Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Bomb's Away

[gentle music]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
For catapultin! Slingshottin'!
Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zip'n in the air ♪
Crashing everywhere ♪
Archery, dodgebird,
Borb tennis -- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, and Chuck ♪
Flyin' fast
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[bright music]
[campers chattering]
This is so cool. Check this out.
[loud chatter]
[sigh of relief]
[loud shouting and screaming]
Hey, excuse-- Oh!
If you could just-- Whoa!
Aah! Aah!
Alone time at last.
[distant shouting and chatter]
It was so nice up there!
Ooh! French vanilla!
Hey, Bomb. What you up to?
Uh… nothing.
You were up there for so long,
I taught myself to speak in belches!
It looked awesome.
Ha! Nice one.
You know what would make this awesomer?
If we used more trampolines, we could--
[Chuck] Stay in the air even longer!
Uh, guys?
[Chuck, belching]
Here… we… go!
[shouting and laughing]
-[Bomb sighs]
-[laughter continues]
Hey, check it out.
Ping-pong table, yes!
Way better than my
idea to bring my pet anvil, Jerry.
This is chicken amazing!
Well, I don't think it's that amazing.
Uh, you're right, Bomb.
We're not thinking big enough!
We need to take bombing to the next level!
Basebird, batter up!
Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded!
Two outs.
Stella McStellerson, ready to swing?
Is that what you think my last name is?
Swing, batter, batter, batter
Sa-wing, batter!
Nice catch.
[shouting and laughter]
I don't care how, Harold,
but those sticky notes
better be sticky again
by the time I get back!
How does someone even un-sticky
sticky notes?
[eerie silence]
Where is everybody?
Hello? Anybody there?
[gasps] The campers. They're gone!
What's happening?
Why does my face feel funny?
I'm-- [gasps] I'm smiling!
Hey, Rod! Just the bird I was looking for!
FYI, I still have zero respect for you,
but this bombing craze
you Freaks and Beaks came up with
is actually pretty cool.
You hear that, Bomb?
Even Neider-jerk thinks your bombing
is the bomb! Bomb?
Where'd he go?
He was here a second ago.
I'm gonna miss him so much!
I already forgot what he looks like.
He's gotta be here somewhere.
Let's split up and look.
Bomb, quit messing around! Where are you?
Hey, Mighty Eagle. Have you seen Bomb?
Negatory, little dude.
I'm thoroughly focused on my tan here.
Got to be careful this close to the sun.
Bomb! Bomby?
Bomb-ity Bomb-ity, Bomb Bomb Bomb?
Where you at?
What are you doing?
Shouldn't you be in the air,
basking in the glory that is bombing?
-Uh, no, thanks.
You see, the thing I enjoyed
about bombing was--
Soaring through the air
with the wind tickling your butt feathers?
The fact that you can go to the bathroom
No, I-- I--
I just wanted to be by myself.
Great idea! Let's all be by ourselves…
I don't think that's what he wants.
No, no, no!
I-I do like hanging out, I do!
I just don't want to do it all the time.
I just wanted some me time.
And bombing was your way
of getting away from it all.
Oh, and we ruined it for you!
This makes me so mad! At myself!
[sighs] Why didn't you tell us?
I didn't want you to think I was weird.
Oh, Bomb, no matter what,
we'll always think you're weird!
Don't worry, buddy. We're gonna fix this!
We're gonna go up there and tell everyone
bombing is just for Bomb!
[loud chatter and laughter]
Uh, hey!
So, just found out Bomb would rather
do this whole bombing thing on his own,
so if you could kindly just stop,
that'd be great!
Bombing's done, Terrence, hand it over.
On the other hand,
who am I to get in the way
of true art?
So raw and evocative!
[awkward laughter]
I love it!
Nobody's listening!
Why would they?
Bombing is the best thing ever!
Unless we come up with something better!
Hey, everyone! Forget bombing,
this is so much cooler!
It's called chucking.
Check this out!
[crazy laughter]
So, who wants to go first?
Red, your terrible idea isn't working!
Okay! I've got another one,
but you're not gonna like it.
Oh, you're serious.
Stop. Why would I want everyone to stop?
With the campers out of the way,
I'm turning the camp into a golf course.
Now if you'll excuse me, let her rip!
Our cabin!
No! Jerry was in there.
Jerry! Are you okay?
Oh! Everything's fine, never mind.
Let's go smash down the dining hall.
Say bye-bye to the lumpy mashed potatoes,
Ugh! I like my mashed potatoes lumpy!
If we stop bombing, we stop Lynette.
But bombing's become
an unstoppable force of nature!
Well, if we can't make it less popular,
what if we made it more popular?
First, you don't want anyone to bomb,
now you want everyone to bomb!
I'm so confused!
No, Bomb's right!
What if it got so crowded up there,
everyone felt the same way Bomb does!
Whoa! Whoa!
Are you paying attention, Harold?
This is where you'll be cleaning
the golf carts.
Whoa! Whoa!
Where is everyone? This is an outrage!
Harold, do something!
I am, dear.
It's working!
Oh! But it's still not uncomfortable
Let me take care of that.
Hey, Lynette, heads up!
What the-- I will not stand for this!
Harold, get back down there, now!
And you lazy oafs,
I am not paying you a barely livable wage
to slack off!
This is-- This is--
This is actually quite fun.
[awkward giggling]
Harold, I'm smiling again!
You know, all of a sudden,
I'm not feeling this bombing thing.
Hey, remember when bombing was cool?
Not really. You want to try chucking?
It worked, we did it!
All right!
Where is everybody?
Thanks for getting my alone time back.
Next time, don't be afraid to tell us
you need a little Bomb time.
We're… good… with… that.
Man, you're so good at that.
[gentle snoring]
[theme music playing]
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