Crash Course (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The End. The Beginning

One young, vibrant,
dynamic student
Vidhi Gupta
is no more with us.
She was a brilliant student,
she would have definitely
cleared the IIT entrance exam.
She had a sure shot chance.
This tragic death
has proven the importance
of our children getting
the right advice at the right time.
So that this city, this institute,
does not face another similar tragedy.
This is precisely
why we had established
the Student Care Unit at R.J. Institute.
In the memory of Vidhi Gupta,
this Student Care Unit
will now be known as
the Vidhi Gupta Student Care Unit.
This is our way
of honoring her memory.
In the memory of late Vidhi Gupta,
I would like to offer
a humble token
of 2.5 million rupees, to her family.
I would request you
to maintain a few moments' silence
and pay our respects
to the departed soul.
Listen to me, Mr. Parmar
This suspension of activity
is a kiss of death
for an institute in Kota.
In three months, I will be left
with no students or teachers.
I am merely the Education Minister,
Mr. Shashank.
My superior has passed this order.
Let me speak to Madam Chief Minister.
It's not that easy, Mr. Shashank.
She is the Chief Minister,
not my sister who I can simply
put you on a call with.
Watch it! You high school dropout!
Couldn't even handle
the Transport Department,
you're not fit to be
the Education Minister.
Hey! I was respectful to you
only because you were.
I'm not some monkey
you can throw money at
to dance to your tunes.
And let me be clear,
there won't be any meeting.
Not now, not ever!
-Forget about it.
Doctor has asked you
to walk for 30 minutes every day.
Will you be able to manage?
Of course, I can try with your help.
Hi, Papa.
How are you now?
I was fine, till now.
Your Batra Classes has shut down, Papa.
Do something about it, Papa.
You are known as the
"Father of Education" in Kota.
Your former students
are working with the government,
the bureaucracy, the police
None of them will say no to you.
You forced me to retire
quite some time back, Shashank.
That institute isn't mine anymore.
keep your ego aside
and give it some thought.
It's not about my ego, Shashank.
You don't understand.
I want that Batra Classes
should shut down.
You know, I am offered condolences
at the loss of one son.
But actually, I have lost both my sons.
I don't recognize you anymore.
I don't recognize that institute
which I started.
do you hate me enough to let Jindal win?
This game only exists
in your head and Jindal's.
And you are playing with the lives of
I find myself hating you
more than I hate Jindal.
I brought you up.
I raised you.
You were my son.
I don't want to have anything
to do with you anymore
or that institute which you have created.
Please leave.
Good morning, guys.
Good morning, sir.
It's quite a great turnout.
Yes, sir.
do you agree with him?
Yes, sir.
I see.
I'm sorry, brother.
I'm sorry, brother.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry, brother.
Abetment to suicide
is very difficult to prove.
In fact, as a criminal charge,
it's next to impossible to prove
and using just this photo,
I can't even touch him.
Why have you come here?
Binny, you have done
a lot of work for Jindal.
Whenever he had a problem,
he has called you.
Whether it was the teachers,
or toppers
or K.D.
It is what it is, Binny.
You know Jindal and his weaknesses
better than anyone else.
What's that got to do with Vidhi's death?
What he has done to Vidhi
is not a crime
Jindal can be prosecuted for.
Like I said, abetment to suicide
is impossible to prove.
Nothing will change.
Jindal can be held responsible
for the other crimes
that he has committed,
only if
you help us
Help me, Binny.
Come on, think about it.
I mean, we could
really take this guy down.
Let's get to work.
Let's get that bastard!
What are you looking at?
Look at the camera.
Say that Jindal bribed you with a car.
Jindal had bribed me with a car.
Hello, Binny?
R.J. Institute No. 2
Add the sweet chutney.
I want the files
for all the DLP cases at R.J.
Every single case in the last ten years.
Should I come and get them?
-I will bring them to you, Binny.
What are you doing?
It's getting late.
Are you busy, sir?
No, what can I do for you?
I need your help.
Only you have the guts
to print an article against Jindal.
I don't like that man, Binny.
-The last suicide note was not fake,
I'm sure you know that.
And this was written by my sister Vidhi.
Do you have any proof that
this was written by Vidhi?
I leave it to you
if your love for your profession
is greater than your fear of Jindal.
Hurry up, man!
Take your time,
no problem.
But today you have to tell me,
what your problem is.
I don't have a problem, Suraj.
Then why are you still hanging out
with these losers?
Leave them and come live with us.
Greetings, Sathya.
Do you remember me?
Suraj, we have more problems
than we can handle,
Where are you off to?
Let me go, Suraj.
Did your mother have an affair
with his father or what?
Is that why you're so loyal to him?
Was Vidhi only attracted
to the professor-types?
What about guys like me?
This has the confessions
of those students.
Thank you.
Rarely have I felt like
I am doing the right thing.
Vidhi was very lucky
to have you as her brother.
I don't think that's true.
I was too late.
It's never too late
to do the right thing, Binny.
Very few men can step up
and make things right.
Trust me.
Yes, Anil?
Outside the hostel?
Is he hurt?
I'll do something about it.
You have unfinished business
with the Panthers, right?
I want to kill those bloody bastards!
You're the one holding me back.
What if I don't?
Then there's no stopping Mahender, Binny.
You're a rockstar, Binny.
One call from you
and the warden let me go.
She didn't ask me anything!
I want a transfer to
Batra Institute, Binny.
What kind of a brother are you?
Won't you help me?
Do you have a lighter?
-Have you seen a corpse?
-Want to be a corpse?
-Want to stay alive?
-Then stay here.
-Oh, shit!
-What happened?
-Is he alright?
-Who did it?
-Who did this?
-He's out there!
Let's go out.
Motherfucker, let's go get him.
-You asshole!
-Hey, Bharti!
Hey, Aviral.
-Stay right there!
Please hurry up, sir.
I have a warrant, sir.
Tear it and throw it away!
How dare you enter my house?
Who is your Home Minister?
Ramprakash Meena, sir.
Ramprakash Meena
I'll call him
Don't you understand what I am saying?
In politics,
there are two kinds of leaders.
Star makers and fools.
I am no fool.
Don't take me for one.
His phone is not reachable.
Please cooperate, sir, we don't want
Get lost!
Is this enough, sir?
Let's go.
Are you okay?
Something is bothering me, Binny.
Can I tell you?
I don't know
I don't know if it's our bad luck or good,
any of us could have had
the same fate as Vidhi.
I tried to hang myself from a fan.
Sathya was about to jump off a cliff.
Those Panthers almost killed Rakesh.
Shanaya almost died
because of those pills.
Jindal and Shashank are not
the only villains in our story.
I know what you mean.
Jindal and Shashank
aren't the only villains
the entire city is also to blame.
The system is to blame.
This city wasn't always like this.
it's been like
a pressure cooker for a while
it had to burst one day.
Does that mean everything is over?
I was in the hospital
for quite some time.
Does the sun still rise
in the east in Kota?
Yes, sir.
And it will continue to,
as long as you are here.
What brings you here?
I want to give you a tour
of the city that you've built.
It's been long since you last met me
You've always been in my thoughts, sir.
But I wasn't sure
if you would want to meet me.
What changed?
This city.
Everything has changed
over the last few years.
Ever since the education system
has become a business.
You shouldn't be talking,
Mr. Binny Agarwal.
And you're the only one
who can save this city.
Because you're the only one
who sees a student as a student,
and not as a bag full of cash.
There is an inquiry on Batra Institute.
Other institute owners
aren't doing any better.
Killing this city.
How can I save this city?
I am all alone
Tell me what's on your mind
We're your students, sir.
No more games.
And keep me away
if you do indulge in those.
We have learnt so much from you, sir.
We have a lot of respect for you.
If we will get your blessing,
we will stop this bloody game.
-Who do we trust? Nobody!
-Who do we trust? Nobody!
Behind me, you see a group of students,
sadness written on their faces.
We see broken dreams on their faces.
What will these students do now?
Who is now responsible for them?
The government? Their parents?
Or their teachers?
What we see on their faces are not tears
but pieces of their dreams
which have been shattered!
They have no choice but to return home.
What will these students do?
What will their parents do?
Parents who have spent their
life's savings to send their kids to Kota!
These students are now a disappointed lot.
There is sadness and despair everywhere.
With cameraman Bapi,
I am Poonam Sharma,
Today News, Kota.
If I return home, my father will
make sure that I become a boxer.
My mother wants me
to join another institute.
I told her, "Mummy, no way!"
The only thing they want is a topper.
-I swear!
-I swear to God.
I am happy that Jindal was sent to jail.
But without a coaching institute,
I don't know if I'll be able
to crack the IIT exam.
-Your chances were slim anyway!
-Yeah, we know!
-But I was thinking
-Nikki, what will you do?
I'm going abroad. My dad's paying.
But I was thinking
-What about you, Mahender?
-I am good!
That's the best!
I was thinking
Rakesh, so will it be nationals
or straight to the Olympics?
-The Olympics
-Hey! No one wants to listen to me!
To all your bright futures.
To bright futures.
Listen, to top the IIT exam
I am really glad I had you.
I wish Vidhi also had a Nikki in her life.
I'll miss you.
I'll miss you too!
Namaste, Mr. Jindal.
I have spoken to Seema.
Hundred thousand rupees.
What do you want for dinner?
The bloody city of Kota!
It's me. Jindal.
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