Country Comfort (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Bless the Broken Road

Bailey's up! I heard a door! She's comin'!
Let's move. Here, Brody, take the waffles.
Where's her favorite cupcake?
Come on.
All right.
Break a leg ♪
[singing fades to groan]
Oh, it's you.
Seriously? You're celebratin' that
the most important person
whoever walked into
our lives is leavin' us?
Who needs the sun when she's around?
How can y'all be so happy?
- Tell 'em what you told me, Dylan.
- I said
He said once Bailey wins
that contest tonight, she's gone.
We're never gonna see her again.
What do you mean
we're never gonna see her again?
Well, what do you think's gonna happen
if she wins tonight?
She'll make records, go on tour,
become famous, go to Hollywood.
And then what? Fly home from Hollywood
every night to take Chloe to the potty?
I've been pottying on my own
since I was four.
I didn't even think about Bailey leavin'.
I can't picture our lives without her.
Neither can I.
Brody, I don't want Bailey to leave!
Hey, Chloe, don't cry.
It'll be okay.
[sobs] Right, Tuck?
Of course it'll be okay.
We gotta get it together, y'all.
This is Bailey's dream.
We gotta think of her
like our little songbird.
We let her into our nest and
now we gotta let her fly.
[Brody and Chloe sob]
Cheer up, y'all.
Bailey and I aren't gonna
drop out of your lives.
We'll still keep in touch.
You don't think the moment Bailey
and Boone get a record contract
they're gonna upgrade their management
to someone who's gone through puberty?
I'm tellin' y'all,
after tonight, we're all losin' Bailey.
Who's ready to help me celebrate
the most excitin' day of my life?
[sobs] Don't go!
[all sob]
[theme music playing]
I thought we were havin'
a celebration for Bailey.
What's to celebrate?
We're gonna be orphans.
Daddy's right. We should be celebratin'.
Chloe, bring down that heart-shaped waffle
that we made special for Bailey.
It's all right. We'll go to Bojangles
for a biscuit on the way.
- Good luck, Bailey.
- You're gonna crush it.
Don't forget the little people!
I love y'all.
I can't wait to see you there.
She won't see me there.
- Doesn't matter. We gotta go!
- No, no, no.
Cassidy said something
she obviously wanted me to hear,
and I heard it
so why don't you tell me what it is?
I'm not goin' to the gala.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady.
[Cassidy] I'm not goin'!
Bailey, she didn't mean that.
What did she mean?
But she's upset, and she's nine.
Bailey, we gotta go.
- I I gotta go talk to her.
- There's no time.
- The car's not gonna wait for us.
- It's our car.
I'll handle it. I'll get her there.
- You go, all right? She'll be there.
- [Bailey] Okay.
[Cassidy yells] I'm not goin'!
There she is,
future biggest name in country music!
Well, let me take you
to your dressing room.
[Boone chuckles]
You should see your video package.
Georgina made you look like
It's a miracle.
- You hear that?
- Yeah, I have a dressing room!
Here we are.
- Okay, well, it's a little tight, but
- I don't think so, hon.
I will pull my client
out of this competition
before I have her
squeeze into this paltry little
That is not her dressing room.
This is.
Are you freakin' kidding me?
You're welcome!
["Heartbroke And Busted"
by the Crossroads Band playing]
Dylan freakin' Management!
I'm proud of you, honey.
I knew you'd make the right decision.
You said you'd ground me if I didn't come.
Well, that's how I knew
you'd make the right decision.
Look, Cass, I know how you feel,
but Bailey's been waiting for
this day her whole
Is that Maria?
Oh, you finally made it!
Do you like?
- Wow.
- Right?
Oh! You don't think
it'll steal attention from Bailey, do you?
'Cause I don't wanna do anything
that would prevent her
from winnin' and goin' away
on tour!
Hey, y'all.
- Hey, Jo!
- Jo!
Hey, Brody.
Hey Jo.
You all remember Jo.
Our next-door neighbor for the last
ten years? I think we remember her, Brody.
Right. [chuckles]
How's it goin'
Uh, can we talk?
In private?
So, uh, how have you been?
Brody, I'm so sorry I haven't been around
these past nine weeks.
It was just so awkward
between me and Tuck after
- Well, you know.
- I know.
So I stayed away.
And I totally understand
why you didn't come see me.
I mean, you're Tuck's brother. You were
Well, you were kinda caught in the middle.
Yes! Uh, totally.
Totally caught in the middle.
That's why I didn't come over.
That is why.
[nervous laugh]
Oh, I missed you, Brody.
I missed you too.
[Jo chuckles]
Oh! [chuckling]
Oh, I am so happy
I have my best friend back!
Me, too! [chuckles]
[strained] Yay!
I want you back ♪
God, Maria was right. This video
Is amazing.
- I mean, we're
- So cute together.
We're adorable!
[Georgina on video]
So, tell me, why do you love Bailey?
I love Bailey because
I get scared every night,
and she lets me sleep with her.
I don't really get scared.
She's just a good cuddler.
[sighs] Oh!
At first, I hated her. Then I loved her.
Then I hated her again.
Now, I can't imagine life without her.
And now she hates me again.
I'll tell you what I don't hate.
Free champagne.
[Georgina] So, Boone,
now that we're finally alone,
just between you and me,
tell me something
Bailey doesn't know about you.
Aw. [chuckles]
Truth is, Bailey and I
have known each other so long,
there ain't nothing she don't know about
Actually, here's somethin' she don't know.
Yeah, after we broke up, there
must have been at least a half dozen times
that I drove out to this ranch,
and I sat right there in my truck, just
desperate to see her, and
tell her how much I missed her, and
how much I still loved her.
Every single time, I
I just drove away.
You drove to the ranch?
- More times than I care to admit.
- Why didn't you come in to see me?
'Cause I still couldn't give you the moon.
I had the moon.
And after tonight,
you are gonna have the moon and the stars,
and you will be a star.
[laughs] Oh, I can't believe
how much time we wasted.
Maybe it was fate.
- Maybe we had to break up to find out
- No, we did not have to do that.
Look, Bailey
- it was a long road gettin' here, but
- But
This much I know is true ♪
God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you ♪
[cell rings]
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
I actually I actually gotta take this.
- It's okay, sweetie. I gotta go change.
- Why?
You're perfect.
Hey, have you seen Maria anywhere?
Every time I almost catch her,
she disappears.
Oh, I bet I know why.
She doesn't like you.
I know this is new for you,
but this is what happens
when someone doesn't like you.
That's crazy. She definitely
- But she was starin' at my
- No.
But when I sang to her "Si Tú No Estás,"
doesn't like me.
So, this is what you feel like
all the time.
Well, hey, girl.
Seriously? You're already over it?
I wish I could bounce back
that quickly after gettin' rejected.
Dude, you didn't get rejected by Jo.
So, when she kissed you,
it was called what?
Did you ever think
that maybe she kissed me
because you never told her you liked her?
No, that's not it.
You see,
that right there, that's your problem.
You're sayin' you don't have a shot
before you even take one.
- It saves time.
- No, it wastes time.
I mean, look at you, man. You're tall,
you're smart, you're sensitive,
you're good-looking
when you're not next to me.
I have been told
I have a sort of a lanky charm.
Don't you think Jo would like to spend
some time with a lanky, charming guy?
I don't know, maybe.
Well, there's only one way to find out.
Here she comes now.
Hey, get your lanky charm on, boy.
Hey, Jo!
And he's gone.
Hey, girl.
I'm not your girl.
Mini berry cobbler?
Uh, sure, thanks.
Oops. [giggles]
Sorry, that was the last one.
- You seem a little up
- Upset?
- Why would I be upset?
- I don't know. I
Maybe it's 'cause you kissed me
and five minutes later told me
you just wanna be friends
and never called me again.
You're such a jerk.
I'm not a jerk.
Yes, you are.
And selfish, and self-centered,
and rude, and I'll tell
Brody likes you.
That's why I told you we're just friends.
I can't be friends with you
'cause the whole thing's so awkward.
[sighs] I know you're looking at the ring.
[laughing] I wasn't lookin' at the ring.
I was lookin' at
the handsome man wearin' it.
[Cassidy] Ugh!
What does he see in her?
Men are visual. She looks like Elsa.
Hey, Brody, how mad would you be
if I told you I told Jo you liked her?
- Very.
- Okay, good talk.
Wow. [chuckles]
That's what I was goin' for.
- You look like a star.
- [bashful chuckle]
Listen, baby, I, uh
You, uh what?
You okay, baby?
I'm good.
Real good. I'm just, uh
- I'm just a little bit, uh
- Okay.
Havin' a bit of déjà vu here.
Listen, Bailey,
you are so beautiful and talented.
You don't need me to win this competition.
- Sugar, I'm just gonna go powder my nose.
- Oh.
Ah! Could you
point me to the ladies' room?
There's a Porta Potti right over there.
Oh, honey, does this look like
it's ever used a Porta Potti?
Just point me to Bailey's dressing room.
It's right over there.
Thank you.
Daddy, here's Chloe.
I'm gonna go take a walk.
Where you goin'?
Anywhere that's not here.
That Come here.
Come here. Come dance with your daddy.
I don't wanna dance.
Then we'll talk.
I don't wanna talk.
Then we'll just dance, and I'll talk.
There we go.
I know you're upset, okay?
I want you to know I get it.
- You love Bailey.
- I don't love Bailey.
- I hate Bailey.
- Well, she loves you.
She doesn't love me.
If she loved me, she wouldn't leave me.
Oh, honey, she is not leaving ya. Okay?
She's just goin' after her dream.
You really wanna stand in the way of that?
It's not fair. Everybody leaves.
[sighs] Sweetheart,
the hardest part of life
is learning to let go.
Sometimes we have to let go of
the people we love so they can be happy.
Being a singer is Bailey's dream.
Don't you want her to be happy?
[sobbing] I thought I made her happy.
Boone, would you just spit it out?
- Okay, let's calm down.
- Stop tellin' me to calm down.
- Okay, don't calm down.
- Stop tellin' me to don't calm down!
- [Boone] Okay, okay
- [Bailey] Stop sayin' "Okay, okay"!
[Boone] Can you just Come on.
Come sit down for a second.
The phone call I just got
was from Keith Urban's people.
It seems they fired the other band.
They want me and the boys
to open up for him on tour.
He leaves for Australia in an hour.
They got a private jet waitin' for me
and the boys at the airport right now.
I mean, look, Bailey
We don't know if we're gonna win
this thing tonight. I mean, we might.
We might, but
what if we don't?
- I'd be passin' up a sure thing.
- What are you tryin' to say to me, Boone?
this is a real gig that pays real money.
I'd finally be able to
give you everything that you deserve.
We'd be livin' our dream.
Oh, what dream is that?
The one where you make it and I don't?
this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
I mean, if you had that opportunity,
wouldn't you take it?
I did have that opportunity.
I chose to share it with you!
Bailey, I love you.
If you do, Boone, how in the world,
after all we've been through,
after all we're about to go through,
could you even think about this offer?
I'm not.
I told 'em yes.
- Bailey, I can't just
- [shouts] Go!
This is your anthem
All you broken-hearted ♪
You gave it all you got
And it didn't go your way ♪
And this is a love song ♪
[whispers] Beau.
On my way to the ladies' room,
I saw something very disturbin'.
those Porta Pottis can be disturbin'.
the wheels are fallin' off the wagon.
Bailey and Boone just had
a knock-down drag-out
and she tossed him
out of her dressing room.
He's gone!
I mean, how's she gonna perform?
How's she gonna win this thing
and make my dream come true?
Her dream.
[chuckles nervously] Her dream.
Been in there a long time.
You sure you're okay?
[Bailey sobs] Yeah.
You don't sound okay.
[Bailey] No, I'm
I'm good.
[sobbing] I went through all the Kleenex.
Yeah. [chuckles]
How about we add a little soap and water,
wash those black drippings off your face,
and get you ready for the stage?
Perhaps you didn't hear me through
the hysterics. Boone left me again.
Oh, yeah, I heard.
I believe the whole gala heard.
But, Bailey, you are scheduled
to perform in 20 minutes.
Do you not know
what a meltdown looks like?
Know what the worst part is?
I'm no better than Boone.
I did the same thing to the kids.
You were there. You heard Cassidy.
Bailey, you were up-front with us
the day that you got here.
Boone, on the other hand,
proposed a week ago,
and then just walked out on ya.
Oh my God, it's gettin' worse.
Bailey, you could do this without Boone.
No, I can't.
There's nothin' left.
What you talkin' about?
You have more talent in
In the bottle!
- There's nothin' left in the bottle!
- Bailey.
What did you say to me
the day I offered you a job as a nanny?
"You crazy?"
You said, "I am not a nanny.
I'm a singer." Didn't you say that to me?
Oh, what?
What, did you write it down?
Oh, Bailey.
Look, I know you're heartbroken.
And believe me, I have been there, but
you know what I've learned?
The things that you regret most in life
are not the things that you did,
but the things that you didn't do.
You know what I regret?
Eatin' the wrapper on that last cupcake.
Bailey, you have dreamed of this moment
since you were four years old.
I don't want it anymore, Beau.
I wanna go home.
- I'm not gonna let you pass up this op
- Please, Beau.
Please tell Dylan
to tell the producers I'm not goin' on.
I don't think you wanna do that.
Please, Beau. I can't do it.
I can't.
- [Bailey sniffles]
- Okay.
I'm sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- [Bailey sobs]
She wants you to tell the producers
she won't be performing tonight.
Are you kiddin' me? She's throwing away
her shot of a lifetime for stupid Boone?
She is so much better without him.
This is a gift.
No, son. This is about more than singin'.
Her heart's broken.
That'll make her sing even better.
Yeah, I'm a proud country boy! ♪
[audience cheering]
We're ready to go, Daddy.
[host] And now, folks,
let's give it up for Mr. Rocky Jackson!
[Rocky] Hey, hey!
Now, I am sad to say that we have reached
the end of our competition
as our fifth and final nobody,
Ms. Bailey Hart, closes out the night.
What? No.
Has dropped out! Has dropped out!
Dylan. Where's Dylan?
Maybe he went to go remind Rocky Jackson
that you dropped out.
- Well, we gotta go. Let's go.
- Come on.
["Bless The Broken Road" playing]
I found Dylan.
What is she doin'?
You have been dreamin' about
this moment your whole life.
[whispers] Not this moment!
Bailey, I know what happened with Boone.
And I know how hard it is
to watch somebody you love leave.
But I'm not lettin' you give up your dream
because of a broken heart.
I don't care about my heart.
I'm not talkin' about yours.
[piano introduction playing]
I set out on a narrow way ♪
Many years ago ♪
Hoping I would find true love ♪
Along the broken road ♪
But I got lost a time or two ♪
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through ♪
I couldn't see how every sign ♪
Pointed straight to you ♪
Every long-lost dream ♪
Led me to where you are ♪
Others who broke my heart ♪
They were like northern stars ♪
Pointing me on my way ♪
Into your loving arms ♪
This much I know is true ♪
That God blessed the broken road ♪
That led me straight to you ♪
I think about the years I spent ♪
Just passing through ♪
I'd like to have the time I lost ♪
And give it back to you ♪
But you just smile and take my hand ♪
You've been there, you understand ♪
It's all part of a grander plan ♪
That is coming true ♪
Every long-lost dream ♪
Led me to where you are ♪
Others who broke my heart ♪
They were like northern stars ♪
Pointing me on my way ♪
Into your loving arms ♪
This much I know is true ♪
That God blessed the broken road ♪
That led me straight to you ♪
Oh-oh ♪
Straight to you ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
And now I'm just rollin' home ♪
Into your loving arms ♪
This much I know is true ♪
That God blessed the broken road ♪
That led me straight to you ♪
That God blessed the broken road ♪
That led me straight ♪
To you ♪
[audience cheering]
[audience cheering]
This much I know is true ♪
That God blessed the broken road ♪
That led me straight to you ♪
Oh, straight to you ♪
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