Crazy Love (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Excuse me…
Please put me down.
Will it leave a scar?
No, I treated it well, so don't worry.
-Can you hold yourself to that?
She also got burned from coffee
yesterday. How about this?
I see. It looks all right.
You just need to apply ointment
for a few days.
Do you want to hold my hand and walk
or be carried like earlier?
You may leave early today.
It's because I'm not fine with it.
You know how messy
my bedroom is right now, right?
Please leave early and clean it all up.
If you don't like it,
pay off your debt soon.
Until then, you have no way out.
-What else?
I'm sorry.
It was hasty of me to say
you stole something.
-Ms. Gong!
-Ms. Gong, it's been so long!
My goodness. So is Mr. Noh Manners hurt?
No way! Ms. Lee was the one who got hurt.
My gosh. I heard
she practically threw herself
to save Mr. Noh.
If you guys harm Mr. Noh
in any way from now on,
I won't let it slide. Got that?
How is your injury?
It's all right.
I'll go in first.
Hello? Noh Gojin speaking.
-It's not easy to raise a child.
-Of course not.
-Oh my, ma'am. It's been so long.
We should have a company dinner soon.
Our missus sang so well that night, right?
-Let's have a company dinner.
-Yes, let's.
-I'm so lonely
-I'm so lonely
-Tears roll down my cheeks
-Tears roll down my cheeks
She was amazing.
Let's sing a duet together.
-Gosh, it's okay.
-I'll do it.
I'm so lonely
A different version.
Tears roll down my cheeks
Hello, sir.
-Don't laugh.
This is nice.
-Hello, sir.
Good morning, sir.
We don't see you often lately.
You must be busy dating.
Mr. Kim Chabae,
I wonder what's keeping you so busy
that your subscriber count
has been stagnant.
Let me tell you this
since you like going to company dinners.
Other companies don't allow second
and third tiers to join the top, right?
Just as the runner-up
can't take the winner's seat,
if you're no longer the best,
you'll have to step down.
If you think you can be the top tomorrow
just because you're the top today,
that's a big mistake.
Also, teaching assistants,
are you getting to work just now?
Don't you know that you need to be here
an hour earlier and leave an hour later
than the instructors?
What good is such a lazy mindset?
And you call yourselves
Noh Gojin's teaching assistants?
Do you?
If I were you, I'd quit immediately
out of embarrassment.
The more I think about it,
Mr. Noh Manners makes me angry.
But you love Mr. Noh Manners so much.
What do you mean?
Did he say something?
Fine. Let's just eat.
We need to eat to survive.
Well, I can make myself available
for about 30 minutes today.
But let's meet here at Gotop.
How are you going to recruit me
if you're so chicken?
I don't care. Come if you want. Okay. Bye.
Why are you speaking
so rudely on the phone?
I don't have to be polite to them.
Who were you talking to?
Baek Edu.
There's no reason for me to be nice
to a new company like that.
You asked a Baek Edu scout
to come to Gotop?
Why would they come?
If they do, they're out of their mind.
But why aren't you meeting with Baek Edu?
You said they called you.
Oh, right.
I rejected them right off the bat.
I see. You rejected them. Huh.
What do you mean by "huh"?
I didn't mean anything by it.
I'm going to go get some coffee.
Iced Americano.
Did they call you too?
You mean, Baek Edu?
I rejected them right off the bat too.
That means…
only I didn't get a call?
Producer Kim isn't
answering his phone again.
Fine. You only want Noh Gojin, don't you?
You darn--
I'm Baek Sooyeong, the CEO of Baek Edu.
I'm quite impressed
that you came all the way here to see me.
But I guess you couldn't figure out
my intention of saying what I said.
I didn't really mean for you to come here.
I was showing my devotion to Gotop.
Well, I'm trying to persuade you.
But I don't see a compelling reason why
I should go to a new company like Baek Edu
abandoning Gotop, the top company.
I'll give you what you want the most.
What? Money? Jeez.
I already have a lot of money.
Besides, any company will pay me a lot.
What Gotop can't give you,
we, Baek Edu, can.
What Gotop can't give me?
I doubt something like that even exists.
Your own
TV lectures on the QBC channel.
How does that sound?
Don't you want to become
the top instructor
recognized by not just your students,
but the entire country?
I'll wait for you in the lobby.
What business do you have here, Ms. Baek?
I came to recruit some instructors.
You came to Gotop
to steal away my instructors?
Right under my nose?
Do you really think that's why I came?
Since you're here,
I came up with
whatever excuse I could to come.
But I don't think I can do this anymore.
I come to you, cling on, wait,
and beg for you to please remember me.
Even I think I've lost my mind.
So I…
plan to tell Ms. Sina
that you're my first love
and ask her to return you to me.
Look, Ms. Baek Sooyeong.
Are you worried
that your fiancée will be heartbroken?
Then, eat dinner with me just ten times.
It's Ms. Sina.
Hello, Ms. Sooyeong?
I called since I felt bad
after only saying hello earlier.
Yes, I did too.
Let's get a meal together next time.
Okay, sounds good.
Let's get going.
Yes, ma'am.
I wonder how Mr. Noh
and Ms. Sooyeong know each other.
It doesn't seem like they were classmates.
What… are you doing?
May I ask?
Are you his secretary?
She's the one.
She pisses me off.
Hey, she's uglier in person.
Hey, stay away.
Stay away from what?
From Mr. Noh. Stay away from him!
Who is--
-Noh Gojin?
-We don't approve of your engagement.
That's right. Never.
Totally. You're so awful.
I think there's a misunderstanding. I--
Mr. Noh is mine!
I'll never approve of it!
-Mr. Noh!
-It's him!
-Oh my gosh!
-Mr. Noh!
-Oh, no.
-Let's respect each other's privacy.
I don't do this to your boyfriends.
-I don't have a boyfriend!
-What's a boyfriend?
-I've never dated anyone.
-Me neither.
I'll look up your social media accounts.
-I'm telling the truth.
-I only like you.
-That's right.
-That's right.
If you really like someone,
you need to protect them.
-That's awesome.
-So romantic.
-He's so cool.
-My gosh.
And you.
If you want me to be yours,
you'd better graduate from school first.
Put that down now.
Okay. I put it down.
-He's so amazing.
-What do I do?
Then will you wait for me
until I graduate?
Me too. I'll come as soon as I graduate.
Please wait for me.
Hey, he said it to me.
I'll think about it.
Now, go inside and study.
We'll totally study hard, okay?
-I love you!
-I don't want to go!
-I love you!
-I don't want to go!
Mr. Noh.
-I love you too!
I love you!
Well, how cute.
What are you doing? Aren't you coming?
Yes, coming now.
Well… Sir.
Did you decide to take
that punk Mr. Noh Manners' side now?
What do you mean, Mr. Noh Manners' side?
The danger past and God forgotten.
How could you change like this?
How could you change like this?
Everyone changes.
I want to leave behind
the times we worked together, sir.
No! You even made a firm vow like this.
that's become a meaningless promise.
Please don't call me anymore.
You two are ridiculous!
This one's a bit old.
Me? Who are you, old lady?
"Old lady"? Hey!
No, honey!
-That's right, floozy!
How does it feel being caught
red-handed cheating?
-You bit me again.
-That's not it.
You bit me again because of that floozy?
Please, honey.
You're dead meat today.
Do you want to make the news?
Gimme that.
Oh my.
-My goodness.
-Darn you!
Let's go.
-My goodness. Hey!
-Ma Eunjung!
Be quiet. Hey, what are you?
Did you go somewhere?
I went to a quick external meeting.
It's nothing serious.
I need to give you a heads-up.
There will be an event
for the research team in two days.
An event?
It's to cleanly wrap up
the study guide incident.
I trust that you'll handle it well.
How did he show up right at that moment?
Who showed up?
Hey, you're home.
It must've been a hard day.
Aren't you hungry?
I cooked braised kimchi--
Hey! Those are…
I wore them to my audition
for the role of a rich college student.
Do they look good on me?
Chu Okhee, you can't
just take them without telling me!
Hey, it's not like I sold them off.
I only wore them once.
You're being so mean.
If you do this to me,
Okhee's sad.
Gosh, because of these, I…
Jeez, I threw a fuss at him
for calling me a thief.
Now I have to go tell him
that I'm the one who really took them?
How am I going to say that?
Gosh, seriously.
You don't need to come to my house today.
Please go straight to work.
He isn't even at work
and his phone is off too.
He's never done this before.
Oh, right.
It's his grandmother's death anniversary.
it reminded me of my mom
and I wanted to apologize
about the earrings too.
How did you know…
it was my grandmother's death anniversary?
Because I was your secretary
a year ago too.
What was your grandmother like?
She peeled onions.
After getting back
from selling fish at the market,
she peeled a huge pile of onions
every day deep into the night
sitting in a tiny room.
Whenever she peeled onions,
she would always cry.
She said the onions made her eyes water,
but I thought she cried
because she was sad.
So I hate onions.
Because it reminds me
of my crying grandmother.
now when I look at onions,
I think it'll remind me of someone else.
What's going on?
We'll start the investigation
on Mr. Noh's study guides being leaked.
Everyone, please stop
what you're doing and stand up.
-My goodness!
-So suddenly?
What the heck is going on?
-What do you think you're doing?
Oh no. My file.
I was working on that.
Please put that down! Don't!
-You can't do that.
-Please let go.
Eat this at least.
We have to eat to fight.
We can't be framed as thieves like this.
Don't you think?
I can let other things slide.
But I really can't just let it slide
the way we were treated like this
in front of the other research teams.
It's so insulting.
-Ms. Ma.
-Ms. Ma.
Why do we have to be mistreated like this?
Gotop isn't the only place to work.
We have stellar educational backgrounds,
work experience, and achievements.
We have master's and doctorate degrees.
We shouldn't be treated like this
by Noh Gojin who only has
a high school diploma. Don't you agree?
-You're right.
You're right, Ms. Ma.
We have no reason to be treated like this.
Let's show him that we aren't pushovers.
The special lecture is only an hour away.
What do you think you're doing?
We can't work
when we're insulted like this.
The audit team searched our desks,
and we were even questioned.
Even though there is no evidence
that we leaked the study guides,
they treated us like criminals.
Yes, that's right!
We won't return to work
until appropriate measures are taken!
-We won't!
-We won't!
Mr. Noh, what are you doing--
You sent the audit team?
If there is a doubt, I must investigate.
You said you'll take care of it.
Do you think it's taken care of?
Since we found no evidence,
I suppose it is.
The teaching assistants wouldn't agree.
They might be very upset at the moment,
but they'll return to work
after some time.
Or while we're at it,
why don't we hire new staff?
You don't remember them anyway,
so it shouldn't matter to you.
I think it's going to matter.
The lecture is in less than an hour.
Just cancel it.
It's not like it's a big deal.
Gojin, don't be out of character
and get soft-hearted.
You're acting out of character too.
You used to be
the kindest person in the world.
I promised them my lecture.
I must keep my promise.
-Did you call for me?
-I'm going to the special lecture.
Sorry? Did they all return to work?
I'm going on my own.
Why are you standing there for?
Get ready quickly.
It's Kim Heeyeon.
Kim Heeyeon.
Here you go.
It's Cho Sungsik.
Cho Sungsik.
Enjoy the lecture.
If you focus and listen
to my lecture carefully today,
you'll be able to master calculus.
Who am I?
-Noh Gojin!
Okay, shall we solve
a practice problem then?
Great. If you understood
the average rate of change…
the derivatives become easier.
So the limit as delta x
approaches zero. What next?
The answer is three.
Who got it correct?
You were quite helpful today.
You were a good teaching assistant.
Thank you.
Shouldn't you go get the car now?
At this rate, when will you
pay off all your debt?
I saw your apology video.
The study guide issue
should be resolved now.
What is it that you really want from me?
I'll tell you when it's time.
How long will you pressure me like this?
Let me say this ahead
so that you don't get the wrong idea.
No matter how much I want Think Academy,
I won't go along with absurd requests.
Don't worry.
It's nothing to be concerned about.
But this task needs to be safeguarded,
so I'll tell you about it later.
Please don't misunderstand.
But will Mr. Noh Manners
really let the study guide incident slide?
No worries about that.
Mr. Noh won't care at all.
Why not?
Mr. Noh has amnesia.
-What did you say?
-He lost his memories
from the car accident in Gangneung.
Now he's pretending to be fine.
Am… Amnesia?
It's top secret.
I need to get going for my next meeting.
Don't get cute with me!
He told me at the KPEDA event
that he planted erroneous questions
knowing I was going
to steal his study guides!
What do you mean?
Mr. Noh Manners told me that himself.
Ms. Lee Sina.
Tonight's dinner…
Gojin, let's have dinner together tonight.
I have dinner plans for tonight.
You may go home now.
I see. Okay.
You brought me here on purpose
to piss me off, right?
I can speak quite coarsely.
After launching a company,
I keep speaking more coarsely.
If I want something,
I need to become tough.
Although you've aged,
you're still childish in some ways.
Wait. I guess you're fine with it now.
You used to hate it
when I called you childish.
You don't remember that either, do you?
For our first date,
you took me to a fancy restaurant
using your whole paycheck--
I'm done eating. May I go now?
Please respect…
my love for you.
Just because you don't remember our past,
it doesn't mean
that I don't remember it either.
I still cherish all the moments
of us together in my heart.
The dress you bought me,
our first date,
and how we used to lie down together
and look at the stars.
The memories of how we loved each other
remain vivid like pictures in my head.
Then why did we break up?
That's because…
of an unavoidable circumstance.
What was that unavoidable circumstance?
Did I cheat on you?
did you abandon me?
Ms. Baek Sooyeong.
Today's going to be the last time
we have dinner together.
If you want to tell Ms. Lee Sina,
go ahead.
I don't have a desire to respect
your one-sided love for me.
Did you just get home?
What brings you here so late at night?
I wanted to have a drink with you.
It's been a while.
After your accident, we haven't had time
for just the two of us.
I felt really nostalgic today.
Okay. I'm glad you came.
The special lecture must've been tough.
I should've thought it through.
I'll persuade the teaching assistants,
so don't worry too much.
By the way, I heard a weird rumor
that you knew Mr. Park
was going to steal the study guides
and planted the erroneous questions
on purpose to set a trap.
Of course, it's total nonsense.
It's true.
I think I planted the erroneous questions.
I'm not sure if it was a trap,
but I found
the study guide materials on my desk.
On the very last page,
it said "special event."
It was to find
the 15 hidden erroneous questions.
Is that so?
What's wrong?
Is there a problem?
No. Not at all.
Oh, right.
My friend made it with great care
and gave it to me as a gift.
It looks delicious, so I brought it.
No peaches in it, right?
Who else but me would know
that you're allergic to peaches?
Of course not. Don't worry and eat.
You're right.
It looks delicious.
It's delicious indeed.
What's wrong? Are you all right?
One second, honey.
Honey, your skin is nice.
Why do you need to do this?
Because I'm older than you.
Don't say that. Jeez.
It's Sina. Hide quickly. Hurry!
I won't hide anymore.
If you don't, you're dead meat.
Guess what I brought home.
It's from a new popular restaurant
near my office. It's so good.
I know you like sushi.
Come on, eat up. Here.
You're usually so miserly.
What's gotten into you?
-Isn't it good?
I feel so happy today.
Thank you for coming.
Mr. Noh ate a peach?
Why? He's allergic to peaches.
Why did he eat it?
I didn't realize
he was allergic to peaches.
I guess he didn't remember it either.
Please don't worry too much.
He was in shock, but he should be okay.
Okay. What a relief.
I feel like it's all my fault.
It was an accident.
Please don't blame yourself.
I see. I'm on my way.
I'm sorry. Something urgent came up,
so I need to go.
Sure, please go ahead.
Gojin, I'm sorry.
He ate a peach?
Why does he have to go this far
to pretend to have amnesia?
I guess his memories haven't returned.
-Oh, no.
You've always been alone.
In the end,
you're going to leave me too.
Then why did we break up?
Did you abandon me?
It's just like 12 years ago.
The way he looked at me
in front of the police station.
I won't let you go.
Ms. Baek.
Let's talk about work tomorrow.
I have a headache.
I'm going home early today.
Yes, ma'am. I'll have the car ready.
Are you all right?
The deputy CEO of Gotop?
I'm sorry.
You really don't have to
go to the hospital?
It's okay. Please don't worry
about the car either.
Gosh, thank you.
I wanted to meet you.
I heard that you
and Mr. Noh are best friends.
Yes. Gojin and I are like real brothers.
I heard so much about you before
from Gojin.
Gojin mentioned me?
What did he say?
Forget it.
He must've said
I was his first love of the past.
-But Gojin--
-I know already.
He has amnesia.
But please don't worry.
I know it's a secret.
I guess you watched it all beside him
when Mr. Noh was dating and got engaged.
No. After Gojin got into the car accident,
I found out for the first time
that Ms. Lee Sina was his fiancée.
-She said the two of them got engaged.
But it's just based on
Ms. Lee Sina's words.
What do you mean--
Of course, I don't doubt her.
But sometimes
I wonder if Ms. Lee Sina is
really Gojin's fiancée, you know?
Do you have time today?
-Let's have dinner together.
Did Ms. Baek invite us again?
No. I want to have dinner
with just the two of us.
At 7 p.m. I'll message you the location.
Do you like it?
Yes, it's delicious.
-Please eat.
Ms. Lee Sina.
What is it?
Tear it up.
-Please tear it up.
It's over now.
What's over?
From this moment on,
our contract is terminated.
-you're fired.
Starting tomorrow, please don't come
to Gotop Education or my house.
I'm done talking, so I'll excuse myself.
Jeez, am I dreaming right now?
The contract is terminated
and I don't have to pay him back.
I was going to submit
my resignation letter anyway.
I no longer have to be his secretary,
housekeeper, or driver.
Wow, Lee Sina, aren't you excited?
Smile. You practically won the lottery!
You're fired.
Starting tomorrow, please don't come
to Gotop Education or my house.
Why do I…
feel like I got dumped?
I see. He's back to himself again.
Please get me coffee--
Hey, potato.
I keep seeing things.
What do I do?
Ms. Lee Sina.
Ms. Lee Sina!
Don't you have manners--
Is Ms. Lee Sina here?
Sina? She hasn't come home yet.
She wasn't with you?
Okay, here we go.
-Where is she right now?
Lee Sina!
How would I know? She isn't my secretary.
Fine. I'll track her location.
Why are you doing this?
You told me to leave.
Why do you keep stopping me?
Seriously, why are you doing this?
-Ms. Lee Sina.
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