Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10


Would you like some tea?
Sure. Thanks.
How's college going?
Fine, thanks.
And you?
Uh, yeah. Good.
Do you take milk?
Shall we sit?
Thanks for coming.
I've I've been wondering
what you've been thinking.
Like, is there something
you want out of this?
I don't really think that
I've been thinking
about it like that.
I, um
There's no plan,
if that's what you mean.
- Right.
- Yeah, that's what Nick said,
but I wanted
to hear it from you.
Nick likes to tell people
what they want to hear.
Does he?
That's not
your experience of him?
Right. You want to keep it
between the two of you.
Um, is it difficult
for you that I know?
A little.
You know, I did this to him.
He was depressed and
I dealt with that by having
an affair with his best friend.
So, maybe I don't have the right
to feel so betrayed.
He wouldn't have been able
to fuck any of my friends.
That would have been
terrifying for him, but
him fucking
a 21-year-old behind my back
has definitely caused some pain.
Do you Do you understand
why I feel so betrayed, Frances?
Of course. Yeah.
I feel like
I encouraged a friendship
between the two of you.
And then you started fucking.
And I can't even fight with him.
It's like he's
pathologically passive.
Lately, I've gotten so used
to thinking of him as
as pathetic.
I didn't even know
he had this in him.
Yeah, I'm not really
sure why I'm here.
What do you want me
to say to that?
Nick and I are
talking again, properly.
I've realized that
I don't want to leave him.
And he has said that
he doesn't want to leave me.
But I'm not asking him
to stop seeing you either.
He says he loves you.
And, um, and I don't know
I don't know if he still
loves me, which is, uh
But things are better
between us now.
Um, things have been better.
He's happier.
And, um, presumably
you are the cause of that.
And that, that is always what
I said I wanted, his happiness.
And now, um,
now I know that's true.
So I'd like
to figure out a way
to make it work between us.
Three of us.
I don't know.
Maybe we could all have dinner.
I'll invite Bobbi.

Okay. Hit me.
It was weird.
I mean, it felt like
I don't know.
She really wanted me to know
that she'd had an affair first.
Like this was just some,
like, "revenge" thing
between them
and that she's
permitting us to be together.
- Okay.
- But what'd she actually say?
That I made him better.
And that she wanted
to find a way to make it work.
Well, I mean,
that's incredibly generous.
Yeah, no, I know it is.
But it felt hostile.
Well, obviously
it felt hostile.
You're sleeping
with her husband.
But if she's saying
she wants to make it work,
especially when it hurts her,
it's kind of amazing, right?
No, yeah. Yeah, you're right.
Anyway, she wants us all
to have dinner.
You too.
Great. Can't wait.
I'd love to help you all figure
out your very complicated feelings.
So it went okay.
I think so.
Thank you for talking to her.
I know this is strange.

How is she?
She's okay.
She's trying.
So this is still an affair?
Um, maybe.
God, I don't really know.

- Hi, Bobbi.
- Hello, you.
- It's good to see you. Hi.
- You too.
- Hey, how are you?
- Bobbi.
- Nicholas.
- Hey.
- Wine.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey.
Um, should we, uh, have drinks?
- Yeah.
- Yes, please.
- Smells delicious.
- Thank you.
We had a lot of
menu discussions.
This is uncharted territory.
Certainly is.
Oh, okay.
Uh, Bobbi,
you can sit next to me.
Uh, Frances
and Nick over there.
Does everyone
have their wine glasses?
- Yes.
- Yeah.
Who wants to say grace?
Thanks. I tried.
- You did.
- Yeah.
- Do your homework.
- That's cute.
Of course not,
but I will get it done.
How is college going?
- Thank you.
- My final year, I was so stressed.
- Yeah, it is intense.
- Yeah.
Think all of university
was too intense for me.
Well, that's because you were
sleeping with one of your teachers.
You slept with your tutor?
Um, yeah. My professor.
- Shit.
- Was she old?
- Frances.
- What?
Forty-five. Is that old?
When you're 19, it is.
Jesus, Nick.
So what happened?
Nothing, really.
And I struggled to end it.
She was pretty certain
at carrying on, I guess.
That's pretty wild.
I don't know what's happening.
You used
to be good at this, Nick.
- I'm gone.
- You are shit.
Bobbi, I'm impressed.
Not as a person. It's a game.
I don't understand.
Are you writing, Frances?
Oh, yeah.
Kind of. Not really.
I'm working
on this thing about my dad.
He died two years ago,
and I don't know,
suddenly he's all
I want to write about.
You getting angry?
He was an alcoholic.
Nick told me
that your dad is too.
- Shoot. Shoot.
- I'm trying.
- I'm trying.
- Okay.
It's interesting.
- No!
- No!
Mm. Just killed
your husband, innit?
This feels weird.
I know.
I don't know why
she'd want to do this.
It's not easy for anyone.
Hello. This is Dennis Flynn.
I can't take your call right
- Morning.
- Morning.
Sorry. Uh, yes, please.
Frances Flynn?
Um, do you need
anything else from me or
No, you're fine.
Once the results are in,
we'll be in touch
to confirm your appointment
with the consultant.
- Okay. Thank you.
- Okay?
Saw my sister and Rachel today.
How was that?
She always makes my day.
Is it weird to be
jealous of a baby?
Would you still find me
attractive if I was pregnant?
Yeah, I think so.
Maybe even more attractive.
In a fetishistic way?
Guess I'm more aware
of pregnant women
than I was ten years ago.
I feel like I can imagine myself
doing nice things for them.
It's definitely a fetish.
I mean, more like
cooking them meals.
But, yeah
If you were pregnant, I'd
still find you very attractive.
I love you.
I love you.
- I'm gonna get lunch.
- Wanna come?
I've made something at home.
You still broke?
I'll pay.
Thanks. I'm fine.
See ya.
What's the magazine?
The Stinging Fly.
It's brilliant.
It's the first short story
I've ever written.
That's wildly intimidating.
Well, the editor
has some revisions
or, like, suggestions, but
I'm getting paid, Nick.
An advance, like my own money.
Fucking published.
Here you go.
What's it about?
It's kind of about Bobbi.
Like explicitly or
Um, pretty much, yeah.
Have you told her?
Not yet.
Will she be flattered?
I don't know.
I mean,
it's about our breakup, so.
You should tell her.
Yeah, I will.
You have one new voice message.
I just wanna
tell you that, um
I can't
I can't
I can't do this anymore.
The mobile customer
you are calling
is not accessible
at the moment.
Hi, Frances.
Mom. Hi.
You okay?
Yeah. Um, just, Dad, um
I had a really weird voice mail
from him there.
When?-Uh, yesterday.
I only listened to it now, um
He sounded bad.
I'll call you back.-FRANCES: Okay.
Yeah, I don't think so, Olivia.
- Hey.
- Hey.
They're both
just really stressed.
It's not fair, though.
No, Dad should really stay
somewhere else for now.
He's suffering.
Your uncle's with him.
He's fine.
What happened?
It just got to be
a bit too much for him.
And, you know,
he's not well, Frances.
I'm not gonna lie to you,
but he's safe.
Should I call him?
I-I think leave it
for now, sweetheart.
He's being looked after.
Is it just the drinking?
I don't know, but the main
thing is he's-he's alright.
I'm just sorry
you had to hear him like that.
Well, I'll call you
if there's any updates, okay?
Okay. -PAULA: Mind yourself.
Hey. There's coffee.
Thank you.
Did you sleep okay?
Uh, not good.
I was up late
being my dad's therapist.
So how's
it going with you guys?
- Uh it's
- Yeah, it's going great.
Go on.
What's her name again?
- You remember her name, Bobbi.
- I really don't.
It's Camille.
Got it. Camille.
Are you officially
a couple or
- Oh, my God.
- What?
- "Officially a couple"?
- It's a legitimate question.
What year is it?
Are we seriously talking
about relationships like this?
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, Camille.
Hi, Bobbi.
Aideen needs to know,
are you and Philip exclusive?
Oh, my God.
Is that a trick question?
- Bobbi.
- Are you and Andrew monogamous?
Yes, we are.
And I'm really happy with that.
That's good to know.
No, I-I do think
that some people
are naturally
non-monogamous, though.
No sexual orientation
is natural or unnatural.
Monogamy is designed to serve
the needs of men
and patrilineal societies
to make sure they can pass off
property to their genetic offspring.
- Alright.
- Thanks for clearing that up.
Non-monogamy could be based
on a completely different model.
- Spontaneous consent.
- Yes!
Right. And what is that
in the real world?
Okay, patriarchy aside,
I do think that some people just
prefer to be with one person.
- Great.
- So they're both legitimate.
Yeah, but monogamy
has somehow become the default.
Commitment should be based on
desire and choice and honesty.
Okay, but if we just put
theory aside for a second,
I just don't think it's really possible
to love more than one person.
You know?
Like, with all your heart,
to really love them.
I'm just trying to figure out if you
were your parents' favorite child
or least favorite child.
Both can be taxing.
- I'm an only child.
- Hmm.
They couldn't
have had any more.
There wasn't room
in their hearts.
It's not really the same
with children, though, is it?
No. Obviously not.
Well, that depends whether you
believe in some trans historic
and culturally consistent
concept of romantic love.
I guess we all believe
in silly things, don't we?
I liked your
"spontaneous content."
You shouldn't punch down,
Bobbi, it's not nice.
I think they'll be
very happy together.
I feel like shit.
Just all this stuff at home.
My dad is
so upset.
You think you're the kind of
person that can deal with something
and then it happens and
you realize
you aren't actually.
What's he doing?
It's not just him, but
he's not really
handling the divorce.
And he's trying to play us
against each other.
I think Mom's just gonna
go back to the States.
And I'll be here with him.
I didn't know you were
going through all this.
Everyone's always going
through something, aren't they?
Just life, basically.
Just more and more
stuff to go through.
You have all that shit going on
with your dad
that you never talk about.
Nobody's going through nothing.
I didn't mean to be
such a dick in there.
You don't need to apologize.
I know.
Should we go back upstairs?

Take this pink ribbon
off my eyes ♪
I'm exposed
and it's no big surprise ♪
Don't you thinkl know exactly where I stand? ♪
This world is forcing me ♪
To hold your hand ♪
'Cause I'm just a girl ♪
Little old me ♪
Well, don't let me
out of your sight ♪
I'm just a girl ♪
All pretty and petite ♪
So don't let me have ♪
Any rights ♪
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