Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Is that a cat tower?
Yes, I'm making one.
It's so pretty.
So sturdy, too.
They can go through there and…
You use a chef's knife
instead of a paring knife to cut fruit?
Yes, this one's nice and sharp.
It catches my eye the most too.
Thank you, Seon-woo.
But Detective,
what brings you here at this hour?
How did you even know about this place?
I was in the area,
and I had something to ask you about.
What is it?
What were you doing on the election day?
I heard you took the day off.
Do you think
I'm the killer?
It's not that I think you are.
Let's just say
there is reasonable suspicion.
Wasn't that the day
you had a drink with me?
I had a drink with Dr. Bong
in the afternoon,
and I came here afterward
to get the wood I ordered.
And I guess you have someone
who can back up your alibi?
Do you want the phone number
of my wood supplier?
Why would you suspect an innocent man?
It's a detective's job
to be suspicious of people.
Suspicion is always the first step.
Isn't it just that you don't like him?
The murders started happening
after he came to Mujin,
and crimes naturally follow the criminals.
That's why we always suspect
any outsiders first when a crime occurs.
Didn't you move here around that time too?
Yes, but I'm a police officer.
What, a police officer can't kill people?
You know I'm psychic,
and you know the ins and outs
of this investigation.
- It can't be.
- Why, you…
Anyway, beware of Kim Seon-woo.
Something about him feels off.
You didn't have to come with me
to a flower shop.
I have to protect you.
I heard the killer almost got you too.
I've been so preoccupied with dating
that I had no idea you were in danger.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me, I'll take this flower.
They say that marigolds thrive
wherever you plant them.
I hope that Ji-suk will be happy
in her next life,
wherever she may be, like marigolds.
The coffee shop still seems to be open.
They even put up a job posting too.
That doesn't seem right.
One of their employees just died.
I know.
But how did the killer know
that Ji-suk was hiding here?
What? The killer is psychic?
Yes, he must have found her
by touching me.
So there's one more person
other than you and Gwang-sik?
I just got chills.
If he touched you,
he must know everything about you.
You need to be careful.
He knows what you look like too.
And now that you've hit him on the head,
he wouldn't just sit back.
That's right.
why hasn't he killed you yet?
Maybe he's playing with you.
Instead of letting you die easily,
he might keep tormenting you
until you want to die.
He'll start messing with
those around you first
in order to put you in more pain.
Those around me?
Someone inseparable from you,
someone you care about,
and someone close to you.
That's his next target.
And that person…
is me.
I'm going to die.
Goodness, I'm going to die
because of Bong Ye-bun.
Come on,
let me eat some ramyeon before I die.
- Jeez.
- Ok-hui…
Do you have Tim Tin?
Tim Tin?
Wait a moment.
This one tastes similar.
Try it.
Thank you.
Who is this? I've never seen him before.
Who are you? Are you here alone?
He's obviously speaking English.
Where's your mom?
Mommy and Daddy had a fight.
So I had to leave my mom
and come with my dad.
What is he saying?
He says his mom and dad had a fight.
You should let me know
if you're going outside.
You don't even know your way around.
Mr. Park, who is this?
He's my son.
Your son?
Didn't you say he was in Australia?
To be honest, I had a fight
with my wife the last time I was there.
So I brought him back with me to Korea.
But this is the first time I've seen him.
Someone was looking after him for me.
You know my situation,
how I have to earn money and all.
But something came up,
and I had to bring him here.
It must be tough caring for him alone.
He has it worse.
He's in a strange place without his mom.
I work at the hospital over there.
If you want anything,
let me know.
The autopsy results came out,
and Ms. Lee Ji-suk sustained
a lot of stab wounds
like the other victims.
But it was the stab to the heart
that was fatal for her.
Right here.
The cause of death was excessive bleeding.
But according to Dr. Bong,
there were no signs
that the killer was following them.
How on earth did he know
that she was hiding there?
Detective Moon,
do you know anything?
going to go have a meeting.
This is a meeting too.
Who on earth
is he having a meeting with about what?
People who sneak out like that
tend to end up cheating.
Is he investigating with someone else?
You should stop trying to connect
everything with cheating, okay?
Excuse me for a second.
Yes, Detective?
Report to HQ, everyone.
- What? Now?
- Understood.
I'll take another look.
Move this over there for me, will you?
What took you so long?
Look, I have a job.
You can't be ordering me around like this.
We all have a job.
This man right here came first
even though he lives so far away.
You can call me over anytime you want.
What is this about anyway?
Okay, let me sum up
the information we have so far.
The killer is psychic.
Aren't you learning anything from him?
Come on, I have experience
with investigations.
The killer knows
that Bong Ye-bun is psychic.
Now, third.
In order to conceal his crimes
from Bong Ye-bun,
the killer commits them
with his eyes closed.
We can't tell whether the blackouts
in between the memories
were created naturally or intentionally.
Therefore, the killer
could be among the people
that Bong has touched before.
So we have to put everyone we eliminated
as suspects back on the list.
There were some people I ran into
on the way to get Detective Moon
on the night of the crime.
They're our main suspects.
It is highly likely that the killer
found out about Gwang-sik being psychic
by seeing Bong Ye-bun's memories.
If he touched me, he definitely knows.
We don't know that for sure.
On that night,
you were touching Geumsil's butt,
and Gwang-sik was touching her leg.
But what about this guy?
He wasn't touching Geumsil anywhere.
Then he might not be psychic at--
That's what
our hardworking Gwang-sik said too.
But I'm positive he's also psychic.
Then how does he see people's--
We don't know that yet,
but he could also have
some kind of disadvantage.
So he might not know about
our hardworking and quick-witted
Gwang-sik being psychic.
I thought you said
that he found out about Gwang-sik
by touching me and seeing my memories.
It's an assumption, not a fact.
So we need to question everything.
Sure, whatever you say.
Let's first put all those people
back on the suspect list
and think of a different plan.
You two may have been
exposed to the killer,
so lay low for the time being.
I'll investigate the suspects first.
Check out the dash cams
in the witnesses' cars, okay?
Hey, Jong-muk.
Hi, sir.
Is everything all right these days?
We're still breathing, so yes.
You two have lived in Mujin
for a long time, right?
A long time indeed.
Then you must remember the redevelopment
that was being discussed
over a decade ago.
Of course.
Don't get me started.
Mujin was practically destroyed back then.
This guy here bought some land
that they said was going to be redeveloped
and lost all that money.
He still walks on eggshells
around his wife.
Speak for yourself.
Your wife almost divorced you
when you were 57.
She refused to make you any food,
so you would eat
unseasoned ark clams for every meal.
I guess there were
a lot of ark clams back then?
Of course.
Mujin was known for ark clams.
We even used to have ark clam festivals.
The government put in a lot of effort
hoping the festival would help Mujin
become a special tourist zone.
The city redevelopment rumors
were going around at the time.
And we were told
that we'd be hitting the jackpot
as apartment buildings and resorts
will be built on the land we owned.
So we all bought a bunch of land
at a premium price.
But the redevelopment never happened.
And guess who got to earn all the money?
Who else? Yoon Deok-hyeon, of course.
He was Mujin's assemblyman
for a long time.
Almost all of the land here was his,
and he sold it all
when the land prices rose.
Thanks to that, he went to Seoul
and became a government minister.
So the only person who benefited
from the redevelopment rumors
was that Assemblyman Yoon?
As far as I know,
Cha Ju-man also pocketed
some money back then.
Assemblyman Cha Ju-man?
That's right.
Cha Ju-man was basically
Assemblyman Yoon's lackey back then.
Even if he only got a small cut,
he would've gotten
hundreds of millions of won.
Everyone take one.
- The prawn festival?
- What is this?
Please take a look. All right.
It's the prawn festival.
Pass these around in the back.
"Prawn Festival Singing Competition"?
You all know that the Mujin Prawn Festival
is in a couple of days, right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
It's an annual festival,
so you all have to come
this time too, okay?
- Of course.
- We will.
There's a serial killer on the loose,
and you're talking about some festival?
That's right.
Why create a scene like this?
We should all be hiding at our homes
at a time like this.
Why should we be hiding at home?
We're not the criminals here.
- That's right.
- Right.
That's right. Well said.
- Right.
- Exactly.
At a time like this,
we need to stick together
so the serial killer
can't even dream about attacking us.
This just doesn't feel right.
Can't we skip the festival this year?
- That'd be a shame.
- Hello, everyone.
There's no need.
Please sit.
Let's sit down.
Assemblyman Cha, what brings you here?
I was just passing by
and wanted to thank everyone
for their support.
Were you all discussing something?
Yes, we were discussing
the prawn festival.
But given the circumstances right now,
we were wondering
if we should just skip this year.
We can't have that.
We can't give up
this amazing tourism opportunity.
Mujin's reputation
can be ruined in an instant.
If the rumor gets out
that there is a serial killer here,
no tourists will come here.
And our economy will collapse overnight.
No one would even come here to fish
because they'd be so scared.
- That's true.
- I agree.
At a time like this,
there's nothing
more effective than a festival
to restore Mujin's original image
as a clean and safe city.
The prawn festival is our pride.
We should make it
even more extravagant to attract tourists.
And this could be an opportunity to show
that our lands are
good for building houses
and running lodging businesses.
That's right!
That's our assemblyman!
Mujin needs to be known
as a safe city to live in
in order for
another wave of redevelopment.
Redevelopment wave?
Redevelopment wave!
Yes, that's right!
- That's right!
- He's right!
Here's some coffee.
- Coffee for you.
- Thanks.
What are you two looking at so intently?
It's nothing.
What's that?
They sent us a request for support
regarding the upcoming prawn festival.
It's already time for the prawn festival?
A prawn festival?
It's the biggest event in the city
that takes place every year.
I think this is the fifth year.
What do they want us to do there?
Keep traffic in order and patrol the area.
You must be kidding me.
But is it really okay to have a festival
in a situation like this?
Assemblyman Cha
never missed the festival while in office.
Since he was reelected,
he'll definitely push it through.
He's just as stubborn
as a certain someone.
He really is.
If this is a local festival,
do a lot of people attend this?
Yes, almost everyone
from the neighborhood will come.
And there are a lot of activities too.
There's a singing competition,
a village photo exhibition,
performances by artists,
food experiences, and street games.
Everyone in the neighborhood
would be participating.
Is that so?
What is this?
I heard this is the biggest
yearly event here.
Everyone will be there.
That's right.
I sell milk there every year.
We're going to track down
the psychic on this day.
He may be able to hide his crimes
by closing his eyes.
But he can't hide his memory
of the night of the meteor shower
because that was before he got his power.
You can use your powers
to identify who was hiding behind
the pillar that night.
He'd be the psychic and our serial killer.
But the killer knows our faces
and that we're psychic.
Will he let us touch him?
That's why we need a plan.
What kind of plan?
Gwang-sik can set up
the milk booth as usual
and advertise about
complimentary foot massages.
If the killer doesn't know you're psychic,
he'll take you up on that offer.
But if he does know about your power,
he'll try to avoid
getting a massage at all costs.
And after that?
We'll have to lure him to you,
Bong Ye-bun.
It'll be harder for me to touch him.
He wouldn't let me touch his butt
when he knows my face.
I know.
We need a way for you to touch him
without him knowing.
He always comes up with a vague idea
and then tells me to find a way.
Dr. Bong.
What brings you here?
I was just passing by.
Where's Justin?
I just put him to bed.
He's still not used to sleeping here,
so I had to walk around
with him on my back.
You're such a good dad.
I call myself his dad,
but I can't even communicate with him.
It's frustrating.
But you're learning English from Seon-woo.
You'll get better.
I'm worried about how it'll cost me
more and more to raise him.
And the only thing I can do for a living
is just this sort of thing.
By the way, where's Seon-woo?
I asked him for a favor,
so he went out to get some wood.
I'm planning on opening
a fortune teller booth
for the prawn festival.
A fortune teller booth?
Yes, there might be some tourists
who want to have
their fortunes read for fun.
I heard young couples these days
have a lot of interest in tarot cards
and stuff like that, so it could do well.
Really? That'd be great.
So Seon-woo is…
He's making my booth.
Hey, Seon-woo.
Hi, Dr. Bong.
Were you able to get the wood?
Yes, I got almost everything I need.
I heard you were helping Mr. Park.
Is there anything I can help you with?
Did you think of this?
I did.
You really are a genius.
I think people will really love…
You love him to death, don't you?
Keep that up, and you'll actually die.
I'll get going now.
Are you stalking me?
This isn't the time to be dating guys.
I'm not dating.
I'm just helping out someone.
Helping out someone? How?
Mr. Park is setting up
a fortune teller booth at the festival
to earn money to support his son.
And Seon-woo is going to make the booth.
When people put their hands into it,
Mr. Park is going to read their palms.
Seon-woo came up with the idea.
Isn't that so impressive?
He's such a good guy
that he always finds ways to help others.
Is that why he's named Seon-woo?
Because Seon-woo's like a ray of sunshine?
That's a great idea.
You're going to read
people's fortunes with me?
I want to help you make a lot of money.
You know I have a power, right?
I want to test out my abilities
while you make money.
It's a win-win situation.
So you read the fortunes
while the general and I
rake in all the money?
But no one can know it's me.
I'll be in a difficult position
if word spreads.
That'd be great for me.
But how can you read fortunes
without revealing your identity?
You need to be face-to-face.
About that…
Could you lean in?
Sorry for putting you
through so much trouble.
Not at all. It's fun.
But about our Hand of Truth booth…
I'm sorry, but can we switch it
to something else?
Something else? Like what?
To "The Butt of Truth."
Remember the TV show, The Knee-Drop Guru,
where the guru could see everything
before your knees touched the floor?
So I was thinking I could be the guru
who can see everything
before your butt hits the chair.
I'll prepare a cushion or something
for the customers to sit on,
so please just make a hole in the chair.
Today is D-day.
Everyone keep this in mind.
It's important to find out
who the psychic is,
but it's just as important
to not let him read our memories.
He might find out about our plan.
We don't know what he's capable of,
but we have to be careful nonetheless.
We need to touch the killer
without letting him touch us.
Everyone's a suspect, understand?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Especially you, Bong Ye-bun.
- Sorry?
If Kim Seon-woo asks you,
"Do you want to have some soju
and grilled prawns with me?"
How should you respond?
I'd love to.
No, you have to say no!
You're worrying me.
Let's try again.
What if he says,
"Do you want to go somewhere quiet?"
Good job.
"Ye-bun, close your eyes."
Why are you sticking your lips out?
This is not okay!
Kim Seon-woo is our prime suspect.
We need to find the person
who was standing behind that pillar
on the night of the meteor shower.
Ok-hui, I'll tell you the suspects
over the walkie-talkie,
so lure them to the booth
as naturally as you can.
Goodness, Mr. Kim.
This is amazing.
I'm not sure if it's what you envisioned.
It's incredible.
Can everyone hear me?
Yes, I can hear you.
Yes, I can hear you well.
I can hear you.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you.
Act natural so our plan
doesn't get discovered.
The psychic is definitely somewhere here.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Good morning, dear citizens of Mujin!
I am Mujin's assemblyman, Cha Ju-man.
First and foremost,
I want to thank the citizens here
for all the hard work they put
into this festival.
With the Fifth Annual Prawn Festival,
I hope that there will be many visitors
and that it vitalizes our local economy.
I, Cha Ju-man,
will do everything in my power
to let the nation know Mujin's potential
and have Mujin designated
as a special tourist zone!
- Let's go, Mujin!
- Let's go!
- Captain, have this.
- Thanks.
Pretty big turnout like you said,
Detective Na.
What did I tell you?
I knew Assemblyman Cha
would push it through.
We're not here to enjoy things.
Focus on patrolling the area.
I have a feeling that something big
is going to go down today.
Anyway, where's Detective Moon?
The locals are starting to arrive.
The suspects are Choi Il-han, Cho Mun-ui,
Ha Seong-min, and Cho Sang-gu.
Lead them to Gwang-sik's booth.
Hi, Ok-hui.
Are you here for the festival?
I stopped by while buying fertilizer
because it was so loud over here.
Fertilizer? Why?
Are you planting garlic?
You can't leave your land untended.
Didn't you plant bellflower roots
this time last year?
I did.
And they gave me such a hard time
that I heard my own funeral bells.
Is that why they're called
"bellflower roots"?
You see,
water deers are crazy
about bellflower shoots--
Gwang-sik said
he was going to plant them this year.
You dummy.
Why would you plant bellflower roots?
Come on, they're delicious when they're
tossed with squid and spicy sauce.
Everything tastes delicious when
tossed with squid and spicy sauce.
You shouldn't plant bellflower roots.
Want to know
how a squid beat a shark in a fight?
That's easy. Because it was well-armed.
That feels good.
- Rest up.
- Okay.
Gosh, my back.
Isn't it nice to be out like this?
It's been so long.
It is.
What is it now?
I didn't come to see you.
I came to see my father-in-law.
Father, did you know
that our divorce wasn't my fault?
It seems that Hyeon-ok had some other man
in her heart when she was with me.
There he is. That other man.
Father, it's not like that.
Listen to what I have to say first before…
Hello, sir.
Did you come to enjoy the festival?
Yes, I did.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Why don't I show you around?
I'd be grateful if you did.
Okay, then let's go this way.
Right, this way.
I need to stop by somewhere.
You guys go ahead.
Father, where are you…
- Have you eaten?
- What?
No, but I'm fine.
You must be tired.
I'm fine, don't worry.
- Come here.
- I'm really fine.
Just come here.
- Jeez.
- Hello.
Yes, hello.
Captain Won is also a suspect
since he ran into Dr. Bong that night.
Please lead them both
to "The Butt of Truth."
- Yes, sis.
- It's good.
We'll get on it now.
- I'll peel it for you.
- Hello.
You look so good-natured, sir.
I've never heard someone
say that about me before.
Let me guess,
your work has been quite grueling?
We police officers can't really
complain about work being hard.
You're a police officer?
Yes, why?
You don't really have the face
for a police officer.
What's wrong with my face?
This is all because
your ancestors are angry.
People end up with faces like yours
when they've angered their ancestors.
Why are you agreeing with that?
Won Jong-muk and Jung Hyeon-ok.
Fifty-five and fifty-one respectively.
They dated in their early twenties,
but my grandfather broke them up.
Oh, my.
You two are
Romeo and Juliet.
You were each other's first love,
but you couldn't get your happy ending.
Oh, my gosh.
You're really good!
Then can you see how we'll end up too?
Tell them to try
"The Butt of Truth" to know more.
If you're curious,
please have a seat here.
"The Butt of Truth."
Try it, Jong-muk.
Hey, I'm busy.
The captain
wasn't near the barn that night.
This is why I'm here.
What is this?
It's a case I've been investigating
for a long time.
I don't think I'll be able to
investigate it anymore,
so I came here to ask you to take it on.
Aren't you supposed to tell me things?
I can't see.
He met my grandfather recently.
I see that you met
Dr. Bong's grandfather recently.
You met with my father?
Yes, I did.
What did you two talk about?
Nothing special.
How fascinating. How did you know that?
That's why it's called
"The Butt of Truth."
You can't hide anything here.
Shall I try it too?
Go ahead.
You're a journalist!
Why are you protesting with them
instead of interviewing them?
There are so many people
who got forced out onto the streets.
- Investigate!
- It's so sad.
At this rate, you and your daughter
will end up on the streets too.
- Arrest them!
- Arrest them!
I can't come home tonight either.
Please make sure Ye-bun eats.
- You're killing us!
- You're killing us!
How long do I have to sit here?
That's so strange.
I can't see anything today.
I knew this was a sham. Let's go.
It's Kim Seon-woo.
He's our prime suspect, so focus.
Justin wanted some milk.
Could we get a glass?
Of course.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
- We can't let him get away.
- Actually!
Since you came all the way here,
why don't you get a foot massage?
No, thank you.
I'm really good at massages,
and it's free.
Thank you, but I'm good.
Come on, it's not polite to disregard
someone's sincere offer.
I'll really have to decline.
Okay then.
Justin, let's go.
What do you mean? I am patrolling.
He's on the suspect list,
but he can't be the killer.
A quick check will do.
- Is there a lot of traffic?
- Yes, there are a lot of cars.
It's opening up.
Yes, it's opened up.
You may go.
Here too.
Are you going to stay here all day?
- Is it over?
- Yes.
All right. That felt great, thank you.
- No problem.
- Have a good day.
- There wasn't much, right?
- No there wasn't.
But I saw Kim Seon-woo
going toward Mount Mujin.
How far is Mount Mujin from the barn?
Once you come down the mountain,
the barn is right across the street.
It's quite close.
Let's change the plan.
It's highly likely that Kim Seon-woo
was near the barn that night.
Try to locate Kim Seon-woo
as you touch other people.
But it can't be him.
Don't forget,
we're chasing after
a serial killer right now.
What a great spot you have.
- Hello, Mr. Cha.
- Hello.
Please make a wish that I get elected.
Don't you worry.
Of course you will.
There's no doubt about it.
- You've got this.
- I'll get going now.
Make way for the car, please.
Please move to the side.
Did you see anything?
Seon-woo was following Assemblyman Cha.
He was pulling something out of his bag.
What was it?
I'm not sure.
But Detective Na was right behind him
so she could've seen it.
Detective Na?
Detective Na.
Did you get something done?
You look so much prettier.
I do?
Be honest with me.
You had something done, didn't you?
Dermal fillers for my smile lines.
Botox in my cheeks
and a little in my forehead.
And a nonsurgical nose job.
What? They came out so well.
How about a glass of milk for our skins
while we have a little chat?
But I'm working right now.
Come on, your beauty
is doing all the work already.
I guess that's true.
Let's go.
Isn't it good?
It's so flavorful.
I'm giving free foot massages as well.
Take a seat.
My husband wouldn't like that.
He goes around touching anybody he wants,
but he hates it when someone touches me.
But he never touches me either.
It's driving me crazy.
In that case,
you should go visit the shaman.
I've bought countless talismans from him,
but they never work.
He got his power back recently,
and he's right on the nose about things.
Hi, everyone.
It's me, Streamer Ms. Si-a.
Please move to the side.
It's not that way, Mr. Cha!
It was just a flyer.
I'm telling you
he would never harm anyone.
What about Detective Na?
There's nothing unusual about her.
But why does Kim Seon-woo
keep crossing paths with Assemblyman Cha?
I'm seeing it now.
Forget it.
Just tell me
if my husband is cheating on me.
I'm seeing him now.
Over there.
That son of a…
The Prawn Festival Singing Competition
will begin in 30 minutes.
I hope many of you will participate.
Sis, didn't you hear me calling you?
I signed us up
for the singing competition.
Let's make a nice memory together, sis.
- Yong-myeong.
- Yes?
I've never had a break from dating
my whole life.
But I think I have to now.
- What?
- I think it's time for a break.
Then how about we take a break
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.?
Then at 6 p.m.,
we can step on the gas and vroom.
Like that…
If you no longer find their jokes funny,
it's over between you two.
Like right now.
I load up all my feelings and leave
Far away from you
The next participant
is Mujin High School's French teacher,
Kim Yong-myeong,
singing, "Prawn In My Ear."
Please give him a round of applause!
Tell me what you want me to say
Whatever you say will make me fly
- I love you
- I love you
- I love you
- I love you
Whatever you want to hear
I'll whisper it in your ear
- I love you
- I love you
- I love you
- I love you
So savory that I hardly make sense of it
- Prawn in my ear
- Prawn in my ear
- So savory like sesame seeds
- So savory like sesame seeds
Melt me away
With your voice
- Prawn in my ear
- Prawn!
What an extraordinary performance.
Are you enjoying yourselves?
- Yes!
- Yes!
Next up is Bong's Animal Hospital's nurse,
Jung Hyeon-ok, singing "Sparks"!
Just stay where you are.
I'll be back.
Let go!
My burning feelings
Jong-muk, where are you going?
In the prawn shop in our neighborhood…
When that girl was surprised
I'm so exhausted
- Bumblebee!
- Bumblebee!
Do you want one too?
Forget it, I'm too old for that.
I'm a police officer.
I've spent half my life with guns.
Follow me.
I'm going to win you everything.
What happened?
I think your eyes are getting too old.
It's not that.
I was supposed to hit a cute teddy bear,
and I did hit
my cutie over here, didn't I?
Come on.
Maybe I hit my cutie too hard.
- You're not crying, are you?
- No, but blow on it.
I'll give you a ride home.
What is this?
Oh, that?
What is this? Why is this in your car?
This is the last article my sister wrote.
She was investigating this case.
She worked so hard on it,
but she died
before she could finish investigating it.
Bring Dr. Jung to Gwang-sik's booth.
We have to check my grandfather too?
He's the best person to confirm
where Kim Seon-woo went.
And you ran into him
during the Lee Ji-suk incident too.
Can't you hear me?
Now, let me announce
the winner of the Grand Prize.
The winner gave
a truly astonishing performance.
Prawn in my ear
Team Kim Yong-myeong!
Here you go.
Should I give the prize to both of you?
A 55-inch TV for our first-place winner!
Hello, sir.
You're the detective.
What's with the milk?
I'm volunteering for the community today.
And Gwang-sik needed a hand for his booth.
This is fresh milk. Have some.
It's very flavorful.
It is.
Oh, no.
Why don't you visit the booth over there
and get a foot massage to wind down?
It's free.
The chair is comfortable too.
Thank you for today.
- Take him home.
- Okay.
No, it's fine.
I can just get a ride from anyone.
You'll need your car.
But still…
It's fine.
I'll get going.
Did you arrange the meeting?
Did you arrange the meeting?
He insisted
that it would make no difference.
Where is he now?
At his barn, sir.
Let's go there.
You're going to meet Jeon Dong-yeol?
Then who else, a celebrity?
Okay, sir.
So Kim Seon-woo wasn't seen after that.
Assemblyman Cha came to the barn that day.
What? Why?
I think he came to meet my father.
Around what time?
It was before we got hit
with the meteor shower.
You didn't know he was there at the time?
I was with Dr. Bong looking after Geumsil.
So could Mr. Cha be the psychic?
We'll know once we find out.
Thank you for your hard work.
Mr. Cha!
Hi, Ok-hui. Your dancing was phenomenal.
- Congratulations on winning first place.
- Thank you.
Mr. Cha,
can we take a photo to commemorate this?
Let's stand over here.
One, two, three.
Let's go.
Look at this. It came out so nicely.
Look, doesn't it look great?
How fun.
It says he can see everything
before your butt hits the chair.
How fun indeed.
I sat there earlier,
and he told me everything about my future.
It doesn't end there.
He got everything right
about my past, too.
Your past?
Really? How fascinating.
- Let's go.
- Mr. Cha,
you should try it too.
No, I'll try next time.
I'm with the press right now, so…
Okay, let's go.
Why not?
Wouldn't it be great for the article?
It would be good to show you
enjoying the local festival.
Is that so?
Yes, we'll write up a nice story for you.
Let's go.
- Come on.
- Then shall I give it a try?
Hello there.
Hello, Assemblyman Cha.
Everyone's saying
that you're an expert at reading fortunes.
Thank you for saying that.
Do I just need to sit here?
Yes, have a seat.
Focus, Bong Ye-bun.
Mr. Park,
use your power
and tell him a lot of good things.
- Then he'll believe you.
- Right now?
Right now…
I can feel that you have
such a special energy.
Let's see.
Sir, have you given it some thought?
How many times do I have to tell you?
I told you that I'm not selling it.
Please think about it again.
If we build a resort on your land,
this place will be the beginning
of a new chapter in Mujin's history.
I'll give you two million won per pyeong.
The others got less than 1.5 million.
Forget it.
I'm going to give this land
to Gwang-sik just as it is,
and that's that.
Then let me have a talk with Gwang-sik.
Don't waste your time.
You have to take this call.
- Who is it?
- The representative of the Central Party.
Hello, Cha Ju-man speaking.
Not at all.
What the… The call just dropped.
Hello, I'm sorry. The call dropped.
Thank you.
It's all thanks to you.
It's not Mr. Cha.
Considering the direction he was going,
Kim Seon-woo might be somewhere nearby.
Are you sure you didn't miss anything?
I don't see…
You have to take this call.
- Who is it?
- The representative of the Central Party.
There's someone there.
- It's Mr. Park.
- What?
Let's see.
Mr. Cha, what happened to my mom?
The rescuers smashed the car window
and pulled her out,
but they were too late.
Mom, wake up.
Wake up, Mom!
Can you try and touch the shaman?
You must be so thirsty.
- Have a seat over here.
- What?
Try this. I boiled the milk with sugar,
and it tastes amazing.
Thank you.
Looks like
I always get free stuff from you.
I have nothing to give you in return, but…
let me see your hand.
I'll read your palm.
Come on. I've had my ups and downs,
but I read palms well.
No, it's okay.
My hands are too dirty.
It's okay. Come here.
Your shoelace is untied.
They're fine.
They may come loose soon.
I'll retie it for you.
All right then.
General MacArthur of Mount Mujin.
Open up my mind
and open the door to this mountain.
Run through my body and mind.
Dear General MacArthur.
I should've just stuck to the trail.
This is taking even longer.
What is that?
Did I come the opposite way?
He was there.
- The shaman?
- No. Kim Seon-woo.
He was behind that pillar
on the night of the meteor shower!
Bong Ye-bun, is something wrong?
What were you thinking about all alone?
You looked sad.
Do you really think
he's the serial killer?
Shouldn't you catch him quick?
He might kill again.
But why did you ask me to look into him?
Then why were you collecting
Mi-ok's articles?
Why are you digging into something
that happened over a decade ago?
What is this about?
What are you hiding from me?
If we follow that data,
we'll find out why she died.
Your sister
didn't kill herself.
I almost misunderstood you, Dr. Jung.
It's been a while since I visited Mi-ok.
You should head home now.
I want to know the reason
why my mom committed suicide.
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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