Do You Like Brahms? (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Sotto Voce: In a Whisper

Joon Young.
- Hello.
- Are you going home?
Great timing.
Can you come somewhere with me?
Am I really allowed
to tag along?
Of course you can.
And I need to come with you
if I'm to be told off less.
I unwittingly let
out a huge secret.
Anyway, do you have
anything to ask me?
Like What?
I know everything about Song Ah.
There must be a lot
you want to know.
It's true.
We don't have any secrets.
We can't have any secrets.
The moment you upset Song Ah,
I will hear of it immediately.
That's how close we are.
Just how much Song Ah likes you,
I know better than you do.
She never said she likes something
other than playing the violin.
So please take good
care of her for me.
Oh, sure.
Just a moment.
Hey, Eun Ji.
I'm on my way. I'm in a taxi.
Thank you.
There they are.
Song Ah doesn't
know you're coming.
Let's sneak in
and surprise them.
The thing is, Dong Yun.
like Joon Young very much.
Is that
your answer?
Is that your answer
to my confession?
liked you too.
For a very long time.
Very much.
That was the secret
I didn't want
anyone to know.
Min Seong.
Min Seong.
Min Seong.
I told Joon Young
we have no secrets.
I bragged that
that's how close we are.
Min Seong.
But I had no idea
you liked Dong Yun.
No, listen to
Don't talk.
I don't want to listen.
Did you enjoy making me a fool?
Drink some water.
I didn't want to hurt her.
So I pretended
not to know or
pretended many
things weren't true.
I thought I was
being considerate.
Min Seong will be very hurt.
Feeling like a fool.
I know so well
what that feels like.
That's why I feel so bad.
Why is it so hard?
Song Ah.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Were you listening?
Let's have everyone buy
five more tickets each.
- Five more per person?
- Yes.
It's our first performance.
We must sell out.
It's 50 dollars per ticket, so
that's 250 dollars per member.
We can all chip in.
Isn't that nice?
Professor Lee.
Yes? What is it?
The members already
bought 5 to 20 tickets.
Asking them to buy
more would be
Would be what?
- Never mind.
- You might as well say it.
Well, what I meant was
If the members buy
out all the tickets,
the public can't
get tickets to
see us play even
if they want to.
So I thought it would be better
to leave a few rows available.
My goodness.
You're so right.
My gosh, Song Ah. How
come you're so smart?
Gosh. Okay then.
Have the members buy
just 3 more, not 5.
My goodness
I won't do it.
I know exactly what
your concern is. I do.
We won't take the cheap
emotional approach at all.
You're my artist.
Of course I'd
I'll see to that.
I still won't do it.
I don't want to talk about
my family on TV for
Joon Young.
If Seung Ji Min were to
appear on such a program,
then he can talk
only about music.
But your situation's
a little different.
I'll drop some hard facts.
People don't care
about your music.
To get people interested
in your music,
I'm saying that in reality,
it's quicker to get them
interested in something
else about you first.
It's the year 2020.
People no longer flock
to a lone musician
who plays alone.
If you do nothing
and end up forgotten,
Are you going to
play the piano
alone in your room
and stay broke?
To do what you want to do,
you must learn to deal with and
do some things you don't want to.
- Mr. Park.
- I'm a representative now.
I'm in charge of your
management within Korea.
Not currently.
It's prospective.
I haven't cleared
it with Chris yet.
I must buy more tickets?
Yes. Not that many.
Three more each.
- So
- Song Ah.
I can buy three more
tickets, no problem.
"Shall we get together with
Professor Lee and study music?"
"Shall we experience
the joy of playing?"
You know that's not
what it's about, right?
As a member myself, I'm in
no position to complain,
but to be honest,
I'm not that proud
of being in this orchestra.
You're ripping off
the other students
just to butter up the professor.
Aren't you ashamed?
I know it's so you can
get into graduate school.
I'll wire you the money
for the tickets later.
- Oh, did these just come in?
- Yes.
Jung Kyung. This.
Would it suit Professor Choi?
- Yes, it looks nice.
- Does it?
- I'll take it.
- Yes, ma'am.
Don't you need anything?
No, I'm fine.
Buy an outfit while you're here.
I'd been meaning to ask you.
You're in your prime
and you're pretty too.
Why do you dress so dowdy?
When you were young,
your mother dressed
you so carefully.
- Bring her a few outfits.
- I will.
No, don't mind me.
Wear something brighter today.
For my sake.
It's your friend.
Excuse me.
Go on ahead.
Why are you here?
Min Seong.
Song Ah.
So listen.
I can't control
how Dong Yun feels,
so I'm not
blaming you for the fact
that he liked you. But
If I were you,
I wouldn't have liked him. No.
I don't think I could have.
That's a true friend.
Min Seong, I'm really sorry.
- I really
- Leave it and go.
Jung Kyung.
I'm dating Song Ah.
Why would you say that?
My gosh. It suits you so well.
It's a tough dress to pull off.
Yes, you look lovely.
Have you decided what to
wear for your recital?
Not yet.
Whether it's an old
outfit or a new one,
show it to me first, okay?
- Who will play piano?
- I found someone.
Really? Who?
Park Joon Young.
Yes, Park Joon Young.
That's a good choice.
How much does he charge you?
It's the first time I've fought with
a friend since elementary school.
Min Seong and I didn't
exactly fight, but still.
How about you wait a
little before calling her?
She'll need some time to think.
Don't worry too
much and cheer up.
In time, Min Seong will
realize what you meant to do.
Will she?
She will.
Soo Kyung, it's
been a long time.
You're here.
- Soo Kyung, you're here.
- Hello.
Wait, who's that with you?
Oh, she'll be my
assistant next year.
Since you're the dean?
I heard you became the dean.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
You're so talented.
It's nothing. It's just the
natural course of things.
Gosh, Jeong Hee!
- Jeong Hee!
- Jeong Hee!
You're here.
Jeong Hee, this
place is so lovely.
I'm glad you like it.
I felt sorry for making
you guys come a long way.
- No problem.
- It's okay.
By the way, this
is Lee Jung Kyung.
She's my student.
- Hello.
- She's so pretty.
She is, right?
Jung Kyung received her PhD
from Julliard recently.
She'll replace me at Seoryeong
University when I retire.
Brava, brava!
You did a great job today.
Thank you.
Jeong Hee, I can tell you've
raised so many great pupils.
I don't know how much
her career will flourish,
but the fact that she was
taught by Professor Song
will never be forgotten.
Never forget that a
teacher's reputation
is directly connected
to a pupil's success.
Of course.
I know that very well.
My students are so good,
and I can't help
but feel so proud.
Young In.
Joon Young.
Are you here to practice?
I'm sorry. Do I smell
like cigarettes?
It's okay.
Didn't you say you were
going to quit smoking?
Did you fail?
I totally failed.
Goodness, habits
are so hard to fix.
Quitting something I'm so used
to affects my whole life as well.
I know.
How do you know?
What kind of habit did you fix?
Whenever I sat in
front of the piano,
there was a piece I always
played first before I started.
I did that for about 15 years.
Gosh, I heard all musicians
have their own routine.
You had one too. I didn't know.
Yes. But
I don't play it anymore.
Why not?
I want to fix my habit.
It's been a while since
I haven't played it.
What piece is it?
What is it? You're
making me curious.
But I wonder
if we really have to
force ourselves
to fix old habits.
Why do you think
habits are habits?
We get used to them naturally
and in some way, they're
a part of our lives.
If we try to force ourselves
to fix old habits
and ruin other things
during that process,
wouldn't it be better
to just let it be?
- Goodnight.
- I'll call you later.
We'll be going too.
Thank you for coming today.
- Goodnight.
- Thank you.
- I'll call you next time.
- Okay.
Song Ah. Ask someone
else for a ride, okay?
- I'll call you later.
- Okay, bye.
I had a good time
today, Professor Song.
- Goodnight.
- Have a good night.
You too.
Goodnight, ma'am
Thank you for the
master class last time.
I'm glad you liked it.
Is the gathering over?
Do you feel
uncomfortable right now?
It's okay.
You'll keep feeling
from now on.
I'm not saying I'll
try to do anything.
I'm just going to
do what I have to
do in my place,
and Joon Young will do the same.
But I'm
just waiting.
Just like how Joon Young
waited for me all this time.
If we try to force ourselves
to fix old habits
and ruin other things
during that process,
wouldn't it be better
to just let it be?
Song Ah.
- Song Ah.
- Yes?
Did something happen
at today's gathering?
Well, just
Over there.
Isn't that your place?
Yes. How did you know?
Can I
go to
your place?
Give me a second.
Come on in.
Thank you.
Gosh, this place is so clean.
Do you always live so neatly?
I hope you think so.
- Have a seat.
- Okay.
Would you like some tea?
I don't have any coffee.
Yes, tea is fine.
But I don't have any ice either.
Is hot tea okay?
Yes, I'd like that.
What a lovely view.
You can see Kyunghoo from here.
A bit too well.
It must be too bright at night.
My place is so bare, isn't it?
No. I just
I just wanted to visit.
I want to know more about you.
What more do you
know about me now?
You don't have that much stuff.
You clean your
place pretty well.
Joon Young, are you okay?
Were you hurt?
Don't touch it.
You'll hurt your hand.
Do you have wet wipes?
Yes, in my desk drawer.
Your drawer? Stay very still.
Step back, Joon Young.
Leave it. I'll do it.
I said don't. You
play the piano.
Don't you play the violin?
Let me clean up.
You're tired, aren't you?
It's late. I should get going.
It's raining.
Can you lend me an umbrella?
You'll keep feeling
from now on.
I'm not saying I'll
try to do anything.
But I'm
just waiting.
Your drawer? Stay very still.
Good job.
Let me point out a few things.
First of all, if you look here,
the phrasing should
be a little longer.
It felt a bit short.
If you look at this part
- Doesn't he explain really well?
- Yes, he's pretty good.
He's quite talented.
Oh, my. You were here too.
I said hi to you earlier.
Did you? Sorry.
What do you think
of Han Hyeon Ho?
He's good.
He's a member of my chamber.
Gosh, really?
My goodness. I'm surprised.
Why are you laughing?
Sometimes, you
really surprise me.
You seem so unbiased sometimes.
Han Hyeon Ho dated Jung
Kyung for a long time,
so I thought you'd
feel uncomfortable.
But you just focus
on talent, don't you?
I admire you, Soo Kyung.
Why are you here?
Good job today.
If you're not busy, go and
practice for Jung Kyung's recital.
Hyeon Ho.
I'm sorry.
For what?
used to like Jung Kyung.
But I don't anymore.
That's why I can play for her.
You don't like her anymore?
You shouldn't have liked
her from the beginning.
Even if you had feelings for
her, you should've stopped.
If you couldn't stop, you
shouldn't have let her know.
If you couldn't do both
You should've told me at least.
If you had told
me at least once,
I wouldn't have let Jung
Kyung drift away like that.
I would've done anything.
I wouldn't have stayed
friends with you at least.
I'm sorry.
Whatever the reason may be,
I'm really sorry. But, Hyeon Ho.
I didn't want to lose you.
- Hyeon Ho.
- Park Joon Young.
You've already lost me
and I'll never come back.
There's no need to try.
Welcome. How can I help you?
I want to replace my bow hair.
- Oh, your bow hair?
- Sir, I brought back
Dong Yun, hold on. You want
to change your bow hair?
Wait a second.
You've already lost me
and I'll never come back.
Our practice is tomorrow, right?
Gosh, this feels so awkward.
Did you go to that shop
because it's awkward to see me?
It feels awkward.
I've been friends with
Min Seong for 10 years.
But look what happened.
How can I
look at you comfortably
as if nothing happened?
Haven't you been
friends with me
for 10 years too?
That's why you and I
should've just stayed friends.
But we failed to do that.
I'm not trying to blame you.
I'm sorry.
I need to go.
Have a seat.
I'm home.
What about dinner?
- It's okay.
- Okay.
My appointment recital
for Seoryeong University.
Joon Young will play
the piano for me.
Oh, really?
How much did you
pay Joon Young
for the house concert last time?
20,000 dollars.
20,000 dollars?
Joon Young played the
piano all his life
to send money to his family
and barely got along.
And he made a huge decision
to take a break for a year.
Of course he should
be paid that much.
You asked him to play for you
without even considering that?
- Oh, are you finished?
- Yes.
Let's see. Where
The latter part
The latter part is
Let's call it a
day and reschedule.
Joon Young, is Professor
Yoo feeling okay?
He released an album
over the summer.
I think he's a bit sensitive
lately because of that.
- Can I have a glass?
- Yes.
Thank you.
Let me.
Joon Young.
When you see kids
like Seung Ji Min,
what do you think?
He's a good junior.
Just about that.
Is that it?
You fool.
Do you think I'm asking
about his temperament?
Then what should I think?
"I need you to do poorly
if I'm to do well."
Should I wish for him to fail?
Should I pray that
he ruins a performance
or loses his talent?
Yes. That's what you should do.
That is what a human would do.
Why did you smile?
I realized that you
and I are different.
That's the reason. That's
why you're struggling.
If you slipped up
and got trampled on,
you should get angry,
determined, and try harder.
If I want more,
do I always get more?
What if you don't
even want more?
If you don't even want more,
then you get nowhere.
That's why I came back to you.
To enter another competition.
To ask for your help.
So get first place.
So no one can belittle you.
I hope I gain your trust.
Don't say that.
We should gain yours.
Did you come all the way
to Daejeon to say this?
Of course I should
greet you in person.
You're the mother of my artist.
Gosh, no
We did nothing to help
Joon Young play the piano.
If it hadn't been for
Kyunghoo Foundation,
I have no idea how we
would have supported him.
Oh, silly me.
My husband's in. Wait while I
No, ma'am, wait.
There's something I
must say to you first.
- To me?
- Yes.
- Good luck with your practice.
- Thanks.
I'm not sure if I can come back
after practising at Kyunghoo.
That's okay.
After I'm done with
my accompanist,
it'll be dinnertime already.
Then let's talk on
the phone afterwards.
A future Seoryeong
University professor?
It's over when she retires.
She wants to control the
place even after she's gone.
Sometimes, you
really surprise me.
You seem so unbiased sometimes.
Han Hyeon Ho dated Jung
Kyung for a long time,
so I thought you'd
feel uncomfortable.
But you just focus
on talent, don't you?
I admire you, Soo Kyung.
Why does he want to join my chamber
orchestra if he's dating Jung Kyung?
What is he up to?
Am I that much of a pushover?
No, wait.
It feels wrong.
- Yes, professor.
- Hi, Song Ah.
Don't contact Han
Hyeon Ho anymore.
Send Han Hyeon Ho
out of our orchestra.
I already told him
about our dinner.
Call him and tell
him not to come.
Come up with some reason
but don't blame me.
Do you get what I mean?
She gets things done so quickly.
Did you practice a bit?
Da Woon said we
could use the room.
Someone else reserved to use
the rehearsal room first.
There must've been a mistake.
Are you still on campus?
Then I'll come over.
What? No, let's
not practice here.
Then where shall we go? You
don't want to come to my place.
I'll be there in
30. See you there.
I've been telling
you all the time.
You're fine on your own, but
you struggle with the piano.
You have a certain tempo
in your mind, right?
- Yes.
- See?
Then you must stick to
that tempo and lead me on.
You can't let me control you.
Are you not confident
about your music?
I'm sorry.
Don't just say you're sorry.
Try again.
Are you entering a competition?
Your pieces look like
competition entry pieces.
Yes, I'm entering one.
Is there another reason
to enter a competition?
Joon Young.
Mom, my practice just
ended. I'm so tired.
Okay, I'll be right there.
Song Ah, good luck.
- Over there! Let's go.
- Where?
He's in there.
- He's on a totally different level.
- I know.
He really is a
world-class musician.
- That's insane.
- He's so good.
Who's playing the violin?
Isn't that Lee Jung Kyung?
- Gosh. Really?
- It is.
She's amazing.
Between you and Jung Kyung
I mean, between the years you
two have known each other
Is there any space
for me?
How did you know I was here?
- You always go to the same places.
- Do you want to have a drink?
I heard a rumour that you
and Joon Young are dating.
I know that you like
him, but unfortunately
What are you thinking of
so hard? Are you sick?
I'm losing confidence suddenly.
Why did you meet her?
What's a manager for?
I didn't buy a
ticket back to Seoul.
What about you?
- I didn't buy one either.
- Why are you smiling?
Aren't we going back to Seoul?
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