Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e10 Episode Script

The Curse

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Pop! ]
[ Pop! ]
[ Pop! ]
Let's get coloring!
[ Tweeting ]
I think I'm gonna need
more green.
I gotcha covered.
[ Pop! ]
[ Squeaking ]
My markers all dried up.
Ours, too.
Well, let's see
what we did, so far!
Wow, we're almost finished!
Ooh, Kelsey!
Nice crosshatchin'.
Thank you!
Hey! What's that?
I kinda drew ourselves
by the stump.
That's adorable!
[ Foghorn blowing ]
Oh, dinnertime!
Let's meet here
again tomorrow.
I'll bring more markers.
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
I made sure to get
every green I could find.
[ Gasp! ]
[ Ominous chords striking ]
Our stump!
Our drawing table!
We can't color with all
this wax in the way.
What fiends
would do this?!
I don't know,
but the wax is cold.
This must'vehappened
last night.
Maybe we were visited
by the ghost
of an Italian restaurant.
These markings,
they look Elvish
in nature.
Maybe the person
who did it is both!
My pediatrician
is Italian
and also has
pointy ears.
Dr. Minoli? [gasp!]
I go to him, too!
We gotta find out
who did this,
or we'll never be able
to color in peace again.
Meet back here
after dinner
and wear something sneaky.
[ Owl hooting,
crickets chirping ]
This is the besttree
for spying on people.
How do you know that?
Yes, the best tree.
[gasp!] I can either see
or breathe in this mask.
Which one's
more important?
Something's coming!
Oh! Seeing, it is!
[ Inhales sharply ]
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
I call to order
a meeting of the
Midnight Republic.
Tabitha, it's 8:30.
The 8:30 Republic.
Okay, where did we
leave off?
Oh, yeah.
How will we foster in
this age of darkness?
Well, I signed up
at a cat rescue.
Did you know
that black cats
are the least likely
to be adopted?
It's so unfair.
What about you?
I'm gonna dig a pit
and throw my dad in it!
That got dark.
And specific.
Well, he just won't get
off my back about next year!
I mean, high school's
annoying enough.
He keeps talking
about college
and how jazz band
looks so good
on applications.
I wish I could
banish clarinets
to another dimension!
Black cats,
clothes the color of night,
with demonic scents.
[ Sniffing ]
Citrus sandalwood!
At least,
when you go to college,
you're gonna be out
of this la-a-me town,
unlike me.
Who am I gonna sit
next to at lunch?
I might as well be
buried alive!
Uh, Tabitha?
Are the cards bad?
These cards are dumb!
I don't wanna talk
about it!
Oh, no!
Magic-fortune cards?
they're witches!
In the creek?!
-Both: JP!
[ Thud ]
[gasp!] Ah!
Oh, I gotta learn how
to breathe
through my nose!
What are you doing,
spying on us?
We're sorry, witches!
Don't curse us!
[chuckling] Witches?
Uhhh, yeah,
we arewitches.
Bad ones.
[ Gasp! ]
And, for messing
with such powerful
and beautiful,
you will be
forever cursed!
[ Cackling ]
Tabitha, those kids
were like 3 years old.
Aah! Cursed! Aah!
Ah, okay, no warts.
And I'm not a frog.
I'm not yet a man.
Some witches they are.
That curse didn't do nothin'.
[ Squeak! ]
Spikey Spectre?
How did you fall
off your pedestal?
Could it have been?
Nah. [chuckle]
Craig! Breakfast!
Gotta protect my tootsies.
Grrr! [ Growl]
[ Growling]
Honey Bi-i-i-ts!
Craigy needs his medicine.
[ Poof! ]
[ Poof! ]
No more Honey Bits?
No! It can't be!
How about some
Sensible Oats?
"They're sufficient."
[ Crunching ]
-Uh, no.
Two bad things happening
doesn't mean I'm cursed.
Now, if a third thing
I helped mama
do your laundry!
You're welcome.
That's right.
Jessica sure did help.
Help shrink your pants.
[ Suspenseful music climbs ]
Sensible Oats.
[ Ominous chord strikes ]
The curse?
What brings you here
this breezy day?
Do you have pants?
[chuckle] None that'll
fit you, Legs.
[ Laughs ]
There you are!
Kelsey! JP!
The curse, it's real!
Bad stuff's been
happening all day.
I hurt my tootsies.
I ran out of cereal.
My pants shrunk.
Actually, I've had some
unfortunate happenings
today, too.
Like I stepped on my cape
while putting it on,
and it ripped.
And my last hair tie broke,
so I've been resorting
to rubber bands
that keep breaking.
[ Snap ]
[ Tweeting ]
[ Whoosh! ]
Well, your boy here
had a real hunky-dunky,
average-daverage day,
despite the lack
of Z's.
JP, you have
a glue bottle stuck
to the side
of your head.
Could it be
the cur-r-se?!
Uh, the cur-r-r-se!
Look, maybe all these
small coincidences
are just part of one,
big coincidence.
[ Clanging ]
-Whoa, oh!
Our lives.
are. over.
Oh, no!
Mortimer left me!
He must've known
my demise was imminent.
[ Chirping ]Ah! There he is.
Hey, thanks for not
givin' up on me.
Mortimer's right.
We can't just give up.
We gotta get rid
of that curse.
Especially since we're going
to the baby casino next weekend.
We just gotta fight magic
with magic.
Kelsey, you got any books
on witchcraft?
Of course I do.
Let's figure out how
to take down some witches.
But, first,
I need to fix my staff.
JP, can I borrow
some glue?
I found some more.
I had them misfiled
under merfolk fiction.
Where did you get all these
books on witches?
The dark Web.
"Bad Lil' Witches."
[ Laughs ]
I recognize these two.
Ugh! This is just
somany words!
Skip to Chapter 86,
Ritualistic Energy
Containment Circles.
If we can lure them
into a circle of salt,
we'll be able to keep
their powers at bay.
Or we could just
soak 'em in water.
Looks like a real
bad time for a witch.
So that's all it takes,
salt to ward 'em off
and water to melt 'em?
[ Tweet ]
-Kelsey: What the heck, JP?!
Preventive measures!
Oh, great circle
of salt,
vaporize these witches
and their evil
spells and --
I hear them!
I think your dad knows
I'm not picking you up
for jazz band.
One, I never have
an instrument;
and two, when he asked m
e what instrument I played,
I said asparagus.
So. clo-o-o-se.
Who cares
what my dad thinks?
I care!
If he finds out
we're sneaking off
into the woods,
you're gonna be
in huge trouble,
and then, we won't be able
to hang out for weeks!
Don't you get it,
If I go to college,
or whatever,
then I'll be like
a million miles away
and I won't be able to hang
out with you at all!
I'm not trying
to get in trouble.
I'm just trying to spend
a little more time
with you, before
I can't.
Enough of this!
What the heck?
-It's those kids!
-Undo the curse,
or be undone!
Oh, remember?
We cursed them.
Oh, I'm not
undoing anything,
especially after this!
Are you out here?!
Ah, dang,
I lost my sandal.
It's my dad!
Witches have dads?
If he catches me,
I'll be grounded forever!
I gotta get back home!
We can't be
cursed forever.
If we help you escape,
will you un-curse me
and my friends?
Fine, sure, whatever.
[ Suspenseful music plays ]
This way!
[ Adventure music plays ]
[ Log creaking ]
[ Snap! ]
There's no way that
log'll support us.
Well, you're witches.
Why don't you just
fly over?
Wha-- Umm,
we don't have
our brooms?
Let's just wade across.
Okay, okay, okay.
Stupid 50 million buckles!
Hurry up!
Courtney, is that you?!
Come on!
This way!
Our last hope is
the rope swing!
We can't reach that!
Where'd that kid go?
He ditched us?!
I'm gonna curse
his whole family!
Holy guacamole.
What's he doing?!
Be careful!
Say a little prayer
for ol' Craigy boy.
[ Gasp! ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Rope creaking ]
You're nuts, kid!
[ Rip! ]
Ahhh! No!
I just want
this curse lifted!
[ Fanfare plays ]
[ Fanfare plays ]
[ Leaves rustling ]
Huh? Huh,
She's not here.
Maybe she is
at jazz band.
Maybe if you trusted her,
Glen, you wouldn't be
in the woods at night
with one sandal.
[ Leaves rustling,
crickets chirping ]
Both: Craig!
Unh! [laughs]
Did you rip
your pants?
Oh, no! The curse
is still upon you!
A deal is a deal!
Lift this sick
and evil malediction
from our souls!
Listen, babies,
we can't break the curse
because --
Because youhave
to break the curse.
[ Eerie music plays ]
One of you, step forward.
Huh, razzle frazzle.
Halve this seal, and the
curse shall be broken.
The curse is broken!
Wait. For going out
on a limb for us,
I shall bestow upon you
a seal to protect you
from other dark magic.
The Empress of Swords.
-Oh, whoa.
Thanks, again,
you little punks.
See ya around.
Aww. Good riddance.
We did it!
We got the curse lifted.
And, now,
we're under the protection
of the Witches of the Creek.
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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