Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Gu Tae-su.
Who knew you'd walk in here
of your own free will?
-What are you playing at?
-Mr. Gu.
Are you here to turn yourself in?
I'm here to make a report.
The man in question is right there.
I went to see Jeon Gyeong-cheol,
but he suddenly attacked me,
so I ran.
What on earth is he…
Are you trying to make me a suspect?
His left arm.
There's a scratch mark on his wrist.
Go and check.
Let me take a look.
I was burned while fighting him.
But seeing as how he attacked me
thinking that I was the killer,
I guess there was a misunderstanding.
You should have given up then.
Then you would have gotten
out of this alive.
You bastard.
-Mr. Shaman!
-Mr. Nam!
-What do you think you're doing?
Mr. Nam!
Check his DNA. He's the killer!
What are you doing?
-Damn it!
-Get out.
Are you okay?
Damn it.
Hey, wait
I asked you to let me
interrogate Gu Tae-su.
Why are you putting me back in the cell?
Then you shouldn't have hit him.
What if Gu Tae-su presses charges?
I see, you were trying to protect
Mr. Shaman here, weren't you?
By putting me in a holding cell?
Because you might get into trouble
if I let you out of my sight.
My gosh. Damn it.
Do you think I'm a child?
Give this to Su-cheol for me.
Gu Tae-su isn't crazy.
Why would he come here?
He has something
that can get him out of here.
So you punched him
to get his DNA?
They fabricated evidence three years ago.
They'll probably do it again.
But we're the police…
Give it to Su-cheol.
He'll know what to do.
And you absolutely cannot
tell anyone.
Yes, okay.
Let's go.
My shoes!
You knew Ms. Kang, didn't you?
She was a trainee at our company.
According to a witness account,
Jeon Gyeong-cheol took
a pornographic video of Kang Eun-hye.
-Did you know about this?
-I did not.
Then why did you go
to Jeon Gyeong-cheol's office?
How did you two know each other?
He approached me, saying he was interested
in the entertainment business.
He said he wanted
to run a legitimate business,
so I helped him.
Kang Eun-hye and Jeon Gyeong-cheol…
Two people you knew have been murdered.
Did you have a motive
to kill the two of them?
He's here to cooperate
with your investigation,
and you're trying to pin murders on him?
No, we're just leaving all avenues open
as we investigate.
When you have a warrant,
send us a summary of the indictment.
I'll be the one to get back to you.
Let's go now.
It's no use running.
We have a witness who saw you,
and the DNA we got from the crime scene.
If you're innocent
and it's really all a misunderstanding,
let us collect a sample of your DNA.
-I won't let you do that.
-If I do,
will I cease to be a suspect
in the murder of
Kang Eun-hye and Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
I give you my consent.
You don't have to worry about Director Gu.
He is a trustworthy man
and will do as he is told.
I've pulled some strings with the police,
so don't worry about them.
We have our people standing by
so there's no need to worry even if
the case comes over to us, Mr. Mayor.
With such reliable supporters
and Auntie Im on my side,
why would I worry?
That's true.
Isn't it amazing that she has
the power to overturn an election?
Of course. That's why everyone here
has such faith in Auntie Im.
May I propose a toast?
Of course.
Low risk!
-High return!
-High return!
Drink up.
Congratulations. This is my gift.
I hope you like it.
You are as discerning as ever.
Chairman Park Dong-gi
of Choekang Insurance
and Chief Prosecutor Nam Pil-gu
have been meeting to play golf often.
What does it have to do
with who's behind Gu?
The two are related.
Lee Tae-sik, Gu Tae-su's lawyer,
worked with Nam when he was in Busan.
Wasn't it the police
who let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go?
Lee Tae-sik's cousin is
Assemblyman Park Jeong-hyeon
of the True Conservative party,
and the current police commissioner is
Assemblyman Park's in-law.
It's a filthy cartel built on nepotism.
But that's not the point.
The point is that everyone here invested
in Joyce Entertainment.
And they've been regularly receiving
huge dividends ever since.
Yes, Detective Kim. An assault case.
Where did everyone go?
Retail investors are everywhere.
This is Gu Tae-su's DNA.
Run in against the one found
in Choi Yeong-seop's case.
He's bossing me around even
when he's locked up in a holding cell.
Gosh, I wonder
how he's faring in there, though.
It's not like it's his first time.
Don't worry.
He is pretty particular.
It's about time he got into trouble.
I know, right?
It'd be weirder
if he doesn't get beaten up.
I'm going to kill you!
You're dead meat. Damn you.
-Let go!
-Darn it.
-Let go of me!
-Get in.
Take your shoes off.
-Darn it.
Hey, you! Come here.
Come over here.
Jeez. I didn't do anything, so why
are you framing me?
You went around with my brother's wife,
and you say you're framed?
I definitely saw them go
into a hotel together.
Yes, we did go to a hotel.
Because we love each other!
But your brother was having an affair too,
and they were already over.
Damn it. Say that again.
I had an affair with her
and got her the money,
but I didn't kill him, you idiot!
-Hey, damn it.
-Come on!
Jeez, it's freaking loud in here.
Come over here, damn it!
-You little…
-Damn you.
-Come here.
-Damn it.
Everyone just please shut up
if you want to find the real killer.
-Who are you?
-Who are you?
I'm the wonder of Yonghae-dong,
Shaman Nam Han-jun.
Hey, shaman.
Do you really know who killed my brother?
I call upon the gods of heaven and earth
to tell me who killed
this wronged and vengeful spirit.
He did have an affair
with your brother's wife,
but he didn't kill your brother.
See. I told you it wasn't me.
Honestly, damn it.
If not him, then who was it?
The one who killed your brother
isn't him.
It's him.
-You little…
No, that's ridiculous. It's nonsense.
Hey, damn it, come here!
Come here.
Damn it, I'm going to kill you
when I catch you.
He had the sense to buy new clothes
but didn't check his belt?
The spatter pattern is long and narrow…
He must have used
a sharp instrument for the crime.
He's good with the knife
but has a deep cut on his index finger…
He acted out of impulse.
Poor fool.
You wield the knife for your boss,
but that knife will be the end of you.
-Damn it!
-Let go.
Come on.
What the hell are you saying?
This guy's a total fraud.
Is it true?
Come on, boss. you believe this fraud?
He didn't mean to.
He was trying to stop your brother
from stealing your money
and killed him by accident.
He told you about the affair
to throw off suspicion.
Why you…
I'm sorry.
I was trying to stop him
from running off with your money.
It was an accident. It really was.
My gosh!
Beat him to death!
What are you guys doing? Get in here.
I solved the case,
so hand them over
to the Prosecutors' Office.
I want some peace and quiet.
Mr. Shaman.
Don't sell your S&H stocks and hold on.
You have to wait it out.
How did you…
Gosh, that's…
Hello? Yes, it's me.
What? Lieutenant Han? Why?
Right. Yes. I'll deal with it.
That loan from Sinnam Bank
that I mentioned last time…
Why are you investigating it as murder
when you found the suicide note?
And you threatened an innocent citizen
who stepped up to help
and kept him from leaving?
We never threatened him,
and he's not an innocent citizen.
He's a suspect. We even have a witness.
You let Jeon Gyeong-cheol go last time
although he was a suspect.
Like he didn't kick up a big fuss
and forced us to let him go.
Hey, you.
Did you get the DNA results?
Yes, well…
Spit it out.
Gu Tae-su's DNA
doesn't match the DNA
found in the Choi Yeong-seop case.
That merits disciplinary action,
don't you think?
Lieutenant Han.
As of this moment, you’re suspended.
You're off the case.
Come on, Chief.
Aren't you being too hard on her?
Too hard? It's you lot
who are being too hard on me!
And Mr. Shaman too.
You had him locked up with no evidence!
That was to protect the witness--
Let Gu Tae-su and Mr. Shaman go right now
before I suspend the whole team.
And talk to them
to make sure there's no trouble, okay?
Yes, sir.
I really need to quit this job.
If you accuse my client
without evidence again,
we'll sue.
Are we sure the DNA test results
are accurate? If there's been a mistake…
Unless the sample's
been damaged or been switched,
that's not possible.
Detective Kim, Detective Na.
You can tail Gu Tae-su quietly
without him noticing, right?
Yes, ma'am.
Mr. Gu.
Who are you?
I'm Prosecutor Cha Do-won
from the Western DPO.
Why is Prosecutor Cha
talking to Gu Tae-su?
This must be why
she told us to follow Gu Tae-su.
It's obvious that one of them
outranks the other.
It looks like Mr. Cha
is giving him orders.
Yes, you’re right.
So Prosecutor Cha and Gu Tae-su
are in this together
and he's been lying to us?
That's what my gut tells me.
I think we need to
tell Ms. Han and Mr. Jang…
Let's keep an eye on them a little longer.
Wait. Where's Gu Tae-su?
Gosh, we lost him.
The DNA we found at the scene of
Choi Yeong-seop's murder
didn't match Gu Tae-su's DNA.
Someone in the police
switched the DNA sample.
That's ridiculous!
That's what I want to say
but I'm confused about
whether I should believe you
or the test results.
So what happened to Gu Tae-su?
Did you let him go?
We didn't have the evidence to
hold him any further.
That's fine.
I didn't expect it to work anyway.
So how do feel now
that you've been royally screwed?
Next time, it might be your job,
so get it together and give up the case.
I'm already suspended.
If someone in the police switched
the sample like you said,
then you can rule me out
as Gu Tae-su's accomplice,
given that I got suspended
trying to catch him.
Mr. Nam.
Trust me,
so we catch the killer together.
I desperately want to catch the killer.
No, I don't want to.
You said you wanted to catch him too.
Yes, I do. I want to catch him.
I'd team up with the devil himself
if I could catch him by doing that.
But not you.
Have you ever used someone
and stabbed them in the back?
Can you blackmail someone
to get information out of them?
All of that is illegal.
How can I work with you
when you let your sense of justice
get in the way
of catching that demon spawn?
We'll both end up dead. No, thanks.
Leave the exciting stuff to me
like bending and breaking the rules,
and just keep being
a good cop as you always have.
-Did you get the DNA test results?
Yes. Gu Tae-su, that bastard, is Gopuri.
It matched the DNA sample
found in the Choi Yeong-seop case.
It's just like three years ago.
Someone tampered with the evidence.
The Chief has ties to the higher-ups?
I saw him in the holding cell--
Did you throw a fit there too?
Did he come because you complained
about how dirty the holding cell was?
-I didn't.
I worked my magic on the Chief
and he fell for me and--
Did you pull the act there too?
It's like he has an alter ego now.
He's crazy for money.
Would you just listen?
Someone pressured him
to close the case prematurely.
The person behind
Gu Tae-su is powerful enough
to pressure the chief of police?
It was strange that he didn't have
a consistent pattern in his murders.
But what if he's an accessory?
It makes sense.
So whoever's behind
Gu Tae-su is the real Gopuri?
The guy pulling his strings.
It's him we need to catch.
He's connected to the Chief
in some way, I'm sure of it.
The chief was asking to get a loan
approved, so he needs money.
Let's hack his computer.
Let's see.
Shall we see how careless the Chief is?
You know that thing you're doing…
-Can I try?
-Do you want to?
-Go ahead.
-I use my head from time to time too.
-Enter the amount here
and type his phone number
on the top and send it.
Was this the Chief's number?
All right.
About 100,000 won should do, right?
Okay. One, ten…
One hundred thousand…
10,000,000 WON HAS BEEN
Ten million won?
That wasn't supposed to happen.
Are you crazy?
This is obviously a scam.
He's the chief of police,
he's not going to click on this.
No. That's even better.
He's the chief, so there must be a reason
why he's so strapped for money.
-You did a good job. Don't worry.
It's okay.
What's this?
What? My credit card has been
charged for ten million won?
Ten million won? Jeez.
What did he do this time?
Come on, what is it?
Jeez, I can't believe someone
this gullible is the chief of police.
Mr. Nam!
An emergency. It's an emergency.
It's really bad.
A pig?
By the light of St. Michael
and the Seraphim angels,
My Lord,
make us worthy to burn
with the fire of perfect charity.
-St. Michael the Archangel
-and the angels by his side--
Father, can I have a minute?
Mom, I really don't think
this is the answer.
You guys, say something.
Don't just stay quiet!
-My lord!
-My lord.
-Brother Han-jun.
You must fight.
May the Lord protect our souls
against the snares
and temptations of the devil.
I'll do it.
I'll do the exorcism.
I will
but I have a favor.
Please send my mother out.
I've already caused her so much pain.
I can't let her see me like this.
I can't let you suffer on your own.
I can't.
My legs…
Jesus is in my heart,
and I have never abandoned him.
My Lord.
But then why did you become a shaman?
My lord!
I dare not tell you
in the presence of my mother.
Mom, let's leave.
I think that'll be better.
-You think so?
Son. I'll always love you
-no matter what you've become.
-Me too, Mom. Wish me luck.
Let's do it. Let's drive the demon out.
Now tell him the truth.
Father. Please, listen to me.
Jeez, for heaven's sake.
So you're going to keep doing this
until you catch that serial killer?
Well, yes.
Gosh, my legs.
Sit comfortably.
It's not like this is my home.
-Gosh, my knees.
-He's pretty cool.
-Yes, this is killing me.
So until I catch Gopuri, that bastard…
I mean, until I catch Gopuri,
could you keep this
a secret from my mother?
I'll tell her everything
once it's all over.
But what happens after you catch him?
What about your life then?
People will remember you as a shaman.
If I'd been worried about that,
I wouldn't have done this.
And I’ll probably be enjoying a life
of leisure by then.
make pretty good money.
Yes, he's quite the brutal businessman.
-Get away from me!
Oh. Hallelujah.
I'm sorry, brother.
How do you get rid of
evil bosses, not evil spirits?
You're embarrassing us in front of Father.
See, this is my life.
Father, do you really think it's okay
for us to leave him like this?
I've prayed to God, and he told me
that Mr. Nam will come back to us soon,
and that we shouldn't worry and wait.
-I have faith.
Don't worry too much.
If praying doesn't work,
I'll go see Father again
and ask for an exorcism.
Okay, Son, I believe in you.
-Brother, I pray for your family's peace.
-Let's go, Father.
-I'll see them off.
Mom. Please, call next time, okay?
I love you.
Lieutenant Han!
I found it.
I found something.
Mr. Jang, take a breath first.
What is it that you came
all the way here at this hour?
Mr. Shaman. No, wait.
-Mr. Shaman's case…
-Ms. Han!
You're here too, Detective Jang.
Why are you here?
Well, I…
Knowing you have a rival
must have spurred you on.
No, that's not it.
I think I found something.
I think I found…
Why don't we head inside first?
Let's have a cup of hot tea while we talk.
-Shall we?
-You can't just go to a lady's house…
That's not polite…
I'll excuse myself then.
Do you have tea
made with flowers from Jirisan?
I can't drink anything cheap.
Let's talk when we're all inside.
He must have quite an expensive taste.
The forensic specialist who testified
that he was bribed in Mr. Shaman's trial
recently confessed
that he had given false testimony.
But they said
they couldn't trust his words
because he'd recanted his testimony
and turned him away.
But that alone isn't…
That's why I dug deeper
and found what he said when he confessed.
He said it was Jung Cheong-gi,
not Nam Han-jun
who told him to switch the evidence.
Jung Cheong-gi…
If that's true,
then Mr. Nam was framed.
And Mr. Nam's target
wasn't Shin Gyeong-ho, but Jung Cheong-gi.
Mr. Shaman found out
that Jung Cheong-gi tampered
with the Shin Gyeong-ho case too
and caught them together.
The results from the DNA test Mr. Nam
requested will make things more certain.
DNA? Whose DNA?
Today, Mr. Shaman punched Gu Tae-su
in the face
and got his DNA.
I see.
I think I might know the result too.
Hey, where are you?
It's been hours since I gave you
the order to follow Gu Tae-su…
Wait, what?
-Thank you, ma'am.
-Thank you.
I can't believe you suspected me
and followed me this whole time.
It's obvious that one of them
outranks the other.
How much is that cup?
I need it for an investigation.
I'm hurt.
I had no idea you were gathering
a DNA sample from Gu Tae-su.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm glad that's been sorted out.
But wait.
Doesn't this mean
Mr. Shaman was right about everything?
Mr. Nam served time because he was framed.
And he got possessed by ghosts there.
Poor Mr. Shaman.
Let's keep this to ourselves
until this case is over, just in case.
Of course.
This cream. I can never get sick of it.
Can you do this?
Please. You don't think I can do that?
I can fit another one.
So can I.
You greedy pigs.
Are you working on the tasks I gave you?
Tell him you are, even if you haven't.
Yes, I did. I found it.
You're dead if you're lying.
I'm telling the truth. You were right.
The Chief was being blackmailed over
his son's gambling debt.
So that's why he needed money so urgently.
Don't eat that.
Nam Hye-jun. Hey!
That little…
You bastards.
He borrowed 30 million won.
Why does he need to pay
100 million in interest?
What? A text?
Hey, don't do it.
I don't have any money to spare right now.
Everyone does it,
so why go against the flow?
Why won't you cooperate?
-What? Don't play innocent with me.
I told you to give me the info
on gambling crackdowns.
Just give me the information now
and I'll send your son home alive.
Or I don't know what I might do.
I'm going to start cutting wherever.
Dad, help me!
I'll never gamble again!
Anyway, call me when you've decided.
Don't keep me waiting.
Hey. Don’t hang up.
My gosh.
I can't believe this.
-My goodness!
Goodness me!
-I'm dying here.
-What do we do?
-This is killing me!
-My gosh!
Mr. Shaman. What are you doing here?
-Are you okay?
-No, I'm not!
He's not okay. Not okay at all.
I was so preoccupied
that I didn't see you.
I'm so sorry.
Do you think an apology is going
to make this all go away?
No, it's not his fault.
I was listening to the spirits
and wasn't looking.
I was passing by when I heard
someone scream,
"Help me, Dad! I'll never gamble again!"
Oh, gosh, please.
Mr. Shaman. Please, help my son.
-It's my son.
He's been taken by this terrible fiend.
What should I do?
Goodness. So that was why
I heard this old woman ask me for help.
What? You want me to help him?
-Mom, please, help me.
-Well, I'm willing to help but…
-I have a condition.
-What is it?
Whatever it is,
just say it and I'll do it.
What's this place supposed to be?
A cult headquarters or a gambling house?
I guess they're not that different
since they both scam people.
What about Na-dan, is he in?
Yes, he is. I'll share the video.
-Give it.
-Come on.
-Deal me a good hand.
Damn it. What's wrong with me today?
Darn it.
The guy with the mustache,
that's Dae-tong.
Can you stick it on his table?
Your Jjajangmyeon's here.
So that's why they
blocked off the signals.
The hwatu cards have ID chips in them.
The yuppie has three-ggeut,
and Dr. No has a four-pair.
Gosh. They tell him what cards
the others have on an app,
so he always wins.
I've got an idea of their system,
so come out.
You're new. Who are you?
The boss is sick, so I came instead.
Too bad. I hope he gets better soon.
You're dead if you go blabbing
about this place, okay?
These are very important people.
Run your mouth and I'm going to
kill you with this just like that!
-Go on.
-Yes, sir.
Wait, kiddo. Come here.
Here's some pocket money.
-Take it, you idiot.
-Yes, sir.
Thank you!
How about we show our hands?
Gosh, I'm shaking.
The guy with the ax is freaking scary.
-You did well.
-Nice job.
Give me triple the amount
you usually pay me.
What are you teaching him?
Here. Triple.
Oh, yeah!
I was tipped as well.
-Good for you.
-Hey, give that back.
I'll be off then.
Grandma, is there anything you want?
He's so good to his grandma.
Wait for me!
Why do you always go off on your own?
Do I embarrass you?
-Yes. A lot.
Sometimes I think about
how I'd like to go places on my own.
Same here.
Damn it, why are you running?
The customers will be nervous.
A shaman?
A shaman? Not the police?
What's going on?
I won!
-The spirit must be helping him.
-Of course.
Gosh, the guy on the left is out of luck.
He's got one-ggeut.
And the one in the middle…
He's got a seven-pair.
The one next to him has eight-ggeut.
I can see it.
I can see your cards.
Just fold. What's the point of racking
your brain when you have only one-ggeut?
I fold.
How can you be gambling
when your wife's sick?
How did you know that?
That poor wife of yours.
I'm telling you this
because I feel bad for your wife.
He's got better cards than you.
Just fold and get out of here!
I fold.
Well, I can see you
have a higher hand, but…
Just fold.
No, let's just get this over with.
-All in.
-All that money?
-What does he have?
If he's that confident,
they're all done for.
You can put up a fight with
that seven-pair you have,
but you can't win against me.
I fold.
-He was right!
I can see it!
The police are coming!
Hey, shaman!
Did you call the police?
No. The spirit is telling me
that the police will be here soon
because of him over there.
Are you punks messing with me?
Where are your manners? We only just met.
A card shark who's possessed by a spirit?
This is interesting.
I find you more interesting.
They call you Dae-tong because
you get lucky whatever business you run.
Your luck against my powers.
How about a match?
You little…
Stop right there, or I'll…
-Watch it.
-Leave him, you idiot.
I told you to leave him be.
Where do you get your hair done?
-At home.
-I told you to go to a hairdresser.
We wouldn't want to ruin your outfit
by getting blood on it.
Leave your winnings here
and get lost while I'm being nice.
What's keeping you guys?
Hey, what's this?
-When did you get caught?
-Su-cheol. Boss.
Come here.
I was scared because
I thought you were the police.
A shaman?
I hope you're prepared
to lose a hand or two,
pulling tricks in my territory.
Are you all ready?
Of course I'd love
to play fair and square.
Who knew the great Dae-tong
would pull a cheap trick like this?
Well, I did hear
even the criminal world has its rules.
Are you crazy?
How are you guys going to win
against a sharper?
You must have a death wish.
How is it cheating to use
your opponent's tricks to your advantage?
You little…
Damn it.
All right.
Then you and I…
Where in Chungnam are you from?
-Do you know Sonagi?
-No, I don't.
-All right.
Let's duke it out fair and square.
If I win, I cut off both your hands.
And if you win,
I'll let you walk out of here alive.
The terms are good, right?
I'm great at making deals.
I think they're getting the better deal.
That's true, but…
You don't like it? Want to renegotiate?
I'll take it. But if I win,
I take that guy over there.
I need him for my business.
You're funny, aren't you?
All right.
Let's see which is stronger,
my luck or your psychic powers.
Hey, maybe I should just call the police.
Then we'll be arrested with them.
I'll send you a signal
if things get bad, so wait.
Damn it, what is wrong with you?
I haven't had
such an interesting game in a while.
Hold on. Sir.
It's not that we don't believe you.
-Let's keep this fair, just in case.
-All right.
Take your pick. Which one?
Don't pull a fast one
with that card under your wrist.
I thought I'd pull a little trick,
but you got me.
-Are you two both shamans?
All right.
Let's play fair from now on.
I've got a pair on my first round.
Good, I've got great odds.
Ten million won.
-Fold? Okay.
Why's he folding?
Damn it.
He’s bluffing.
-Ten million.
-I call your ten
and raise you another 20.
A nine-pair? Nice.
Twenty million.
I thought I was lucky,
but your powers
really are something. Fold.
Why do I get the feeling
that Mr. Shaman is losing?
Gosh, my back.
That fucking idiot.
I've got a bad back.
You're dead.
Fifty million.
I call your 50 million…
and raise you 100 million.
-It's okay.
Is the great Dae-tong scared?
Fucking asshole. I'm scared?
I call your 100 million
and raise you another 500.
All in.
Now, match me if you can.
You've got some balls.
But I'm not falling for it.
I can see it in your eyes.
All in.
What now? Your hands are mine now.
I've got a ten-pair.
Come on, boys. Hold his arms down.
I've got a three-eight gwang-pair,
you fool.
I knew you could do it.
You didn't think I could do it, did you?
You goddamn cheater! I saw it myself.
He had a two-eight mangtong.
-I saw a bird on the card!
-What are you doing?
-I'm fine.
-What do you think you're pulling here?
When you said "bird,"
were you talking about this?
You were the one cheating.
All I did was to show this to the man
who was telling you my hand.
What now? Are you going to throw a fit
by taking my money
and cutting my hands off?
Then word will get around
that the great Dae-tong
was actually a cheater.
-That's right.
we can resolve this
in a nice, friendly, and happy manner.
I take him and disappear,
and you take my winnings
instead of the money he owes you,
thus preventing such rumors
and keeping your business intact.
How about it?
-I make great deals, right?
-You're exceptional.
I have a question.
How did you know
he was sending me signals?
Oh, that?
A nine-pair? Nice.
Your powers really are something.
Dae-tong's reading my hand.
He can't use his tricks
and the rigged cards are out,
yet he’s reading my hand
at crucial moments.
That means someone is telling him my hand.
Who could it be?
One of those guys has
to be sending him signals.
I have to find him and use him
to my own advantage.
Right. I've found him!
Gosh, my back.
Maybe I've been sitting down for too long.
Gosh, you klutz.
Su-cheol. Do you see that guy on my left?
Do exactly what he's doing and show me.
My gosh.
Some clairvoyance you've got.
You're good.
Take him and get out of my sight
before I change my mind. Got it?
Hey, are you crying?
My tear ducts are malfunctioning.
It must be my age.
-Let's go!
What are you doing, you idiots? Hurry up!
And if you have any questions,
come to Minamdang!
It's at 150 Yonghae-ro.
Let's go.
What do you think you're doing?
Get over here, right now!
You idiots!
You messed up big time, you fuckers!
That was a fucking embarrassment,
you dickheads.
How can you eat after all that?
Damn it, I could just…
Thank you for saving my idiot son.
This isn't much, but…
it's a token of my gratitude.
You're mistaken if you think
you can win me over with this!
What the…
I wouldn't have thought this of you.
Never mind!
Next time, pay me with cash.
For the good of the world.
What do you mean by next time?
I don't think we'll be seeing--
We'll keep seeing each other.
You have three disasters coming this year.
And they're not just any disasters.
They're life-or-death situations
and there's three of them.
What should I do?
I'll do anything you tell me to.
Please, help me.
You can't ward off major disasters
with talismans. You need something bigger.
Money? How much?
-Ask him.
Not money!
-A person.
-A person?
A human sacrifice.
Someone to ward off your misfortune!
A person.
Lucky for you, you do have
someone near you who can
ward off your misfortune.
Who is it?
Han Jae-hui of the Major Crimes
Investigation Division Seven.
Come on.
What? You're going to die
before your time without her.
Before my time?
Give Ms. Han back
the case you took from her.
If you don't,
that case will act as a conduit
for ghosts to haunt you.
They will be vicious.
What exactly did
Jung Cheong-gi tell you to do?
He told me to switch
the killer's DNA sample
that we collected from the scene
of Prosecutor Han's murder
for Choi Yeong-seop's,
and to lie that Inspector Nam bribed me.
Why did you confess?
I've never had
a good night's sleep since that day.
I did it to pay
for my mother's hospital bills,
but I shouldn't have.
I couldn't take doing his bidding anymore,
so I quit the force and came clean
to the Prosecutor's Office,
but they were in on it too.
I've been to see Mr. Gu Jong-man.
The man who actually killed
Prosecutor Han…
Where is his DNA sample now?
Do you think I'd be alive right now
if I still had it?
I got rid of it a long time ago,
that's how I'm still breathing.
The man who told you
to frame Mr. Nam and Mr. Gong
is in the police, right?
I thought about why
Mr. Gu went to the Prosecution
and there was only one answer.
There's someone higher ranked
than you in the force.
Am I wrong?
So what? What difference does it make?
That high-ranking man
has already kicked the bucket.
Are you afraid that
it might happen to you too?
Do you think you'll be safe
if you keep your mouth shut?
Just tell us everything
and apply for witness protection.
That's how you can stop them
from coming after you.
I'll wind up dead
in a ditch somewhere if I did that.
I will never let that happen. I promise.
Call me if you make up your mind.
I promise that I'll protect you.
This is the first time I've heard that.
I'm sorry I can't be of help.
Mr. Gu doesn't seem to know anything
about who's behind this.
I don't think Jung Cheong-gi
is going to crack either.
Yes, Mr. Jang.
Lieutenant Han.
Come to the station right now.
The Chief's looking for you.
Do you think he knows
that we've been doing this?
We'll have to see.
So you want me to take back
the Gu Tae-su case?
Yes, I told you.
And make sure your team stays quiet,
so the word doesn't get out.
You have to be
the one to work on the case.
You can't let anyone else do it.
Never. Got it?
you suspended me.
Oh, that? I was just trying to scare you!
But can I ask you a question, though?
Why do you want me to investigate it
in secret and not officially?
Because it'd look bad.
I'm the Chief of Police.
I can't just go changing
my mind willy-nilly.
How would that affect my authority?
That's not a great picture.
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Goodness. Mr. Shaman.
I was careless.
You think Mr. Nam persuaded the Chief?
But how?
I'm not so sure.
I've never seen you
smile like that before.
Mr. Nam isn't the one
who's there for you at your side,
but it looks like you rely on him
more than me these days.
I'm a little hurt.
It's not like that…
To tell you the truth,
I didn't understand him before.
I kept going over to see him,
so he could at least make his excuses,
but he didn't even let me see him.
So I got disappointed and resented him.
I had a grudge against him.
I thought Jae-jeong and I were
terrible judges of character.
That must have been because
he didn't want to involve you
when you were Prosecutor Han's sister.
I understand now,
so I feel bad about how I resented him.
I can't help but sympathize
with the pain he must have endured alone.
So I can't help but think about him and…
That I'll fail to protect them again.
I might endanger the people I love again.
I feel so scared about that.
I mean,
I want to be there for him, by his side.
I get it.
Let's catch the killer
and clear Mr. Nam's name.
Then you can put him out of your mind.
I don't want him
to fight alone anymore.
I think I need to go see Mr. Nam.
Don't go, Ms. Han.
What I meant was…
That might put all of us in danger.
I know.
But that's my job.
He's a citizen who's been wronged,
and I'm a detective
whose job is to protect people like him.
Leave the exciting stuff to me
like bending and breaking the rules,
and just keep being
a good cop as you always have.
Everyone who might
know something are all dead.
You got the case back to Ms. Han,
so what's our next move?
We take the bull by the horns.
We'll use Park Jin-sang
to get to Chairman Park Dong-gi.
Park Dong-gi the chairman
of Choekang Insurance?
I already got it all on camera.
Hye-jun. We need to go to the café.
Yes, I want coffee.
-Yes, right.
My goodness.
Good luck. Cheers.
Those idiots…
Can we talk?
I don't have anything to say to you.
But I do.
Why? Are you going to arrest me again?
You just can't leave me be, can you?
Mr. Nam.
Let's catch the killer together.
I want to join you.
No more rules or procedures.
I'm pretty good
at bending and breaking the rules too.
So, let's work together.
I don't want you using me.
If you don't cooperate
with the investigation,
I'll arrest you for illegally gathering
personal information
and for concealing evidence.
Are you kidding me?
Fine. Arrest me!
I've got nothing to lose!
Hey, are you really arresting me?
Mr. Nam.
Stop running away.
When did I do that?
I'm not running.
Come on, take this off. It hurts.
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong
was your best friend, wasn't he?
You're pretending to be a shaman
to catch the man who framed you
and killed your friend.
Who are you?
Who are you to bring up Jae-jeong?
Han Jae-jeong's sister.
Let's work together
to catch my brother's killer
I heard Director Gu was
still at the station.
Why haven't you handled this already?
-What's Division Seven's problem?
-Lieutenant Han? Why?
You've made things very awkward
for me, Chief Kim.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
Cooperation? I refuse.
The list of Joyce Entertainment's
secret investors.
So this person is…
So the demoness that Gu Tae-su works for…
Auntie Im.
"Auntie Im"?
He was cleaning up after them.
How can I get him when he's
just about to get caught in the web?
We need to wait until he's trapped.
He's the type who will do
whatever it takes to root out
anything that gets in his way.
Detective Han?
Nam Han-jun…
He must be here.
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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