Darwin's Game (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Old One

There she is!
Rein! Over here!
Sheesh. Please don't yell out my name, Kotori.
Sorry about that.
But it's unusual for us to meet in person.
We always just send texts to each other.
Your texts are so full of emojis
that I can't make out the details.
And I'm in a hurry right now.
O-Oh, really? Are my texts that weird?
Anyway, you're amazing, Rein.
Your info was right on the money
about Eighth's hideout.
I did a good job scouting them out,
so ask me anything.
I got what I most wanted to know
from your text about the warehouse.
Next is the amount of people there
and the lineup.
If possible, I want to know
the level of their arms, too.
I don't know what weapons they've got,
but I've confirmed that they have 12 people.
Maybe up to 15 people?
You guys sure did thin out their numbers.
Eighth doesn't have the capacity to mobilize
like they did at their peak.
We aren't the ones
who should take credit for that.
How many members with Sigils
should we be wary of?
First there's that karate guy, Keiichi, right?
And naturally, their clan leader,
Wang, was there.
What about Sig, the Flame Demon?
I didn't see him.
He likely did die during the event.
I see
Mr. Hiiragi, did you kill him?
All right, I'm going to take off.
I'll pay you with points as usual.
Wait a second.
You don't have to pay me this time,
but I do have a favor to ask.
A favor?
Use your influence to get me
into the Sunset Ravens.
I'll be useful to them!
You're already a member of Icy Crown.
Do you want to cheat on them?
Besides, we're at war with Eighth.
A weakening Eighth is no match
for the Sunset Ravens, right?
To be frank, aren't you confident that you can win?
Even if there are a few sacrifices?
Our leader is the type
that hates making "a few sacrifices."
It's like playing D-Game with a handicap.
So your leader's a nice guy.
I like him even more now.
Besides, I hear that the player who clears an event
gets an amazing privilege.
Kaname Sudo sure is incredible.
Well, I'll pass on your request.
But you won't get an answer back immediately.
Right, right, I get it!
Still, I'm counting on you!
"A weakening Eighth is no match
for the Sunset Ravens," huh?
I can't be as optimistic as Kotori,
but that troublesome Flame Demon is dead
and we know almost everything about Wang's Sigil.
Right now the Ravens could take them down,
even without relying on Xuelan.
If anything, I'm worried about
Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!
Knock it off, Kaname!
What good does hurting yourself do?!
That bastard cut off my friend's fingers!
I'll kill him!
Kill Wang? I couldn't agree more.
And Kaede could easily heal
your buddy's fingers.
Are you okay now, Kaname?
Yeah. Sorry I lost it there.
Shinozuka's kidnapping is tearing me up.
Let's go over the situation again.
Our objectives are to rescue the hostage
and flush away that king-size piece of shit, Wang.
Our firepower is all of us here and Rein.
That, and reinforcements
to be provided by the Danjo Boxing Club.
We gotta work with that.
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to
get in touch with the number one ranker.
That's fine. We can't trust that woman, anyway.
We've got this covered, right?
Well, battle strength aside, let's talk strategy.
According to Rein's analysis, the video
was filmed in a coastal warehouse district.
She got all that from just the video, huh?
Apparently, there's a black-tailed gull
in the corner of one frame.
To me, it just looked like a black smear.
That asshole Wang isn't the type
to plant a red herring in a video.
Shinozuka This is my fault.
It's not your fault
that Shinozuka was abducted.
He was just unlucky enough to catch the eye
of a monster masquerading as a human.
It's the fault of the world,
which lets monsters like that run loose.
There's something seriously wrong
with this world!
Sorry for the wait, everyone.
I have all the information we need.
Let's begin the mission.
I-It hurts It hurts, dammit!
In the end, he didn't cough up
Kaname Sudo's location.
He probably doesn't know anything,
but it doesn't matter.
I'm sure Kaname will come to us.
He'll want to show his gratitude
for that video.
Tubby there rates as a hostage?
Hell yeah. Honestly, that piglet could be
a complete stranger to him.
That happy-go-lucky Kaname can't take knowing
that he's responsible for someone's death.
He doesn't realize that anyone would
murder those around them just to survive.
Wang! Keiichi! We've got an emergency!
What is it, Shinji? Is Kaname here?
No, it's the police!
The cops?!
Squad A here.
We're in position in front of the warehouse.
Roger that. Wait for SAT's arrival.
Copy that.
Shit! Why did the cops have to show up
right before my playtime with Kaname?!
Cops?! The police are here?!
Um, maybe we got a little too carried away
You're not tellin' me to play it safe
and watch out for the cops, are you?!
N-No! It's just that they're a pain
I knew we were on the same page!
So don't go pissin' your pants.
Those pigs can't touch Eighth.
Right, Kei?
Damn, no response from Eighth.
I guess there's no room for negotiations.
Sorry I'm your only backup.
Uroboros attacked our clan.
It may have been coordinated with Eighth.
You're saying Uroboros and Eighth
have an alliance?
It could just be a coincidence.
It's fine. Inukai is all the help we need.
I hope you're right.
Just to confirm, the first stage of
the mission is rescuing the hostage.
The second stage is getting him
to a safe zone, right?
Not exterminating those bastards
I know. It's weak.
But murdering all the members of Eighth
It feels like I can't cross that line.
Well, for now let's wait for word from Shuka.
Shuka, how's the radio working?
Do you read me?
Oh, Rein. I'm a little busy at the moment.
Just making sure this was working right.
Jeez, you bug me for that?
You should've at least had Kaname make the call.
Sorry about this half-baked plan, Shuka.
Uh-uh, you're the boss here, Kaname.
I'll go along with whatever you want.
Hey, you two! Save the flirting for later.
So what's up with Eighth?
The police have them surrounded.
The police?!
Keiichi just came out alone.
Let's move in. The mission starts now!
Even though the police are here?
Without any Sigils,
the cops are just cannon fodder.
We'll make our move when they do
and grab Shinozuka while Eighth's busy.
Makes sense. Roger that, boss!
You are Keiichi Katsura, a member of Eighth?
Put your hands behind your head
and drop to your knees!
I repeat! Put your hands behind your head
and drop to your knees!
Attaboy, Kei! So cool!
That's why I said the pigs
are no match for Eighth!
R-Right! Of course!
I-I don't believe it! They killed a cop?!
That said, it'll be annoying
if they send in reinforcements.
We're getting outta here.
- Yessir!
- Yessir!
What about the piglet?
Should we take him with us to the next HQ?
I don't think he's worth the effort
We can always get another hostage.
I guess we can just waste his ass.
Hey, Shinji.
You've never actually shot anyone yet, have you?
How about popping your cherry with this guy?
N-Nah, Wang, I'm
Cops in the back
are startin' to cut through the door!
What, the pigs in back have finally realized
they can't deal with Kei?
Then maybe I'll give 'em a taste of me.
What just happened?
Dear policemen!
Welcome to my show!
What the hell?
The cops are getting mowed down!
Am I really gonna die here?
Kaname, I delivered the phone.
I don't know if he'll be able to use it though.
Good job.
Then let's move on to the next step.
Leave it to me!
Come on, Shinozuka!
The rest of this hangs on you!
H-Hello? Is this Kaname?
Kaname! Did you come to rescue me?!
Shinozuka, listen carefully.
An invite to Darwin's Game is on that phone.
Click on the link.
If you do that, we'll be able to help you!
A game? What are you talking about?
This is no time for games!
Shut up and just do what I said! Please!
O-Okay. But my hands
If your hands won't work,
use your feet, tongue, or whatever!
If you wanna keep living!
O-Okay. Of course I—
Dammit! The call got dropped!
Using a D-Game Help Call to teleport him
was crazy in the first place.
Guess we'll just have to grab him ourselves!
And kill Wang, while we're at it!
No I accidentally hung up!
What am I supposed to do with these hands?!
Save me!
If your hands won't work,
use your feet, tongue, or whatever!
Dammit! I refuse to die here!
There are too many things I still wanna do!
Wh-What is this?
We're ready to roll!
I can pull the car around anytime!
We'll head out once all the cops are disposed of.
You get rid of that piglet.
Huh? Me?
Dammit. Not my fault.
This is on Sudo for making a fool out of Wang!
H-Hey What the hell are you doing?!
How'd you cut the ropes?!
There he is! I'm gonna run him over!
Please stop the car!
Odds are that even this vehicle
can't stand up to Keiichi's Sigil!
If they'd charged at me,
I would've used my Sigil to swat it away.
I'll take him on.
You guys proceed with the plan.
Please be careful, he's ranked higher than you.
Don't get distracted, karate kid!
Let's do this one on one!
What is this?
The guy suddenly went flying
No I sent him flying!
It's the power to move things with my mind!
Like having a new, invisible hand!
I get it
Kaname wanted me to use this power
to break myself out!
Hey! What was that?!
You?! What'd you do?!
I can toss people like rag dolls!
Is this for real?
It feels like I'm in a dream!
This is an unexpected twist.
Wang, please be careful!
He's got a powerful Sigil!
I don't know how he did it,
but I bet Kaname is behind this.
He's gotta be here!
Very close by!
Hey, Kaname!
If you don't get your ass out here now,
I'm gonna dissect this piglet!
Crap! This definitely isn't a dream!
I've never dreamed of a scary dude like him!
But if this isn't a dream and I don't fight
And besides, Kaname will be here any time now!
I ain't no piglet!
You wanna duel with me, brat?
Here's a preview. It'll be over in five seconds.
Keiichi, I know about you.
You made it to the semifinals in
the 42nd Seishin All-Japan Karate Championship.
In fact, you might've won the tournament,
if you hadn't dropped out after accidentally
killing your opponent in the semifinals.
And today you massacred a bunch of cops,
but I gotta wonder why
a tough guy like you is Wang's lap dog.
A rugrat like you couldn't understand
a great man like Wang.
I was miserable after what happened.
Even though it was an accident,
my opponent's family viewed me as their enemy.
In the end it became too agonizing,
so I quit karate, but the pain never went away.
But one day, Wang enlightened me
on why I was suffering.
You're in pain
because you killed only one man.
In times like this, you should kill a lot more.
Death dilutes death.
And when I started with D-Game,
my agony went away like it was never there.
If you're in martial arts and D-Game,
you should understand that!
If a single internal organ
is crushed in a human, they die.
If their heart stops for a few minutes, they die.
People are made to die
from the moment they're born!
Thanks for the valuable lesson.
What's this? Never mind five seconds.
Didn't you just kill a minute?
Sorry to keep you waiting!
I'll send you to the other side, too!
Too slow! He's wide open!
Son of a bitch! How strong is this guy?!
Not bad.
Kicking your ass will be worth it.
He protected himself with his Sigil
the moment he lost sight of me.
There's more to him than the Sigil.
He's also an expert martial artist!
You guarded and took a defensive fall, huh?
Looks like you've got some training.
Your Sigil is super-speed, right?
Then you should play it safe
and whip out your knife.
Like I need to use a blade against you.
It's not good to underestimate me.
I'm a martial artist in my own right.
Now I'll give you a preview.
You won't be able to see me anymore.
All right. Now I'll get serious!
Here is good.
It's important that we remain unseen.
Beyond that, our role is to control the situation
and support the rescue operation.
You can do your part, right?
I-I'll try!
The hell? I thought cops were tougher than this.
Hey, did you forget that I used my Sigil
to lock their triggers?
I know! But it goes to show,
when we team up, there ain't nobody stronger!
Don't get so cocky.
The targets are moving to the point.
Get ready, Sui.
Or are you Sota right now?
You be the judge!
Well, I don't care which one of you it is.
Now. Begin leading with the water to point A.
We'll time it with your ice attack.
3 2 1
Sota, please!
Okay, I got this!
What's with this water?
What the hell?!
Well done.
Next, please prepare point D.
Nobody's here.
What the hell?
This can't be right. Where are they?
Where are they hiding?
Don't tell me there's really no one here?
Hey, did they escape out the back?
No, he wouldn't do that.
He wouldn't put Keiichi out front
just to run away!
You finally made it, Kaname!
Wang! Give me back my friend!
Oh, the piglet?
Seems like you enjoyed that video.
I'll fight you, just like you wanted!
So let him go!
Like I wanted?
What are you talking about, Kaname?
You've got the wrong idea here.
What I want is to see a look
of agony and despair on your face.
Beyond that, Kaname,
it seems you misunderstand one major thing.
What I mean is I already let that piggy go
and even sent him over your way.
You seriously haven't noticed?!
You're more heartless than I thought, Kaname!
Go ahead, take another look around.
The piglet is right by you.
It's not true
Kaname, don't!
Wang! You bastard!
It's Kaname's fault!
I was pure and innocent,
but he tricked me!
It's my fault?!
It's all your fault!
Because a weakling like you
made me look like a fool!
And a piglet who had nothing to do
with any of this wound up chopped to pieces!
Poor piglet! I'm sure there were many things
he still wanted to do in his life!
His dreams of the future! The joys of life!
And he's got a family, no doubt!
Because of you, he lost it all, Kaname!
Whatever. Kill 'em.
I'll do it. I messed up before, but
Doesn't matter. Do what you want, Shinji.
Kaname! Get a hold of yourself!
You were getting on my nerves.
Next time, "Sunset Ravens."
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