Conviction (2016) s01e10 Episode Script

Not Okay

1 Previously on "Conviction" Today, our city begins a new era of justice.
Wallace's golden boy.
I took your job.
Yes, you did.
- Call me Frankie.
- I'm in charge of forensics.
Tess our paralegal.
Maxine Bohen lead investigator.
I'd forgotten what a good dancer you are.
I haven't forgotten kicking your ass in court.
You have no idea what that situation was like for me.
- [Gunshot.]
- I was right there.
George had a gun 2 feet from my face.
I told you you'd be good at this.
And I told you I'm dangerous.
I'm coming after your cases, too.
I'd expect nothing less.
She's stubborn, reactionary, fearless.
I've never met anyone else like her.
Next time you want to check up on me, find a different spy.
Maxine: The guy you put away he works in the city.
He has a coffee cart.
Hayes: You seen him since he got out? Seek absolution on your own time.
Hey, Small Coffee, Maple Scone.
Oh, I got into forensics when I was locked up.
Pretty cool, you know, using science to uncover the truth.
Not a scotch fan? - I'm a drug addict.
- Interesting.
Wallace: I've hired outside counsel Naomi Golden.
Hayes: She's my ex-girlfriend.
Mine, too.
Lately you've seemed a little off, showing up late.
- I told you I had a meeting.
- Okay.
I'm not cleaning up your mess again.
Does it freak you out? Committing to someone? I know it used to, but what about now? Depends on the person, I guess.
Sounds like things are getting serious between you and Naomi.
Big step, her moving to New York.
Wallace: Earl Slavitt Shot and killed an assistant U.
attorney, a man named Tom Simon.
You want someone to suffer for what happened to your friend.
- Yes.
He was murdered.
- Not by me.
Hayes: Wallace, you have to stop that execution.
He used Harold to pin the whole thing on Earl.
[Knock on door.]
Wallace: Hayes? Open the door.
I knew I couldn't do this job.
I told you.
You wanted the truth, and I found it.
Earl was innocent.
And he he died anyway.
I couldn't save him.
Open the door.
What? Just looking at you.
Stop it.
[Elevator bell dings.]
Excuse me, miss.
- You're back.
- Congratulations.
- On what? - Your mom's election.
She's in D.
What about you? You okay? Why wouldn't I be? Our next case Sophie Hausen.
Because Earl Slavitt was executed.
After we proved he was innocent.
Is this where I eyeball you all with concern and ask if you're okay? We didn't meet Earl or spend any time with him.
He was a lovely man.
Sophie Hausen, serving a life sentence for the murder of college basketball star Travis Carter.
I know the case.
She had motive, no alibi, her DNA was on the murder weapon.
Why do you think it's a wrongful conviction? I don't I just don't think that a college student who loses her virginity while unconscious should be locked up for killing her rapist.
So now you're pro-vigilante? Usually Sam's territory, I know, but if the state can execute an innocent man, why shouldn't a rape victim take justice into her own hands? The system let Sophie down.
How do we know that Travis Carter raped her? NYPD investigated.
There was no charges filed.
No charges filed doesn't mean no crime occurred.
Yes, but an accusation of rape isn't proof of rape.
I hate to say this, but five years working sex crimes taught me that both men and women lie.
The university investigated, too.
Found no credible evidence of They had Sophie's testimony.
Where she has no memory of anything that happened in the bedroom.
Which seems to suggest she was raped.
- I'm with Tess.
- It doesn't.
Look, Hayes, Earl was innocent.
No matter how sympathetic you are to Sophie, her situation is not the same.
Getting raped, it doesn't give you a free pass to murder the person who did it.
Unless we can prove jury bias, judicial overreach any other legal technicality.
We're gonna do whatever it takes to get this woman out of prison.
- Choose a case? - Sophie Hausen.
Still shying away from controversy, I see.
- How are you? - I'm fine.
Why does everyone keep asking me that? Because they're concerned about you.
Maybe some time off wouldn't be the worst idea.
Justice doesn't take a break.
Why should I? Okay.
That was easy.
Was I going to change your mind? No.
Then why argue? How's Naomi? She's fine.
We decided to take a break.
Too much on my plate right now.
This isn't because we What happens in Indiana stays in Indiana.
Go battle injustice.
Just take care of yourself.
Travis was like a rock star on campus.
He was charming and funny and so cute.
I couldn't believe it when he asked me out.
Of all the girls on campus, Travis Carter picked me.
What happened once you got to the party? He brought me a punch, and he kept refilling it.
I didn't realize how strong it was.
Travis and I were dancing, and I started to feel dizzy, sleepy.
The next thing I remember was waking up in his bed naked.
bleeding in pain.
At first, I didn't tell anyone.
I wanted to pretend like it hadn't happened.
But then I realized I had to report it.
No one believed me.
Everywhere on campus, people called me a liar.
His teammates harassed me.
The university let him keep playing basketball.
I was a pariah.
So you got revenge.
No, I didn't kill him.
- Makes no difference to me.
- Why? Because Travis was a criminal, and criminals deserve to be punished.
I won't argue Travis didn't deserve what happened to him, but I did not shoot him.
I need you to believe me.
Well, that would be easier if your DNA wasn't on the murder weapon.
Well, I was in Travis' room.
Maybe it transferred from something that I touched.
The gun used to kill Travis was the same make and model as the one you bought a month after your rape.
That wasn't my gun in Travis' room.
Which we can't prove, because the serial number was filed off.
If you want to convince me, tell me how to find your gun.
Go to the bottom of the East River.
I threw it off the Queensboro Bridge weeks before Travis was shot.
Why would you buy a gun only to throw it away almost immediately afterwards? I didn't get it to kill him.
I got it to kill myself.
Thank God that I finally went to the rape crisis center.
I got counseling, and that helped me realize that what Travis did to me was not my fault, no matter how much I drank or whether I thought he was cute or not.
But I did not murder him.
No, please! All I have left is the truth.
Tell me that you believe me.
I believe you don't belong in here.
And I'm going to find a way to get you out.
[Door opens.]
Got to work later than usual today.
You checking up on me? Yeah.
I'm not gonna let you get in trouble again.
I had breakfast with my sponsor.
I'm going to meetings, I'm working the program.
So you're clean? Should I pee in a cup? Max, I'm trying to help you.
I'm worried.
I really appreciate it, but this is my problem, and I will handle it, okay? Okay.
Here you go.
Sophie Hausen murdered Travis Carter.
I'm sure of it.
Why? No one saw her at the frat house that night.
We know she was there.
Her DNA was on the murder weapon, which matches the gun that she purchased, except for the conveniently filed-off serial numbers.
I understand you were also the detective on Sophie's sexual-assault case? Yeah, I did the prelim on Sophie's complaint.
Whether there was an assault, none of us will ever know.
Don't get me wrong.
Sophie was very upset.
She felt violated.
But as a cop trying to build a case, didn't have a lot to go on.
She didn't come forward for two weeks.
That's not uncommon.
No, but it erases any physical evidence.
Bruises are long gone, drugs will be out of the system.
It doesn't mean she wasn't drugged.
You know when Sophie reported Travis Carter raped her? After several friends told her they'd heard Carter joking about her being a lousy lay.
And you think that motivated Sophie's accusations? It's possible.
I mean, look, we're talking about college kids here.
They don't always have a sense of proportion on anything they do or say.
[Clears throat.]
Travis Carter was a complete jerk to women, but we couldn't prove he was a rapist.
Sophie Hausen, on the other hand her DNA's on the murder weapon.
Your friend was downstairs looking for you.
What are you doing here? Thanks.
Um, since you haven't been by lately, I figured I'd bring the truck to you maple scone and all.
So nice.
Thank you.
Uh, look, it's been cool texting with you, especially during the Giants games.
- Um - [Chuckles.]
I was wondering if you maybe want to go to Jersey for a game or catch a movie.
Oh, I, um Look, no pressure.
It's just I like you.
And I'd like to get to know you better.
Hanging out sounds great.
[Both chuckle.]
Uh, so we'll set something up, then.
All right.
So, that's the guy, huh? The one you you put away for for killing your aunt? You said he was Asian, tall, thin, works a coffee cart.
Hey, that's awesome that you told him who you are and he's cool with it.
I was thinking about the DNA results.
The killer used a pillow to muffle the sound of the shots.
Maybe that's how Sophie's DNA got on the gun.
But how does Travis' pillow connect back to Sophie? It was from the bed where Sophie was raped, so Sophie's skin cells could've been transferred to the gun.
But they had sex six months before the murder.
They didn't have sex.
She was raped.
NYPD and campus cops didn't even think there was a case.
Do you know how often that happens, especially when the accused rapist is an athlete generating millions of dollars for the school? Okay, but you know what else happens a lot? People get drunk.
They have sex and then they regret it.
You can't have sex when you're unconscious.
If she was unconscious, then yes clearly rape, absolutely.
But if she blacked out, then maybe she doesn't remember what she did or what she asked him to do.
If she was that drunk, then she didn't have the mental clarity to consent to anything, much less sex.
But drinking doesn't free you up from responsibility.
If you're drunk and you go out and steal a car or rob a liquor store, that's still on you, and you're still gonna do time.
That's not the same thing, Frankie.
- [Beeping.]
- He was feeding her drinks.
Hold on, hold on.
- I think I got something.
- What is it? Exactly what Hayes told us to look for.
A flaw.
On the Travis Carter murder, you only had access to a small amount of genetic material.
Our DNA lab uses lowcopy-number analysis.
It's a new technique.
I doubt you're familiar with it.
Where did you get your training? Uh, Queensboro Correctional, for one.
And I'm familiar with the technique replicating DNA fragments into a single strand.
You can get a full profile from as little as 10 trillionths of a gram of material.
Oh, looks like you've done your homework at Queensboro Correctional.
So did I at Stanford.
But using DNA fragments to create an entire strand magnifies the margin of error.
Well, that's why our technicians follow strict protocols.
Right, right like checking your final I.
s with probabilistic genotyping software to reduce the chance of misidentification and human error.
- In every case? - Yes.
That's That's funny, 'cause that step was left off the official DNA report.
[Knock on door.]
I had the lab re-analyze the DNA found on the gun that killed Travis this time, with the complete protocol.
It's only a partial match to Sophie.
- How partial? - It's the difference between a Camaro with a particular color and a specific license plate and just any Camaro.
The DNA on the murder weapon was the only evidence that conclusively tied Sophie to the crime scene.
That's more than just a mistake.
I know.
It's an atomic bomb.
It means Sophie might actually be innocent.
The DNA evidence against Sophie is out.
That's huge.
More than just a flaw.
But it doesn't exonerate her.
Look, DNA can prove that you did touch a gun, but it can't prove that you didn't or, in this case, that anyone did.
The sample's contaminated.
Still pokes a huge hole in the case against Sophie.
It's enough to get her a retrial.
We're not getting her a retrial.
We're getting her out.
- We need to be reasonable.
- No, we don't.
We have four days left.
We're not abandoning Sophie to the system that screwed her the first time the same system that executed Earl.
- Hayes - Go back to the crime scene.
See if you can find out any more about what happened that night.
Go check the handgun registry database.
See if there's anyone else that knew Travis that owned a .
38 caliber.
Let's see if we can tie the gun to someone else.
Where are you going? To offer my condolences to the rapist's mother.
Travis was always an overachiever.
He could've joined the NBA after his junior year, but he wanted to stay to finish his degree.
He was already thinking about his post-pro career.
He was a bright, fun-loving boy.
- Thank you.
- Mm.
I'm sorry I have to ask.
A classmate accused Travis of raping her.
That was a lie.
How can you be sure? That girl went crazy after Travis rejected her.
She made up that story.
And when no one believed her, she murdered my son.
We're no longer certain that Sophie Hausen killed Travis.
Of course she did.
Her DNA is on the gun.
We reran those tests and found the results to be inconclusive.
Was there anyone else that Travis was in conflict with? Not that he mentioned to me.
Travis was very popular.
You might actually be able to understand.
Travis was in national magazines when he was still in high school.
He became an instant celebrity.
And when he went to college, it was more of the same.
Anywhere he went restaurants, bars, the library girls were after him.
The notion that he raped that girl is absurd.
He didn't need to.
With all those girls chasing him, maybe another one of them went crazy.
I raised my son to respect women.
But, as with all boys men he did stupid and immature things.
But he didn't deserve to die.
[Police radio chatter.]
The guy from the coffee cart I didn't tell him I'm the reason he went to prison.
And he asked me out.
And you said no, right? He's really nice.
Tess! I wanted to spend some time with him, see how he's doing.
Look, I know you're scared of how he's gonna react, but keeping him in the dark ain't right.
You got to tell him.
Tess: What's that? Ballistic gel.
It simulates human muscle tissue allows us to measure the angles the bullets entered Travis' body.
So we can confirm Sophie was the correct height to be the shooter.
The night of the murder, the frat house was pretty empty.
Most of the guys were out partying.
When the detectives arrived, they found the back door propped open.
So the killer could've come through the back stairs.
At 10:35, Travis exchanged texts with a teammate at Dockford's Bar.
Tess: He immediately texted back.
Based on the position of Travis' body, the killer surprised him as he left the bathroom.
The killer used a pillow from Travis' bed to muffle the sound of the gunshots.
Actually wouldn't have silenced it all that much.
Lucky for the killer, there was loud music playing that night.
All right, time to switch.
You don't trust me? You've fired a gun before? My grandpa's from Texas.
And I'm closer to Sophie's height.
All yours.
Travis was shot in the lower abdomen five times.
- Nice grouping.
- Thanks.
Holes match up to a shooter of Sophie's height.
Down pillow wasn't conducive to a clean getaway.
Friction from the bullets creates static electricity, causing the feathers to stick to you.
There were none in the hallway.
- None what? - Feathers.
No way the shooter leaves this room that way without leaving a trail.
Or without running into one of Travis' housemates.
They ran up as soon as they heard the shots.
Window's the only other way out.
Barbed wire.
Makes for a tough climb.
Sophie was a varsity soccer player.
But even with a coat and gloves, no way anybody gets over that fence without getting all cut up.
Wait Sophie was arrested less than 48 hours after Travis' murder without a mark or a cut on her body.
Makes it pretty unlikely that she's the killer.
I'll call Maxine and Sam, have them check the local ERs around the time of the shooting.
Hello? [Gasps.]
You're back! How's Mom? Bossing people around Capitol Hill, happy as a clam.
Are you moving with her? No.
I'm afraid you're stuck with me for now.
I heard about your client.
I'm sorry.
Something happened afterwards.
Wallace and I slept together.
Sex and death Classic combination.
No shame there.
Yesterday, he told me he'd called it quits with Naomi.
Now, that's a big deal.
He didn't break up with her because of me.
Oh, no, he just dumped her after the two of you had amazing, passionate sex.
How do you know what kind of sex we had? You're a Morrison.
We only have one kind.
I think this is great.
I think the two of you should just stop sparring and go for it.
We've been down that road.
It doesn't work.
It's different.
You've changed.
I haven't.
Your client Was it hard losing him? [Sighs.]
It was terrible.
See? Now, if I would've asked you that same question three months ago before this job you would've said something different.
You wouldn't have admitted it.
You've changed.
Perhaps Wallace has, too.
I think the two of you might be ready for this.
[Elevator bell dings.]
Jackson, look.
It's your black friend Maxine.
Shut up, Hayes.
Hi, Maxine.
What are you doing here? The doorman buzzed me up.
Sam and I combed through every ER in Queens and found this John Bianchi, former campus cop at Bayside, sliced his hand the night of the shooting.
Possibly from climbing the frat house fence.
Any connection with Travis Carter? A big one.
He was a campus cop who was the co-lead on the university's investigation of Sophie's rape.
He was fired because Travis accused him of harassment.
Bianchi believed Sophie? And had a .
38 the same make and model as our murder weapon.
He could be our shooter.
It was time for me to move on, do something new with my life.
Your former campus police supervisor told us you were fired because you wouldn't stop investigating Travis Carter.
He was a rapist.
I was doing my job.
Both your supervisor and the NYPD detective disagreed.
Which had nothing to do with Carter being the top scorer on a team that was closing in on a national title.
They weren't interested in justice, so you took matters into your own hands.
Wait You think I killed Carter? You had motive.
You just told us as much.
And we have strong evidence that whoever killed him got injured trying to get away.
And even stronger evidence that you went to the ER two days after the murder an infected cut on your hand.
Probably because you avoided treatment the night of the murder.
Look, Travis Carter got what he deserved, but he didn't get it from me.
Then how'd you get the gash on your hand? I make Shaker furniture as a hobby.
I was turning a chair leg on the lathe, and the chisel broke.
You guys are sure it's not any of the other girls? Other girls? The other girls that Travis raped.
The only girl that Travis Carter was ever accused of raping was Sophie.
I-I assumed Elyse was the one that pointed you to me.
Who's Elyse? Sam: You told Officer Bianchi that three more women came to the rape crisis center six months after Sophie's rape, all saying that they were sexually assaulted by Travis Carter.
Yes, that's true.
We need the names.
I'm sorry, I can't do that.
You shared that info with Officer Bianchi.
I told him the women existed.
I never gave him their names or any identifying information.
So what's the point? Without the names, the police can't investigate.
And the D.
can't file charges.
I tried to get the victims to come forward, but after how Sophie was treated, they refused.
Then why share anything? I thought that if the police knew Travis was a predator, then the next girl who did come forward would have an easier time convincing them.
There's still a chance to help Sophie.
By giving you the other victims' names? So you can try and put them in prison? We believe that Sophie's innocent.
The others may not be.
I hope you get Sophie out, but even if I could tell you the other women's names, I wouldn't.
I won't help you lock up any of his other victims.
Sam and Maxine hit a dead end.
Any luck figuring out the names of the other girls Travis Carter raped? Allegedly raped.
We've been reviewing the evidence from Sophie's trial.
There were dozens of pages of transcribed texts.
Carter's phone had messages from 15 girls who argued or cut off communication after hooking up with him.
Of the 15, four including Sophie visited the student health center within 48 hours of interacting with him.
Maybe not-so-allegedly raped.
How do you know they visited the healthcare center? You can't get into any building on the campus without swiping your I.
University keeps records of who goes in and who goes out.
Thank you, Big Brother.
We should subpoena those records, see where those girls were the night of the murder.
Maybe we won't have to.
This is Sophie's profile page.
Three days before Travis was killed, she got a message from one of the other victims, Lucy Bates.
"Thanks for sharing.
I'll take care of the problem.
" Maybe the problem she's talking about was Travis.
Hayes: I believe you, Sophie.
It wasn't your DNA on the gun.
You didn't shoot Travis.
I had no idea.
Lucy never said anything.
This is good news.
Three other women were raped.
How is that good news? All three are viable suspects in Travis' murder.
Did you know Maya or Karina? No, I'd never met them.
But you knew Lucy.
You two texted multiple times the week before Travis was shot.
She talked about solving a problem.
What was it? We lived in the same dorm.
It could've been tons of things.
If you want to get out of here, you can't protect Lucy.
- I'm not.
- Even if you planned it together, if you didn't pull the trigger We didn't plan anything.
I told you that.
Anything that would cast suspicion on these women "These women"? If the university had taken me seriously, if they had cared more about me than basketball, those other women might not have gotten raped.
I can't help you if you don't give me something, Sophie anything.
Otherwise, you're gonna spend the rest of your life in here.
I'm sorry.
I really want to help you, but I just can't.
Let's hope one of the other girls can.
Lucy Where'd you first meet Travis? I was at the library.
In the bookstore.
We were looking at sweatshirts.
He was really nice.
At first.
He invited me to a party at the frat house.
I was like, "Wow.
I'm gonna be Travis Carter's girlfriend.
" "Me.
" He kept refilling my cup with punch.
I didn't even realize how much I'd drunk until we got back to his bedroom.
He said I could lie down and rest.
He said he wanted to show me his trophies.
I thought he was really sweet and funny.
And then everything went black.
Until I woke up.
[Voice breaking.]
I was naked.
My pants were down around my ankles.
My bra was gone.
Travis wasn't there, but I was bleeding.
I knew that he raped me.
I cried for days.
And, um, then I went to the health center and I spoke to a rape crisis counselor.
She was awesome.
She understood.
She just listened.
She wanted me to file a police report.
I saw what they did to Sophie.
They ruined her.
I just wanted a normal college experience.
I know I should've reported it, but I know this is really hard, but the night Travis was killed, where were you? Why are you asking me that? It's just a formality.
I was at a dance recital in Plattsburg.
I was abroad, studying in Spain.
I dropped out the week after Travis raped me.
Transferred out of state the next semester.
I just needed to get as far away as I could.
But I did follow Sophie's trial, and I was devastated when she was convicted.
But he deserves it.
He deserved it.
He deserves to rot in hell.
You're right.
He does.
We found three additional female Bayside students victimized by Travis Carter.
Did any of them come forward? No, they refused because of the way the university dealt with Sophie's complaint.
I'm gonna encourage them to file civil suits against the university.
Hayes, calm down.
- Don't talk to me that way.
- Calm down so I don't have to.
I've already got the university provost calling me every day.
- Now you're on their side? - This isn't about sides.
I'm suggesting you focus on Sophie Hausen's case.
While I turn a blind eye to how a university protected a rapist? - They didn't know.
- They knew.
Prove it.
I can't.
Then legally speaking, they didn't know.
You sure you're okay? I am fine.
Stop asking.
Stop lying.
You're upset.
I can tell.
Talk to me.
The prospect of a university enabling a serial rapist upsets me like it should! You sure that's it? I need to go check on the team in case they have progress.
All of their alibis checked out.
And all of their stories matched up with Sophie's word for word.
He flirted with them, then lured them back to his frat house.
That's where the spiked punch came in.
After they were black-out drunk or drugged unconscious, he raped them.
Not so allegedly anymore? Maya Zapala, one of our other rape victims - What about her? - I was checking to see if any of the victims had ever accused anyone else of rape.
But they weren't lying.
Maya Zapala's dad is Oscar Zapala.
He used to be an enforcer for the Tres Culebras brutal guy.
If he found out that Travis Carter raped his daughter I doubt he'd let him live to tell the tale.
[Tools whirring.]
You Oscar Zapala? That depends on who's asking.
Just need a few minutes of your time.
Whatever it is you think I did, I didn't.
I've been out of Culebras for a long time.
It's not about a gang incident.
It's about Travis Carter's murder.
Hey, man, I never even met Travis Carter, but if I had, I would've had him sign my Bayside jersey.
You were a fan? Even after what happened between him and your daughter? Travis and Maya used to hang out.
No drama there.
What about when he Never mind.
- Thank you - Wait a minute.
That girl who killed Travis, she said he raped her.
Is that what this is about? I-I really I can't talk Did he do this to my kid? Please tell me that didn't happen.
I'm sorry.
I thought you knew.
I remember she had got depressed and withdrew for a while.
Then I thought she was just having trouble adjusting to school.
She didn't say that she had been I have to ask.
Where were you the night Travis was killed? I was nowhere near Travis.
I'm gonna need proof.
Oscar Zapala's alibi checked out.
He was at work, on a cleaning crew that night.
- Okay, so who's next? - [Scoffs.]
Come on! There has to be something or someone we can pursue.
I'll grab Maxine, Frankie, and Tess.
We'll go back through the files again.
You need a break.
I came home so I could focus.
Go away.
What you need to do is un-focus.
Neuroscientists say that the best way to solve a tough problem is to focus on something else.
So let your subconscious do the work while you tell me what's happening with you and Wallace.
We got into a fight.
- About what? - Nothing.
The case.
Wasn't really a fight.
Just, um It's never gonna work with us.
And you know this because you and Wallace were arguing over a case, which is essentially like breathing for the two of you.
It was It was weird.
It was It seemed loaded somehow.
Well, now there's so much more at stake.
I'm not sure about that.
Please! Wallace isn't interested.
He broke up with Naomi.
I have seen him twice since then, and he hasn't made a single move or shown any indication of interest.
You're a moron.
He's a guy, and you're you, and he knows who you are.
If Wallace was like, "Hayes, I want you.
I've always wanted you," then you would go screaming for the hills.
Not true.
Okay, maybe true.
I know this isn't going to be easy, but you're gonna have to put yourself out there with him.
What if it doesn't work? I'll be here protecting you, like always.
What? What's going on? She was protecting the girls.
You're amazing.
The neuroscientists aren't bad, either.
Let me help you with that.
Thanks so much for coming by.
Text said you needed to tell me something.
Tess, whatever it is, it can't be that bad.
I sent you to prison.
My aunt was murdered.
I saw it.
I thought it was you.
The police showed me a lineup.
I was sure.
Her Her niece testified against me.
That was you? That's why you came by my cart.
And why you left those tips.
I wanted to see if you were okay.
Hayes just called.
We need every bit of information on Elyse Salmon, the rape crisis counselor.
Just give me a minute.
Matty! Elyse knew all the girls' stories.
When the system didn't protect them, she decided to.
A friend at Special Vics checked their complaint record.
Elyse Salmon was the victim of a brutal rape in 1999 before she became a crisis counselor.
Her attacker was never caught.
So she was a victim of rape and never got any justice.
She became a counselor to help other people like herself, and when she found out what Travis Carter was doing and that the university wasn't doing anything to stop it, she decided to balance the scales to protect these girls, and who knows how many other girls, from Travis Carter.
The subpoena came through.
I got all of Elyse's credit-card records.
How are her financial records gonna help us prove that she shot Travis? If Frankie's theory is right that the killer escaped over the barbed-wire fence she would've been injured.
We know she didn't go to the ER or the student health center.
Probably means she patched herself up.
Well, her credit-card records show that she was at a drugstore in the middle of the night on April 5, 2013.
No itemization of purchases, so this is useless.
But this isn't.
A week after Travis was killed, Elyse hosted a panel discussion on campus rape.
Look at this photo.
Her arm is bandaged.
That doesn't prove that she murdered Travis.
But maybe it could.
It's a weird time to be a woman, isn't it? We can be CEOs, presidents, and yet, still, we are under siege.
One out of every six women in the U.
has been sexually assaulted.
It can start with a smile, a compliment, an invitation to a campus party.
It's terrifying how common it is.
No wonder you felt the need to protect Sophie and the others.
I counseled them, if that's what you mean.
Oh, I think you did a lot more than that.
In some ways, it's impressive.
Travis Carter was a dangerous man.
But if you really cared about Sophie, you wouldn't let her go to prison for a murder you committed.
I-I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
I can wait outside for the NYPD.
We have a warrant for your DNA to match the blood we found on the barbed wire behind the frat house.
After you shot Travis, you cut your arm trying to climb over the fence.
I got locked out of my house.
I had to break a window to get in.
Come clean now, and I will help you to get a great attorney.
It shouldn't be hard to get the right jury on your side.
You stood up for these women.
You did for them what no one did for you.
Travis was treated like a hero, even after what he did.
He had no remorse.
He would've kept raping women, kept ruining their lives.
He would've never stopped.
So you killed him.
What about Sophie? [Voice breaking.]
I thought she'd get off.
Innocent people aren't supposed to go to prison.
Who are you calling? NYPD.
I don't really have a warrant.
And now I don't need one.
How long do you think Elyse will go away for? Maybe she won't.
Killing a serial rapist has "jury nullification" written all over it.
If that's justice, it sucks.
The guy raped four girls.
And the woman who killed him sat in silence while one of those girls spent four years in prison.
Heard that.
I told Matty the truth.
Yeah? That's good.
How'd he take it? I don't know.
He just walked away.
I'm sorry.
But you did it.
You know, you owned up to it.
Then why do I feel so terrible? Provost: This is where our brand-new, state-of-the-art training facility will be located made possible by the generosity of you, our illustrious donors and alums.
- Excuse me, Provost Chambers.
- Yes.
I just want to compliment you on all your hard work covering up the sexual assaults committed by your athletes.
Hey, aren't you Hayes Morrison? Ms.
Morrison, would you like to discuss this in private? I would prefer an audience like the one that you had when you discredited Sophie Hausen, thus assuring that other victimized women wouldn't dare come forward, which allowed Travis Carter to continue raping women.
Meanwhile, you stood by and did nothing.
Congratulations on terrorizing your entire female student body.
Enjoy your legacy.
[Sia's "Birds Set Free" Plays.]
Clipped wings, I was a broken thing Had a voice, had a voice, but I could not sing You would wind me down We don't usually see you here for this part.
I wanted to make sure Sophie was okay.
Ohhh But there's a scream inside that we all try to hide We hold on so tight, we cannot deny Even now, she has a long road ahead.
Well, at least she doesn't have to go it alone.
And I don't care if I sing off-key I find myself in my melodies I sing for love, I sing for me Maya.
I shout it out like a bird set free No, I don't care if I sing off-key Brave women.
in my melodies I sing for love, I sing for me I'll shout it out like a bird set free I want in.
On? Us.
You and me.
All of it.
For real this time.
Me too.
I have no idea how to do this, especially working together.
I don't know how I'm not gonna freak out or blow you off or or or screw it up in some way.
Me neither.
I'm up for the challenge, though.
You? Yeah.
[Inhales sharply.]
And I don't care if I sing off-key I find myself in my melodies I sing for love, I sing for me I shout it out like a bird set free What now? I have no idea.

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