Dekalog (1989) s01e10 Episode Script

Part 10

THE DECALOGUE 10 He sacrificed everything for his noble passion his family, his professional perhaps even his emotions Taking leave of our late friend today the winner of eleven internaional gold medals and participant of many exhibitions I would like to offer my condolences to his family I bow down before this grave Farewell, my friend Just take a look at this tin-plated door, damn him Well? Wait a minute, let me see it Right.
An alarm device Stop yelling Shit.
Look Ah well, starved to death Get a strainer No good.
It's been nailed up But why? What do you mean, why? Why the alarm device why the padlocks and bars Dont' you know what kind of man Father was? Not too well And what about airing? No idea.
He probably never aired it No, thanks I have business later on Come on, it isn't much To Father Cheers Cheers How much is it worth, I wonder? I don't know But stamps are expensive nowadays Well, some three or four hundred thousand, I guess Yeah, this is our poverty Mother's wasted life No decent meals no money Oh come on I say, he didn't even own a decent suit to be buried in I have sacrifice one of mine Tell me, what is it that makes one so so greedy? So set on possessing? You should know You like to own things No.
I just use them I like to be comfortable But I couldn't understand the old man for a long time I say, it's ages since we last met Yeah, over two years Hey, look he collected press cuttings about you May I? Yes? My name's Bromski Are you the son? Yeah I'd like to talk to you I know this is not the best moment possible But you see that's how it is with business All right, what is it? Your father and I were friends I have here Your father owed me two hundred twenty thousand zlotys He never told me I ought to get the money back in a few days Well, I know a funeral costs a lot So it does But perhaps I could find an equivalent here if you know what I mean To save you the trouble Here's my phone number Phone me in five days.
I'll try to raise the money for you Thank you so much If I get you right you aren't going to get rid of the collection for the time Of course you certainly have your reasons In your place I think I'd do the same Well, sorry for bothering you Dad owed a fellow two hundred twenty thousand That one was the first to come As yet Nothing but rags Look, this was his way to iron pants.
Under the sheet What's this? Those cuttings about you And I thought he never even knew my name I say, I've heard such guys have a market or something Well? Would you like to have a try? What about that lame fellow who was here? No, he's too clever And what about your kid? Doesn't he collect stamps? He only likes planes Then why not give him these? Balloons or something Zeppelins All right, Zeppelins It's a series Polarfahrt this means they're German Uhm 1931 Which one's yours? This one here.
The first tenants Quite nice.
And tell the kid I have an LP for him He's not really a kid anymore Well, 'bye 'bye To the "Riviera" Club, please I'm glad we met I'm sorry.
I couldn't make it We'll go tomorrow Artur and I started talking after the funeral and we quite for got the time I haven't said anything No reception tomorrow Well, the day after tomorrow then I'll right him up I'm sorry, really I haven't said a word That's true, you haven't Your slippers This is from Grandpa, as a souvenir Gee, they're nice Grandpa died, you know He was buried a few hours ago Hey, what's that? You crying? Not really.
I've cried already Mum told me at dinner I'm sorry about Grandpa Aren't you? Have you had toothache? No I couldn't make it Mum was angry She shouted at me all day long Good morning I'd like to have this priced And possibly to find a purchaser Are you "Korzen"'s son? Yes this is but a fragment of his collection Yes.
Well, I could sell more I don't know Perhaps the whole of it Could you please wait a moment, sir? Our President would like to talk to you Good morning Good morning May I trouble you a minute, please? Why, of course There are two of you if I remember right Yes could we perhaps meet at your father's flat? Of course I'll write the address for you I know the address Well, gentlemen what are you planning to do? We'd like to sell it.
We need money How much of it Doesn't matter.
Just money I see Well, you can buy a 126 Fiat for this one And this one will get you two cars with Diesel engines And this series would be enough to buy a flat Er I believe you don't realize Well, and what is the value of the whole lot? Millions and millions Your father wanted to insure his collection for two hundred fifty million zlotys You see, your father put all his life in it It would be criminal to waste thirty years of somebody's life away Even if that somebody was just one's father whom one hardly knew at all Good-bye, gentlemen Good-bye Bloody hell Yeah.
Quite a surprise Hush Mum's asleep Have you been at the office? Yes, in the morning But then I met Artur Mum tried to reach you several times Why? Here Are these autographs? Yes Of the entire group? Yeah, I guess so See what Artur wrote here? For Peter to make his life happier Nice, isn't it? I say, what have you done with those Zeppelins? I exchanged them for these Look how many I got Whom did you give them to? Tell me! All right, which one was it? Well? The one with glasses Stay here.
Don't go anywhere I have some business with you Yes sir Not here.
It's confidential Hey, what do you think you're doing Careful, Mister, or You've cheated a kid One has to make a living He's my son Ah well, nearly everyone has parents nowadays I want that series with Zeppelins back I sold it To whom? Out with it To that fellow in Wspolna street Good afternoon Good afternoon, sir I have an unpleasant business with you A boy from Swietokrzyska street offered you a series of stamps You bought it for forty thousand I'm afraid that scamp cheated my son out of those stamps and gave him rubbish instead I don't know what you're talking about I see Say I'd like to buy something in your shop Well, a series of German stamps Polarfahrt with the Zeppelins in them.
From 1931 Could we perhaps Do you want to buy? Let's say I do We may discuss it Is this what you mean? Yes Well, it's for sale How much? Two hundred forty thousand The price isn't high Well, if that's so.
The next time I'll bring the police here I'm sorry It's all right you can use my phone, sir Well, do you want to use the phone or not? I've got a receipt here the former owner of the series was going abroad and sold the stamps to me for One hundred sixty-eight thousand Here's the stamp duty And this is my license Take a look, please That was your favourite group The city Death And now a short break You'll catch a cold I'm free now Things have turned out badly with the Zeppelins How's that? I'll tell you presently Those men are gangsters Ah yes, that fellow phoned me Father's creditor, you know I'm to meet him on Sunday Two hundred twenty thou', eh? Frecisely I have some ninety thousand I was saving to buy Peter some furniture But I've already told him I'm putting it off What does your wife say? She suspects me of having an affair Now I have to stay in town on Sunday instead of going to the country with her and it's sure to strengthen her suspicions And what about you? Have you got the money? Where from? I'm not the saving kind But I might sell the amplifier Don't you need it to play? It's not an instrument I paid about fifty dollars for it I guess I should get some seventy thousand back, how do you think? Yeah, that's it And the rest of money? The stamps? I don't know I'd rather that we don't sell them for the time being I mean, not until we have to I feel the same Let them stay where they are Exactly 'Bye Be seeing you Bye God damn you! I thought it was some stanger! What the hell are you doing here? Looking at the stamps I was here yesterday, too I didn't know I've been here today morning What's the matter? Have you been fired? No I'm anxious about this flat You know, all those safety devices are nothing, actually Anybody could have entered the flat just as you did Besides, I'm registered as tenant here Why, of course I'll feel better, too Hey, take a look at what I found the only series in Poland And it's incomplete The blue one, the yellow one The red one's missing Now listen this is what the old man wrote red Austriean mercury of 1851 stolen during the celebrated robbery in 1965 Appeared for a short time in Cracow at J.
Was it sold or exchanged? In 1968, before J.
Left Poland News from K.
It's now in Southern Poland Could M.
Have it? Is there a chance? Just a sign, not money Half the note book is taken by such notes Figures, symbols Most of it, I just can't make out I've been reading for several hours The red Austrian Mercury It would look swell together with the other two wouldn't it? Yeah It's red They just slip down a rope or jump down and there they are It's just a few metres You mean, a grating? Yes, in both windows The ideas the old man had nailing them up A pane's just a pane, it's enough to break it and you're inside I say, Artur Yes? I forgot I ever had any problems I forgot everything Know what? I feel the same somehow Like many years ago when we were just kids and didn't care about the grown-ups' problems It's the same now as we sit here like this Nothing matters anymore Yes, one forgets it's childish But nice Oh yes, very Maybe the rest of your life simply isn't there if you don't want it to pester you Hey, I've just thought of something Find a stamp for me worth say about 200 thousand But it must be an official price printed in a catalogue or something Two hundred thousand? Yes With pleasure.
Wait a moment I found this How much is it worth? Where have you found it? At home Your own? Possibly Well, it's worth say, fifteen thousand I can buy from you for three thousand No, five Four.
It's stolen property Ah well, O.
Here you are Thank you What are you doing? Shall we listen to it? Check the recording, you know It's worth, say, fifteen thousand I can buy it from you for three thousand No, five Four.
It's stolen property All right let's come to brass tacks What do you want? Three German stamps with Zeppelins issued in 1931 I'm giving you four thousand for them and a brand new Sony cassette The recording only takes the first few metres And it's a ninety-minute cassette, see? Clever, that I had an inkling when you came in You should have followed your instinct Yeah, A fellow came to me the other day My brother Not as clever as you He didn't know everything then He didn't know you Do you want money, or the stamps? The latter I see You're the sons of Yes I see Who is it? It's me, Jerzy Jerzy? Yes, it's me A moment What's that beast you have there? What was that? A dog.
I locked him in the bathroom My key doesn't fit the lock damn it I changed the lock They say you should do it from time to time Who says so? Friends of mine who know a thing or two Here's your new key The next time would you please tell me in advance I've spent half a day wondering about and trying to reach you on the phone And what about the dog? Just a dog Does he ever stop? Those friends told me to get one so I bought him Shall I let him out? O.
I'm afraid he might bite you But you've got to do something about him He should know I'm not a thief I'm scared of him myself Lokis! Lokis! To heel! Halt! Hey, wait To heel, Lokis! Heel, Lokis.
Halt! Gee, do something Halt! Down, Lokis! Down Christ! This is Jerzy.
A friend He's a friend Just look at him Jerzy is a friend Isn't he nice? What about the Zeppelins? It's all right, I've got them Over there Good doogie, good doggie Stroke him Hush, it's al right Good doggie, down, Lokis No that's good On my way here, I came across that fellow with a limp, remember him? The one Father owed money What did he want? He was glad to see me, said he To heel! Halt! He said he had friend in the neighbourhood Down, Lokis Did he come here? No, why? Down, Lokis.
Good doggie Sit down Let him have it What if he bites He won't Hey, what's that? Perhaps you should try with they left Good doggie, good Lokis See, he only accepts what you give him with your left hand He's your friend now Stroke him The left hand or the right? Come on, risk it Who's that? Get him, Lokis! Good doggie.
Keep guard Some beast, that dog I say, I might stay here for the night He'll get used to me this way Sure Where are the Zeppelins? Ah, yes That's shop-owner's quite a fellow Is he? Yeah.
Wants to talk to us Now, gentlemen Have you already come across the problem called the red Austrian Mercury? Well, we have Know its value? All we know there's one such stamp in Poland And I know who has it Your father tried to find out but couldn't all those years As far as I know he was very particular about it If you gentlemen are interested, too We're rather out of cash my brother here even sold his car, but Oh, no, money's not the problem Well, what is the problem then? You see, gentlemen, I'd like us to meet again to discuss it Only you'd have to have some tests made What tests? Nothing special Blood group, sedimentation, urine Yes As I told you this is not a financial problem the man I was telling you about lives in Tarnow You know, the owner of that red Austrian Mercury And what does he want? Just two stamps, a tiny series owned by a serious Szczecin businessman Well, what about him? That's a good question He in turn needs a small and inconspicuous stamp Which we have, right? But why on earth you needed our blood groups? No.
You haven't that stamp Who has, then? It so happens that I do You're the one Why not me? He's got the right blood group You see, gentlemen the red Austrian Mercury is worth over two million But it's not for sale All of the parties involved care for an exchange only What about you? Is blood what you want? No.
A kidney My daughter is seriously ill A girl of sixteen I've been looking for someone YOur father was too old Hell, what am I supposed to do? Let them remove one of my kidneys? To get a bloody stamp? To get the red Austrian Mercury Yeah, from 1851 You're right.
Why You have a family, wife and son No, I didn't mean that Why, it's a part of myself That's true.
In your place I wouldn't hesitate a minute What do I need that bloody kidney for I've got another one to live on A guy I know had his kidney removed over twenty years ago and he lives a normal life Likes his liquor and women and so on.
No problem at all And there's another thing I would also think about that girl To save the life of a young girl this counts, too It's so humane Artur! Come on I'm not trying to persuade you It's your kidney But it's our stamp, too One, two, three, four There's something wrong Yeah, but it's just the question of practice Couldn't you go with us after all? Such a tour I can't You've been trapped, eh? A girl? Some girl Great Oh, sorry Good morning Yes? You see I Are you Are you from the City Death? Actually, yes Gee I'm looking for my brother He's having his kidney removed right now Yes.
I've been there It'll be all right Really? I say, sir May I touch you? Sure Are you sure there's no danger? Doctor? How are you? I'm fine As if nothing happened at all Have you got it? Really? Of course Christ At last When did you get it? Ah, well, about a week ago Then why haven't you visited me to let me see it? I've been waiting all the time I feared he could have cheated us or something Or that you've decided to keep it for yourself I didn't know what to think I couldn't come What's the matter? Out with it During that operation, you know I stayed in the hospital and waited for news Yes? You see, we've been robbed Robbed of everything everything Bloody fool of a dog They locked him in the bathroom I told you he should be poisoned Move! Get off! What the hell did you go to the hospital for? They could manage without you Does it ache? Hey, did you report it? Here Who are you, sir? A brother Yes, my brother's just been released from the hospital And how do you feel? How shall I feel in these circumstances? Do you know what was in this flat? Yes, I know well enough By the way, sir Your brother didn't know for sure The alarm apparatus in the window and balcony door had been disconnected From inside the flat I did it It hooted every time I put the grill on You know to be able to open the window I thought the grill was enough I see.
Your brother wasn't sure Well, good-bye, gentlemen Good-bye We'll get in touch with you, sir Here's my phone number in case you should want to see me Thank you You never told me About that alarm device I forgot This is all we have It's yours Why? The kidney was yours Besides, I don't want it Where are you going? What business is it of yours? I'm moving away I've found a job in a bar Leave me alone, will you? I don't care a damn about this here You wanted to see me, sir? Good afternoon Bye Yes? It's rather difficult to say You're sure to think the worst of me Don't worry about it I think you should Well, check my brother That dog, you know Only my brother could touch him and yet the robbers managed to lock him in the bathroom He says he spent many hours in the hall while I was operated on That's right he sat there all the time Later, he even lay in the nurses' duty room No, I didn't mean he did it But some of his friends, perhaps You know, the company he keeps Thank you You've helped me a lot Good afternoon.
Sorry I'm late I I just You wanted to see me? Well, yes You think I'm crazy? No, why? Well, we spent so much time in each other's company and now I've invited you to have coffee with me Quite natural You see, we've talked a lot but I just couldn't say it I suspect I suspect my brother might be involved in this robbery Oh, God, what have I said You said you believed your brother might be involved I feel somehow Well, I don't really know it might be intuition only Oh yes, intuition is not be neglected as you very well know yourself Well, you've helped me a lot Just like they say in the movies But it's a fact Thank you, sir Can I help you? Thanks, I'm just looking for new stamps.
Have you any? Oh yes.
Fortieth anniversary of the police and Security Force Sixty zlotys A stamp with a seal on it, thirty And World Championships in Wrestling, twenty-five I'd like one of each How much are they? One of each? One hundred and five zlotys I didn't expect you here And I didn't expect you Shut up, will you? Now! Artur I did something horrible I thought So did I But I said I thought it was you So did I Jerzy What's this? Ah, I went to the post office and bought these It's a series
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