Dive Club (2021) s01e10 Episode Script


[plaintive music]
[jaunty music]
[uplifting string music]
[gentle music]
Wait, hang on. Who are you now?
Joan of Arc.
-Jane Austen.
-I'm Joan of Arc.
[exhales heavily]
Now I'm Jane Austen.
[Stevie] OK, wait, I thought
you were being Amelia Earhart.
[Anna] Amelia Earheart?
I thought you were painting
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
No, no, no,
Maddie's doing Joan of Arc,
I'm doing Jane Austen
and Stevie's doing Amelia?
-[sighs] Can I start again?
Um, it's nice.
I was going for Arcadian, tranquil.
[mutters quietly]
What is this?!
I forgot about that!
Oh, I remember your little mermaid phase.
-Oh, cute!
I decided to glue the pages together
to try and hide it.
[theme music]
[distorted sounds]
[classical music]
[Viktorya] Any word from your husband?
Will we be seeing Byron any time soon?
He's stuck on the mainland, apparently,
although we both know Byron doesn't need
an excuse to stay away from the island.
Perhaps if you were not
as distracted with work
he would find a few more excuses
to come home.
Last day of construction.
It's such a shame the lighthouse
won't be ready for the festival.
I'm glad you took my advice
and spent the money elsewhere.
Nobody comes here for the lighthouse.
They come for our wonderful island, Renee.
You know, I think this Salvation Day
is going to be our best yet.
[Viktorya chuckles]
-Oh, Madeline! Good morning!
What do you think of this antique cotton?
Lucinda is on costumes this year.
This is the fabric she's been using.
-Ah, it's lovely.
-Come, dear. Help me fold it.
I did not realise that we were going to
have visitors so early this morning.
Anna is not yet awake.
I'm sorry to bother you.
I just came to see Leonid.
He doesn't know anyone else in town.
Our poor guest. He is not in a good way.
Well, we've got him the best care
on the island.
No need to worry, Madeline.
So thoughtful.
Will we see your grandfather
at this year's festival?
Probably not. He only ever comes
for the lighthouse anyway, so
Oh, well. Best leave him to it.
It is never wise to get tangled up
in an old person's secrets.
[distant beeping]
What's that beeping sound?
[distant beeping]
[rapid beeping]
-Get Dr. Montgomery.
Leonid! Leonid!
[door opens]
He's resting now.
It seems like a reaction to the sedative.
It's not common,
but it's certainly not cause for alarm.
[sighs with relief]
Run along, girls.
Don't worry.
I'll see Mr. Komarov gets his blooms.
[sniffs] Off you go.
["Drunken Sailor" plays]
[Izzie laughs]
So other than this maypole dance,
what else happens at the festival?
-Um, it's a re-enactment.
-Of what?
The day that Mercy
led the shipwrecked passengers to shore.
And who plays Mercy?
[Izzie] Oh, that's exciting!
-And who do we play?
-Grateful shipwreck survivors.
Maddie's a survivor, I'm a survivor,
you'll be a survivor.
Everyone is a survivor
except the youngest descendant herself.
And then we all head to
the old lighthouse.
[Anna] They usually light it up
once a year for the festival,
but apparently they couldn't
get it fixed in time.
[excitedly] Oh, costumes!
[flatly] Oh, costumes.
I come bearing unfinished dresses!
Right, who's first?
Looking good,
shipwreck survivor number five.
Shipwreck survivor number four
reporting for duty.
Don't bastardise the costume, Stevie.
Can I trust you
to keep this clean for tomorrow?
OK, on your feet.
-Can you get that?
-Yeah, sure.
-Is that the Meridian--
-It's the Meridian necklace, yes. Shh!
-You can't just--
You can't just wear it out and about.
Yeah, well, it's safer than in a shoebox.
What if the person who came after Leonid
recognises it?
Well, then, they'll give themselves
away, won't they?
-You're insane!
-Look, Izzie, shh! Shh!
[Renee] I needed to get things
back on track.
[Viktorya] You've been so foolish!
That whole memorial was pre-emptive!
-If I didn't take executive action--
-You falsified evidence!
Chief needed to see
Lauren's jacket in the water,
otherwise he wouldn't move on, nor Anna!
You cannot play with
other people's feelings
to assuage your own guilt!
You did the wrong thing that night!
Now you must simply live with it!
[sighs angrily]
You planted Lauren's jacket?
What did you do to Lauren?
No, Anna, look--
Someone put her jacket in the water
to throw everyone off.
She didn't disappear at sea at all,
did she?
What happened to Lauren?!
[sombre music]
[Renee] On my request, Chief and I were
working late the day Lauren went missing.
And you ignored the weather warnings.
The bureau always sends warnings.
Threatening pressure cells
are always around this time of year.
They usually head out to sea.
But not this time.
[quietly] Not this time.
[Renee] We have storm action plans.
[Anna] Like securing the marina.
[Viktorya] Instructing the harbourmaster
to close port
to all outgoing craft
is number one on the list,
if I remember correctly.
The Chief blames himself
for Lauren's disappearance.
I wanted to afford him some closure.
It felt like I was doing him a kindness.
[sombre music continues]
We had a memorial, Babushka.
Does it still mean anything?
How am I meant to trust her again?
I remember bringing you here
as a little girl,
hair in braids,
running up and down the aisles.
-Driving your mother wild.
[sighs] I don't want to--
Until I dragged you onto my lap.
And you would sit staring
at that stained-glass window.
You were enthralled
with the Cape Mercy legend.
How our ancestor climbed into
her rowboat that stormy night,
a lantern held aloft,
and guided her fellow survivors to safety.
Some people are born leaders,
like your great-grandmother, Mercy.
-And like--
-Like my mother?
Sometimes leaders
have to make difficult decisions,
decisions that may seem unpalatable
but are yet necessary.
Anna, it is time you understood
the importance of your family
to Cape Mercy
and to history.
[whispers] The Nightingale bracelet.
This is one of the lost crown jewels
of Russia,
brought here by a very brave young woman
fleeing those who would hunt her down,
keeping her royal identity
a secret from all,
except her daughter
your grandmother.
[whispers] Anna
my Anastasia
you are heir
to the imperial throne of Russia.
[uplifting music]
[footsteps approach]
I'm sorry I'm late.
Where have you been?
You've missed your last three shifts.
I've just been caught up with some stuff.
You know I stuck my neck out
to get you this job, right?
You've made me look like an idiot.
-I'm sorry.
-What's going on?
You bailed on Stevie,
on the Lodestar, on me.
You were turning everything around.
You're just proving everyone right.
I tried, OK?
But it didn't work out.
I got offered a gig
that's gonna help me pay off this debt
in a couple of weeks
instead of working here for 20 years.
So I took it.
If that makes me a loser,
then, yeah, I guess I'm a loser.
What new gig?
You're not a loser, Hayden.
You're just a quitter.
[Anna] So Mercy was actually
the Princess Anastacia.
Her full title was
the Grand Duchess
Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia.
I was not going to tell you
until your 18th birthday.
Why wait? Why tell me now?
Because we are in grave danger, Anna.
There are people who would do anything,
anything, to get that.
Like your Russian treasure hunter friend.
Leonid? He's just--
Not to be trusted.
That is why I wanted to keep him close
while he recovered,
help him gain his strength
so he could return to Russia
as soon as possible
without revealing us to the world.
This is our secret to bear.
There are many
who will not understand you, Anna.
Fewer even who will accept you.
That is why our family
have to stick together.
You understand?
This is the only piece left
of our family's legacy.
[whispers] What's he doing here?
Oh, no, lost souls need compassion,
but most of all they require leadership.
You're helping Hayden?
Well, he's made a few mistakes.
I'm trying to see through that.
You want me to forgive Mother.
Your mother is not like us, Anna.
She does not know our family secret.
She is not She is not you, Anna.
[gentle music]
[crickets chirp]
So Princess Anastacia
ran from the revolution
and found herself on a sinking ship
Led her people to safety
after they struck the reef
And lived in anonymity to keep herself--
And her family safe.
Anna! You're a princess!
[all laugh]
Well, you know what
we need to do now, don't you?
-A coronation.
[all gasp]
[majestic music]
[glasses clink]
[majestic music continues]
The Nightingale bracelet makes three.
There's just the sapphire crown left.
It's lovely.
It's not really all that, in my opinion.
Stevie has been wearing
the necklace all day.
[cheerful music]
You're insane!
[glasses clink]
I wonder what Lauren
would think about all of this.
You kind of remind me of her.
You're smart
and you think things through.
I bet you've never made a mistake ever.
I make mistakes.
Yeah, like what?
Like sometimes
I miss out on things.
You know, like I look back on a moment
and wish that I had taken a risk,
found out what happened.
Like Henry?
I think that you should go for it.
I know, but what if he doesn't go for it?
Well, then you'll know.
And you could stop wasting your time
on someone who isn't really interested.
[sighs] I'm gonna go for it. Ha!
No, no, no, I didn't mean right now!
[door slams]
[soaring music]
-[laughs] I have to go.
-You just got here!
[whispers] OK.
[soaring music continues]
[music stops]
[quirky music]
-You ate all the macarons!
[scoffs] You think because you're royalty
you get first dibs?
That's exactly what I think.
-I'll go get some more.
Oh, Maddie,
make sure that you fill it right up.
[quirky music continues]
[door creaks]
[music stops]
[wind howls]
The secret princess of Cape Mercy.
[Stevie] I can't believe we thought
that brooch was fake.
I wonder who has it now.
-Mmm, yeah.
It's important to keep these jewels safe.
I know. Don't worry.
I'm not letting this out of my sight.
it would be more secure in our safe here.
It is my family's legacy after all.
I'm not just going to hand you the
necklace without talking about it first.
We are talking about it.
[gentle music]
[crickets chirp]
[door opens]
Here early this morning,
here late into the evening.
Did someone forget to tell me
you had moved in?
[chuckles nervously]
Don't worry, a secret sleepover
never hurt anyone.
[music intensifies]
[brick clatters]
Is anyone there?
[music stops]
[plaintive music]
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