Django (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

The Western Sea

Get down!
Let's flush them out house by house.
You gone done givin' them
their excuse, do you know that?
They killed Phillip.
- And I was just supposed to let
- Who? Who killed Phillip?
That family you killed?
- Those exact people?
- They're all rotten.
- The whole damn town.
- You made us look like animals,
Kevin. Do you understand that?
They now have everything they
need to come in here with a big
damn army and wipe us all out.
You destroyed everything.
He done burn the whole place down.
So what would you have done?
Gone in and asked nicely?
Kindly begged them to hand
over Elizabeth after she killed
- your son in cold blood?
- All right, that's enough.
Come on now, Pops.
I went in and did exactly
what you would've done.
I've always done what
you wanted, Father.
You didn't even have
to come out to say it.
- I didn't want this.
- That's a damn lie.
You run around talking about
About good and light.
To hide this darkness inside you.
I can see it.
I see it.
I can see you.
You were right about
this all coming to an end.
There's nothing we can do to stop it.
We can still save this town.
Our people.
Let me talk to her.
Try to
negotiate our retreat.
Nobody wants a bloodbath.
No, I ain't running.
Elizabeth knows everything.
Aaron, that boy who works at the well,
who we welcomed among us, is a traitor.
He told her what was going on here.
That's how she knew
where to find our weapons.
In New Babylon, the traitor
right here this whole time.
Why you didn't say something?
By the time I found out,
you'd already made up your mind.
I'm so sorry.
What did I do?
You know exactly what you did.
No, I swear on the Bible
I didn't do anything.
Phillip is dead. And
I almost lost Seymour.
You know how many other people in
this city are dead because of you?
And now you're a dead
man because of Elizabeth.
I hate the Lady, I hate her.
I wish that I had been loyal
to you and this city, but
- I had no choice.
- John, please. Put the gun down.
You turned us against each other.
John, don't do it. Please.
I doubted my own son.
I wanna offer you mercy.
But this is as much as you're gonna get.
Where is Julian Wright?
He's not here. There's no men here.
It's just us and the children.
- Now, I know he's here.
- He's not here, I swear!
Tell me where he is, or I'll
burn your entire house down
- with you and everything in it.
- I'm telling you, he's not here.
He never came back from the
war. I haven't seen him in years.
It's your last chance.
I beg you. We don't
Tell that coward of a husband
of yours to get out here, now!
Please. I beg you.
Okay, burn it down.
No, no! No please!
Help! No!
- No! Stop!
- Please, stop!
- No! No, for God's sake!
- No, please!
- Please, for God's sake!
- Don't! Please!
- Wait! Wait!
- Hold on.
- I'm here.
- What?
I'm here.
You Julian Wright?
Yes, sir.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Maggie! Stop! Stop, Maggie!
This is not what we came here for!
This is not why we're here! Stop!
I don't wanna hurt ya.
I swear.
For the first time in my life,
I'm grateful you can't see.
That you're spared the
horror we have in front of us.
Do you remember Mary
Jane Blackwater, my son?
She's dead.
Her body lies in a
coffin, next to her sister.
They were both slaughtered like lambs.
Do you wanna be a lamb,
waiting to be eaten by the wolf?
Do you wanna be a lion, ready
to defend yourself and God's law?
- Yes!
- Yes!
- A lion!
- A lion!
A lion! A lion!
A lion!
Let's pray.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
Listen Sarah, I know you probably
don't approve of what I did.
But you you have to understand-
I remember that night.
It was you.
But I don't understand
Andrew had some concerns
about going to war.
I insisted he come with me.
And then he ended up getting
killed in an ambush by a greycoat.
I came across a name.
Julian Wright is the man who killed him.
So, I went looking for him.
And I killed him.
I thought avenging his death
would would help me somehow, but
I didn't mean for 'em all to die.
Why did you lie to me?
I wanted to protect you.
You were a child, and
I thought if I could
A chance to go through life without
all the pain and all the suffering.
And, at least I owed you that.
And I committed to this lie.
This lie, I ended up believing myself.
You know, I often thought about the
The one good thing
to come out of that night
and that was meetin' you.
I love you, Sarah.
I would've been dead today,
if you hadn't found me.
You're my greatest love,
and you never let me down.
I know this is the final test.
I'm your soldier
and I will follow through.
It's the most
difficult sacrifice,
but I trust you
and I will let you guide me.
Sarah, what is it?
What is it?
Look at me.
What is it? Tell me.
Look at me.
I thought I remembered.
I'm sorry.
Sorry? For what?
What is it?
It wasn't the Indians.
It was so dark and it was so fast and
every time I thought about
it, it hurt so much and I
I couldn't face it. I
What do you mean? What
are you talking about?
Tell me.
It w It was the bluecoats.
It was John!
It was him! He killed everyone.
Now I remember.
I remember everything.
He wanted to avenge his
son, and he came to our house
and he was looking for you.
That's why he was there.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right. It's all right.
John Ellis!
Not a good time, stranger.
You remember a man named Julian Wright?
Did you kill him?
Yeah, I did.
Why? What
What's it to you?
You didn't kill him.
You killed his best friend.
And his wife.
And his
two lovely sons.
But you didn't kill him.
I know that.
'Cause Julian Wright is standing
right here in front of you.
You're Julian Wright?
- All this time.
- All this time.
I came looking for you, only you.
Nobody else was supposed to get hurt.
Why did you come after me at all?
'Cause you killed Andrew.
It's the war. I was a
hostage, he was a soldier.
- And he was also my son
- It's a fucking war!
My family did nothing to you.
There's a difference.
Nothing. Innocent people.
I am truly sorry
for what happened to your family.
I am.
Are you?
Listen, if I could go back
and have some things
be different, I would.
But I would still
come after the man
who killed my son.
War or no war.
Here's your chance.
Ain't it funny?
I almost killed you in that same
spot when you first got here.
Well, you should've.
No. I'm mighty glad you stuck around.
And I know you are too.
Well, it doesn't change a thing.
You're right.
It doesn't.
Stop it. Both of you, now!
Sarah, get out of the way. Do it.
Yeah, Sarah. You best
listen to your father.
- What'd I tell you?
- No.
You listen to me!
There are people coming for us
right now. These people need you.
Alive. Both of you.
If you're killing each other,
you're condemning everyone to death.
And you're killing me.
I'm not going to survive
watching you both kill each other.
If you pull your trigger, I pull mine.
What's the plan Julian?
We wait for this part to be over.
After that,
I might I might have
to kill your father.
I see.
Hell, you're not the
man I thought you were.
And my father ain't either.
You and Sarah have been through
pain I can't even imagine.
So I don't blame you
for what you decide.
But what is this place,
if not a chance to
look towards the future?
Hell, that's why you came, ain't it?
No, you got that wrong.
I came here to find
whoever killed my family.
That's why I came here.
We can place rifles along here, but
the risk is if we drive them down
They left Elmdale a few hours
ago. They'll be here before sunset.
How many men?
Forty horses at least and
more men on the ground.
Also, they have a cannon.
Well, if we stick to the
plan, it should hold 'em off.
No, we can't. One cannon is
enough to get through the gate.
We can't keep 'em out.
What else is there to do?
We should leave.
I want no prisoners.
We're gonna burn this
city to the ground.
Tomorrow, only ashes will remain.
Yes, ma'am.
They fled.
Burn it down.
Leave no trace.
Light it up!
Jesus Christ!
Get down!
Up there!
Hey! Come on! Come on!
Fuck you!
Ma'am. Either we surrender or we die.
I say, either we die praying
or we die killin'.
And I've done my prayers already.
Stop right there.
Now raise your hands, nice and slow.
That's right.
Nice and slow.
Give me the gun.
Now, turn around.
Call John, for me.
- Call him, or I'll shoot.
- I'm here, Elizabeth.
We've already lost
enough people between us.
Let's put an end to this.
Come on now.
Let's put our guns down.
Uh! Oh! Uhh!
Come on. Come on, sit
up, come on, come on.
Look at me.
That's not good. That's not good.
I'm glad I met you when I did, friend.
Oh, John.
Sarah. Sarah
John Ellis gave everything
to defend this place.
We carved it out of nothin'.
We dug so deep that we made it bleed.
And then we all bled with it.
It was his dream to start a new city.
A new society where
everyone could be free
and equal.
Sometimes he got so caught up
in that dream that he lost sight
of what we really had.
He wasn't the perfect man.
I saw what he was capable of
when anger blinded his heart.
I don't want to justify his
mistakes, and I can never
fully forgive him.
But I know the ruthless
world he grew up in
and the deep sufferin' that nurtured it.
It's the same sufferin'
you all went through.
But we are not perfect either.
But we try our best to build
the world that we wanna see.
Now we have a choice.
We can either give up on that dream,
we scatter like dust in the wind,
or we rebuild it.
I know which one I want.
Me too.
Me too.
I'm in.
Me too.
Let's do it.
- Me too.
- Yes.
Let's do it.
- All right.
- We're with you.
- I'm in.
- The Lord is with us.
I'm in. Yes.
I've always wanted to see the Pacific.
There's a a little town down south
This town isn't enough for you?
It's a It's a little too much.
Would you mind saying
goodbye to the others?
I'm not I'm not
really good at goodbyes.
Stay then.
You can stop running away, you know?
I'm not running away, Sarah.
You have a dream.
Which means you have a future.
I stopped dreaming a long time ago.
The only dream I had
left was to find you
and make sure you were safe.
Truth is,
I can't get rid of my nightmares.
Remember that moment at
sunset where everything
turns into the same colour?
Absolute red.
I'll see you there.
I met I met you like
Like a blinding light in the darkness.
I sacrificed everything.
I accepted everything.
When you gave my heart to
a man I could never have.
When you gave me a cruel father,
an abusive husband, a crippled son
and I stayed faithful to you.
Where are you now?
Why have you turned your back on me?
Why do I no longer hear your voice?
Did you take my ear
so I so I wouldn't
hear you anymore?
Is this some kind of sick game?
Is that what you are?
Then I, I disavow you.
And I promise you,
wherever you may be hiding,
you will see a burning star
come even closer and closer.
And that is me.
And I'm coming for you.
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