Call It Love (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Are you working?
I'm in the office.
She said not to tell you,
but how could I not?
CEO Shin caused some trouble.
He went to see Minyoung
about the investment funds,
and Ms. Sim got hurt.
Who got hurt?
Sim Woojoo.
She got hit by a rock instead of Minyoung.
I'm on my way to the hospital,
so you should come too.
Hey, hey, hey, calm down!
-Let me go!
-Calm down.
-Come on…
We're at a hospital. Not now.
How much more should I let slide? Huh?
How much more?
I didn't want to get back at you
like you did with me.
And I certainly didn't want
to stoop down to your level!
That's why I didn't even deal with you.
But I let it slide too much, didn't I?
How could you
throw a rock at someone?
What kind of grudge
could make you do something like that?
I have no excuses.
Of course you don't!
Hey, stop it!
Just calm down!
I'm so sorry.
Just look at his face.
Does he look like he's all there?
I'm not telling you
to let it slide forever.
Let him come to his senses,
then go pick a bone with him.
You rushed all the way here
worrying about her,
so why waste your energy on him?
How badly is she hurt?
Thankfully, there is nothing wrong
with her eye.
But above the eyebrow here,
she got five stitches.
Go see her.
I'll take care of this.
Well, you were incredibly lucky.
You know what?
I told her to sue you for assault.
But Ms. Sim says she doesn't want to.
I'm not going to sue him.
But, why not?
I don't think you understand,
but you're quite hurt.
It's enough that he didn't run away.
I've checked everything
that I needed to check.
She says, having seen
how you couldn't even run away
and how you were trembling
even more than her,
she could tell
that you are not a bold man.
And that you probably
couldn't even try to take revenge…
No way.
What about all those years
Dongjin and I suffered from you?
I don't agree with her,
but I just said okay.
So come on!
Let's just end this
cursed relationship already!
We shouldn't be
running into each other anymore!
If there's a lawsuit,
we'll have to see each other again.
Just go.
Leave now and let's never
see each other again.
I'm sorry.
I've been living
like a crazy person
as if I was possessed by something,
and I ended up coming this far.
I wanted to stop, but…
I didn't know what else to do with life.
I'm so terribly sorry.
I'm sorry.
Does it hurt?
Not really.
I mean, I was an athlete.
I didn't dodge it on purpose.
I thought this needed to happen to end it.
If it didn't,
I thought he'd cause a bigger scene.
I'm sorry.
For what?
when I said I wanted you
to live a comfortable life,
I really meant it.
I went there to tell you that.
It was my bad.
Ms. Sim.
The rock…
It struck you in the head, right?
When did you learn how to joke?
I'm not joking.
You should get it checked again.
Of course, it's a joke.
Let's just…
have an ordinary conversation.
About nothing too special.
And crack a few jokes too.
And stop saying sorry.
I'm sick of it.
I've said it too many times,
and I've heard it too many times.
I'm hungry.
You said we should have
an ordinary conversation.
What are you going to tell your family?
I'll just tell them that I fell.
They wouldn't really believe me,
but they'd know
that I don't want to tell them.
And that I'll tell them
when the time comes.
They'd let it slide like that.
We pretend like we don't notice things
about each other and just let it go.
It became a habit at some point,
so we don't have deep conversations.
Can I…
Can I go fetch my brother's things?
Should I just send Jigu?
You don't have to do that anymore.
Feeling people out, I mean.
If you want to come, you can come anytime.
I'll be waiting.
I'll contact you.
You can go.
I'll stay here.
You should go.
Stop drinking.
And when you're better,
then we can go get tea
or drinks or whatever.
Where are you? Did you go home?
I'm about to sleep.
You must have been shocked. Rest well.
And don't drink.
Hey, what happened to you?
What happened to your face?
I was distracted by my phone and fell.
You fell and tore up your skin?
There's a bruise too.
Did someone hit you?
Who would hit me?
How should I know?
Come on, just let it slide.
Don't ask anymore.
Something definitely happened,
but you won't say anything?
It's about that guy then?
Hmm? What happened?
Did he find out who you are
and throw a rock at you or something?
He's not like that.
He's nice and gentle.
He's a good person.
Are you trying
to turn me into a walking bomb?
If you keep on doing this,
there's no telling who I'll explode on.
Then don't explode.
Don't do anything, like right now.
And just wait.
I'll sort it out on my own
when the time comes.
There are just things that cannot happen!
Get a hold of yourself!
What can't happen?
Why does she need to get a hold…
What's with your forehead?
Did you get hurt?
I fell.
Did you go to the hospital?
Go to…
Go to the hospital.
The pharmacy can't handle everything.
Okay, I'll do that.
I'm sure this wasn't the context.
What is it, you two? What's the secret?
If you're curious,
ask your amazing sister.
He seems angry for real.
Is it something serious?
All right then.
I don't know what it is…
…but don't bottle it up
and make up with him soon, okay?
Aren't you going to work?
Hurry up and eat.
I'm not crossing the line
that you're thinking of.
I can't cross it.
So don't worry too much about it.
Just trust her.
You have no choice but to trust her.
I'll be out on an errand.
Let's get lunch together.
It's on me.
They're both going to be back
in the afternoon.
Tell them to hurry back.
Hey, over here!
You were in a meeting,
and I was getting back from Ilsan,
and then I got a call from Ms. Baek.
She says Director Kim is in the office.
You get it?
As soon as CEO Shin
shut down the exhibition,
he apparently ran straight here.
He must have grilled him so much.
He got all his money back.
They're number one in the industry,
so the promotion will
definitely be decent.
There's no downside for us.
Honestly, it's good.
It just doesn't feel good.
We should take the offer, right?
Did you have lunch?
Not yet.
Then go and eat first. I have plans.
What are you talking about?
What about Director Kim?
He's been there since morning.
Let him wait.
It doesn't matter if he leaves.
Hey, Dongjin…
I've waited in front of
Director Kim's office for five hours once.
I just suddenly remembered that.
I did that out of spite.
Is it petty?
You have two hours and 30 minutes to go,
to make it a full five hours.
A neighborhood granny used
to say this like a broken record.
"People have to die
to experience the afterlife."
There's no way of knowing it before.
He has to experience the agony
to understand what it feels like.
Let him suffer.
So it wasn't my fault
for stupidly waiting for him?
It's definitely not your fault.
Let's have some coffee
and take a walk, too.
Two iced Americanos, please.
You said this before.
I make it easy for them,
so I get sucker-punched.
And what else did you say?
This is why you get stabbed in the back.
You always make yourself look easy.
So why did you stupidly put up
with it for a whole year?
So what if he's handsome?
He's carrying his grim feelings
on his back.
I hate that it looks dumb.
I'm not blaming you or anything.
I just remembered that.
I should go now.
There's still an hour left.
This is enough. Let's go.
Don't do it if you don't want to.
I'm not telling you
to give back as much as you suffered.
Don't force yourself to do it.
Do whatever your heart tells you.
You don't have to do it
if you don't feel like it,
but if you want to, do it.
That's the right thing.
They've lost their minds.
Darn it.
Gosh, I always thought
the dormant Baekdusan Mountain
would erupt faster than you.
You beat Baekdusan Mountain today.
I didn't want it either.
I was just going along with it
because of you.
By the way, are you really Han Dongjin?
Do I seem different?
Then I guess not.
I see you went by the house.
It must be one of the two.
Either my son is a pushover
or the sisters have dirt on you.
Do you have to be so…
I didn't want to live alone,
so I asked them to live with me.
I tell them they don't have to,
but they insist on paying rent
and living expenses every month.
If you want me to believe
what you're saying,
then you need to answer one question.
Is it the younger one you call a friend,
or is it the older one
that you lied to us about?
Which one of the two are you seeing?
If that's not the case,
it doesn't make any sense.
That's what you think.
Don't you even think about
giving me neither as an answer.
It's neither.
Actually, I've never
thought of them like that.
To me, they're just…
They're just like air.
I can't survive without them,
and it feels natural
for them to be around.
And you probably don't know this,
but I get lonely easily.
I don't like being alone.
You can think of it like I'm suffering
from lack of affection or something.
Who do you take after
to be so sentimental about everything?
If you don't want to be alone,
get married.
Or look into going on arranged dates.
-Your sister and brother--
-You can stop there.
I completely understand
what you're trying to say,
so I'll think about it
seriously from now on.
About which one of them I like.
There's nothing more to say, right?
There's a place where they rent out
school uniforms near the subway station.
Uh, it's the weekend though.
Won't there be a lot of people?
If we dress like this and
post the pictures on our couple's account,
it'll be a total blowout.
I bet it will.
Do you not want to?
It's not that I don't want to.
I mean…
Let's do it. I think it'll be fun.
Don't we have to go a bit further?
Let's just get off.
Are you mad at me?
I'm really not mad at you.
Can't you just tell me honestly?
You don't like theme parks.
You think they're childish, right?
Then let's go where you want to go.
Don't pretend to
like the things that I like.
No, it's not that.
I wasn't pretending at all.
Are you angry?
Let's take the next bus and go.
Let's go and put on school uniforms.
And should we wear headbands too?
You're doing it again.
You pretend to like it.
Just stop it.
Haesung, every time you do this,
it all feels fake.
What do you mean?
I don't know.
I just said that out of frustration.
But I think I do mean it.
Your laugh and happy face all seem fake.
It's confusing.
Uncle Daehong has gotten old.
Here's your coffee.
The stitches are out.
If I take good care of it,
it won't leave a scar.
I can go to the hospital on my own now.
You don't have to do it
if you don't feel like it,
but if you want to, do it.
That's the right thing.
Do whatever your heart tells you.
Do you want to go camping with me?
I'll spend the night
and come back tomorrow.
If you're uncomfortable,
we can come back at night.
I don't mind spending the night there.
It's camping,
so we should spend the night.
I think it's my first time
seeing you drive.
You don't remember?
It's the second time.
When I took you to CEO Shin's company,
and I suspected you as a spy.
It seems so distant.
For me, it's not.
Maybe that's because I've never had
someone read me like a book before.
It's so vivid for me.
You'd like me to admit it, wouldn't you?
It'd be less painful to be betrayed
by the part-timer
who's worked for only three months
than to be betrayed
by the people you've trusted for years.
I haven't gone camping in a while.
Has it been three years?
There was a time when I would go
whenever I had the chance.
Whether it was the weekend or the weekday.
We broke up at the camping site.
I knew she had someone else.
I don't know
why we ended things like that.
Come to think of it,
it didn't help either of us.
That was the day…
I hated myself the most.
So I couldn't go camping again.
If I went,
I would have to face my worst self.
Why are you going today?
I wanted to go with you.
Han Dongjin.
One iced Americano,
and a regular Americano, please.
I like that face.
What face?
The face you make
when you're not making any effort.
Make that face more often.
Don't smile when you don't feel like it
or pretend to be happy.
You'll be comfortable then.
If you're uncomfortable,
you can't call it dating.
That's just work.
This is my first time
saying something like this,
so I don't even know where to begin.
I'll be brave and try to say it.
The theme park is not the problem.
I am.
I don't really feel comfortable
in a place that's closed off and crowded.
If I take medicine, it does get better.
But I wasn't sure
if I'll feel okay the whole time.
It's been two months
since I started having these symptoms.
Was it…
Ma'am, please calm down,
and let's just talk.
You could say
that getting hit in front of people
and being humiliated
is not a big deal…
But you only see that on TV.
Not a lot of people
actually experience that.
I'm the only one who experienced
something like that, that I know of.
You don't have to smile.
It was difficult.
It was enough to keep me awake
for many nights.
Every time I thought about it,
I felt ashamed.
To be honest…
I hit on you, determined to make you mine.
I hoped that if I meet a new person
and started dating again…
it would make people think
that the whole thing wasn't a big deal.
I used you.
I'm sorry.
I had no idea…
I must have seemed like a child to you.
You're a man.
Not a child.
How's it coming along?
It's good.
Ms. Sim.
Just leave it. I'll do it.
Yes, just relax.
I'm not used to just relaxing.
I feel more comfortable doing things.
Were you surprised?
I was, briefly.
Now I'm feeling great.
Your tent is still there as it is.
I didn't put it away.
I mean, I did clean it once in a while.
I really hoped you'd come back one day
since you loved it so much.
And you're finally here.
Dust them off today and air them out.
They must've been suffocating.
All right.
Do you need a hand?
Don't you need to just take it off?
No, I can do it on my own.
Over there too?
Should we order more?
I'm full.
You didn't eat much, though.
No, I had enough.
Actually, I already feel full
without even eating.
-I'll be right back.
Today's not good.
Are there a lot of people there?
My girlfriend told me about
her being sick today.
So I can't really tell her
that I'm going to go gaming.
She's not that sick.
You know how some people look healthy,
but they take meds?
Something like that.
So you guys go first.
I'll finish this up
in an hour and join you.
I only need one hour.
The person
you're trying to reach is not available…
Good timing, I wanted a drink.
What happened?
You need to tell me so I can comfort you.
You know that's my specialty.
It was…
my first time telling anyone
about me taking medication.
And he told his friend…
as if it's nothing.
What a jerk.
I feel so humiliated.
It's all right.
It's okay.
There, there. It's okay.
Is this fun for you?
Setting it up and taking it down.
It just looks like work.
There are people who do this for fun,
and there are people who do it to rest.
I started camping
because I wanted to rest.
I have so many thoughts
running through my head
when I lie in bed wanting to rest.
But when you're camping,
nothing gets done
if you don't move your body.
You have to build a shelter,
and you have to make food.
When you make yourself busy like that,
you can rest from your thoughts.
Your mouth can rest,
and your eyes can rest too,
looking at nature.
For me,
there was no rest quite like this.
In Seosan,
there's a campsite
with a long forest trail.
That's my favorite place.
Let's go there
together another time.
We'll see.
I didn't say I like camping yet.
Well, it's pretty nice so far.
You could've come up.
No need for that.
Take this. It's porridge.
I didn't say I was sick.
Like you didn't pick up
the phone and talk like you were dying.
Don't drink on an empty stomach,
at least eat some porridge.
You should be telling me not to drink.
Hey, I can't tell you to stop drinking.
I'm just your friend.
Not your family or your boyfriend.
So just this is appropriate,
don't you think?
-All right.
That's abalone rice porridge, king-size.
Make sure you eat it all.
Go on up. I'll go.
-Take care on your way back.
-All right.
-The person you're trying to reach…
The number you dialed is turned off.
Please record a message after the beep…
Why isn't anyone picking up?
I just arrived in Seoul.
Let's have dinner, so hurry back home.
This is driving me crazy, seriously.
Gosh, they're driving me crazy.
They should've told me
they changed the lock.
Excuse me. Who are you?
And why are you asking that?
Because you're standing
in front of my house.
What nonsense are you talking about?
Are you drunk?
How is this your house? This is my house.
-Do you have a heatstroke?
-Just keep walking, will you?
Look here, lady…
Mom, wait. We need to talk.
This isn't our house anymore.
She said not to come in.
She said she'd kill us.
You should've answered your phones.
What were you doing?
If we had, would it have changed anything?
Mom, I'll carry it.
Let's just go home.
Hurry up.
You three.
You're orphans from now on.
Consider me dead.
We're sorry.
We'll never do something like that again.
We're sorry.
I'm sorry.
You know how sometimes
you can tell a lot about someone
just by the way they walk?
I can tell you won't
go down no matter what.
There are so many stories there
that are way worse than yours.
I just wish
you could live comfortably
in your own place.
It's definitely not your fault.
Don't do it if you don't want to.
Do whatever your heart tells you.
You don't have to do it
if you don't feel like it,
but if you want to, do it.
I put away the tent that I'd
abandoned like an island for a long time.
I feel light-hearted.
If I hadn't met you,
I would've still been trapped
on that island.
Thank you for helping me escape.
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