this artefact
to your ship immediately.
No, we do not leave yet.
That is not a wise course of action.
The opening in the Warp storms
that currently allows us
to depart this world may close,
requiring that you exercise
the utmost haste to
We will recover our dead.
We shall not leave before we have them.
And they shall remain with us.
So many lost.
Their deeds will be etched in stone
within the Hall of Honour.
The corridors of the ship will echo
with emptiness on the way back to Baal.
No Chaplain. No Apothecary.
no Captain.
There is scarcely enough of us left
to hold rites for the fallen.
We won, Kazarion.
Angel's blood,
he could fight, couldn't he?
The rest of us can only hope
to die so well.
I don't deny the glory
of his death, brother.
I lament for the loss of his life.
He would want you
to bear that blade in his place, brother.
We're ready, my lord.
We await your command.
- Lord Kazarion
- I hear you, Ship Mistress.
We are on our way.
Omni Fifty-Five Fifty-Five,
retest function of the patella axis.
I am noting adhesive tension
in the latter piriformis cabling.
Meridian One-Seven,
loosen and re-seal
the latter piriformis cable clusters.
Dirge Three-Three,
lower the sarcophagus.
Perhaps a flawed calculation in the
There were no miscalculations.
Iron endures where flesh fails.
In blood we are born,
and in battle we are remade.
Kazarion, this is Hadrael.
It is done.
The blood of martyrs
is the seed of the Imperium.
Our genefather, Sanguinius,
is said to have penned
that most ancient of axioms.
Perhaps this is both true and untrue,
in the way of all legends.
I cannot say.
But our Chapter possesses
fragments of our father's final words,
rendered in ink on parchment.
Inferno shells loaded
into bombardment cannons.
Coordinates integrated.
Firing solution locked.
Burn it.
Burn it to ash.
Open fire!
Even now, our father wrote,
even now amongst the stars,
there are heroes
whose tales will never be told.
Angels whose legacy is naught but ash.
Know this, my sons,
the blood of those heroes
remains priceless,
though it was spent in silence.
It is done.
Make ready to return to Baal,
Mistress Solken.
Gladly, my lord.
Remember these words.
Remember them, always,
as you sail into the dark.
With that truth
carved into our hearts now,
we set sail for Baal.
We set sail
for home.
To Arch Magos Phados-Aleph-1.
We have located
and secured the blackstone labyrinth key.
In spite of the time expended,
I project that our plans
will still come to fruition.
The machine knows all.
Praise be the machine.
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