Begins Youth (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Hide and Seek

This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Cein Min
Cein Min?
I don't know him
can he
get my family back?
Are you sure?
If that's really true
I want my old family back
the current one
Because that's
my real family
Promise me you'll get my old family back
Then I will do it
Swear it
I don't know who you are
You look super suspicious
but I want to believe you
so I will
How long
do I have to hold him?
Yes, Mrs. Hwang
Something came up
I'm sorry, but we can't join you
in the early morning prayer
No, it's nothing to worry about
It's nothing serious
Yes, thank you
Haru Park
Haru Park
If you cut me off like this
you can no longer officially be CHOCOSU's no. 1 fan
Scary, isn't it?
Unbelievable, right?
So text me back
Messages Unread
I don't know whether you heard the news
but Cein
Excuse me
Disciplinary Review by the School Violence Deliberation Committee
Disciplinary Outcome / Suspension (until transfer)
They decided to transfer him
They say it's better than being expelled
but I'm not sure
Jeha's probably having the hardest time
Come to think of it, it's been a while since I saw him
You should eat something to take the medicine
Come on
Eat up
Are you sure you can go to school tomorrow?
Still hurts, doesn't it?
I'm fine
That guy's suspended until he transfers
so you won't meet him
in school
If he doesn't move out of the area soon
I'll sue him right off the bat
Mingook Seo
Why did you pass by that place on that day?
I was going to
He said he was on his way to
an internet cafe with his friends
Internet cafe
is nowhere near that place
I um
On that day
Mingook saw
Jeha crying in school
because of Cein
Jeha wasn't home until late
and wasn't answering his phone
It looked like he got worried and went out to check
Thank you, Mingook
If it weren't for you
Jeha would've been in big trouble
Eat up
You, too
Have you tried reaching Cein?
I can't
Even his phone's turned off
Me, too
Even if I do, I don't know
what I'd say
Have you seen Jeha?
I meant to ask him if I meet him in the apartment
but I think he's stuck in his house
How can you still have the appetite?
You should eat up no matter what happens
Cein transferring school?
Not being able to reach Jeha?
Mrs. Kim told me to do what I can do
if there's nothing I can do
for the moment
If waiting's all I can do
I will wait
If you wait for the person to come
at least he has a place to return to
If you're not eating that, I'll have it
Do you still go to see Haru?
You don't even know his unit number
The fact that he dropped out of school
means he's probably hospitalized again
If he's hospitalized, he'd have told me
I think it's something else this time
But me going to Haru
is for my peace of mind, too
I feel like I shouldn't have sent him alone
The landlord sold our house. We only have two months
Are you waiting for a call?
- I thought it was Jooan - Why?
Is something going on between you and Jooan?
It's all my fault
I shouldn't have poured it out on him
If it's your fault, apologize
What? Is he not accepting your apology?
Then apologize until he accepts it
If he shouts and hits you, just take it
Take the blame if it's your fault
At times like that, throw your ego, age that sort of thing away
to a dog
No, no
Don't even throw them to a dog
Even the dog will be upset
Yeah, I'm leaving now
Where are you?
I'll talk to you later
Hey, Jeha Jeon
When did you come to school?
How's your head?
Are you alright?
Why didn't you call me?
I'm ok
Did Cein
really do it?
Did Cein hit you?
Just tell me
I said I'm going!
Get well treated
Jooan, where are you going?
What about your class?
Class and home
They're meaningless
We are all screwed anyway
Songjoo-si should stop the redevelopment!
- Stop, stop - Stop, stop
Those who ignore their residents should step down!
- Step down, step down - Step down, step down
Songjoo-si should take
responsibility for their residents!
- Take responsibility - Take responsibility
lied to you all
I, Changjun Kim
knew that
I couldn't do anything
without your support
But still
I lied and promised
to protect Songjoo
and you
What did I tell you?
He's nothing but a lie
But I beg you
to trust my lies
one more time
No matter how much Songjoo is developed
if you, the foundation
of Songjoo, are not here
we can't call it Songjoo
Because you're here
Songjoo is what it is
is rightfully yours
- I agree! I agree! - I agree!
have faith one more time
I beg you
Stand up! Stand up!
Changjun Kim!
Changjun Kim!
- Changjun Kim! Changjun Kim! - Get up
It's ok. Get up. Get up
- Get up - It's ok
- Changjun Kim! Changjun Kim! - Changjun Kim! Changjun Kim!
- Changjun Kim! Changjun Kim! - Changjun Kim! Changjun Kim!
That used to be the case
but I don't know much about my father's business
Our principal's a good person
at least to me
It'd be better for Cein to transfer
Is it yet
to be published?
We're calling the national newspaper
so it will be published by today
If only you sorted out the container site earlier
it wouldn't have taken us this long
Should've gotten rid of that scrub
The pesky thing
about that owner guy's that
he stationed
a high schooler there
If we mess up
we'll be suspected 100%
We're secretly
intimidating them
so they'll leave the area soon
I told you
- You can't stop the redevelopment - They were talking about Dogeon
- Did you know that too? - Lower your voice
I knew
That was why I didn't tell you
I was afraid you would make a scene
and run away like the last time
Me and my dad not falling apart
is more important than protecting Dogeon?
Nothing happened yet
Why are you so agitated?
Where are you going?
You're going to tell him?
I know what you're thinking
But he won't do anything
to a person his son's age
Promise me, then
that you will make sure
nothing happens to Dogeon
I'll look out for him
I promise, so have some faith
Hey, Jooan Kim
Why didn't you answer my call?
You weren't even at your house
Where are you these days?
How about your school?
I'm sorry about what happened that day
I was angry at myself
but I took it out on you
It doesn't matter
My dad isn't angry at me
but he beats me up every time
On that day
- what was it that you wanted to say? - Forget it
You said it's hard to listen to my story
You said my story made you feel crushed
After hearing that
how can I talk about myself?
Wouldn't that make me a scum?
I said I'm sorry about that
It's nothing to sorry about
think only about
your problems
That's suffocating enough
to be honest
I heard you hang out with them these days
You know
what they are like
What are they like?
What are they like?
How about us?
What are we?
When we hung out
people didn't see us favorably
For playing at the beach
we were investigated
at the police station
You don't have to see me
but don't do anything dangerous
Go worry about yourself
What's with your face?
Answer me
Don't end up like Dohyeon!
They don't like you that much
Let's go!
That bastard lives in the container, right?
He's older than you, you bastard
I saw that ba
saw him
getting hit-and-run
At where?
How did you get hurt?
Well, I
I was going back
to the container last night
There was a suspicious-looking car
so I went to check
but it drove towards me
I tried to avoid it and fell
Do you have to stay there?
Can't you quit that job?
To be honest
after the incident last night
I did want to quit
Boss told me
to work only until
the end of this month anyway
That's a long time
You think you'll be alright?
So from today onwards
I'll sleep at home
Boss doesn't come at midnight anyway
so I'll put up a dummy
thanks for looking after me
but still, what's going on?
I'm just worried about you
If you have no other option, you can stay in my house
Ok. I will
- Thanks. I'll get going - Ok
Where are you?
At the container
You said you would sleep at home
Why are you still there?
I think I have to
make it believable at least
I'll leave after I'm done
No, I'm just worried about you
You will sleep at home, right?
Yeah, I will
Don't worry, Hwan
Good night
Mr. Nohyeon Park
quit due to personal reasons
From next week, Mr. Daehyeon Lee
will give you the make-up class
We apologize for the inconvenience
What the
The exam is just a few days away
Excuse me
What was his reason?
That's personal
so I can't answer you
I'm sorry
He suddenly quit
When I mentioned you to him
he wanted to meet you badly
We'll continue
with a mysterious case
The suspect
of a child attack
in Songjoo nine years ago
turned himself in recently
and the investigation
has been reignited
I also remember that
a 12-year-old victim
couldn't testify due to shock
It was difficult to investigate
because there was no witness
But the suspect, who turned himself in
left a mysterious message
that "Hide-and-seek's over"
Yes, you're right
The real culprit
of the Grass Flower Arboretum child assault case
nine years ago
came to the police
a week ago when it rained
heavily in Songjoo
The culprit suddenly
Are you still there?
It's late at night
Don't follow the news?
Run home!
I was about to leave
I'll see you again tomorrow
I'll be back tomorrow
It was you
who kept texting him
Our Haru
What should I do?
He doesn't talk
He might
talk to you
I guess you're surprised
- Everything happened so suddenly that - Why did you do it?
Your wrist
What did you do?
You tried
to kill yourself?
Because I wanted to live
- I did it to survive - How can you do that to survive?
I'm sorry that I shouted
you weren't coming to school
and I couldn't reach you
so I was so worried about you
On the other hand
what if you aren't answering my calls
even when nothing's going on?
If that's the case
can I still wait for you
in front of your house?
I'm so lame, aren't I?
It's all my fault
not yours
It's not your fault
Whatever it was, you did what you had to
and you did the best you could do
You said you trust me, right?
I trust you, too
no matter what you tell me from now on
It was a picnic day
Actually, it wasn't
the best day for a picnic
It was so cloudy
It was my first picnic
as an elementary school student
so I was excited
I followed a butterfly
I had spotted
Before I knew it, I was alone
It was getting dark with rain clouds
and my friends and teacher
were nowhere to be found
I think I cried because I was scared
Right then
it started to rain
It was so dark
and I was so scared
I didn't know where to go
So I just ran forward
Then I saw a building
It was the only place
to hide from the rain
Grass Flower Arboretum
Strangely, I didn't want to go in
At that moment
I saw something scarier
A monster collecting
a child's tears
I wanted to run
but my feet froze
and didn't move an inch
The monster
was walking towards me
but I couldn't move at all
not even a step
will play hide-and-seek with me
begins now
I ran and hid from the monster
I was playing hide-and-seek with the monster
Whenever I close my eyes to sleep
I keep seeing
the eyes of the child I encountered
What if
I didn't run away back then
Anyone would've run away
It's not your fault
You're also a victim
You know this, right?
So why do you hide here?
Why do you hide here from that monster?
This time, I'm hiding from something more terrifying
has changed
I knew we'd meet again
Like Noah waiting for
the Raven to return to the ark
I was desperate for you
I shouldn't have hid from you
It was me who hid
have no idea how I waited
for this hide-and-seek to end
and for you to come and find me
Oh, you didn't realize?
You were "it," not me
But it took you so long
Only if
you had reported that day
this hide-and-seek would've ended at once
Why would I
You still don't know?
Who could it be?
Looking for Witnesses The person who covered "its" eyes
Let's go
and made me hide
While waiting to be recognized
I waited and watched you every day
in front of your school
but they even handed me the money
to beg me to keep hiding
My dad
My mom and dad
A tragedy
always hatches that way
when those not worthy to be parents
become parents
Be careful on your way home
From now on
a new hide-and-seek will begin
Your parents are "it" from now on
you fool
Make a run for it!
You're home?
Haru, what are you doing?
Haru, did you get caught in the rain again?
Haru, why aren't you answering?
You're making me frustrating
Haru Park!
Haru! Haru
I'm going to open the door
I did it to survive
To protect myself
I hid from that monster
To protect
myself from more horrifying monsters
How can that be such parents?
There are no such parents
Where in the hell are such parents?
Parents are supposed to be
Mom and Dad are supposed to be
Don't trust what that madman told you
Maybe that bastard
didn't turn himself in
I'll report to the police
I'll put him to jail
so he will never see you
He already turned himself in
You'll find out soon
Before you find it out
on the news
I thought it'd be better to
tell you myself
Is there
something else I need to know?
Do I
know that monster?
When he
first came
to the orphanage for the certificate
he looked like a diligent
and likable guy
- Excuse me, sir - Huh?
Yes, Hosu
Could you
meet up with my friend?
Of course. I'd be glad to
- Thank you - No problem
One, two
The 38th Songho Scholarship Foundation Inauguration Ceremony
As I already told you on our way
scholars who're facing
economic difficulties
are sometimes linked with
their long-term sponsors here
That's why I thought
it'd be a good opportunity for you
and called you
Will you be ok?
Scholar Dogeon Kim / Scholarship Foundation Sponsor Changjun Kim
Of course, I'm grateful
I'm already grateful that
you chose me as a scholar again
topped off with this opportunity
Thank you so much
No problem
Oh, here he comes
- Hello - It's him
Oh, Dogeon Kim
I heard a lot about you from Principal Jo
What do you mean?
You already knew a lot about him
He's very close with your son as well
Call it an act of providence
Go ahead and answer it
It's your mother
It's ok
Excuse me
Yes, mom
I'll be late today
I'm at the scholarship event
Mr. Kim
will be late today, right?
Yes, I believe
the scholarship event will end late
He won't be eating, so you can go off early
I'll end work at my own accord
Why are you eating like a bird?
You're too skinny these days
I don't feel like eating
Why didn't you go with my dad?
It's not that I didn't, I couldn't
Mr. Kim goes to places
without me these days
Hey, Hwan
If you get successful in the future
don't forget about me, ok?
It's hard juggling between you and Mr. Kim
Plus, I'm looking after
your friend, too
That friend who lives in the container
I'm looking out for him
Thank you
Not at all
I really want you to do well
If only you get elected here
there's nothing more I can wish for
What a busy guy
You're so busy
Well done today
Going around
greeting everyone is the hardest part
It was nothing
It's past ten. You must be tired
It'll take a while. Have a nap
We'll wake you up when we're there
No, I'm fine
Why isn't he coming?
Is he not coming today?
We've arrived
Looks like you are very tired
I'm sorry
I slept
- Here - What's wrong?
I know you normally stay here
Thank you for giving me a ride
Good night
He looks like a good kid
He's smart as well
As smart as Hwan Kim
is a talent
beneficial to society in many ways
It's all thanks
to your guidance
Memorial service
Prepare for it
Yes, sir
Right now?
Why at this late hour?
Yes, understood
Yes, head out now
Yes, right now
I don't know why
Just head out now
You weren't sleeping?
Go to bed
What's going on?
That friend who lives in the container
Tell him to get out of there this instant
Please leave a message after the tone
Why isn't he picking up?
Yes, what's up?
Where are you?
I'm outside for a while. Why?
I hit your dad little bit
You did what?
I hit your dad little bit
You piece of shit, what are you saying?
You moron
If it weren't for me, your sister's dead
Your sister was running barefoot
because your dad was chasing after her
to the entrance to kill her
- Shit - So with the helmet
I struck him once
I didn't hit him hard
- I'm not joking - Darn it!
You just wait there
I'll kill you if you run away
Should I have left your sister dead then?
If I'm being beaten up
are you going to turn a blind eye?
Be honest with me
you never wanted to beat your dad?
You wanted it, too
Frankly speaking
I did the job for you
This piece of shit
Why are you coming home so late?
Did you hit
my sister again?
Why did you hit her?
She came to leave it when I was not around
but I caught her
That bitch
She's just like your mom
You too, just leave
I'm sick of
all of you
waiting for me to die
I asked you
why you hit her
I'm asking you why you hit her
This jerk
What did you say?
to Mom
to Sis
Say that you're sorry
Apologize to Mom
for hitting her whenever you're drunk
and forcing her to run away
to Sis for not letting her
to wear short sleeves even in summer
because of her bruises
My ear
My ear!
Apologize for making
my one ear
Go ahead
Say that you're sorry!
Shut up!
Sis, don't come home ever again
doesn't exist from today onwards
Please leave your
- Hey, Dogeon - Yes, Hwan
You called me? I was sleeping
Why didn't you pick up your phone?
Where are you?
- Me? - Not at the container, right?
You're home, right?
I'm at the container. Why?
Why are you at the container?
You said you'll sleep at home
I had to go somewhere
- But, Hwan - Come out of there right now
- Why are you upset? - Come out! They'll set a fire
Are you ok?
- Dogeon - Are you ok?
Hey, Dogeon
Dogeon, Dogeon
- Hwan - Dogeon!
- Dogeon! - Hwan
I thought you were dead
You called and told me to
come out
What the
Oppose the redevelopment! Stabilizing the people's lives should come first!
I've been feeling insecure
Since the banner about the redevelopment was up
there were suspicious cars and people
If you hadn't called me
and woken me up
I feel giddy thinking about it
You called him to come out?
Did you know it would be on fire?
Before the call was disconnected
he did say
something about the fire
How did you know about the fire
in advance?
- I - You knew?
Hey, Jooan
Answer me, you bastard
Hey, Jooan Kim
He's our friend
Answer me
Why can't you answer me?
I asked you whether you knew
- I'm sorry - Stop
- I said stop - Why?
You were about to be
barbecued in the fire. Why stop?
He said he's sorry
That means he knew everything, but didn't tell us
I didn't die
That's all it matters
I survived because he called me
So you're thankful?
You're thankful that he saved you?
Deep down, you're angry and frustrated, too
Who should we
pour this out to?
Who's fault is it
that we're always
in this shitty situation?
As soon as our lives turn for the better
something always comes up
There will always be something
I feel like we picked
all the blanks there were
but why are there more?
Perhaps the box we're holding
only has blanks inside
Things would rather be better when they keep being shitty
I can't do this anymore
not this
Hey, Jooan
Jooan Kim
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
As planned, Songjoo Ilbo will publish
an article suspecting the landowner
of a self-fabricated scenario
And it seems like
the national newspaper's onto something
They called us, but I didn't answer
The principal Jo also said
he will use every connection he has
to take care of this business
There won't be any problem regarding the redevelopment
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
Mr. Kim
Hwan Kim
Was it you?
Answer me
Answer me. Did you tell him?
What if I did tell him?
What are you going to do?
think your son's very brave
I don't have such courage
Please send me back to the States
told you to act and live up to my name
I'm too scared
I'm scared
that I might turn out like you
It's horrifying
Cein's Apartment
Here, please
- Please take this as well - Ok
Oh, nice shot
Nice shot
- Oh, nice shot - Nice shot
Is your son not here yet?
We need to get going
Oh, yes
I'm sorry
Oh, here he comes
- You can start the engine - Oh, yes
Did you go there again?
Let's go
Let's go
What are you doing here?
Should've called me when you got here
I knew
that that place would be on fire
It's ok
You worried about me way before that
it was you who called me
and came
Thanks to you
I'm alive
I'm sorry for everything
I knew that
you had to move
if this place got redeveloped
Why do you apologize
for how I live?
I'm living my life
as it's given to me
And so are you
Why do we have to feel sorry for that?
I move and transfer to another school
take care of the guys for me
especially Jooan
He talks tough, but
- he's a nice guy - I'm leaving
for America
All of a sudden?
Are you going back to your old school?
Jeha said
I'll become like my dad
when I grow up
I think he's right
If you're
feeling sorry for what happened
I'm really fine
It's not because I'm sorry
I'm running away
abandoning all of you and running away
letting go of your hand
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