Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

The Hardest Part of a Journey

[whimsical music playing]
Can I join your walk?
[Da-eun] I wanted to walk by myself.
Sure, alright.
Wow, the air this morning's so fresh.
[woman] Ms. Jung Da-eun,
how are you feeling today?
I'm doing fine, Doctor.
And how was your morning walk?
I wanted it to be a solo walk,
till some other patient begged me,
so I gave in and let her.
You told the patient to leave you alone?
No, it's just I don't want to hurt
someone's feelings, so
So, then, other people's feelings
concern you?
I would like everybody around me
to be really happy. That's true.
And what about you?
Have you ever focused on
trying to make yourself happy instead?
[pensive music playing]
[Da-eun] I had to put my own grief aside
to make sure
that my mother's grief didn't consume her.
[girl] Aww.
That's the ice cream
I wanted though, Da-eun.
Here. It's for you, then.
Wow, thanks!
[Da-eun] I would always put
my friends' needs ahead of mine.
Hey, Jungda! Man, I got caught in traffic.
I'm so sorry!
Well, I bought us some tickets already.
Ooh, a horror flick, my favorite.
Popcorn for us too.
Alright, caramel popcorn!
It's just the best, right?
[Da-eun] I knew all of my friends'
favorite things, inside and out.
- [woman screaming]
- [monster snarling]
- [menacing music playing]
- [monster rasps]
[Da-eun] But I guess I never bothered
trying to understand my own wants.
I put you through so much.
Oh, no. Gosh, no, no, no, sir,
don't apologize. It was all my fault.
Listen, Mr. Kim Sung-sik,
you're not the one to blame here.
I'll help you.
You can get relief with medication.
I think these are the books you asked for.
Thank you for being there
to help me all the time, Ms. Jung.
[Da-eun] Despite taking such good care
of others, I neglected myself.
Look, I don't need to be here.
I said, get off!
[Da-eun] And suddenly, now I was
the one who needed saving.
Not someone else.
It's my goal to find happiness.
How do I go about finding it?
[woman] Try adopting
a more self-centered lifestyle.
Stop caring about someone
getting offended and make a choice
to do whatever it is
you'd like to do, Ms. Jung Da-eun.
Unni, I wanna use that spot, okay?
I like to do yoga there.
Sorry, I also like doing yoga here.
Okay, then.
But tomorrow I get to use it, alright?
[hopeful music playing]
[woman] How do you feel right now?
Good, actually.
- It's kind of cathartic, in a strange way.
- Good. That's a great sign.
Then maybe let's try using
what we call a compliment diary.
Sorry, what kind of diary?
[woman] You just need
to compliment yourself.
It can be for the most trivial things.
Whenever one pops up,
write it in the diary.
[Da-eun] Today, I am complimenting myself
for learning how to say no
and for asserting myself.
I also complimented myself
for organizing my shoes
and for not spilling any food or drink
on my clothes during our mealtimes.
And I complimented myself,
for complimenting myself too.
I learned that complimenting myself
is a lot more rewarding
than receiving a compliment from others.
I started looking forward
to sunshine greeting me every morning.
[opening theme music playing]
[Hyo-sin] That's enough! Song Ae-sin.
[Ae-sin whimpering]
[tranquil music playing]
calm down.
Hmm? No need to scream, okay?
You're alright.
Don't worry.
They wanna help you out, that's all.
It's alright. Big sis is here. It's okay.
You're alright. Please remove her hat.
[inhales deeply]
It's okay.
[computer beeping]
[man] I think
you'll have to wash your hair.
It'll come right off
if you wash it with warm water.
Let's go, Ae-sin, huh?
- [Ae-sin groans]
- Easy.
[water running]
It's okay. Huh? Come on.
I'll put your hat on
once your hair's washed, okay? Alright.
Lean back a little, okay?
Easy, easy, easy.
Yes, that's great.
That's really great.
Now I'll give your hair a wash, okay?
[Ae-san's whimpering loudens]
- Right, good, just
- [screams]
[Hyo-sin] Oh!
[Ae-san screaming, whimpering]
Alright, Ae-sin. No sink, then.
[wistful music playing]
- Oh gosh. It seems you did a great job.
- [Hyo-sin chuckles]
Yes, my, sister did really well.
But now it might be good
to put her to bed. Would you mind?
Straight to bed.
- [Soo-yeon] Oh goodness.
- Do we have any towels?
- Oh, there's one right here.
- Right.
Aren't you cold now?
Oh, uh, it's fine.
You'd better put on some dry clothes.
Thanks. You're right.
Are you all shocked?
That Song Ae-sin is my sister?
But her intake form didn't mention
her being your family.
Our parents naturally became guardians.
They just brought her here
and took off again right away.
They live in the country.
They're farming people, you see.
Yes, but I still wish you'd have told us,
so we could be even more attentive to her.
Oh, no, you've all been trying your best
for her. That's plenty.
I know that everyone here
makes sure they put patients first.
Not even a family's as strong.
[Soo-yeon breathes deeply]
All that must have been hard though.
[Hyo-sin] I'm sure
Ae-sin has suffered more.
She was the reason
I chose a career in nursing, actually.
I know a few nurses who, uh, chose it
because a loved one became sick, you know?
Someone accustomed to taking care
of a sick person
would naturally feel drawn to a career
like nursing, don't you think?
I do. I just saw my sister as
just a bit more sensitive than other kids,
then when I trained as a nurse,
her schizophrenia was diagnosed.
[Soo-yeon gasps]
And that's why I decided on
a psychiatry focus in the end.
I'd have brought her to a hospital
if I'd just put it all together
when it started.
I was a bit late, I guess.
That's not true.
Families are like that.
They don't know about all these things,
and it's hard to admit it's going on.
[scoffs] Ae-sin hadn't been medicating,
meaning her
her condition just kept getting worse,
so it still circles back to me.
I was too focused on
getting the move done.
Wait, you're moving soon?
It might be a bit far from work here,
but it gets some fresh air,
which will do Ae-sin good, I think.
[Soo-yeon sighs]
Hey, I'm okay.
What is it? Are the prescriptions alright?
It's the wrong dosage amounts, yet again.
Well, did you call the pharmacy?
They always say the same thing.
"If the prescription is wrong,
return it to the pharmacy
and submit an exchange form."
Ah, it's like banging your head
against a wall.
So the form's the only way?
I don't have much of a choice now.
These meds need to be dispensed on time.
- Don't bother.
- Sorry?
- You're not going down there yourself?
- [beeping]
Uh-huh. Back to work, ladies.
- Oh, um
- I'm just
[tense music playing]
- Ms. Song!
- Ms. Song?
Did the Psych Unit submit their exchange?
[man 2] No, not yet.
Can't the meds get sent now though, sir?
The patients need it.
Let 'em wait.
The form would be done if it was a rush.
[rapid beeping]
[dramatic music playing]
[echoing roar]
[thudding footsteps]
[thudding footsteps]
[thudding footsteps]
[echoing roar]
[thudding footsteps]
[thudding footsteps]
[thudding footsteps]
[thudding footsteps]
[door creaks loudly]
Oh my God!
[music fades]
Nurse Song, what brings you
down here in person?
It's these meds.
Ah, it's I'm not sure why, uh
- You could've sent a junior nurse instead.
- They'll be busy now.
And I assumed you'd be busy yourselves.
That's why I came down here.
We were, uh the meds'll get sent soon.
Like when? When you get that form,
and the meds you botched earlier?
Now, look, I'm [clears throat]
Ms. Song, you and I know
that hospitals run
on strict rules and protocols.
So if you ask for new medications
without any notice,
then the meds for other units
can be delayed,
so complaints might end up made.
Yeah, so try to look at it from our side.
Right, I understand.
So why do I get the feeling
all this talk is purely an excuse?
- You think you're busy?
- What?
Not as busy as me!
[Hyo-sin] It's childish,
trying to one-up each other.
Isn't caring for our patients
a greater priority than this?
That's the more adult thing to do, right?
If one of our patients
is left unmedicated,
what happens then?
Are you just gonna try this joke again?
Let's try not to waste more time
going forward.
We're adults here.
- Agreed?!
- [gasps] Oh
[tense music playing]
We are.
Thought so.
[music fades]
Let's smile on through it.
[man 1] Meds!
[woman] Right, yeah.
Oh, don't mention it.
It's fine. Don't worry.
Oh, so?
- [hangs up phone]
- So what happened?
I'm shocked. They said they were sorry.
- [cheers]
- Wow!
Oh, she must've really
torn them a new one, huh?
I know she's our boss,
but she can be a bit scary.
She's got our backs.
I think I'm glad she's scary.
Yeah! That's why hospital staff
always call her Mama Nurse, after all.
You know, mothers would do anything
for their kids, come rain or shine.
[pensive music playing]
[man] Is anyone home?
Ah, shit. Who the hell?
[banging at door]
- Oh, yes, hello, so you are here.
- Uh, yes?
- It's this place here.
- Oh, hey, uh, what's going on?
Ah, on signing, we said we'd come over
to take some measurements of things.
- It's up for lease?
- Ah, yeah. Alright, folks.
- [man 2] We just wanna measure
- No, you don't, wait!
Nobody's leasing it. Just get out.
- [man 1] We've signed the contract.
- Go.
I'll give the down payment back, then!
- [man 1] Uh
- Just get out!
Oh, right. I'm sorry I wasn't there.
I'm still at work.
[man 1] The lady inside is
your mother, right?
Because she's been saying
she wants the contract canceled?
That's no, the lease can move ahead.
Please just send what needs measuring,
and I can take care of it for you.
[wistful music playing]
Hey, you. You leasing this place or what?
Answer me already!
I have a name. Why not use it?
Even a dog gets called by its name, right?
Then again, I always mattered
less than a dog to you.
Stop your bullshit for a sec, huh?
Tell me, are you leasing it out?
- Yeah.
- What for?
To pay back all the debt.
You're a nurse,
at that big university hospital.
Didn't you put some money away?
[sheathes tape measure]
You've gambled all my money away already.
Well, I guess it'll be fine.
The water problem's such a pain.
So get us hot water at the new place
for sure. Double check.
[exhales sharply]
[woman] Ms. Jung,
did you sleep well last night?
Yeah, I feel more rested
than I have in awhile.
How about the diary?
Is that working out for you?
Weirdly, it is.
I wasn't someone who'd really taken
a constructive look at myself in that way.
I like what I see.
I'm very pleased by how you're growing.
The meds seem to work,
and your cognitive treatment
is taking strides.
Dr. Heo, I was thinking,
I'm taking medication now
and writing things down in the diary
and my daily acts of self-care.
That's still not "fully healed" though.
This kind of mental illness
doesn't just magically disappear
without any sign.
That's correct. It won't.
Hmm, but as patients
begin to return to normal routines,
behaving as usual, sleeping well,
waking up early, eating three meals a day,
We call that "recovered."
That's when their discharge will occur.
Discharged? So soon?
[Dr. Heo] You can never
completely rid yourself of an emotion.
Just take your meds
and practice controlling your emotions
in your daily life.
[Hyo-sin] Hello?
Someone there? Speak up. Hello?
It it's just me. It's Da-eun calling.
Oh, long time. You've been well, I trust?
Uh, yes, things are going well,
so I think I'll get discharged soon.
Oh, is that true?
You had me worried. That's great to hear.
Yes, ma'am, thanks a lot.
You'll come back to work when you're out?
You should, Da-eun.
There's a big void here now without you.
Besides, everyone is waiting for you too.
Should I tell them
that I've been kept in a psychiatric unit,
or should I keep that a secret?
Since I know about it,
nobody else has to know.
- Right.
- Don't worry about anything else.
Just keep focused on improving for now.
I'll see you once you're back here.
Thank you, ma'am.
Hmm. Take care.
[ping pong ball bouncing]
Mom, my boss said I can go back to work
once I'm free and clear.
- Oh my. So soon, huh? That's great, hon.
- Right?
What else do you need?
Besides your scrubs?
Uh, the other nurses must be tired
from the big gap I left in the schedule,
So a gift for them, maybe?
Like a batch of rice cakes?
Ugh, not those.
Although, Ma,
I'd sure like your cakes though.
I've got some mugwort, still. Mm.
Excuse me. I've got
the discharge forms for your daughter.
- Would you please come in?
- Oh, right. Stay here, you two.
We'll wait here, ma'am.
[inhales deeply]
[sighs contendedly]
Wow, Jungda, you're out, huh?
How do we celebrate this?
Oh! Expensive bags?
Are you crazy?
Come on, I was kidding. God!
Oh, man, take a joke.
Just buy me food, alright?
That seems really familiar in a way.
Mm, chicken'd be just super.
Dream big, huh? I'd better get started.
A hundred chickens,
fried up as plain as always.
I want that chicken sweet and hot,
you know. Getting it plain is your way.
Huh? That seems new.
I liked hot since birth, dude.
Ah, is that right?
Then I'll fry them all up sweet and hot.
And I'm proud of how you've been
so helpful with her too.
I suppose. It's what you'd have done.
Anyway, your mom's really excited
you'll be back at work soon.
I wonder if my mom wants that too.
I think she's been,
uh, keeping it from me, but I
think she'd really like it
if I'd get a different job, you know?
How are you doing though?
Do you want a company job again?
I do, but it's just that I
I'm sorta scared.
[gentle music playing]
I know that I could get a panic attack
if I go back.
There's just no point in rushing.
A job'll keep until you're better too.
What if I don't get any better?
Learn to live with it, I suppose.
- Jeez.
- [Da-eun laughs]
That's not how this will go for you.
How d'you know that?
Because, you dork
[Da-eun giggles]
you've got me. Duh!
Listen to your bestie now.
I promise, okay?
Hey, promises just might
come bite you in the ass later.
Example, my dad.
Put it all on secured loans.
He's flat broke now.
Yo, you trust my secured bestie loan!
No way in hell!
What did you just
- Oh!
- Whoa.
Why would you say that, huh?
You wanna fight? Hey, let's go. Come on.
- Hey. Let's do this, then.
- Too slow. Bring it on!
- [Yu-chan] Wanna go? Let's go.
- Come on.
[Yu-chan] You're going down.
Hey, you two aren't kids anymore,
for goodness' sake.
- She started it!
- Quit it, you two.
So this must be your very last session?
- An empty seat, go on.
- Right.
[wistful music playing]
I saw you, uh
I'd guess you're a little shocked?
It's just I've actually been unwell
for a while now.
How have you been doing,
though, since we last talked?
I'm not really recovering, so
It's been hospitals for a while.
Oh, so sorry.
Your face is looking just a little puffy
right now. Are you okay?
It's a kidney issue, I know.
Aren't you being treated yet?
This hospital can't handle it.
I'll get sent to Myungshin for now.
Myungshin, really?
Looks like I'll transfer there soon,
to Myungshin, so
Good morning. How's it going?
[Hyeok-soo] Good morning.
Oh my, Mister Kim Sung-sik.
It's sure been a while.
- [Sung-sik] Good morning.
- Are you doing alright?
[Hyeok-soo] Which hospital
were you in before this?
Hay um, Hayan Hospital, sir.
I saw the nurse Jung Da-eun
at the hospital too.
- [unsettling music playing]
- Ms. Jung Da-eun, our nurse?
At Hayan Hospital?
But but she was
a psych patient over there.
[music intensifies]
[Jung-ran] She's a psych patient?
In a psych unit this whole time
and making up all the rest of it?
Oh So she's been duping us
from the word go?
Hang on, if she's been
put in a closed unit,
is it alright for her to work as a nurse?
Of course not. We can't let a patient
be around an unstable nurse, no.
We can't let her continue as a nurse.
I'm going to file an official grievance.
Ms. Jung will just cause more issues here!
- [rumbling]
- [breathing shakily]
[woman] Ms. Jung.
[woman] Miss Jung?
Are you alright?
I think I had a nightmare or something.
You didn't have to see me off
like this, you know. It's alright.
I just wanted to be here for you.
You've taken such great care of her.
We're both very much in your debt.
Don't mention it.
Stick to the discharge instructions.
Now, don't come see me again.
That's an odd goodbye.
It's strange that she'd say it like that.
Our nurses say it that way.
Seeing a patient again
means they aren't doing well outside.
Well, let's make sure
you don't meet again.
Everything's going to be better
from now on.
I made a huge batch
of the mugwort rice cakes you like,
and I washed all of your scrubs.
So you can jump right back into work.
[Da-eun] Mm-hmm.
[optimistic music playing]
Go ahead.
The house is
the same as always, you know.
You keep staring like it's brand-new.
I know, right?
You know, I wasn't gone even a month,
but it's still really strange,
in a good way.
Go get changed,
and I'll make a nice dinner.
[Da-eun] Mm.
[gentle music playing]
[Da-eun] How have you been, Jung-ran?
[phone ringing]
Oh, it's me, hi.
Hey, Jung Da-eun,
what took so long to text me?
Sorry, I was just
out of the loop a bit there.
You doing better or what?
I heard you weren't doing too good,
and you took off work.
You had me worried sick.
I just Jung-ran, have you heard if
Kim Sung-sik is going to come back
to our unit or anything like that?
Oh, Mr. Kim?
He's coming to our unit again?
I hadn't heard. How'd you know?
Uh, well, I just heard it
from another nurse I know.
Come back, please,
'cause everybody misses you a lot.
Oh, sure. I'll see you soon.
- [Deul-re] Was that Da-eun?
- Mm-hmm.
We'll see her soon now.
Really? That's great.
We only need to keep this up
for a little longer.
[giggles] Yay!
[knock at door]
[man] Delivery for you!
Hey, Jungda. Chicken, spicy, made by me.
Dig in, please.
Ah, that smells so nice.
That's the right reaction.
I'm convinced that it's always normal
to want food, no matter how bad you feel.
It does smell really great.
Does Dong Go-yun know you're out yet?
[poignant music playing]
Waiting on that?
I don't want to see him just yet, so
I know he's been missing you.
- What's up, Go-yun?
- Treating patients. You know how it is.
Is Da-eun improving?
She's been discharged.
Ms. Jung Da-eun has been discharged.
I thought you'd be over the moon.
[inhales deeply] Uh, yeah, that's great.
It's awesome, yeah.
Thank you.
I'm grateful, thank you.
Oh wow. That's much too generous!
Oh, please, it's nothing.
You didn't even charge me
for the elevator.
[man] At the residents' meeting,
we decided that charging for a move-in
just didn't sit right.
We try to be generous here, you know?
Alright, if you don't mind,
would you fill in a resident card?
Name, age, occupation,
and anything worth noting.
Things like pet cats, dogs,
or anything else
that could be worth a quick mention.
Worth a mention how?
Uh, was there anything?
My sister is she has a type of illness.
And what type is that?
uh, well, I
These kind of decisions aren't up to me.
I'd maybe ask the others
for their go-ahead?
I'll speak to anybody
you might recommend to me.
For you.
- You shouldn't have. Thank you.
- From me.
Oh, no. Seems like you're the person
that I was told I need to talk to?
Right, the thing is,
I shouldn't really decide on
this type of matter without the others.
Why don't you wait to move in
until after the residents' meeting?
It's just
Well, I've moved in already, you know.
Lease's been signed now.
Nothing prohibits my sister
from moving in here, legally.
[chuckles] That's true.
It's just people don't always care.
Like here in our building,
there's families, you know?
And there's many women here alone.
Right. There's nothing dangerous
about my sister at all, you know.
Oh, that really wasn't
how I meant it to sound.
Then I'll make
some kind of a consent form to get signed.
Oh, this is so nice of you, really.
- I'm grateful, thanks.
- Not at all.
[downbeat music playing]
Uh, but my son,
he's studying pretty hard right now.
Big exams coming up.
She won't cause any noise, will she?
So there's not gonna be, like,
scary things like they put on the news?
You swear, right?
Well, those incidents you see
on the news are quite rare.
If they're taking medication, don't worry.
Since I work in a psych unit,
there's nothing that should worry you.
[woman] It does scare me, still, though.
Did the others say they're okay with this?
Our kid is so young, still.
I'm just not okay signing this.
Oh, well, wait, ma'am. I can
[Jung-ran] Why do you need
their permission to move?
It's your own cash.
They can't decide that!
You can't stoop to ask
those losers for a go-ahead!
Just calm down now.
You're so much angrier than me.
But this is so
it's just so outrageous, you know!
Hey, why aren't you angry, Ms. Song?
We nurses know about this.
Not much information
gets to the masses at all.
But you've got unpacking to do.
When do you plan to do that?
Why not just bring this
straight to the police, then?
That's it, miss. Do that!
They stop you from moving,
we make sure someone pays!
We're can move in if we insist on the law.
[poignant music playing]
And doing that just makes us targets,
not neighbors, don't you think?
We'd be stuck in there, made outcasts.
They'd stare whenever I take out the trash
or go on an errand.
Our home shouldn't keep us prisoner.
That's not right.
[Da-eun's mother] Tell Yu-chan
to defrost them before he eats them.
[Da-eun] Got it, Mom.
[dance music playing in restaurant]
Is Da-eun going to start nursing again?
Yeah, she's starting tomorrow.
But don't they know yet?
What's that mean?
[scoffs] Really?
She was put in a mental facility.
Who would ever want her as a nurse?
It'll definitely affect her work,
and I'm sure
her colleagues won't like it either.
[Yu-chan] How can you say that, Mom?
Come on, I'm on psychiatric meds too!
[Yu-chan's mother]
That's not the same thing!
You take pills. You weren't locked up!
Ugh, that's it.
Da-eun better not hear about this.
[Yu-chan's mother] Hmm.
I've got a delivery.
[man] Is that mine?
It'll be right up, sir.
[poignant music playing]
[Yu-chan sighs] Shit!
[sighs despairingly]
[device buzzing]
[Jung-ran] Da-eun, Kim Sung-sik
really did transfer here.
[Yu-chan's mother]
She was in a mental facility.
Who would ever want her as a nurse?
[device playing cheerful tune]
[ominous music playing]
- [Da-eun's mother] Da-eun.
- Hmm?
Better eat quick,
or you'll be late for work on day one.
I said I still needed another day off.
[downbeat music playing]
Why? Is something the matter?
Not at all. It's just
the schedule's been changed around,
so I figured I might as well use
the extra rest while I can, that's all.
- [knock at door]
- Hmm?
- [door opens]
- What is it?
Wasn't Miss Jung
supposed to start work again?
Nurse Eun-young came in for her today.
Oh, I told her
to take some more rest, that's all.
It's just one day longer.
Pop down your pills for me.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
Is there something going on
with Nurse Jung?
- No.
- Ah, okay.
[chuckles softly]
- [breathes deeply]
- [door opens, closes]
She's so busy.
Just when did she learn to be a good cook?
[device buzzing]
Look how great those colors are.
Oh goodness, looks tasty.
Hey, Ma.
I think I should get a new job now.
Just, lately, I've been thinking
I've worked in one area for too long.
While I'm young, I should get
different work experiences.
Don't you think?
- You have worked so hard to be a nurse.
- [sorrowful music playing]
That's enough. Please finish folding.
[Da-eun] Mm.
Hello? This is Da-eun's mom.
I was wondering,
do you like to eat rice cakes?
[laughs] Young people just might not be
interested in mugwort rice cakes,
But if you'd like,
if you've got time, you can pick some up.
I'll be just a moment.
[engine revs]
[knuckles cracking]
- Sorry to make you wait!
- Not at all, ma'am.
I hate to interrupt
if you're off to work now, Doctor.
- It really wasn't important.
- Ah, your mugwort cakes are the best!
Ah, you think so? [chuckles]
- They'll be amazing.
- [chuckles]
[optimistic music playing]
Uh, then I'm happy you got them.
Thank you, ma'am.
[door opens, closes]
[music fades]
Da-eun, hey! Da-eun, hey!
Da-eun, hey! Da-eun?
- Da-eun, hey?
- Yeah, what is it? [door closes]
- Huh?
- Could you put this out?
- Okay.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
Go and grab a jacket to wear.
It's right by the door!
No, it's too cold.
Better grab it. The white one.
- I don't think it's that cold.
- With the fur collar!
Please hurry up, alright?
[whimsical music playing]
Feels to me like it's been ages.
Yeah, I guess so.
Are you doing alright?
Ha, no.
Without you being there,
the hospital's been dull.
Thank you for helping me
with the hospital choice.
Are you getting better?
Do your, uh, meds work?
- Dr. Dong.
- Yeah?
I think it would be best
to stop seeing you.
[poignant music playing]
I don't want to keep doing all this.
It's humiliating to say.
I feel embarrassed about you seeing me
have a huge meltdown like that.
And it's so embarrassing that you know
I've been in psychiatric treatment.
I'm so embarrassed that you know
about how I tried to kill myself.
And I'm sitting here now
trying to explain,
which makes my embarrassment
so much worse.
And I'll be reminded of it all
every time I see you.
So I'll give you my answer
and my apologies.
Stop hanging around me, alright?
That's not an option. You're my colleague.
You won't need to
worry about me any longer.
I'll be turning in my resignation soon.
You're resigning?
I thought you loved it there.
I just got out of a mental hospital.
I don't think I can work in one now.
So because of my hemorrhoids,
my whole medical career is over?
Don't compare this to you.
- Why shouldn't I, huh?
- [sighs in frustration]
What happened to Ms. Jung?
There's a lot that my kind of patients
and psych patients have in common,
seems like.
Why are you embarrassed about
having to be a patient?
A patient is a patient. Come on!
I thought you'd be different, Da-eun, huh?
Do you see what I'm-
No. Can't you guess why I like you?
I think what got me was the sparkle.
You always had it.
When you'd help a patient out,
seeing how you'd bring them joy
was so bright and so beautiful.
Of course,
that's not all I like about you,
but you're acting
like someone so completely different.
Lots of things are different now.
- So what? You can sparkle like before.
- It's not that easy though.
If I look even a little bit depressed,
oh, then everybody will talk to each other
about how it's possible I'll snap again.
I can't take that, so I'd rather just
I'd rather let this end
and say goodbye to you.
[sighs] This is too much. I
Sorry I'm giving you bad news.
Hey, no, don't apologize, okay?
It's not about that.
These things happen. It's fine.
What sucks is
talking about yourself like that.
That's what you should be apologizing for.
Why are you demeaning this person I like?
What are you saying about me, then?
It doesn't matter now.
[inhales sharply, sighs]
If that's the best reason,
I'll keep liking you.
So you keep following your heart.
I'll follow mine too.
Your mother made these, so
[sniffles, sighs]
[sniffles, sighs]
Yes, I'm sure.
Yep, I appreciate it. Yeah. So long.
The buyer says
the money was wired, so check.
Just got it.
What's going on now?
What's up with you?
It's obvious.
I'm packing.
Wait. Are those my things?
Hey, I'm talking to you, kid.
Let go.
[Deul-re sighs]
- Is that money?
- The deposit on the home.
It's what's left since I paid the debt.
Oh goodness.
I did good bringing up my girl.
That's all the money there is.
Nothing more, so take it.
Take the money and go.
Hey, why this again?
I get it now.
I'll be a lot better now, okay?
Get out.
I get it, okay?
Talking to your man
is not alright. We good?
Don't you listen?
I said, get out of my house right now!
And out of my life, alright?
I made you and your sister, you know.
This life of yours?
I gave it to you. You got that?
[Deul-re's mother screaming, yelling]
What the hell?
Let go, now! I said, let go!
I don't need my mom now.
A bit of money. Is that all I'm worth?
I get attacked. I get slapped.
My lips get busted
when patients in my unit act out.
I'm not scared of you anymore.
[yells, groans]
Turn up again, I'll call the cops on you.
After that, I'll get someone much worse,
who'll make certain
my mother will stay away.
Hey! Hey, you brat!
[dog barking]
[poignant music playing]
[Yeo-hwan] Deul-re.
You're here.
Why're we meeting so late?
Dr. Hwang
I got rid of my mother today.
It's a huge relief, but I also feel
hollow inside, I guess.
Like I'm just empty, with nothing.
My debts are paid off now.
And my mother's gone.
Except now I'm not sure what to do.
What do you love to do?
Do that first.
- Just the bill left to pay.
- Oh, right.
[Deul-re] Oh.
No, I'll get that.
I'd really like to pay for it.
- Here you go.
- Thanks.
Here, go on. For you.
I always hoped to eat like this,
a massive spread and all.
Dive in, then.
Take your time. No rush.
Thanks so much.
[music fades]
[door opens]
Oh, Jungda.
[Da-eun sighs]
What's going on?
What is this?
I think I can work again.
A panic disorder is
like a habit, isn't it?
Panic once on the bus
and I won't get on again.
If I have an episode at work,
I'm scared there too.
It scares me to think about it.
But then, if I really think about it,
by contrast, bus rides without any panic
and a day at work without panic,
maybe that can reset things a little.
And who knows?
I might even make a full recovery.
I'll be just like before,
as if nothing went wrong.
I guess I'll [taps] I'll stand up tall.
I'm seeing that
a problem can't just disappear.
Now it's time for you to stand.
We'll stand together.
Ms. Song.
Ms. Jung.
You weren't at work.
I didn't keep my word to you,
and I can't say sorry enough.
Was the plan to try this again tomorrow,
or are you just done?
I can't stay a nurse anymore.
I just don't think I can.
Because I'm sick, that's why.
How could I continue
to work as a nurse now?
And so you think
you can't take a pulse as a result?
[heartfelt music playing]
You can't start an IV?
You can't write out a chart?
Take blood pressure,
explain a patient's status?
That's not exactly it.
In that case, put it to rest.
Come back.
Nobody wants me to return though.
And there could be issues
if people were to find out that I was
admitted to a psych unit too.
And some people might feel uneasy with me.
[woman] son, he's studying pretty hard.
She won't cause any noise, will she?
It does scare me, still, though.
I'm just not okay
signing this for you, alright?
You're some big criminal now, are you?
So what, you're depressed.
So what, you're sick.
There's no crime in becoming ill.
You didn't choose to get sick,
and you don't hurt anyone.
Why stress about
what people might think of you?
Don't let someone make you feel small.
Stop shrinking away.
That just lets people walk all over you.
I want to do that too.
To stop shrinking and hiding.
I can't help it though. I do it anyway.
I can't stand being people's nuisance.
I really hate it.
So I'm just gonna run away.
That's my plan, Ms. Song.
How do you feel?
How do you really feel?
Not other people, just you.
Are you a bad person?
Are you frightening?
I feel just
so worthless.
So you really want it all to stop here?
[Da-eun] Mm-hmm.
What you truly want
is to not see our patients anymore?
That's the right path?
[Da-eun] For me? What is it?
[Seo-wan] Dear Mediator,
it's 30 million won.
It's nothing, really,
so you can just use it.
I can just do a side quest real quick
and make it all back.
Here's my morning blessing,
O Great Mediator.
This will ensure that you don't lose
any stamina points all day.
[Da-eun] It seems unfair that only
only nice people come here, you know?
I guess.
Then that explains why you're here, miss.
You said that only nice people come here.
Us daughters get it too.
Our moms love us more than anything.
We know that.
Could you find it in yourself
to support what Ri-na wants to do?
I'd like you to try
not to come visit me again, ever.
[both chuckle]
I'll try.
I think it'd be great
if you could like yourself more.
Stop focusing on what others think or say.
Just wait, Ms. Song, I
I really wanna keep working.
I want so badly to keep working.
Ms. Song, please, I want to stay a nurse.
I want to stay a nurse.
Can I stay a nurse?
That's what I want to do.
- [sniffles]
- Then be a nurse now.
Work again.
Just stop caring about people's opinions
and be a nurse.
Just take the path that's right.
- Just try.
- Mm-hmm.
If there's backlash,
we can deal with it then.
If there's a problem, we'll solve it.
So starting tomorrow,
you work again. Got it?
[Da-eun] Mm-hmm.
[Da-eun sobs]
[music swells]
[closing theme music playing]
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