Curses! (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Ruby Hourglass & the Obsidian Sphere

What's wrong? Why couldn't we see Dad?
-Is he--
-Don't even say it! We're so close.
We're gonna save him. Right, Mom?
Georgia said we have to
bring two pieces together. Let's do it.
Here goes nothing.
[both sigh]
-[both sigh]
Okay, everybody out.
-Wait, what?
-How come?
We have no idea what's going to happen.
If something goes wrong,
I'll be protected by the necklace.
The rest of you? Not so much.
Be careful, Mom. [sighs]
[breathing deeply]
You think this is gonna work?
I hope so,
but every time we've made progress,
there's another complication
waiting for us.
This must be the end.
We have surmounted far too many trials
only to fall short now.
Stanley's right.
We're gonna get Dad back and Linda too!
-[Russ] Everything okay, Mom?
-I think so!
Something's clearly happening.
What a-- a pleasant reaction.
It's working. Dad's gonna be unstoned!
Come on, we should be there
when he wakes up! [pants]
I can't believe we're done.
I've missed Dad so much.
Me too, but we did it.
[Larry] Honestly, I've missed
the ol' bloke's smelly cologne.
[Sky] I'm so relieved
this nightmare is finally over.
Our whole family
will be together again at last.
Let's give Dad a little space.
We don't wanna just
jump all over him and scare him.
[Pandora shouts]
Great Caesar's ghost!
A giant spider?
[grunts] You've gotta be kidding me!
[grunts] That's not just a spider,
it's a black widow!
Of course! The red hourglass.
How did I not see that?
Everyone over here!
[roaring continues]
We need to get out of the Restricted Wing!
[breathes heavily]
-Everyone okay?
Might have been nice if Ania mentioned
these artifacts made a killer spider.
I can't imagine she knew.
Otherwise, she would have warned us.
Well, we know now.
We gotta do something quick.
[thudding continues]
That brute wants us dead.
Yes, it would be wise
to form a plan of action
while we have the gate between us.
Which may not be
for as long as I had hoped.
[spider shrieks, grunts]
[sighs] Why can't we ever
get chased by a weak monster?
-Linda! You're back!
You chose a really bad time,
but you're back.
How'd that happen?
-[Alex] Sky, kids…
-…are you there?
Alex! You're still alive.
What's happening to you?
I don't know, but something's changed.
It's moving a lot in here.
And there's a crack of light now.
[breathes shakily]
If I could just get to it.
Pandora, you won't believe it,
but I swear I saw Linda run by.
[chuckles] Into the light toward you all.
[sighs] I must be seeing things.
Maybe you're not.
Maybe he did see Linda come back.
Please know that I love you all.
And I'm sorry I failed to protect you.
Sky, don't stop.
You have to end the curse
and save the kids. You have to--
Hmm. We can still save him.
Pandora might be right.
Linda turned to stone
when she touched the hourglass,
just like Cornelius, right?
Go on.
So it would make sense that
Linda was in the same place Dad's in.
Yeah, he said it was a dark void,
and he couldn't see much in there.
Dad mentioned there's suddenly
a lot of movement where he is,
and there's a bit of light now.
And he could see us in that light.
The hourglass just got cracked,
and Dad saw Linda go into the light.
Now they're back here.
Which can only mean--
The light is the crack in the hourglass.
And Alex's spirit
is imprisoned in the Obsidian Sphere.
[roaring continues]
But we all heard him. He sounded so weak.
He can't make it to the light.
Which is why one of us has to go in
and help him get out of there.
One of us has to get turned to stone.
[all shout]
Hey! Over here, you ugly bug!
Technically arachnids aren't bugs,
but you know what I mean! [grunts]
Horus, what are you doing?
I'm gonna turn to stone next anyway.
It might as well be me.
[grunts, groans]
-Trust me, I--
-I know. You got this.
Hurry! You gotta go.
[grunting, groaning]
Some superweapon you are!
You gotta do better than that.
[grunts, groans]
See you soon, Dad.
[gasps, breathes heavily]
Okay, guess I'm not all dead. [echoing]
[breathes heavily] Can you hear me?
It's Russ.
Dad! Say something! Anything!
[gasps, normal voice] This must be what
happens to people who get turned to stone.
Their spirits are digested in here.
Please don't be Dad.
Please don't be Dad.
[grunts, groans]
That's gonna give me nightmares.
But at least it's not Dad.
[groans] Of course it would be
the one that's farthest away.
Huh. Skittering.
Dad told us about that sound.
[shouts, grunts]
[both panting]
Three months ago, if you told me
Russ would voluntarily go one-on-one
with a six-foot black widow spider
to save Dad, I wouldn't believe it.
I can't decide which part of that
is the most unbelievable.
Russ bought us critical time
against our arachnid foe.
We must endeavor not to waste it.
Yeah, we gotta help him
get Dad out of that spider.
And I have a plan on just how to do it.
Russ is fighting monsters
and you're making plans.
Now I've seen everything.
Seems like you and your brother
taught each other a lot this summer.
If Russ is right,
Dad can only see a little light
'cause the crack
in the hourglass is so small.
We also know that's the way out,
thanks to Linda.
Instead of one exit,
we need to bust the ruby hourglass
so it has lots of cracks,
so Russ and Dad
have tons of chances to escape.
Should we not just destroy the hourglass?
We could, but Dad and Russ
might get hurt in there if we do.
We gotta make sure
they're out and safe first.
It's a tall order to damage it,
much less destroy it.
Seems like that hourglass
is tougher than turtle jerky.
Trust me, I know what I'm doing here.
This is basically a video game boss battle
and nobody's better at those than me.
-[spider roaring]
[all panting]
[roaring continues]
[pants] Whoa.
For the record, I would normally be
against you using anything in here.
But these are special circumstances.
Hmm. Still cool.
-[both gasp]
-[Pandora whimpers]
-[Sky pants]
Hmm. [groans]
[snarling, roaring]
-[groans, grunts]
[shouting, grunting, straining]
-No! Mom!
-It's okay.
I'm wearing the-- [gasps]
You've got to be kidding me.
[Pandora] That's it.
[shouts, strains]
-Brilliant, Pandora!
Turns out the best offense
is the house's defense.
Come on. Time to give our guest
a tour of the Restricted Wing.
[grunts, strains] Gross.
Next time,
I might just let the spiders get me.
[grunting, shouts]
[grunts] Huh?
I guess my cocoon-mate
was an Aztec warrior.
This time, no mistakes.
Gotta get to Dad
without touching the webs.
[footsteps approaching]
Direct hit!
Don't celebrate yet.
We gotta meet Stanley.
There's one more place
we need to take Ol' Spider-Butt.
[cracking, shattering]
Yes, more cracks of light.
Keep going, fam.
Just gotta reach Dad.
[groans] Slow, slow. No need to rush.
Look at the big ol' brain you've got,
[Pandora pants]
Wait for it…
Wait for it…
[snarling, roaring]
Hit it! [grunts]
[grunts, groans]
[grunts, breathes heavily]
[roaring, shrieking]
[breathing heavily]
Uh. [sighs]
Oh, we got it. We actually beat it.
Raise the ceiling, Stanley.
We still need to
get Russ and Alex out of there.
Take that! That's what you get
for messing with the Vanderhouvens!
[grunts] Dad? It's Russ.
Come on, wake up. [grunts, groans]
Russ? You shouldn't be here. Not yet.
You shouldn't be either. We're going home.
-No! You can't have him! Stay away!
Huh? What just happened?
[breathes heavily]
[Pandora, Stanley chuckle]
Dad, I don't know what went wrong.
We were so close and-- I'm sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for.
The blame lies with your ancestors and me.
I'm sorry I kept the secret to myself
and endangered you all.
You, Pandora, and your mom, you did
what's right, even though it was hard.
You changed the Vanderhouven legacy
for the better. [sighs]
No! I hate it when
the boss has two health bars.
[breathes shakily]
[footsteps approaching]
Oh, yeah! Here comes Hank.
And there goes Hank.
[both gasp]
Sky, Pandora, you oughta run.
Stanley and I will keep
the beast at bay so you can escape.
Indeed. We have found great purpose
in assisting you with your efforts.
Now get to safety.
Wait, no!
[grunts, groans]
Mom, drop the ceiling!
[grunts, pants]
[Sky grunts]
Don't you ever do that again.
We are sticking together,
and we're all getting out alive.
Yeah, stop talking like you work for us.
You're part of our family.
You're Vanderhouvens now.
You know why I'm still alive?
And that hope is what will keep us going
until Sky and Pandora get us out.
Are you with me?
You got it, Dad.
Really could've used some
of your famous pep talks
-over the last three months. [chuckles]
It's only been three months?
Here they come again.
[Pandora, echoing] Russ? Russ?
Are you okay in there?
[Russ] Pandora!
I've got Dad, but all the lights are out.
What's happening?
We had the Black Widow beat,
but it repaired itself.
It was totally unfair.
[Russ] Since when can it do that?
Turns out it has all sorts of
horrible tricks up its sleeve.
We gotta smash
one big crack in the hourglass
so you two can escape
before it heals itself again.
-But it is too dangerous to get close.
-Not if we have the necklace.
We gotta get the necklace off the ceiling.
The ceiling?
What's it doing on the ceiling?
Don't worry about it. I'm on it.
You guys just stay safe.
[Russ] Okay, we're trusting you.
[both shout]
I need you guys to head to
the house and get some stuff.
Uh, last time I checked
the exit was covered in spider gunk.
I know, but there's another way up.
-I should be asking you, frankly.
[grunts] Got it. I'm going up.
The itsy-bitsy spider
Went up the waterspout ♪
It'll be here soon.
Then we're gonna kick its butt.
Just gotta hope Stanley
and Larry get back in time.
We know what to expect.
It's counting on us to panic
so it can catch us.
Don't give it what it wants.
[grunts, groans]
[grunts, groans]
[grunts, groans]
Nice moves, Mom.
-One necklace coming right up.
How'd you figure out how to
control that thing so fast?
Once you learn how to sail
a stolen Spanish galleon,
everything else is a piece of cake.
Your chariot awaits.
Looks good on you, kid.
Safety first.
[grunts] Let's dance.
Over here, ya uggo!
-Nah, up here, fool.
[grunts] Yikes.
Sorry, Russ.
All right, playtime's over.
Mom, you're up.
[shouts, grunts]
Got any more dirty tricks?
[grunts, groans]
[Pandora screaming]
[breathes deeply]
Hey! Where is everyone?
-Where's Dad?
-I'm right here.
And I'm not going anywhere.
[all laughing]
[Alex laughs] I still can't believe it.
The curse is broken.
For the first time in years, I feel free.
[chuckles] I really am
the luckiest dad and husband alive.
You saved me.
And ourselves!
Though I would've looked good as a statue.
I would've done a sweet pose when it
happened, so I would be cool forever.
You know, we still have
a whole house full of artifacts
that really don't belong to us.
It feels wrong to keep any of it.
Who says we're keeping it?
It's our responsibility to uncurse
and return all those items.
Plus, imagine what we could do
with all that space
-in the Restricted Wing.
-[Pandora] Skate park, anyone?
It would keep me
from skating around the halls.
Uh, no way.
We should make it a super advanced
tech lab for my inventions.
I cannot believe what I am hearing.
We have a responsibility to make amends
for our ancestors' misdeeds!
We are paying down
a generational ledger of wrongdoing here.
And after that,
we're putting a hot tub in the Celestium.
Oh, okay.
[all laughing]
-[Sky] Alex?
Where am I?
Are you okay?
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