Beast Tamer (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Darkness in Horizon

Yes! I'll deign to make you both mine!
T-To claim us on our very first meeting
This human is terrifying!
You stupid or somethin'?!
You can't think we'd agree to that!
You dare speak back to me?
How intriguing!
Sora, Runa, my desire for you only grows!
Explain yourself. What's this all about?
And who, exactly, are you?
My name is Edgar Fromware.
I'm the son of the lord of Horizon.
The lord
Offering yourselves to me will give you
access to unparalleled luxury.
Our answer is no!
We've got a master and his name is Rein!
You continue to resist me, then?
Hand them over to me now.
You don't want to see them hurt, do you?
I won't do it.
I'd never give Sora and Runa
to a man like you.
I see.
Do it.
Beast Tamer
Darkness in Horizon
Darkness in Horizon
Why can't you beat one single opponent?!
You incompetent fools!
H-He's no ordinary man.
I'd advise you to give it up already.
I won't let you have
Sora and Runa, no matter what.
Don't be absurd.
When I want something, I get it.
What now, trash?
Give me what I want,
or it's them who'll pay the price!
Are you kidding me?
They're your own subjects!
Oh, I'm dead serious.
Peasants are nothing but tools.
It's up to a tool's owner
to decide how it's used.
Hand the girls over and I'll spare them.
They're all spread out.
If I go to save one,
the others will be injured!
What do I do?
Should we step in here?
They do not know of our magical nature.
We might take advantage of that.
If they use magic,
everyone will learn they're fairies.
We won't be able to stay in the city then.
After they liked it so much
Isn't there some other way?
To protect the townspeople, Sora, and Runa?
Everyone together?
Those magic circles Fireball?
No, there was something extra there
I'll just have to try it!
Excuse me!
I'll have your answer now,
or else I'll begin the executions!
My answer
Is that I'll never let you have your way!
A consecutive incantation!
A special fairy skill that lets you cast
one spell multiple times at once!
Leave. And never show your face here again.
How dare you?!
You'll regret this act of defiance!
Lord Edgar!
I guess that worked out.
Ah, Rein
You have our most heartfelt thanks!
Thanks a bunch!
Nice work, Mr. Beast Tamer!
Thanks for stopping that big, lousy jerk!
I was so worried.
I can't thank you enough.
You were cooler than the Hero!
Oh, well, I
I'm just glad you're all safe.
It was quite touch and go
for the little ladies as well.
I'm just glad to see you safe.
Oh, thank you
Aw, I'm blushin'!
But now that you're safe, you should leave.
Leave Horizon and go somewhere far away.
Bam! Whozzawhozzawhozza!
Za-bomb! Ker-blam!
And with that, Rein's newest super skill,
consecutive incantation,
blasted away all the bad guys!
Super skill, huh?
I believe it to be the power
you acquired by contracting with us.
Advanced fairy magic control!
You think?
In addition to the continuous incantation,
I think I had a better handle on my power
and my aim than the last time I practiced.
Perhaps our contract has allowed you to
better control the prodigious magical power
afforded you by Tania!
A significant expansion
of your magical potential!
We've proved we're excellent familiars,
just like Kanade and Tania!
You both did great!
I'm simply glad you're all safe.
Honestly, I can't believe
we slept through it all!
That jerk's gonna pay
for trying to steal Sora and Runa!
According to the townspeople,
he's even more dangerous than I imagined.
He kidnaps women who catch his eye,
keeps them in his mansion,
and abuses them.
What an absolute bastard.
Even as the son of the local lord,
how can he get away with such things?
Edgar is the lord's only son,
and the lord uses his power
to silence his victims.
That's awful!
Why don't the knights arrest that lord?
The knights have investigated the lord,
but they couldn't find evidence,
so it went nowhere!
He must be very skilled
at concealing evidence.
I see now.
Perhaps it's time to burn
his mansion to the ground.
Wait, wait, wait!
You can't just rush in there, fire blazing!
He might come after Sora and Runa again!
And the townspeople.
And you, too!
That's all the more reason
to act with caution.
Having learned
about the darkness in this city
I want to save them all.
I'm not a Hero or champion of any kind.
I'm just a beast tamer.
You should leave.
Will we really
"Will we really have to leave the city?"
That's what you're thinking, right?
But you won't be able
to help the city like that.
Right, Rein?
Kanade how?
We know how you think.
We've been with you all this time.
You want to save everyone,
but because you're dealing
with an influential person,
you think you have to choose
between us and the townspeople.
You, too, Tania?
I find it unhealthy to take
too many burdens on oneself.
But that is part of your nature, Rein.
And that's why we like smilin' with ya!
Sora Runa
And it's not just you, Rein!
We wanna protect this city, too!
Yes, and humans are quite amusing!
I still have my difficulties
being around humans,
but I do feel affection for this city!
Yep! Everyone's nice,
and they've got tasty hot dogs!
Thank you, everyone.
Let's solve this problem and save the city!
All right, Edgar.
Remember to tell me if you need my aid.
It's no matter, Father. I'll handle it all.
About today's events
As usual, if anyone files complaints,
I'll have them dealt with.
And one other thing.
Investigate the man known as Rein.
Bring him to me if possible, even.
For your service today.
If you bring me Rein, I'll add on a bonus.
I'll return with good news.
He humiliated me today.
I will make him regret it!
E-Excuse me
Um how can I—
You're late!
Didn't I tell you to come
as soon as I called you?!
But I did come—
You trash!
Never talk back to me!
Go on, scream!
I love hearing you scream!
Someone help me!
This is the Order of Knights?
I haven't done anything wrong,
but I still feel kinda nervous
Are you sure you're okay with just me?
Sora and Runa are
a bit conspicuous right now.
They're better off
staying at the inn with Tania.
Come on.
Excuse me.
If I file a complaint, you'll investigate?
The Order of Knights exists
to uphold order in this city.
I'd like to report an assault
perpetrated by the lord's son, Edgar,
in the plaza the other day.
The king entrusted you
to maintain order in the city, right?
So I'm sure you'll see to it.
No need for that.
I heard that was a minor scuffle.
No need for the Knights
to investigate such a trivial matter.
A trivial matter?!
That lord's son tried
to force Sora and Runa to—
Slandering Lord Edgar
with mountains made out of molehills
would get us executed for treason!
Is that so?
Their behavior made it clear.
The knights are in cahoots with the lord.
That would make it easy
to cover up his crimes,
and explain why investigations
never turn up proof.
I had a feeling that was the case.
That's awful.
Who's there?
A-A knight?
You followed us?
Well, I did follow you,
but it's because I wanted to talk to you!
As a knight, I should have been
more forthright with you.
Forgive me!
My dishonorable conduct
fostered this misunderstanding!
A proud member of the Knights, bowing to us?
I-I understand!
You're forgiven, okay?
I see.
Thank you.
My name is Stella Enplace.
I'm vice captain of the Horizon
branch of the Order of Knights.
Vice captain?!
I-I'm Rein Shroud.
I'm Kanade!
Rein. Kanade.
I see. So it is you.
Before I explain, let me first thank you.
Thank us?
I've heard that the dangerous bandits
known as the Ebon Fangs
were dispatched by a cat spirit girl
and an adventurer.
Then, as now, I've felt insufficient to my
assigned task of protecting the people.
I want to punish
the lord's family's wrongdoing.
I want your help to accomplish that!
Most of the Knights have been corrupted
through collusion with the lord.
They've forgotten their knightly duties.
They not only cover up the crimes
of the lord and his son,
but fully neglect the townspeople
they're meant to protect.
Our leader, Captain Gilet, is no exception.
I want to restore the Knights
to how they should be.
And as I was considering
how to do that, you appeared.
The adventurer and the ultimate species
who destroyed the Ebon Fangs,
filing a complaint against the lord's son.
It could be a turning point!
So I thought.
Shamed though I am to say it,
despite my rank, there are only
a few of my comrades I can trust.
Would you grant me your aid?
I'd like to, but
Can we trust her?
What if it's a trap of some kind?
It'll be okay, Rein.
Stella's a good person!
I don't get any bad vibes from her at all!
If you say so, it must be true.
We'd be happy to help, then.
We want the same thing,
and I think we can be of use to you.
I suppose I should ask,
but why are you going after the lord?
Well, we found out what was happening,
and we had to do something.
Th-That's your only reason?
Yeah, sure.
Is that weird?
Wh-What's so funny?!
I'm so sorry.
I don't mean any mockery,
but you said it so forthrightly
Still, I find your attitude charming.
Yes, truly charming.
If only I could have done it earlier
It's not too late.
Yes, thank you.
Let's take down that lord
and the Order of Knights!
Oh, but we can't do anything without proof.
We'd be accused of treason!
It's a good idea, actually.
We can take them all down in one fell swoop.
Let's take this opportunity
to clean house at the Knights.
Clean house? How?
We'll set a trap.
It went just as you predicted, Rein!
We've got this in the bag!
Do not speak with such confidence
in such an ominous situation!
Okay. Let's carry out the plan.
Rumors say
a warehouse on the city's outskirts contains
proof of our collusion with the lord.
This is a difficult situation.
But if it's true,
and the proof were to become public,
it would be the end
of both Lord Edgar and us.
We must deal with it swiftly and carefully,
without those naive fools who still believe
in the pipe dream of chivalry finding out.
All ready!
We'll go in now.
Destroy our target as soon as you see it.
Yes, sir!
Hey. We need light.
It's an ambush!
Get out of the warehouse at once!
We're trapped!
Get it open! It's cold!
We shall see to it
that none of the bad knights escape!
Amazing. The accuracy is perfect!
It was originally a trick
for snaring animals.
This is my new weapon.
The dagger'll take a bit longer yet,
but the gauntlet's come together.
For you, Rein, who reminded me
of my blacksmith's pride.
I hope it's of use to you.
It's the best equipment ever.
I truly thank you.
This will be
the end!
Don't underestimate me!
There you are
Stella Enplace!
Gilet Stregar
Give yourself up!
Right about now,
my comrades and subordinates will be
taking over the Order's branch office.
And the proof of your corruption!
How dare you?
Are you the one who spread
that rumor, as well?
Rein. Things have gone
our way this far, but
I see. So you're Rein!
Luck is on my side!
Once I present you to Lord Edgar,
I'll be able to make up for my disgrace!
Would you grant me the honor
of ending this myself?
I am grateful.
You think you can beat me?
You'll be executed for treason!
You're the traitor here—
to the soul of the knight!
Atone for your crime
and regain your knight's justice,
Gilet Stregar!
Justice, you say?
The prattle of a little girl!
Don't worry about me!
There's no justice in this Order.
No justice in this world!
And yet
And yet I
I will not be like you!
Those who abandon justice for greed
are no longer knights!
You must be kidding me!
Gilet and the others were arrested,
and that stubborn stick-in-the-mud
woman took over the Knights?!
Damn it!
They're all useless!
They do nothing but sabotage me!
I'm sorry
But no matter. Their numbers are few!
I have over a hundred
personal guards to protect me.
You think they can, do you?
Who the hell are you?!
A sympathetic party.
And a hater of Rein Shroud, just like you.
Has he been assisting in all this?
And he's a beast tamer
who's tamed ultimate species.
You simply don't stand a chance against him.
Ultimate species?
He'll destroy your lifestyle
and steal everything you value.
Your title, your honor, your money,
your women. Everything.
Absolutely everything.
That's the kind of vile, little man he is.
Don't be ridiculous!
This city belongs to me!
I won't let him have any part of it!
Wh-What's this?
I told you I was sympathetic.
That's a magic item
that brings death to its target.
You can use it to finish off Rein.
Such negative emotions.
That will draw out
the ring's power even further.
Now, bring death to Rein!
Black Waves
Next Time: "Black Waves."
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