Dharavi Bank (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Look how brutally she was murdered.
Yes, sir.
Sir, please let me go.
Hey, where are you going?
You're not allowed to go in.
Mohite, let him enter.
Call Gavaskar.
I didn't know
you were so close to her.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Sakina gave me the information
about Thalaivan.
I want Avinash.
That bard has to pay for it.
the team is waiting for me.
It's an important mission.
You're completely safe here.
Don't worry.
And you?
He can't hurt me
if he can't hurt you.
Keep calm.
Everyone will be fed.
Keep calm.
This time,
all of you
All of you will enjoy a feast.
All of you will be treated to a feast.
If time runs out,
you won't get anything. ♪
Are you sure it was the guard?
Yes, Anna.
He has been working there
for a long time.
I inquired about him.
Gavaskar had no idea.
No one here tipped him off.
Where has he been taken now?
To Mumbai, at Gavaskar's house.
He has gone there to receive him.
Anna, we didn't get a chance
on the way back from Pune either.
She had strong police protection.
Hey, go away!
The dogs have still not been fed.
Let it be.
Dad, let's give them a little
Keep them hungry
for Gavaskar.
Earlier, he came here uninvited.
This time, I'll bring him here myself
to show him my house.
Dad, he's the commissioner.
Hey, faggot!
Talk like a man sometimes.
Why are you so scared of the police?
what happened to you?
Why are you talking like that?
What's wrong?
What's wrong with you?
How much more will you
humiliate yourself before everyone?
"Let it be, dad
He's the commissioner, dad"
- Talking like a nincompoop!
- Shiva!
If the dogs aren't getting food,
then I'll stay hungry too.
Tell me.
Mr Mhatre,
what lie are you here to sell today?
Here's the thing, ma'am.
Between us, that is between you and me,
I admit there's a problem.
I admit it.
It can happen anytime.
Disagreements happen in politics.
Difference of opinion is natural.
So, I have a suggestion for you.
Don't join hands with Thalaivan.
Like a chameleon,
he can change his colours anytime.
He'll betray you.
You're biting the hand
that fed you until yesterday.
How much of your money is stuck
in Dharavi Bank?
Thalaivan got out of a coma.
He thinks he's God.
He has gone senile.
How much of your money is stuck?
That's what I'm telling you.
He doesn't know
that he's no longer as powerful
as he used to be.
I'll recover my money anyhow.
But if we,
I mean you and I,
form an alliance,
we can take Dharavi down easily.
To make a deal,
you need to have something to offer.
For your information,
Ghanshyam Mhatre hasn't gone
completely bankrupt yet.
What do you want?
Withdraw your election nomination.
I'll help you recover
all your money from Dharavi.
You should retire.
You'll be happy.
Isn't it funny
how people change
right in front of your eyes?
I can give you this in writing.
You can't take down a single member
of my party.
Mark my words.
- Yes?
- Ma'am, Commissioner Gavaskar.
- Ask him to wait.
- Okay, ma'am.
You're swimming in a sewer yourself,
and yet, you're worried about me!
I've been told
that your clown of a son
raped a girl
at the farmhouse in Uran yesterday
and murdered her too.
It's an open-and-shut case.
Your political career
is over.
Learn to plough fields,
Mr Mhatre.
Yes, who is it?
- Who are you?
- Do you know Veerbhadra?
Yes. He's my friend.
A friend who sucks you off!
It's a message from Joe.
I'll call Mr Gavaskar.
Mr Gavaskar.
Hold it here.
You motherfker
Get up!
Come on, motherfker!
Is she staying with you?
Will you tell her about us,
or is that also
a covert operation to you?
You called me.
and Dharavi
are out of your reach.
What is he giving you in return?
Did he open your account
in Dharavi Bank?
He's willing to forget everything.
His men went to kill Ira.
- That was a misunderstanding.
- And Vinu?
Was that a misunderstanding too?
It's been years since then.
You didn't lose your own child.
Don't talk about Vinu.
How many years has it been
since your husband died?
Have you forgotten it?
Or have you set a time limit for it?
Enough, Jayant.
Stop the operation.
You'll remain the commissioner.
Let's end this matter here.
Are these orders from you
or your new boss?
If you don't follow orders,
I can't guarantee your safety
nor Ira's.
Are you threatening me?
I'm making you understand.
Well, make your new friend understand
on my behalf.
I won't stop now.
And all criminals
who are associated with him
will be punished.
Even if they are
the government themselves.
Hey, love. How are you?
What's wrong, Kamal?
Your brother came
He thrashed me badly.
He beat me up badly.
Kamal, hold on. I'm coming.
I'm coming, Kamal.
Man, he was scared shtless!
He screamed so much!
That poof wanted
to be my sister-in-law!
No, man. He's scared shtless now.
He won't meet Veera again.
But we must talk sense
into Veera now.
Otherwise, he'll go
and find another dk.
He was scared shtless!
Kamal, I'm here!
Kamal, I'm here. Don't leave.
Yes, tell me.
Yes. Four plates of chicken keema,
four tandoori rotis,
four chicken tandoori,
four plates of seekh kebab with mint,
don't forget the chutney,
and green chillies. Okay?
The chutney here is awesome,
Have you eaten here before?
No? The food here is amazing.
My dad is taking
that wretch Janvi Surve's side now.
Man, I think
this was Veera's idea.
He must have persuaded Thalaivan.
My dad doesn't listen
to that stupid fker.
He knows I'm the only one
who can rule Dharavi after him.
Let's go away from here, Mahesh.
Please, let's just leave from here.
If you stay here,
you'll become like them.
What's the point of exacting revenge?
It won't bring Sakina back.
Please come to New York
with me, Mahesh.
Let's go there for a month.
And then you can decide what to do.
Please come with me, Mahesh.
Boss, you enjoyed it, right?
- Where are you going?
- To pee.
I'll be right back.
Do you want to eat something else?
Come on, eat.
The kebabs are delicious.
What's up, faggot?
Why did you come here?
Get out of here.
Beat it!
He always ruins my mood!
A gun!
Yes, sir?
Don't worry.
Just one minute more.
Then your suffering will end,
and your dad's suffering will begin.
I'll send him where I'm sending you.
But first, let the scoundrel
feel the pain for a while.
A shootout has been reported
in Bakri Adda area of Mumbai today.
Our sources have confirmed
that Dharavi Don Thalaivan's elder son
Shiva was killed in the shootout.
Our sources also tell us
that the assailant was
Thalaivan's younger son Veerbhadra.
The police are investigating the case.
They inform us that they are going
to arrest Veerbhadra soon.
The situation is quite tense
in the whole of Dharavi.
It is being said that Thalaivan's men
are also looking for Veerbhadra.
How will Thalaivan's rule
be enforced this time?
Will he be able to forgive
his younger son
or follow the path
of his strict principles?
Stop it.
Where were you guys?
Why had you gone there?
If you stutter again,
I'll silence you forever.
Shiva found out
that Veera is a fag
That he's gay.
We had gone to meet his boyfriend
in Colaba.
There, Shiva told his boyfriend
that this had to stop. That's all.
Then we left the place.
Then Veera called.
Shiva talked to him too.
Who knew about Veera?
No one.
Tell Janvi
to send Shiva's body home.
The CM.
Put it on speaker.
How the fk did this happen?
I'm sure you're involved in this!
It's a clear case of internal rivalry.
None of us was there.
Don't blame my force, Janvi.
Don't say my name, motherfker!
What did you say?
Motherfker, find him!
Find him!
I want him fking brought in!
You won't call the shots
in this game anymore.
So, you can just go fk yourself.
Don't hang up on me!
Motherfker, don't
Janvi has given orders.
The boys have gone to the hospital
to collect the body.
Thalaivan, should I go too?
I killed my boy Shiva.
Rajan, I killed my boy Shiva.
I killed him
I killed Gavaskar's son,
and he took my son from me.
This is my karma.
No, Thalaivan.
That day
That day, I should've killed Gavaskar
instead of his son.
It's Gavaskar.
Are we even now?
You aren't completely ruined yet.
What do you want?
You've lost one son.
Do you want to save
the other one or not?
You killed the one
who was worth saving.
If that scoundrel is with you,
send him back.
You're not worthy
of being a bloody father.
Who was it?
What did she say?
Tell me, Michael. What did she say?
Thalaivan has gone crazy.
Everyone is looking for you
like crazy, Veerbhadra.
My dad will kill me.
Do something.
If I let you stay here, don't you know
what will happen to me?
What have you done, Veera?
You killed your brother!
I was out of my mind, Michael!
I just need a car
and some money.
Nobody will know
that you helped me, Michael.
I'll go away.
What happened to your car?
I can't take that.
They must be looking for me.
My dad,
the police
please help me just this once.
Please, Michael.
Michael, please.
Give me some time
to make the arrangements.
I can trust you, right?
All this fat you've grown
by gobbling down chaap
It's because you trusted us, right?
Why would Avinash listen to me?
Avinash and his father Mhatre
are both furious.
Because they know that
Thalaivan is with the CM now.
All of Mhatre's money is stuck
under Thalaivan's a in Dharavi.
How will he win the election?
More than you and me,
Mhatre and Avinash
want Thalaivan dead.
Got it?
Now, do one thing.
Call Avinash and tell him
that you'll help them win the election
using money and muscle power.
They know what Thalaivan did to you.
He'll believe you.
if I call Avinash, he'll tell Shiva.
They're very close. You have no idea.
Shiva is dead, Francis.
Hey! What is he saying?
Why? Do you want to perform
his funeral rites, asle?
This is your last chance.
You have to decide
whether you want to die here
with Bihari and Nepali
or go to Dubai
and live in luxury.
Mahesh, no
Please don't.
Your attention, please.
This is the last and
final boarding call
Passengers travelling to Canada
on the Star Airways flight
are requested for the last time
to proceed to Gate Seven. Thank you.
I can't come with you right now.
What happened?
Look, don't decide anything in a hurry.
I'll join you in a few months, okay?
But I must go right now.
I'm done with this.
I can't do
this back-and-forth with you.
You have to decide.
It's either us
or them.
Deepa, please don't make it
Forgive me.
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry. Forgive me.
I'll go away.
Your friend
That boy
All Shiva did was ask him
to stay away from you.
And for that,
you did this to your brother!
He killed Kamal.
I don't know
It drove me crazy.
You know Dharavi's rules.
No, dad
Whoever touches my family
can't be forgiven.
Please, dad.
Please, dad.
Close your eyes, Veera.
In Kurukshetra,
a brother killed his brother.
Family killed family.
Everyone was drenched
in the blood of their family.
Arjuna said to Krishna,
"There's so much pain and suffering
in the world."
"What's the point of all this?"
"What's there beyond all this?"
Krishna said, "Nothing."
"There's nothing beyond this."
"Joy and sorrow"
"Right and wrong"
"Victory and defeat
They're all an illusion."
"The illusion"
"is the truth."
"It's reality."
"It's a lie. It's a mirage. It's false."
Think again.
There's still time.
You can start a new life with Deepa.
You can
Walk away from all of this.
Your father was my mentor.
It's my duty to give you
the right advice.
I owe it to Ramakrishnan sir.
Once you do this,
there's no going back.
Let me go!
Let me go, motherfker!
Motherfker, do you know
who you're manhandling?
I'll fk you up, asle!
You motherfker!
- Stand here!
- I'll fk you all up, motherfkers!
Hey! Who the hell is there?
Motherfker! Who is there?
Who is there?
Who is there, motherfker?
I'll fk you up!
Who is there?
I'm Avinash Mhatre!
I'll fk you all up! Got it?
Hey, Mahesh!
Stop, Mahesh! Motherfker!
- Asle!
- Motherfker!
You raised your hand
to a woman, motherfker!
You raised your hand to a woman!
You have an incoming call.
Give the phone to Thalaivan.
I've lived for 42,925 hours
without my son Vinu.
It hasn't been even ten hours
for you, Thalaivan.
Bring all your policemen
and come to Dharavi now, Gavaskar.
Let's end everything today.
What's the hurry?
I'll surely come there to kill you.
But first, feel the pain.
Do you remember
what you told me?
"Think about your family."
Now, it's your turn to think.
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